Chip Sales Prices

As a general rule, chips being sold are significantly less than their store price. Ok, fine makes perfect sense.

When did it come to the point, though, where people decide to pay more for blatently overpriced chips, simply because the price is expected to be at that leve due to the store.

For example, I just read a sale for a cannon going for significantly more than a shotgun. The individual had little or no intention or capacity to do a PA with the chip, and the chip itself is significantly weaker than shotgun. Doing 20% less damage, having no potential for hitting an area. Quite simply the chip was effectively worth less for every reason to the individual, however he paid more because it was expected of him.
somethimes people need chips in the here and now, and when they are in a huge battle (see cybeast battles) they sometimes they can pay more for chips, espesualy when they are gonna get a big reward from the battle.
I don't see any real issue here. If you're an inexperienced buyer going against a shark, you get burned in the deal. Same as real life. You have to guard yourself against that kind of thing. This buyer just didn't guard terself properly. If te had recognized that the cannon was overpriced and wanted to do something about it, te could demand the price be lowered. All prices are negotiable, especially for a chip like a cannon that comes as a starter chip and costs the seller nothing. It's not like mods can step in and cancel unfair trades, because then the issue is where to draw the line.

Also, cannons cost more than shotguns at the moment. A cannon costs 1500 z, while a shotgun is a mere 1000 z. I know it's unreasonable, and I think it's been brought up before; it's just sort of a back-burner issue at the moment, I think.

But how much of a significant difference are we talking about here?
1400 king, not 1500

Quote (Chip Stock)

Cannon - 1500z
The Cannon cost more than the Shotgun because those were the prices in the game, I believe, and someone wanted to keep things consistant shop wise. Of course, in the game, Shotguns only did 30 damage+splash and here it got boosted 20 damage for some reason or another.

Anyway, if you have a problem with certain chips sales because they're over priced, just don't buy them, or step in and try to stop the trade. I once stopped a very one sided trade and ended up with a nice chip for my effort. Let the buyer beware, as they say. Also, the point of having boards for trades is to attempt to prevent any obivous rip offs. That's why you should never do any trades OOC, such as over AIM. Plus, the boards also record all trades, that way no suspicious changes in signatures occur. Not that anyone here would try to conduct any trades via instant messages that way, now would they? That'd be either against the rules or really bending them, if you ask me.
I don't get it...

Quote (MajinBooger)

The Cannon cost more than the Shotgun because those were the prices in the game, I believe, and someone wanted to keep things consistant shop wise. Of course, in the game, Shotguns only did 30 damage+splash and here it got boosted 20 damage for some reason or another.

Anyway, if you have a problem with certain chips sales because they're over priced, just don't buy them, or step in and try to stop the trade. I once stopped a very one sided trade and ended up with a nice chip for my effort. Let the buyer beware, as they say. Also, the point of having boards for trades is to attempt to prevent any obivous rip offs. That's why you should never do any trades OOC, such as over AIM. Plus, the boards also record all trades, that way no suspicious changes in signatures occur. Not that anyone here would try to conduct any trades via instant messages that way, now would they? That'd be either against the rules or really bending them, if you ask me.

This kind of stuff is why we miss you as an official, Majin. ;~;

Anyways, since he said pretty much everything I was going to say...

*Flees topic*

Also, this would go in Suggestions and Questions, not General. Moved.


Quote (MajinBooger)

I once stopped a very one sided trade and ended up with a nice chip for my effort.


Anyways, yeah. I brought this up, the mods said the same thing they said to you:
That's just how it is. Deal with it.
This wasn't so much a question or a suggestion. I merely wanted to see what everybodys views were on the subject. I find it interesting how some people took what I said as a sort of granted and others.. well seem confused as to what the issue might be.

Fairly interesting, at least in my opinion.

What would you all pay for a cannon anyway?
i'd pay 500-800 for a cannon.......they are just so weak.....i would rather pay more for a heat shot, at least they can splash and do 80 to wood type viruses.