Riddlicious Fun Time

...a watch?
Is the answer shoes?

All those people would wear shoes, and you wouldn't wear shoes on your hands.
M'yes! That's right! The answer was, surprisingly enough, shoes! Like I said, a silly one. Now that we've done something silly, let's do something dark.

12. Try to avoid me all that you want, I'll find you one day and then you I will haunt. For how long? Who knows, as long as I like, try what you want because I'm difficult to fight. Don't you see, I get them all, I catch them all someday, and then I will corrupt with that from which I am made. I'm sometimes strong, sometimes weak, sometimes dire, sometimes meek but your life is the ultimate goal that I seek. Sometimes I may die but don't let hope fill your head, because one day I'll come back and then I'll make sure that you're dead. What am I?
sounds like one of my psycho exes...
my guess is the angel of death.
Disease. Probably one of the more lethal ones.
If its a disease, I know which one: Cancer.
No disease in specific, but yes, disease/dire illness/sickness is the answer. Although psyco-ex girlfriend is an awesome alternative, heh.

...Shoot, this next riddle... I'm not too fond of it. Ah well.

13. I can be dangerous, yet I usually don't harm anyone, at times I'm serious, at others I'm fun. While the things around me may change, I always stay the same, unless the thing that comes is water or flame. I am stubborn, of that there is no doubt, but no intelligent person would be me without. What am I?
Written word. Or, failing that, just word.
Gonna have to go with paper.
Well, I don't mean to intrude, but I must cite from the yellow book of riddles. (yes, morrowind players can just open up their editors to find the answers.)

#1.If you tell a lie, I will slay you with a sword, if you tell the truth, I will slay you with a spell. What do you say to stay alive?

quite easy really

this one is morrowind fullish

#2. A Bosmer, was slain. The Altmer claims the Dunmer is guilty. The Dunmer says the Khajiit did it. The Orc swears he didn't kill the Bosmer. The Khajiit says the Dunmer is lying. If only one of these speaks the truth, who killed the Bosmer?
1. You with slay me with magic.

2. The Altmer.
nopes to both
1. Shut up and don't say anything.

2. Let's see...I'd have to say the Orc

Altmer accuses Dunmer - wrong
Dunmer accuses Khajiit - wrong
Khajiit says Dunmer is lying - true
Orc pleads not guilty - wrong
Argh, I just wasted a few minutes figuring that out and LHH had already said both of my answers. DX
1. is wrong again

2. is right

The answer to one is "you will kill me with a sword".
I saw this in an old "Deltora Quest" Book. It really doesn't matter.

"Slay w/ magic" Might be truth, might not.
"Slay w/ sword" Same.