Fake warz

Faction name: The Assembly of Validus

Faction color/shape (flag): Yellow, with a hand holding a rifle in a circle that's black and white in color.

faction alignment: Lawful Neutral

Faction Bonus: The infantry knows no fear. They can laugh in the face of death itself, even if it means getting stomped over.

Faction Penalty: Lack of spotter towers and normal walkers.

Special unit: Gran Antibody "Justice" Mark II heavy Walker Armor. (A Walker that can kill cannons before they have a chance to start hitting it. It has high armor as well. But all this is burdened by the lack of speed.

Special Action: Hail Validus! All ally units regain full moral, as well as an attack bonus of +5 (including mine). Cooldown 5 posts

Rival Faction flag: Green
Faction name: American Bombers

Faction color/shape (flag): Red, White, and Blue star

faction alignment: (Nice-Neutral-Mean): Mean

Faction Bonus: We have seemingly endless supplies of men and troops. But they don't last long, but we bunch up on you. Ambushes are our specialty.

Faction Penalty: Runs out of supplies quickly.

Special unit: High powered plasma gun ships - Uses two side machine guns that shoot plasma bullets. It is a large gunship that has heavy armor. But useless against anti air weaponry.

Special Action: Double the amount of weak infantry for three posts. But they are half as powerful as the original amount of troops. (Basically double what I have in infantry, but they are half as poweful.) Cooldown 5 posts

Rival Faction flag: Red Circular flag with a hand.
Faction name: order of the blood red rose

Faction color/shape (flag): black background with a red rose centered

faction alignment: (Neutral)

Faction Bonus: excell at sneak attacks(+50% chance to suprise)

Faction Penalty: not as good in indirect combat(+15% damage from attilarary)

Special unit: camo-drone( a robot made to look like a basic unit from one opposing army, must be built speciffically to one kind and only like light infantry)

Special Action: nightfall(times all strikes to happen at exactly midnight, +20% damege to bases) Cooldown 5 posts

Rival Faction flag: blood red
Problem, Your Rival flags are all colors. You need colors and shapes. Fix that....and...

Your own flags are special, it's all just one color, one shape. Ther can be a flower shape, there can be a hand shape, and ther can be a star shape.

Also, Vac, do you mean a light cyborg or human? If it's an oppoentent's cyborg you don't have as much trouble with power. Also even if it looks human it doesn't mean stray EMP strikes may be able to hit it.

Annoying reaper, what weapons does this walker have? There are cannon walkers (just weak cannons though), or is this some kind of mortar/sensor walker?

Also, I am making a note of all of this stuff together in notepad >_>. A nice.. OOC place to put it all. As well as make sure you don't cheat :D. So yes, I will have a list of your stats, and stuff, in a notepad document. Don't haxxor me or else I might introduce the meta faction (one I might use anyways)

I ment like a weaker light cyborg that looks like a human...

It weaker cause the tech has to fit inside the human shell...
kk then, it now has a higher power cost ^^

Still, fix the flags
boink! a bump!
hate to burst your bubble, but this is random and weird...
That's why no one's posting.
Not being mean, it's just...yeah.
well, I'm out of the event now for TWO DAYS...not to mention I'll still be stuck somewhere alone when I wake up *shudder*....