The SnowMan series resembles a typical snowman made from two snowballs. All forms possess round black eyes, a carrot-like nose, two buttons, and a wool cap and scarf. They lack any way to move, so they are immobile.

Element: Aqua
HP: 80
Attack Damage: 30
Properties: Causes a cloud to appear over its target, and causes a mini-blizzard. If the virus is standing on an Ice panel, the attack does double damage, and the Ice panel disappears.
Special: If hit by a Fire attack, it partially melts, halving its attack. Only works once per virus.
Colors: White head/body, blue cap/scarf

Element: Aqua
HP: 120
Attack Damage: 50
Properties: Causes a cloud to appear over its target, and causes a mini-blizzard. If the virus is standing on an Ice panel, the attack does double damage, and the Ice panel disappears.
Special: If hit by a Fire attack, it partially melts, halving its attack. Only works once per virus.
Colors: White head/body, green cap/scarf

Element: Aqua
HP: 160
Attack Damage: 70
Properties: Causes a cloud to appear over its target, and causes a mini-blizzard. If the virus is standing on an Ice panel, the attack does double damage, and the Ice panel disappears.
Special: If hit by a Fire attack, it partially melts, halving its attack. Only works once per virus.
Colors: Blue head/body, purple cap/scarf

Element: Aqua
HP: 200
Attack Damage: 100
Properties: Causes a cloud to appear over its target, and causes a mini-blizzard. If the virus is standing on an Ice panel, the attack does double damage, and the Ice panel disappears.
Special: If hit by a Fire attack, it partially melts, halving its attack. Only works once per virus.
Colors: Blue head/body, yellow cap/scarf

Element: Aqua
HP: 240
Attack Damage: 130
Properties: Causes a cloud to appear over its target, and causes a mini-blizzard. If the virus is standing on an Ice panel, the attack does double damage, and the Ice panel disappears.
Special: If hit by a Fire attack, it partially melts, halving its attack. Only works once per virus.
Colors: Yellow head/body, orange cap/scarf

Element: Aqua
HP: 280
Attack Damage: 170
Properties: Causes a cloud to appear over its target, and causes a mini-blizzard. If the virus is standing on an Ice panel, the attack does double damage, and the Ice panel disappears.
Special: If hit by a Fire attack, it partially melts, halving its attack. Only works once per virus.
Colors: Gray head/body, red cap/scarf



HP: 100
Properties: Heavy
Object damage: 100
Damage method: Telekinesis
Attack Damage: 50 + Slow
Accuracy: B
Description: Summons a SnowMan in front of the user. It sends snow down on up to 3 enemies each turn, chilling them into moving less quickly, and does 20 extra damage if the SnowMan is on an Ice panel, which then disappears after one attack.
Duration: 2 turns or Until destroyed
Element: Aqua

HP: 100
Properties: Heavy
Object damage: 100
Damage method: Telekinesis
Attack Damage: 70 + Slow
Accuracy: B
Description: Summons a SnowGiant in front of the user. It sends snow down on up to 3 enemies each turn, chilling them into moving less quickly, and does 40 extra damage if the SnowMan is on an Ice panel.
Duration: 2 turns or Until destroyed
Element: Aqua

HP: 100
Properties: Heavy
Object damage: 100
Damage method: Telekinesis
Attack Damage: 90 + Slow
Accuracy: B
Description: Summons a SnowTitan in front of the user. It sends snow down on up to 3 enemies each turn, chilling them into moving less quickly, and does 60 extra damage if the SnowMan is on an Ice panel.
Duration: 2 turns or Until destroyed
Element: Aqua