2.0: Passbreak

[Level 2.0]

[This is a 75 damage cap attack.]

---in even the most basic of Net Navigators, there are areas where their Operators are not meant to go. These places are the ones that were password-protected by the Navi's programmer as soon as the coding process was completed. Even Raiden has his share of passworded sectors. However, when a Navi has the ability to channel the very network around it, tremendous amounts of data pass through its programming. It is only a matter for time before the password is accidentally found deep in the Net's coding, and the network takes over---

At the beginning of the encounter, English Ninja rolls a d20. The number that appears is posted at the beginning of Raiden's first turn. At the beginning of every turn, including the first one, English Ninja rolls the d20 one time. If the same number as the benchmark (very first) roll appears, then Raiden must use Passbreak during that turn, although any action may be expended in order to activate its effects. For example, if 9 is the benchmark roll, and on the second round of posting the 9 is rolled again, Passbreak must be used during Raiden's second turn. It costs no actions to activate Passbreak's effects. Once the proper password is hit on once, Raiden's programming matrix immediately randomly produces a new password to take the broken one's place. Therefore, the rolling process begins again.

3 TCD.

Raiden's body changes to reflect the element of the chip he uses. If he uses a Fire-element chip, his hair turns to flame for the duration of the chip's effect. An Aqua-element chip changes his arms to water with 'bones' made of ice. Elec-element chips change his torso to a dark cloud infested with lightning. Wood-element chips transform his legs into petrified bark.
• + 25 to all elemental attacks in the round (stacks with Normal-subtype boost)
• Lasts 1 round

Raiden's hands and lower arms are overrun by a shell of words. Lines of coding language, mathematical formulas and paragraphs from class literary works flow across his arms and hands, which remain intact underneath.
• Create one 4-hit barrier around self
• Create two 2-hit barriers around self and one ally

A thin coating of rainbow energy encases Raiden. His normal colours are still visible, bu the spectrum of hues that constantly shift and move like a human-shaped kaleidoscope is more dominant. The spectrum is brightest in his emblem, which the rainbow seems to flow from, and in his eyes.
• Create seven rainbow blades
• Attack for 10 damage per blade before the blade disappears
• Defend Raiden or an ally for 5 damage per blade before the blade disappears
• Blades exist until all of them are used

Raiden's skin turns to steel, forming a humanoid suit of armour that looks exactly like him. His joins are made with some kind of substance that has the consistency of gelatin. His lower arms turn to steel hydraulic pistons that are used to open the rift in the ground that begins the attack.
• Open a rift in the ground, through which water gushes up to flood the area.
• All enemies under 20 HP are drowned (including Raiden, if under 20 HP).

Vines spring from nowhere to wrap around Raiden's arms, legs, and body, until he becomes like a walking forest god. Flowers of all shapes, sizes and colours sprout on the vines. At the beginning of the second turn, the flowers begin to wilt and lose petals, and at the end of the third turn, the vines rot away and fall off altogether.
• Flowers regenerate 10 damage per turn for 3 turns.
• A Fire attack that hits Raiden burns the flowers off, regardless of how many turns of regeneration they have completed.

Raiden draws electricity from the ground. The summoned lightning is held at bay around his arms, but strikes the ground again almost immediately. The two actions of drawing electricity upward and the lightning returning to the ground forms pillars of electricity that rise up from the floor and engulf Raiden's arms, following him wherever he goes until they are discharged. Various types of molecules that are lit up by this constant cycling of energy float around his body like a very flimsy suit of golden particle armour.
• A one-shot lightning bolt jumps between up to 4 enemies.
• 40 damage to enemy 1, 30 to enemy 2, 20 to enemy 3, 10 to enemy 4

Raiden becomes a victim of extreme cold. Icicles develop on his extremeties, and parts of his face acquire the deep blue of later-stage frostbite. His hair is patched with silver hoarfrost. Many parts of his body become encased in ice.
• A blizzard's wind carries a chip's blast, multihit or splash effect to bonus enemies
• Bombs, splash guns, and Wideshot-like chips can hit up to 2 extra enemies
• Lasts 1 round

Raiden's entire body is superheated to incredible temperatures. His eyes combust, and become two silvery-white flames that burn in the sockets. He is surrounded by an aura of heat waves that make the air shimmer. His footsteps leave the panels melted and warped out of shape by the heat, as does almost anything else that he draws near to.
• Burn up to 2 enemies
• Affected enemies suffer 10 damage per turn for 3 turns

A large amount of Raiden's body becomes infected with a poisonous-looking, greenish-purple blight. All of his fingers and parts of his arms become swollen up, and vile substances leach from various ruptures in the more infected areas. He also attains the appearance of someone in the grip of a terminal disease. His teeth rot into a dental nightmare, while his jaundiced eyes sink into his skull. His face becomes gaunt and skeletal. His entire body becomes alarmingly thin.
• Choose 1 enemy; all enemies of same type (ex. all Metools, all Canodumbs) affected
• All affected enemies have attack power cut by 20 for rest of battle

Panel fragments fuse themselves with different parts of Raiden's body, forming a very patchy shell. Both of his hands fuse together into one large handless gauntlet, used to hold the giant pillar of panels that is created for the attack.
• Smash 1 enemy with a giant panel pillar, 70 damage
ACDC: Cool, so long as it doesn't stack with hits or anything. Might need to be "+25 to elemental chips that target ONE enemy" instead.

Scilab: k.

ElecTown: k.

Yoka: Sry, but no insta-kills, regardless of HP, remember? Also, "To all" hits are forbidden at this lv.

Yumland: Hmm, undernerfed, IMO. Maybe 15 each turn?

Netopia: k.

Sharo: 2 additional is a bit much. Stick with the 1 additional.

Netfrica: k.

Under: Iffy, but in case anything would go to 0, I propose a "cannot drop below 10" clause.

Colisseum: k.

Those are my cents on this sig. Try something else for Yoka, mainly. Everything else was swoosh save for fairly minor details. K?
Edits in bold.

3 TCD.

Raiden's body changes to reflect the element of the chip he uses. If he uses a Fire-element chip, his hair turns to flame for the duration of the chip's effect. An Aqua-element chip changes his arms to water with 'bones' made of ice. Elec-element chips change his torso to a dark cloud infested with lightning. Wood-element chips transform his legs into petrified bark.
• + 25 to all elemental attacks in the round (stacks with Normal-subtype boost)
• Lasts 1 round

Raiden's hands and lower arms are overrun by a shell of words. Lines of coding language, mathematical formulas and paragraphs from class literary works flow across his arms and hands, which remain intact underneath.
• Create one 4-hit barrier around self
• Create two 2-hit barriers around self and one ally

A thin coating of rainbow energy encases Raiden. His normal colours are still visible, bu the spectrum of hues that constantly shift and move like a human-shaped kaleidoscope is more dominant. The spectrum is brightest in his emblem, which the rainbow seems to flow from, and in his eyes.
• Create seven rainbow blades
• Attack for 10 damage per blade before the blade disappears
• Defend Raiden or an ally for 5 damage per blade before the blade disappears
• Blades exist until all of them are used

Raiden's skin turns to steel, forming a humanoid suit of armour that looks exactly like him. His joins are made with some kind of substance that has the consistency of gelatin. His lower arms turn to steel hydraulic pistons that are used to open the rift in the ground that begins the attack.
• Open a rift in the ground, through which steam gushes up to flood the area.
• Burning rain falls from the cloud, dealing 25 damage to up to 4 enemies and 15 damage to Raiden.

Vines spring from nowhere to wrap around Raiden's arms, legs, and body, until he becomes like a walking forest god. Flowers of all shapes, sizes and colours sprout on the vines. At the beginning of the second turn, the flowers begin to wilt and lose petals, and at the end of the third turn, the vines rot away and fall off altogether.
• Flowers regenerate 10 damage per turn for 3 turns.
• A Fire attack that hits Raiden burns the flowers off, regardless of how many turns of regeneration they have completed.

Raiden draws electricity from the ground. The summoned lightning is held at bay around his arms, but strikes the ground again almost immediately. The two actions of drawing electricity upward and the lightning returning to the ground forms pillars of electricity that rise up from the floor and engulf Raiden's arms, following him wherever he goes until they are discharged. Various types of molecules that are lit up by this constant cycling of energy float around his body like a very flimsy suit of golden particle armour.
• A one-shot lightning bolt jumps between up to 4 enemies.
• 40 damage to enemy 1, 30 to enemy 2, 20 to enemy 3, 10 to enemy 4

Raiden becomes a victim of extreme cold. Icicles develop on his extremeties, and parts of his face acquire the deep blue of later-stage frostbite. His hair is patched with silver hoarfrost. Many parts of his body become encased in ice.
• A blizzard's wind carries a chip's blast, multihit or splash effect to bonus enemies
• Bombs, splash guns, and Wideshot-like chips can hit up to 1 extra enemy
• Lasts 1 round

Raiden's entire body is superheated to incredible temperatures. His eyes combust, and become two silvery-white flames that burn in the sockets. He is surrounded by an aura of heat waves that make the air shimmer. His footsteps leave the panels melted and warped out of shape by the heat, as does almost anything else that he draws near to.
• Burn up to 2 enemies
• Affected enemies suffer 10 damage per turn for 3 turns

A large amount of Raiden's body becomes infected with a poisonous-looking, greenish-purple blight. All of his fingers and parts of his arms become swollen up, and vile substances leach from various ruptures in the more infected areas. He also attains the appearance of someone in the grip of a terminal disease. His teeth rot into a dental nightmare, while his jaundiced eyes sink into his skull. His face becomes gaunt and skeletal. His entire body becomes alarmingly thin.
• Choose 1 enemy; all enemies of same type (ex. all Metools, all Canodumbs) affected
• All affected enemies have attack power cut by 20 for rest of battle, to a minimum of 10

Panel fragments fuse themselves with different parts of Raiden's body, forming a very patchy shell. Both of his hands fuse together into one large handless gauntlet, used to hold the giant pillar of panels that is created for the attack.
• Smash 1 enemy with a giant panel pillar, 70 damage
Bump, plz.
Rejected. Too many effects.

Yes, I know you can't use them at the same time, but my point stands; you're registering ONE sig, not 10. Please make one that fits this criteria.

(I've stripped all of this down to sheer mechanics for readability.)
When Passbreak is activated, Raiden now automatically attacks for damage, the amount of which remains exactly the same regardless of the network he's in.

    [li]35 points of damage to the central target (referred to as "lead enemy")
  • 15 damage to two other targets, both located relatively near the initial target.
However, depending on the network, the accompanying effect that comes with the damage differs.

The rolling-of-dice-to-determine-whether-Passbreak-gets-activated-during-that-round rule still stands. I roll the d20 at the beginning of the battle, and do so again at the beginning of every round, until I reroll the inital number. During the round where the number was rerolled, Passbreak must be activated. I start rolling again at the end of the cooldown period.


    [li]+ 10 to all elemental attacks in the round (stacks with Normal-subtype boost)
  • Lasts 1 round

  • Creates a 1-hit barrier around self

  • Stun central enemy for 1 action

    [li]Heal one party member (never self) for 5
  • Heal that party member's status anomalies (stun, blind, etc.)

  • Heal self for 15

  • Blind lead enemy (reduce accuracy, dodge, all related abilities)

    [li]Freeze lead enemy for maximum of 3 turns
  • Unfrozen if hit by Fire-type attack

    [li]Burn lead enemy for 5 damage for each turn
    [li]Lasts 2 turns after initial attack
  • Negated if hit by Water-type attack

    [li]Drop attack power of leader's virus type (i.e. all Metools, all Bunnies) by 10
    [li]Attack power lowered to minimum of 5
  • Lasts for 1 round

    [li]Hobble lead enemy, reducing mobility
  • Hinders dodges, melee attacks, etc.
Passbreak is a Normal-type attack.

4 TCD.
Approved with discussed changes to the Undernet effect included.
