You know it sucks when...

You know it sucks when you wake up, get soaked by the water-bucket-on-the-top-of-the-door trick first thing, go to school with no breakfast, get dumped by your girlfriend, learn that your best friend moved away, catch a cold, have an anchovie and raw fish sandwich for lunch, flunk a grade, learn your summer vacation was cancelled and your's only, and break both legs and your writing arm on the way home, and get home to find out that it wasn't even a Monday.

<(I'd probably suicide if I had a day like that.)>
((I concur Phoenix, I concur))

You know it sucks when everybody has a Wii but you, and then your parents refuse to buy you one, and then take all your money away so you can't buy one yourself.
You know it sucks when, the day after your birthday, the semester bearing the class that you are absolutely guaranteed to fail starts.
You know it sucks when you're having a shower, and the Psycho theme song starts playing... "Screech!Screech!Screech!Screech!"
You know it sucks when you spend $1000+ on an Xbox 360 and sound system, then it catches fire.

Fortunately, this never happened to me.
You know it sucks when your dog pisses on your Wii, and then when you tell your friends they laugh so hard they fall out of their chairs.

You know it sucks when someone refuses to believe you've actually had cancer...
You know it sucks when you piss off Shuryou...
You know it sucks when you're having one of the best meals in your life, and one of two things happen: 1) you run out before you get that warm and fuzzy feeling from delicious food, or 2) Someone else gets the last bit...
You know it sucks when you have to go to florida to see your bitchy grandma where there is no internet access and it's currently five degrees warmer there than in New Jersey...