Name: Manly/ManlyEX/ManlySP

HP: 70/100/140

Description: The Manly virus looks like a bronzed statue-esque upper body of a buff male, which seemingly hovers above the ground. As the Manly virus changes between it's three forms, it looks increasingly more muscular, and more bronzed/tanned then it's previous form. the Manly virus constantly releases it's manly aura or spirit, which is so strong that it can even be used for attack and defense. Typically speaking, it attacks strickly by charging at it's opponent head on and is generally not slowed down at all. When not attacking, they can be seen striking many manly poses instead, and showing off their Manly physique.

- Manly Spirit: 1/1/2 hit fire barrier. close combat or melee based attacks have half their power dealt back to the attacker. Regenerates every turn. Canceled completely with water attack.
- Manly Tackle: The manly virus will strike a manly pose, before quickly charging the opponent and deliver and manly body slam to it's victim. If manly spirit is active, Tackle deals 50/70/90 fire damage + knockback. If it is not active, attack deals 30/50/70 null damage to target, and 20 null damage to self.
- Manly yell: Once per battle, if a Manly virus is below half health, it can raise it's fist and let out a manly yell to revitalize itself and make it's manly resolve burn once more. Because real men heal with their fists! restores 40/70/110 hp.


Burning spirit/Raging spirit/Manly spirit -
Protection: 50/75/100 HP fire barrier. close combat or melee based attacks have half their power dealt back to the attacker. Can be used as a melee attack for fire damage equal to the barriers remaining HP. (barrier vanishes after attack)
Accuracy: Shield/Counter - S, Attack - C
Description: burning fire armor of manliness protects user,can counter attack and can even be used for offense. The burning power of fire navi's can bring back the manly aura with their fiery resolve!
Duration: Till HP is depleted, or until used as an attack. respawns on fire navi's once a turn. A hit with an aqua attack cancels this chips effect completely.
Element: fire