Deals 25 + (10 x Burst Level) Damage to (Burst Level - 1 enemies), minimum of one.
Cooldown of (Burst Level -2).
-- Max burst level 3.
1 Action = 1 Burst Level.
If hit, one burst level is lost.
Deals 25 + (10 x Burst Level) Damage to (Burst Level - 1 enemies), minimum of one.
Cooldown of (Burst Level -2).
++ Max burst level 4.
1 Action = 1 Burst Level.
If hit, one burst level is lost.
Stranger to Love
Deals (Burst) x ((Attack Stat) x 15) Aqua damage to one target.
Each tear is a separate blow of 15.
Cooldown of (Burst-1), minimum 1.
-- 1 Action is 1 Burst Level. Max Burst Level is 2.
If hit, 1 Burst Level is lost.
Deals (Burst) x ((Attack Stat) x 15) Aqua damage to one target.
Each tear is a separate blow of 15.
Cooldown of (Burst-1), minimum 1.
++ 1 Action is 1 Burst Level. Max Burst Level is 3.
If hit, 1 Burst Level is lost.
Basically, one more level to charge each skill.
Old = 80 Damage cap.