Starting Over...

17 years ago
In the end, I really couldn't lead Shinokami where I wanted to, so instead, I'd prefer to head back to my roots and play the pair that I knew I could do and do well. Yup, they're back. And hopefully a bit less like Lan than I meant them to be ^^;;

Name: Matt Cage
Age: 28
Gender: Male
Appearance: Matt stands at around 6' 3" and has long, deep brown hair and eyes. Despite his age, he barely looks much older than twenty, which he puts down to an active lifestyle. His usual garb consists of a black shirt with gray lining and light-gray jeans, ripped at the knees. He also wears a pair of black sneakers with a trio of vertical orange stripes on each side, as well as a red belt with a steel buckle over his shirt, but he never ties it, instead leaving it to dangle. He also modified his shirt to have an orange line encircling his upper arms on both sides of the shirt. He also wears a red bandanna, although it's only seen when he removes his gray cap, modified again so the front 'panel' is red. He has a silver dog-tag around his neck which doubles as a portable Hard-drive. He also keeps his NetPolice ID in his shirt pocket.
Personality: Matt can be tactical at times, but mostly resorts to force when it comes down to tough battles, which suits Firewolf just fine. He has a strong sense of justice and will hunt down those who commit crimes as quickly as possible. He sometimes disagrees with Firewolf, but the two are inseparable buddies.
PET Modifications: NetPolice ID (No actual effect. Flavor-text), 3D Holographic Display, Custom Color Scheme (Black with orange lining)

Name: Firewolf.EXE
Gender: Male
Element: Fire
Type: Break
Appearance: (Image) Originally created as a University project, Firewolf's core model has been updated throughout his life, becoming more streamlined and up-to-date with the other Navis on the market. Consisting of a blue-eyed, grey-furred anthropomorphic wolf, Firewolf is dressed in a simple black jumpsuit with an orange stripe down both sides of the suit. His boots and gauntlets are large and chunky, yet sleek as well, colored black with orange lining. His tail has been modified slightly since his last iteration to be functional (but not prehensile) as well as a general texture change, being darker along the tip. His symbol, a black tribal-looking wolf's head upon an orange background, is placed centrally upon his chest, similar to stock Navis.
Personality: As hot-headed as ever, Firewolf tends to rush in all guns blazing, showing off and generally being as arrogant as possible while doing so. He only seems to really focus fully during battles. Contrary to the small quarrels he and Matt may encounter, the two are inseparable.
Custom Weapon: Customized Buster. The Buster is more streamlined than the base model, but it is purely aesthetic.
Signature Attack: Blazing Combo - 4x 10 DMG hits [Melee, Null], 1x 10 DMG [Melee, Same Element, Knockback {10 points}]
Firewolf dashes in for a quick 4-punch combo, but due to their speed, they are not very damaging. After finishing the combo, he executes a quick spin kick at his opponents, his leg igniting via the friction in the air. Again, the speed of the attack lowers its effectiveness, but it is possible to knock an opponent back with the fiery kick.

[[Additional Notes]] - Purely as flavor-text (and possible Sub-plots in the future), Matt and Firewolf are members of the NetPolice, having been promoted from a desk job to field work.

[[EDIT]] Apparently, I qualify for the Rebirth items. If I do, I'd like to carry over everything but my Zenny and NaviCust. One of Shinokami's operators is Matt's sister, Marie, who decides to turn Shinokami into a Civilian Navi. He agrees and offers his upgrades and data to Matt to help him, where possible.

[[EDIT x2]]New sigs are here.

Flame Blast Beta - [Same Element, Ground, 20 DMG, Large Lava Terrain Effect]
Firewolf slams his buster against the ground, letting out a large blast, resulting in a nearby enemy being caught in the explosion, and also turning the nearby panels to lava. Strangely, however, though the effect is a blast, it only affects one enemy, possibly due to a glitch in the attack, hence the 'beta' tag to this move.

Red Hot Kick - [Same Element, Melee, 20 DMG, Microburst]
Firewolf steps back from the enemy, then forcibly jumps forward and fly-kicks the enemy with both feet, resulting in a fiery blast upon the opponent's face, knocking them back large distances.
17 years ago
Everything looks good.