MeleeMan Sig Rehaul

All of my sigs are going to be changed around, so FORGET WHAT YOU THOUGHT YOU KNEW ABOUT MELEEMAN.

My pool's 660 right now and my caps are 180 (270) / 30.


Points Used: (660/660)

Soul Fist: Berserk Blitz
Description: MeleeMan makes use of his boots, running into a tackle and then igniting them into a stream like jetfire. He extends forward his fists in front of him, delivering a powerful blow to anything unlucky enough to be caught in his way. The path of his travel is linear and the force of the thrust does not allow for mid-air maneuverability.
Effect: Melee + 140 Damage + Microburst + Fire element, 5 TCD

Survivor's Code: Flawless Weave
Description: MeleeMan's intensity is every bit as present when he is biding his time as it is when he is throwing a punch. His beast-like instincts allow him to bob, weave, and tumble until he gets his chance to inflict major damage. A smokescreen is also churned out from his gloves and boots, making his movements more difficult to follow.
Effect: Haste + Dodge x2, 3 TCD

Soul Fist: Iron Grip
Description: MeleeMan grapples with his opponent, bracing his body to assure that they are held right where he wants them: in close proximity.
Effect: Melee + Hold + Stonebody, 3 TCD

Survivor's Code: Red Rage
Description: MeleeMan's gauntlets are superheated so that his fists can crush his opponent's defenses and move cleanly into his vital areas.
Effect: Passive 30 Strengthen

Survivor's Code: Heatwave
Description: MeleeMan releases a blistering wave of heat, focused on one point by aiming with his whirring gauntlets. The heat is too powerful for most opponents to shrug off easily and may affect a navi's ability to communicate strategies with their operator as their senses and speech are slurred.
Effect: 10 damage + Silence + Slow, 4 TCD
Approved, approved, approved, approved, and approved.
My pool is now 700, due to 16 total Process Ups. All sigs will remain the same apart from Heatwave and Iron Grip, which I am modifying.

Quote (old)

Survivor's Code: Heatwave
Description: MeleeMan releases a blistering wave of heat, focused on one point by aiming with his whirring gauntlets. The heat is too powerful for most opponents to shrug off easily and may affect a navi's ability to communicate strategies with their operator as their senses and speech are slurred.
Effect: 10 damage + Silence + Slow, 4 TCD

Soul Fist: Iron Grip
Description: MeleeMan grapples with his opponent, bracing his body to assure that they are held right where he wants them: in close proximity.
Effect: Melee + Hold + Stonebody, 3 TCD

Quote (new)

Soul Fist: Heatwave Suplex
Description: MeleeMan executes a quick grapple, grabbing the opponent and hoisting them vertically upside down above his body with his massive strength. While there, he uses his heatwave technique to unleash a burst of heat that covers the enemy's body. Following this, he falls backward, slamming the unfortunate opponent down into the ground with a bone-shattering impact.
Effect: 180 fire damage, melee attack + Stun + Self-Slow, 6 TCD

Soul Fist: Iron Grip
Description: MeleeMan grapples with his opponent, bracing his body to assure that they are held right where he wants them: in close proximity.
Effect: 20 damage melee attack + Hold + Hardbody, 3 TCD
Now Iron Grip can no longer be used for friendly non-damaging bear hugs.

Oh well.

Looks good to me.

A mistake on the last one, my pool is 700 now and I'd written the pool as 660. I'll fix it.

Some more changes: I'd like to drop Survivor's Code: Perfect Weave entirely. That will free up 120 points. Using those points I will buff one of my sigs and get a new sig for my SP.

Quote (new)

Steel Skin (for Damascus)
Description: Damascus' skin is said to possess a hardness equal to damascus steel. By bracing up her body, she can use the full advantage of this quality, deflecting most attacks that would pierce the average navi's flesh.
Effect: Ironbody, 2 TCD

Soul Fist: Berserk Blitz
Description: MeleeMan makes use of his boots, running into a tackle and then igniting them into a stream like jetfire. He extends forward his fists in front of him, delivering a powerful blow to anything unlucky enough to be caught in his way. The path of his travel is linear and the force of the thrust does not allow for mid-air maneuverability.
Effect: Melee + 180 Damage + Microburst + Fire element, 6 TCD
Lulz. Your sword will be made of steel once every three rounds.

I have a whole 40 MORE POINTS. I will use them in the most pedestrian way possible:

Upping the damage of the below sigs slightly!

Soul Fist: Iron Grip
Description: MeleeMan grapples with his opponent, bracing his body to assure that they are held right where he wants them: in close proximity.
Effect: 30 damage melee attack + Hold + Hardbody, 3 TCD
((Increased damage by 10))

Soul Fist: Heatwave Suplex
Description: MeleeMan executes a quick grapple, grabbing the opponent and hoisting them vertically upside down above his body with his massive strength. While there, he uses his heatwave technique to unleash a burst of heat that covers the enemy's body. Following this, he falls backward, slamming the unfortunate opponent down into the ground with a bone-shattering impact.
Effect: 210 fire damage, melee attack + Stun + Self-Slow, 6 TCD
((Increased damage by 30))

All of the others remain the same (including the one on Damascus).
The time it took to approve this reflects how hopelessly pedestrian these changes are.