Type balance

On the subject of variable, the main ability is pathetically weak at low levels. The secondary ability also requires a very specific subset of chips.

Possible solutions to quality:
Make the debuff last a turn.

Make debuff the 'active' ability and based upon level and have them able to sacrifice chips to add their damage to attacks (does not stack with multi-hit).

Make their buff ability just be 10+Level/2. It will balance out at 20 but actually be useful for the first 10 levels. Subtypes(theoretically) are chosen by people who expect to be starting from scratch with this character. Giving them completely useless abilities at level 0 is not a good way to encourage diversity.

For team the set is a bit different.

Realistically what would be desired for this, rather than being someone else's secretary would be away to be supported by others and a way to support others. Supporting others seems like an active thing to do, while passively they would be better off with the assistance of others. So you could have:

Passive: Passively improves success rate of all group maneuvers

Active: Once per turn may reduce the cooldown of a teammates sig by 1.

This isn't the best example, but gives an idea for what would be useful. Personally, I believe the sig-cooldown example to be slightly (yes only slightly) too powerful, it would not be too bad if you considered SPs part of the owner(therefore you are the same person, not teammates).
In reverse order:

Variable = Untapped Power without a +10 as a hand holder at low levels. 10+lvl/2 is actually decently weaker at high levels (ex: 10+50/2=35, as opposed to 50). If it's really such a bother for people to get a few levels (seriously, how hard is it to get to level 5?), then suggested change would be to make it a minimum of 10 damage. That way from 0-10 you add 10, and then from 11 on you add your actual level.

Team is made for people who want to "take one for the team." Go figure on the naming there eh? And last time I checked if I fire a shotgun it travels farther backwards, not suddenly changing its direction to the left or right. If you dislike the idea behind team, simply don't use it and chose another one that you feel will help your allies more effectively. Some minor changes to wording and effect may help, but until someone actually uses if and sees how it fares over a while, don't expect much.

@Hiko: Or you could just use an 80 point sig and still have a bighammer. Or You could just use a recov80 (we have recov80's, right? whatever, use a 100 if we don't.) I personally think losing 160 points of offensive damage is a big enough drawback.

I always hated sword.

*Note: Personal opinions.
You CAN shoot from the side you know. But fine, if you don't like shotgun, how about widesword then? Boomerang? Other than that, unless I'm missing something, having to touch eachother gotta decrease the dodge chances as well... Really, the more I think about it, the dumber that ability feels.
You know what, I've about had it with your attitude Knight. It's a damn good thing I'm stepping down, because I'm done with this bullcrap.

If you're going to play a support character, and you don't have any chips or sigs to facilitate that play style, you deserve to suck. If you're not going to have any healing, defenses, or other damage negating skills, and you choose to play as a subtype that you know damn well is going to be taking damage and in harms way, you deserve to suck. If you have no friends to play with who can support your style choice, you deserve to suck. And lastly, if you're going to be tagging along and always grabbing someone's sleeve, without any thought given to when you're grabbing it, you deserve to suck. And die. A lot. You're making a mountain out of a molehill. You're not supposed to be riding on someone's back all day and split every attack. That's stupid, unoriginal, boring to RP, and just a bad idea all around.

We've heard your BAWWing in the cave about it with the exact same arguments. Either find something new to say, or kindly shut up until we actually see how well it works in some actual combat.
I think being at eachother's throats is unneeded, but I believe we should see the subtypes used in combat before criticizing/changing them. Since we didn't really have the time/resources to go through "beta testing" with these subtypes with actual trial combat, this will have to do for now.
I really don't is what with everyone else's attitude. There is for some reason the attitude that if I disagree with your ideas you should become violently angry. I have never seen someone attempt to deal with the problems logicly. That is a lie, it is just rare, but you get my point.

On to the actual topic, the main reason I brought this up is because not one person took either of these subtypes, and while I thought I might be interested I did not have the heart to take something that actively sucked in my eyes. If I campaign for them being better from outside the subtype, I might have some minor level of success, but if I actually choose them and realize for certain that they suck, I will just been seen as someone whining because he wants to be more powerful. The community has grown defensive about things that the mods came up with to an extreme extent.

Normally Grim, I might agree with you. That said, nobody has taken either because they are sufficiently poor or uninteresting. If you continue keeping team as (screwed over by) your team, I suggest changing the name to secretary or support.

Quote (Leon)

You know what, I've about had it with your attitude Knight. It's a damn good thing I'm stepping down, because I'm done with this bullcrap.

I know I should be sad that you leave the dev team (to be honest, I am, since that means one less people working on stuff..), but on the other hand, I'd be lying if I said that I wont enjoy having a... discussion where everyone can see.

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If you're going to play a support character, and you don't have any chips or sigs to facilitate that play style, you deserve to suck.

A new player won't have any. Then again, new players are supposed to suck I guess. Alright, getting past new players and their intense suckery, could you give me a list of what works better with Team subtype than anyone else? The abilities offer no synergy with anything, at all, as far as I could find.

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If you're not going to have any healing, defenses, or other damage negating skills, and you choose to play as a subtype that you know damn well is going to be taking damage and in harms way, you deserve to suck.

I thought we are talking about Team here? The ones supposed to support their team not "stand in harms way", as far as I know... For them, you can get healing, but it won't be more effective. Maybe if the healing spread as well as the dmg, then you wouldn't have to spread the healing chips out, but that's not the case. Damage negating skills mean that you aren't taking dmg, so your skills aren't working... This last one is a common trait they share with Guts BTW.

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If you have no friends to play with who can support your style choice, you deserve to suck.

Agreed on this. You wanna play team? You'll need friends. This is self explanatory and I can't remember ever saying otherwise. Except, you know, if you are forced to play in teams (which is considering that you'll need a partner who doesn't suck and drag you both down to hell by getting hit too much, or just simply "forgetting" to post for a month), I'd expect a bit more... usefulness.

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And lastly, if you're going to be tagging along and always grabbing someone's sleeve, without any thought given to when you're grabbing it, you deserve to suck. And die. A lot. You're making a mountain out of a molehill. You're not supposed to be riding on someone's back all day and split every attack. That's stupid, unoriginal, boring to RP, and just a bad idea all around.

Oh, so "One for all" is an ability I'm not supposed to use! That makes everything clear! Although even when I DO use it it sucks, because I'm making myself more vulnerable when I'm trying to make myself take less dmg, but whatever.

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We've heard your BAWWing in the cave about it with the exact same arguments. Either find something new to say, or kindly shut up until we actually see how well it works in some actual combat.

Yeah, it was in the cave, and you responded with the same shitty argument. Thought I'd share my concerns with others, maybe some other members giving their opinions, that kind of stuff. Yet you come again, use an argument that can be summed up as "LRN 2 PL4Y U N00B!!!!! GET SUM 3P1C G34R AND A GUILD!!!!11111ONEONEONEELVEN"

I'd also like to point it out to you how no one even fucking took Team (for the possible exception of SPs... cause as said, it's marvelous on those), so we can't really "see how it works out in play".

But alright, let me say something new:

I would like to propose a Change to "One for All" so it doesn't suck. Make it possible to form a link at the beginning of a battle with 1 ally for every 10 levels of the Team navi (starting at 0), no distance restriction (aside from of course, escaping battle, or willfully turning it off). I think that is probably enough to at least make it viable and fixes its retardation, but you could also make it spread healing (evenly split) as well.
Leon, that was unwarranted. Knight, it probably would've been better to not respond.

And yes, I agree, Team seems pretty weird to me.
I was wondering...can we make the Guts type's active ability somewhat buster oriented? It makes sense since it was like that in the games, but it could go out of hand with the buster chips. If taunt doesn't turn out as effective as we thought it would (even though I could think of some useful tactics), could we keep this in mind?
I don't think we want to go that way. Right now, each subtype either has a specialization with an effect (sword/break/melee/object, etc...)or a "role" (Team/shield/recover). Guts is supposed to be the "tanky"; taking hits and enduring taking hits. Adding a buster boost would not make it better at his role (though it might make it a better subtype in general).

Not saying I'm against such changes, but it probably goes against the design of the subtypes.

Now, if you also gave it a buster based passive instead of the DR, and changed his theme from "tank" to "dude with buster", that's a different story...