((Enter from Electown))
When he saw the stall, Delta was not reassured that this wasn't all just some hoax put together by an overly-inventive individual. Still, he approached and addressed the proprietor, "This is the bounty shop? I-" Another look at the rules stapled to the stall itself. "Yes...I believe that I'm looking for some bounties in the normal nets, if you would."
Delta.exe Bounties
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"Howdy there pardner! This is indeed the bounty shop!" The prog excitedly exclaimed as Delta wondered up to his stand, smile on face as Delta figured what he wanted. "Normal Net? Kay then pardner, don't go biting off more than you can chew! Once you take a bounty, the viruses you chose to hunt will be comin afta yew. Every encounter will be guaranteed to have one a them variants in each battle, so guage yer strength accordingly and don't go getting deleted, can't take yer stuff with ya to the great beyond if ya go gettin killed out there!" He exclaomed, a little serious undertone under his breath as he continued. "Should you die, we do not take on any liability, so...here ya go." He finished before his hat printed out a list of viruses, names and rewards besides the names.
BigHatBigHat (BigHat)
BigHats only attack a max of once per turn. The rest of their remaining actions are spent moving or dodging, a skill in which they are only average at best. BigHats only attack a second time if the FlashBomb they threw on that turn is somehow destroyed before the end of the turn, and they have an action remaining for the turn. FlashBombs thrown by BigHats do not harm viruses at all when they explode. The effect of FlashBomb cannot be dodged, but it can be blocked by defenses you can take cover behind, such as objects and Guards. Chip generated barriers and auras also prevent the effect, but signature generated defenses of these types will not. As FlashBomb is a light based attack, it has slashing to pierce Shadow, and Seeking to pierce Invis (note that dodging alone does nothing, so Invis will not help here anyway).
Area: Kotobuki Town, Netopia, NetVegas
HP: 100
Attack Damage/Effect: 10 Null + Blind + Slashing + Seeking + Stun + To-All-Clause
Attack Accuracy: S
Attack Description: Throws bomb that explodes in one turn in a flash.
Element: None.
Possible Rewards (Per Virus): FlashBomb1, Zenny
Special: 20 HP Bomb used in attack explodes at the end of the following turn. They fizzle harmlessly if destroyed. (BigHat) -
FlashBomb1HP: 100
Properties: Light
Object Damage: 40 + Stun
Damage Method: Throw, Knockback, Microburst, Telekinesis, Gust
Attack Damage: 40 + Seeking + Stun + Blind + Blast 4
Accuracy: D (thrown) / A (trigger)
Description: Throws a small flashbang 3 panels ahead. at the end of the second turn after it is thrown, it will detonate, dealing damage, stunning, blinding, and canceling invisibility for everything caught in the blast radius.
Duration: 2 turns or until destroyed.
Element: Elec
Trader Rank: D
PogoJackPogoJack (PogoJack)
A virus that looks like a green/blue/pink/red/orange/yellow/black jackhammer and moves across the net cracking the earth with its ever-activated pile-driver. Two arms with gloves hands extend up from the sides and hold its own handle. A silly face adorns the front with an angry scowl.
Area: Electown, Kotobuki Town, Netopia, NetVegas
HP: 80
Attack Damage/Effect: 10 x 2 Drop Attack + Break + Impact + Movement
Attack Accuracy: C
Attack Description: PogoJack jumps a short distance into the air and then comes down on a target, hammering them with its piledriver.
Element: Normal
Possible Rewards (Per Virus): PileDriver1, Zenny
Special: Whenever this virus moves, the next panel it lands on becomes cracked. This virus does not break cracked panels it lands on, but breaks them when it moves away. (PogoJack) -
PileDriver1Damage: 40 x 2 Melee Attack + Impact + Break + Knockback + Piledriver
Accuracy: B
Description: The Navi summons a rapidly pumping jackhammer that occupies one of their appendages. Bearing down on an immobile target will deal greater damage.
Duration: Once
Element: Null
Special: Piledriver: If the first hit connects with Knockback and the second hit also connects, the second hit deals double damage.
Trader Rank: D
DarkProgDarkProg (DarkProg)
DarkProgs are Mr. Progs cruelly corrupted and warped to become expendable soldiers. They appear mostly as normal Mr. Progs, but their face is much more darkly colored, and have glowing white eyes, as well as missing their left arm. They attack by emitting static around themselves. While they are fairly strong attackers, especially in groups, they have poor endurance, which is only exacerbated by the fact their attacks harm themselves. They very rarely dodge, but will often try to move close to the enemy before attacking.
Area: SciLab, Netopia, NAXA
HP: 60
Primary Attack Damage/Effect: 20 Elec + Nova 2
Primary Attack Accuracy: C
Primary Attack Description: Emits some of its life energy as a static field.
Secondary Attack Damage/Effect: Damage x 2, Self-Sacrifice x 2
Secondary Attack Accuracy: S
Secondary Attack Description: Charges up energy within itself. On its next turn, all of this virus's attacks deal +100% Source Damage, and deal twice as much damage to itself. This effect does not stack with itself.
Element: Elec
Possible Rewards (Per Virus): RingZap1 (Rare), Zenny
Special: ElecBody: This virus takes no damage from Elec elemental attacks.
Special: Self-Sacrifice: Every time this virus uses its Primary Attack, it loses 5 HP.
Special: Can use PanelGrab once. (DarkProg) -
RingZap1Damage: 30
Accuracy: B
Description: Two sparks spin around the user, which damages anything foolish enough to draw near.
Duration: One turn
Element: Elec
Special: Damages anyone that gets within melee range of the user, regardless of why they're that close.
Special: This chip automatically attacks every action, starting with the action the user first uses it.
Trader Rank: D (Rare)
MagTectMagTect (MagTect)
MagTect move and dodge at slightly above average speed. In spite of the fact that they have wings, and hover above the ground, they are still subject to the effects of the terrain below. Regardless, they are very dangerous thanks to their ability to exert control over enemy movements with pincer attacks and magnetic pull effects. They know how to use these effects, too. MagTects avoid liquid terrain types if at all possible, as they do not function well at all if forcibly submerged.
Area: SciLab, Electown, Netfrica, NAXA
HP: 90
Primary Attack Damage/Effect: 20 Elec + Stun 1 + Magnetic Pull
Primary Attack Accuracy: B
Primary Attack Description: Pulls opponents towards them and hits with a magnet. Stuns.
Secondary Attack Damage/Effect: 10 Elec + Seeking + Pincer Attack x 2 Missiles
Secondary Attack Accuracy: C
Secondary Attack Description: Shoots two MagnetMissiles at a target: one from each side. The missiles move as if to pass the target, then suddenly turn towards each other in a pincer attack with the target between them.
Element: Elec
Possible Rewards (Per Virus): MagBolt1, MagnetMissile1 (Rare), Zenny
Special: Pincer Attack: Attacks a single chosen target from two opposing directions at the same time. (MagTect) -
MagBolt1Damage: 90 + Stun + Magnetic Pull
Accuracy: B
Description: Uses an electromagnet to pull the target into range, then stuns them with a close range electrical shock.
Duration: Once
Element: Elec
Special: Magnetic Pull: A stronger version of the Pull effect that either pulls the target towards you, or you towards the target over a greater distance than normal.
Trader Rank: D,
MagnetMissile1Damage: 20 + Seeking + Pincer Attack x 2 Missiles
Accuracy: B
Description: Launches North and South magnetic homing missiles that converge on one target.
Duration: Once
Element: Elec
Special: Pincer Attack: Attacks a single chosen target from two opposing directions at the same time.
Trader Rank: D (Rare)
HauntedCandleHauntedCandle (HauntedCandle)
This virus attacks every action if able.
Area: Kotobuki Town, Netfrica, Hades Isle, NetVegas
HP: 100
Attack Damage/Effect: 20 Fire + Square Attack + Ground Attack
Attack Accuracy: B
Attack Description: Creates flame spire in a square. Targets panels.
Element: Fire
Possible Rewards (Per Virus): BurnSquare1, Zenny
Special: Immobile.
Special: Heat Body: This virus is immune to Fire damage and associated effects.
Special: Square Attack: Attacks a 2 panel x 2 panel square area.
Special: Candle: Can be snuffed by Wind, which prevents it from attacking. Fire relights it. (HauntedCandle) -
BurnSquare1Damage: 60 + Blast 2 + Ground Attack
Accuracy: B
Description: Creates a small, square shaped explosion of will-o-wisps that erupt from the ground, scorching the very soul of whatever is occupying that space.
Duration: Once
Element: Fire
Trader Rank: D
BluegonBluegon (Bluegon)
Bluegons do not appear before Battle 6. They are extremely territorial among their own kind, so only one HoleDragon can appear per battle. Because they live among holes, they cannot appear without at least 5% Missing terrain.
Area: Sharo
HP: 200
Primary Attack Damage/Effect: 40 Aqua + Wide Attack
Primary Attack Accuracy: A
Primary Attack Description: Exhales a wide stream of ice breath.
Secondary Attack Damage/Effect: 50 Aqua + Knockback + Ground Attack
Secondary Attack Accuracy: C
Secondary Attack Description: Creates a wave of ice water that crashes into an enemy.
Element: Aqua
Possible Rewards (Per Virus): AquaLine (Rare), IceDragon1 (Rare), Zenny
Special: As this virus is always in a hole, it is immune to all Ground attacks.
Special: While this virus will never leave holes, it may still swerve to avoid attacks.
Special: This virus can use an action to duck inside its hole. This counts as a dodge. It may reemerge from that same hole, or a different hole on the battlefield, as a free action afterward. (Bluegon) -
AquaLineDamage: 180 + Knockback
Accuracy: B
Description: Creates a swift current that strikes a single enemy. Rare
Duration: Once
Element: Aqua
Trader Rank: C (Rare),
IceDragon1Damage: 160 + Freeze + Homing x 3 Targets
Accuracy: B
Description: Summons a Bluegon from broken or missing terrain to breathe frost on up to three enemies, solidifying them with cold. Rare
Duration: Once
Element: Aqua
Special: Ice Type: This chip counts as Ice Type for the purposes of potentially freezing targets on Aqua Element Terrain or environments, as applicable.
Trader Rank: C (Rare)
PiranhaPiranha (Piranha)
Piranha viruses work as a hive-mind. They all move at the same time, attempt to detect targets at the same time, and once a targets is detected by any of them, they all attack that one target at the same time. Moving and searching for targets takes one action. Attacking takes another. Any Piranha just recovering from a status effect that prevents normal operation will resume acting in unison with the rest of the group.
Area: Yoka, Dentech, Beach
HP: 60
Attack Damage/Effect: 5 Aqua x 3 Shots
Attack Accuracy: A
Attack Description: Locks on and fires 3 tridents.
Element: Aqua
Possible Rewards (Per Virus): TriArrow, TrainArrow1, Zenny
Special: Floating. When multiple Piranha virii are on the field at once, they attack one target as a group. (Piranha) -
TriArrowDamage: 10 x 3 shots x 3 targets
Accuracy: B
Description: Launches volleys of three steel needles at up to three targets.
Duration: Once
Element: Null
Trader Rank: D,
TrainArrow1Effect: Adds +30 Aqua to Buster Shot Attack
Accuracy: Buster Accuracy = A
Description: Allows the user to fire Aqua Spears from buster.
Duration: 6 Uses.
Element: Aqua
Special: Overrides Buster. Disables Charged Shot.
Trader Rank: D
NullNull (Null&Void)
Null&Void viruses are extremely dangerous top tier viruses. No player should encounter one until at least battle 6. Null&Void viruses move and dodge at an average rate by walking normally, but they also teleport before and after executing their melee attack. They regenerate half of their HP every action and their vortexes have the ability to instantly destroy objects and EJO or delete victims instantly with Gravity Crush. Their strategy revolves entirely around forcing an enemy into a vortex, and their attack choices will always be something that furthers that goal if possible. If not, they will settle for using objects and the terrain to damage or hinder the enemy. They are intelligent enough to use their abilities to cause a great deal more havoc than the average virus.
Area: Sharo, NAXA
HP: 100
Primary Attack Damage/Effect: Set 2x Panel Trap: (10 Aqua + Gravity Crush 50 + Object Erasure)
Primary Attack Accuracy: E
Primary Attack Description: Automatically creates two whirlpools on the field. Each whirlpool takes up one panel, and remains there until either something moves into it or until the end of the turn, whichever comes first. This attack may only be executed once per turn at the beginning of every turn, and does not require an action on the part of the virus. Whirlpools never appear over Missing Terrain and cannot be summoned on Broken Terrain. Terrain changes have no effect on whirlpools, at all, as they have been known to float in mid air over even Broken Panels once they have been summoned.
Secondary Attack Damage/Effect: (Teleport) then (10 Aqua + Impact + Knockback)
Secondary Attack Accuracy: B
Secondary Attack Description: Teleports next to an enemy or object, and pushes them suddenly. If it is an enemy, they will try to push them into the nearest Whirlpool, or at least towards it. If it is an Object, the virus will push it at the nearest enemy. They teleport back to their starting position after the attack ends.
Tertiary Attack Damage/Effect: 10 Aqua + Piercing + Altitude Change
Tertiary Attack Accuracy: D
Tertiary Attack Description: Generates a gravity ball and throws it in a straight line. The gravity ball travels slowly, but will pass through anything that stands in its path. It also forces enemies in High Altitude and Burrowed/Submerged enemies to ground level, regardless of their position on the field.
Element: Aqua
Possible Rewards (Per Virus): GravityHold1, Whirlpool (Rare), Zenny
Special: Gravity Crush: Instantly defeats any target with HP at or below the numeric value. Undershirt will not prevent this effect from working. If the target would survive Gravity Crush damage, they instead only take the base Aqua damage.
Special: Object Erasure: Instantly destroys Objects on contact.
Special: Altitude Change: Forces all battle participants out of High Altitude or Submerged status, regardless of whether or not it hits them. This effect cannot be avoided.
Special: Regen(50): This virus regenerates 50 HP per action. (Null&Void) -
GravityHold1Damage: 50 + Piercing + Altitude Change
Accuracy: D
Description: Creates a gravity well that penetrates obstacles. There is no limit to how many enemies this attack can hit, but as it moves very slowly and in a straight line, it is easily dodged.
Duration: Once
Element: Null
Special: Altitude Change: Forces all battle participants out of High Altitude or Submerged status, regardless of whether or not it hits them. This effect cannot be avoided.
Trader Rank: D,
WhirlpoolDamage: 10 + Blast 1 + Gravity Crush 100 + Object Erasure
Accuracy: C
Description: Throws a gravity bomb that crushes weak enemies, and deals a small amount of damage to stronger enemies. Rare
Duration: Once
Element: Aqua
Special: Gravity Crush: Instantly defeats any target with HP at or below the numeric value. Undershirt will not prevent this effect from working. If the target would survive Gravity Crush damage, they instead only take the base 10 Aqua damage.
Special: Object Erasure: Instantly destroys Objects on contact.
Trader Rank: C (Rare)
Puffy-APuffy-A (Puffy-A)
Area: Yoka, Beach, Sharo
HP: 100
Attack Damage/Effect: 10 Aqua + Spread(8) + Homing + Ground Attack
Attack Accuracy: C
Attack Description: Fires a 10 HP bouncing bubble which explodes after hitting an object or enemy or being destroyed.
Element: Aqua
Possible Rewards (Per Virus): Spreader1, BubbleSpreader1 (Rare), Zenny
Special: Immobile. (Puffy-A) -
Spreader1Damage: 40 + Spread 8
Accuracy: A
Description: A gun whose shot explodes on impact to hit nearby enemies.
Duration: Once
Element: Null
Trader Rank: D,
BubbleSpreader1Damage: 30 + Spread 8
Accuracy: A
Description: Shoots a bubble blast that explodes on impact to hit nearby enemies.
Duration: Once
Element: Aqua
Trader Rank: D (Rare)
ForestDragonForestDragon (ForestDragon)
This high tier virus is only encountered after battle 5. A PotDragon's pot is stationary during battle, as it remains above the panel the virus appeared on until battle is over or the virus is deleted, and will not fall even if the panel below it should be destroyed. PotDragons have two main attacks, each geared towards either ground or aerial targets. When executed, the pot tilts or falls over, and the dragon charges at the enemy before looping back and returning to the pot. When threatened, they will duck into the pot, which is both indestructible and capable of shielding them from all damage and effects except those that manage to fly into the mouth of the pot. Even Beam Attacks and Blast damage won't leave a mark.
Area: Dentech, Yumland
HP: 200
Primary Attack Damage/Effect: 30 Wood + Ground Attack + Medium Area Mud Terrain Change + Terrain Changer
Primary Attack Accuracy: C
Primary Attack Description: Charges from its pot at high speed to attack ground-based enemies whilst leaving a trail of Mud in its wake.
Secondary Attack Damage/Effect: 30 Wood + Impact + Group Attack (Arc)
Secondary Attack Accuracy: C
Secondary Attack Description: Flies from its pot at high speed to attack airborne enemies.
Tertiary Attack Damage/Effect: Invulnerability to Non-Drop Attacks/attacks from above.
Tertiary Attack Accuracy: S
Tertiary Attack Description: PotDragons hide in their pots instead of dodging. Doing this protects them from attacks from every direction but up, which is where the opening of the pot is.
Element: Wood
Possible Rewards (Per Virus): WoodDragon1, Zenny (ForestDragon) -
WoodDragon1Damage: 100 + Ground Attack + Medium Area Grass Terrain Change + Terrain Changer
Accuracy: C
Description: Summons a WoodDragon that attacks enemies as it glides across the ground. Changes terrain to Grass as it passes.
Duration: Once
Element: Wood
Special: Terrain Changer: Ceases attacking when the Terrain Change effect is completed (once 25% of the terrain is changed).
Trader Rank: D
SkeeterSkeeter (Skeeter)
Area: Yoka, Okuden Valley, Beach, Yumland, Netfrica
HP: 30
Primary Attack Damage/Effect: 30 Drain (Null)
Primary Attack Accuracy: B
Primary Attack Description: A swarm of Skeeters flies at the target. They will drain HP if they connect.
Element: None
Possible Rewards (Per Virus): Drain1, Zenny
Special: Omnishoes (Skeeter) -
Drain1Damage: Drain 50
Accuracy: C
Description: Summons a cloud of Skeeter viruses, and sends them flying at one enemy. They surround the target, proceed to drain HP from it, and send the stolen energy back to their summoner before vanishing. This attack has a slow travel speed.
Duration: Once
Element: Null
Trader Rank: D
HardheadHardhead (HardHead)
HardHeads alternate actions between attacking and guarding. These are the only actions HardHeads may perform, and the first action of every battle is always guarding. Hardheads will not break from this pattern unless forced to by status effects. HardHeads cannot be lifted or thrown, even with Rageclaw.
Area: Electown, Kotobuki Town, Dentech
HP: 60
Attack Damage/Effect: 30 Null + Break + Panel Break
Attack Accuracy: C
Attack Description: Fires Cannonball. Breaking. Breaks Panels.
Element: Null
Possible Rewards (Per Virus): Wrecker, Zenny
Special: Immobile.
- Iron Body when not attacking. (HardHead) -
WreckerDamage: 80 + Break + Panel Break
Accuracy: C
Description: A bomb that breaks the ground it lands on
Duration: Once
Element: Null
Trader Rank: D
"If none a them spark yer fancy, yer free to reroll the list if you want."
BigHatBigHat (BigHat)
BigHats only attack a max of once per turn. The rest of their remaining actions are spent moving or dodging, a skill in which they are only average at best. BigHats only attack a second time if the FlashBomb they threw on that turn is somehow destroyed before the end of the turn, and they have an action remaining for the turn. FlashBombs thrown by BigHats do not harm viruses at all when they explode. The effect of FlashBomb cannot be dodged, but it can be blocked by defenses you can take cover behind, such as objects and Guards. Chip generated barriers and auras also prevent the effect, but signature generated defenses of these types will not. As FlashBomb is a light based attack, it has slashing to pierce Shadow, and Seeking to pierce Invis (note that dodging alone does nothing, so Invis will not help here anyway).
Area: Kotobuki Town, Netopia, NetVegas
HP: 100
Attack Damage/Effect: 10 Null + Blind + Slashing + Seeking + Stun + To-All-Clause
Attack Accuracy: S
Attack Description: Throws bomb that explodes in one turn in a flash.
Element: None.
Possible Rewards (Per Virus): FlashBomb1, Zenny
Special: 20 HP Bomb used in attack explodes at the end of the following turn. They fizzle harmlessly if destroyed. (BigHat) -

Properties: Light
Object Damage: 40 + Stun
Damage Method: Throw, Knockback, Microburst, Telekinesis, Gust
Attack Damage: 40 + Seeking + Stun + Blind + Blast 4
Accuracy: D (thrown) / A (trigger)
Description: Throws a small flashbang 3 panels ahead. at the end of the second turn after it is thrown, it will detonate, dealing damage, stunning, blinding, and canceling invisibility for everything caught in the blast radius.
Duration: 2 turns or until destroyed.
Element: Elec
Trader Rank: D
PogoJackPogoJack (PogoJack)
A virus that looks like a green/blue/pink/red/orange/yellow/black jackhammer and moves across the net cracking the earth with its ever-activated pile-driver. Two arms with gloves hands extend up from the sides and hold its own handle. A silly face adorns the front with an angry scowl.
Area: Electown, Kotobuki Town, Netopia, NetVegas
HP: 80
Attack Damage/Effect: 10 x 2 Drop Attack + Break + Impact + Movement
Attack Accuracy: C
Attack Description: PogoJack jumps a short distance into the air and then comes down on a target, hammering them with its piledriver.
Element: Normal
Possible Rewards (Per Virus): PileDriver1, Zenny
Special: Whenever this virus moves, the next panel it lands on becomes cracked. This virus does not break cracked panels it lands on, but breaks them when it moves away. (PogoJack) -

Accuracy: B
Description: The Navi summons a rapidly pumping jackhammer that occupies one of their appendages. Bearing down on an immobile target will deal greater damage.
Duration: Once
Element: Null
Special: Piledriver: If the first hit connects with Knockback and the second hit also connects, the second hit deals double damage.
Trader Rank: D
DarkProgDarkProg (DarkProg)
DarkProgs are Mr. Progs cruelly corrupted and warped to become expendable soldiers. They appear mostly as normal Mr. Progs, but their face is much more darkly colored, and have glowing white eyes, as well as missing their left arm. They attack by emitting static around themselves. While they are fairly strong attackers, especially in groups, they have poor endurance, which is only exacerbated by the fact their attacks harm themselves. They very rarely dodge, but will often try to move close to the enemy before attacking.
Area: SciLab, Netopia, NAXA
HP: 60
Primary Attack Damage/Effect: 20 Elec + Nova 2
Primary Attack Accuracy: C
Primary Attack Description: Emits some of its life energy as a static field.
Secondary Attack Damage/Effect: Damage x 2, Self-Sacrifice x 2
Secondary Attack Accuracy: S
Secondary Attack Description: Charges up energy within itself. On its next turn, all of this virus's attacks deal +100% Source Damage, and deal twice as much damage to itself. This effect does not stack with itself.
Element: Elec
Possible Rewards (Per Virus): RingZap1 (Rare), Zenny
Special: ElecBody: This virus takes no damage from Elec elemental attacks.
Special: Self-Sacrifice: Every time this virus uses its Primary Attack, it loses 5 HP.
Special: Can use PanelGrab once. (DarkProg) -

Accuracy: B
Description: Two sparks spin around the user, which damages anything foolish enough to draw near.
Duration: One turn
Element: Elec
Special: Damages anyone that gets within melee range of the user, regardless of why they're that close.
Special: This chip automatically attacks every action, starting with the action the user first uses it.
Trader Rank: D (Rare)
MagTectMagTect (MagTect)
MagTect move and dodge at slightly above average speed. In spite of the fact that they have wings, and hover above the ground, they are still subject to the effects of the terrain below. Regardless, they are very dangerous thanks to their ability to exert control over enemy movements with pincer attacks and magnetic pull effects. They know how to use these effects, too. MagTects avoid liquid terrain types if at all possible, as they do not function well at all if forcibly submerged.
Area: SciLab, Electown, Netfrica, NAXA
HP: 90
Primary Attack Damage/Effect: 20 Elec + Stun 1 + Magnetic Pull
Primary Attack Accuracy: B
Primary Attack Description: Pulls opponents towards them and hits with a magnet. Stuns.
Secondary Attack Damage/Effect: 10 Elec + Seeking + Pincer Attack x 2 Missiles
Secondary Attack Accuracy: C
Secondary Attack Description: Shoots two MagnetMissiles at a target: one from each side. The missiles move as if to pass the target, then suddenly turn towards each other in a pincer attack with the target between them.
Element: Elec
Possible Rewards (Per Virus): MagBolt1, MagnetMissile1 (Rare), Zenny
Special: Pincer Attack: Attacks a single chosen target from two opposing directions at the same time. (MagTect) -

Accuracy: B
Description: Uses an electromagnet to pull the target into range, then stuns them with a close range electrical shock.
Duration: Once
Element: Elec
Special: Magnetic Pull: A stronger version of the Pull effect that either pulls the target towards you, or you towards the target over a greater distance than normal.
Trader Rank: D,

Accuracy: B
Description: Launches North and South magnetic homing missiles that converge on one target.
Duration: Once
Element: Elec
Special: Pincer Attack: Attacks a single chosen target from two opposing directions at the same time.
Trader Rank: D (Rare)
HauntedCandleHauntedCandle (HauntedCandle)
This virus attacks every action if able.
Area: Kotobuki Town, Netfrica, Hades Isle, NetVegas
HP: 100
Attack Damage/Effect: 20 Fire + Square Attack + Ground Attack
Attack Accuracy: B
Attack Description: Creates flame spire in a square. Targets panels.
Element: Fire
Possible Rewards (Per Virus): BurnSquare1, Zenny
Special: Immobile.
Special: Heat Body: This virus is immune to Fire damage and associated effects.
Special: Square Attack: Attacks a 2 panel x 2 panel square area.
Special: Candle: Can be snuffed by Wind, which prevents it from attacking. Fire relights it. (HauntedCandle) -

Accuracy: B
Description: Creates a small, square shaped explosion of will-o-wisps that erupt from the ground, scorching the very soul of whatever is occupying that space.
Duration: Once
Element: Fire
Trader Rank: D
BluegonBluegon (Bluegon)
Bluegons do not appear before Battle 6. They are extremely territorial among their own kind, so only one HoleDragon can appear per battle. Because they live among holes, they cannot appear without at least 5% Missing terrain.
Area: Sharo
HP: 200
Primary Attack Damage/Effect: 40 Aqua + Wide Attack
Primary Attack Accuracy: A
Primary Attack Description: Exhales a wide stream of ice breath.
Secondary Attack Damage/Effect: 50 Aqua + Knockback + Ground Attack
Secondary Attack Accuracy: C
Secondary Attack Description: Creates a wave of ice water that crashes into an enemy.
Element: Aqua
Possible Rewards (Per Virus): AquaLine (Rare), IceDragon1 (Rare), Zenny
Special: As this virus is always in a hole, it is immune to all Ground attacks.
Special: While this virus will never leave holes, it may still swerve to avoid attacks.
Special: This virus can use an action to duck inside its hole. This counts as a dodge. It may reemerge from that same hole, or a different hole on the battlefield, as a free action afterward. (Bluegon) -

Accuracy: B
Description: Creates a swift current that strikes a single enemy. Rare
Duration: Once
Element: Aqua
Trader Rank: C (Rare),

Accuracy: B
Description: Summons a Bluegon from broken or missing terrain to breathe frost on up to three enemies, solidifying them with cold. Rare
Duration: Once
Element: Aqua
Special: Ice Type: This chip counts as Ice Type for the purposes of potentially freezing targets on Aqua Element Terrain or environments, as applicable.
Trader Rank: C (Rare)
PiranhaPiranha (Piranha)
Piranha viruses work as a hive-mind. They all move at the same time, attempt to detect targets at the same time, and once a targets is detected by any of them, they all attack that one target at the same time. Moving and searching for targets takes one action. Attacking takes another. Any Piranha just recovering from a status effect that prevents normal operation will resume acting in unison with the rest of the group.
Area: Yoka, Dentech, Beach
HP: 60
Attack Damage/Effect: 5 Aqua x 3 Shots
Attack Accuracy: A
Attack Description: Locks on and fires 3 tridents.
Element: Aqua
Possible Rewards (Per Virus): TriArrow, TrainArrow1, Zenny
Special: Floating. When multiple Piranha virii are on the field at once, they attack one target as a group. (Piranha) -

Accuracy: B
Description: Launches volleys of three steel needles at up to three targets.
Duration: Once
Element: Null
Trader Rank: D,

Accuracy: Buster Accuracy = A
Description: Allows the user to fire Aqua Spears from buster.
Duration: 6 Uses.
Element: Aqua
Special: Overrides Buster. Disables Charged Shot.
Trader Rank: D
NullNull (Null&Void)
Null&Void viruses are extremely dangerous top tier viruses. No player should encounter one until at least battle 6. Null&Void viruses move and dodge at an average rate by walking normally, but they also teleport before and after executing their melee attack. They regenerate half of their HP every action and their vortexes have the ability to instantly destroy objects and EJO or delete victims instantly with Gravity Crush. Their strategy revolves entirely around forcing an enemy into a vortex, and their attack choices will always be something that furthers that goal if possible. If not, they will settle for using objects and the terrain to damage or hinder the enemy. They are intelligent enough to use their abilities to cause a great deal more havoc than the average virus.
Area: Sharo, NAXA
HP: 100
Primary Attack Damage/Effect: Set 2x Panel Trap: (10 Aqua + Gravity Crush 50 + Object Erasure)
Primary Attack Accuracy: E
Primary Attack Description: Automatically creates two whirlpools on the field. Each whirlpool takes up one panel, and remains there until either something moves into it or until the end of the turn, whichever comes first. This attack may only be executed once per turn at the beginning of every turn, and does not require an action on the part of the virus. Whirlpools never appear over Missing Terrain and cannot be summoned on Broken Terrain. Terrain changes have no effect on whirlpools, at all, as they have been known to float in mid air over even Broken Panels once they have been summoned.
Secondary Attack Damage/Effect: (Teleport) then (10 Aqua + Impact + Knockback)
Secondary Attack Accuracy: B
Secondary Attack Description: Teleports next to an enemy or object, and pushes them suddenly. If it is an enemy, they will try to push them into the nearest Whirlpool, or at least towards it. If it is an Object, the virus will push it at the nearest enemy. They teleport back to their starting position after the attack ends.
Tertiary Attack Damage/Effect: 10 Aqua + Piercing + Altitude Change
Tertiary Attack Accuracy: D
Tertiary Attack Description: Generates a gravity ball and throws it in a straight line. The gravity ball travels slowly, but will pass through anything that stands in its path. It also forces enemies in High Altitude and Burrowed/Submerged enemies to ground level, regardless of their position on the field.
Element: Aqua
Possible Rewards (Per Virus): GravityHold1, Whirlpool (Rare), Zenny
Special: Gravity Crush: Instantly defeats any target with HP at or below the numeric value. Undershirt will not prevent this effect from working. If the target would survive Gravity Crush damage, they instead only take the base Aqua damage.
Special: Object Erasure: Instantly destroys Objects on contact.
Special: Altitude Change: Forces all battle participants out of High Altitude or Submerged status, regardless of whether or not it hits them. This effect cannot be avoided.
Special: Regen(50): This virus regenerates 50 HP per action. (Null&Void) -

Accuracy: D
Description: Creates a gravity well that penetrates obstacles. There is no limit to how many enemies this attack can hit, but as it moves very slowly and in a straight line, it is easily dodged.
Duration: Once
Element: Null
Special: Altitude Change: Forces all battle participants out of High Altitude or Submerged status, regardless of whether or not it hits them. This effect cannot be avoided.
Trader Rank: D,

Accuracy: C
Description: Throws a gravity bomb that crushes weak enemies, and deals a small amount of damage to stronger enemies. Rare
Duration: Once
Element: Aqua
Special: Gravity Crush: Instantly defeats any target with HP at or below the numeric value. Undershirt will not prevent this effect from working. If the target would survive Gravity Crush damage, they instead only take the base 10 Aqua damage.
Special: Object Erasure: Instantly destroys Objects on contact.
Trader Rank: C (Rare)
Puffy-APuffy-A (Puffy-A)
Area: Yoka, Beach, Sharo
HP: 100
Attack Damage/Effect: 10 Aqua + Spread(8) + Homing + Ground Attack
Attack Accuracy: C
Attack Description: Fires a 10 HP bouncing bubble which explodes after hitting an object or enemy or being destroyed.
Element: Aqua
Possible Rewards (Per Virus): Spreader1, BubbleSpreader1 (Rare), Zenny
Special: Immobile. (Puffy-A) -

Accuracy: A
Description: A gun whose shot explodes on impact to hit nearby enemies.
Duration: Once
Element: Null
Trader Rank: D,

Accuracy: A
Description: Shoots a bubble blast that explodes on impact to hit nearby enemies.
Duration: Once
Element: Aqua
Trader Rank: D (Rare)
ForestDragonForestDragon (ForestDragon)
This high tier virus is only encountered after battle 5. A PotDragon's pot is stationary during battle, as it remains above the panel the virus appeared on until battle is over or the virus is deleted, and will not fall even if the panel below it should be destroyed. PotDragons have two main attacks, each geared towards either ground or aerial targets. When executed, the pot tilts or falls over, and the dragon charges at the enemy before looping back and returning to the pot. When threatened, they will duck into the pot, which is both indestructible and capable of shielding them from all damage and effects except those that manage to fly into the mouth of the pot. Even Beam Attacks and Blast damage won't leave a mark.
Area: Dentech, Yumland
HP: 200
Primary Attack Damage/Effect: 30 Wood + Ground Attack + Medium Area Mud Terrain Change + Terrain Changer
Primary Attack Accuracy: C
Primary Attack Description: Charges from its pot at high speed to attack ground-based enemies whilst leaving a trail of Mud in its wake.
Secondary Attack Damage/Effect: 30 Wood + Impact + Group Attack (Arc)
Secondary Attack Accuracy: C
Secondary Attack Description: Flies from its pot at high speed to attack airborne enemies.
Tertiary Attack Damage/Effect: Invulnerability to Non-Drop Attacks/attacks from above.
Tertiary Attack Accuracy: S
Tertiary Attack Description: PotDragons hide in their pots instead of dodging. Doing this protects them from attacks from every direction but up, which is where the opening of the pot is.
Element: Wood
Possible Rewards (Per Virus): WoodDragon1, Zenny (ForestDragon) -

Accuracy: C
Description: Summons a WoodDragon that attacks enemies as it glides across the ground. Changes terrain to Grass as it passes.
Duration: Once
Element: Wood
Special: Terrain Changer: Ceases attacking when the Terrain Change effect is completed (once 25% of the terrain is changed).
Trader Rank: D
SkeeterSkeeter (Skeeter)
Area: Yoka, Okuden Valley, Beach, Yumland, Netfrica
HP: 30
Primary Attack Damage/Effect: 30 Drain (Null)
Primary Attack Accuracy: B
Primary Attack Description: A swarm of Skeeters flies at the target. They will drain HP if they connect.
Element: None
Possible Rewards (Per Virus): Drain1, Zenny
Special: Omnishoes (Skeeter) -

Accuracy: C
Description: Summons a cloud of Skeeter viruses, and sends them flying at one enemy. They surround the target, proceed to drain HP from it, and send the stolen energy back to their summoner before vanishing. This attack has a slow travel speed.
Duration: Once
Element: Null
Trader Rank: D
HardheadHardhead (HardHead)
HardHeads alternate actions between attacking and guarding. These are the only actions HardHeads may perform, and the first action of every battle is always guarding. Hardheads will not break from this pattern unless forced to by status effects. HardHeads cannot be lifted or thrown, even with Rageclaw.
Area: Electown, Kotobuki Town, Dentech
HP: 60
Attack Damage/Effect: 30 Null + Break + Panel Break
Attack Accuracy: C
Attack Description: Fires Cannonball. Breaking. Breaks Panels.
Element: Null
Possible Rewards (Per Virus): Wrecker, Zenny
Special: Immobile.
- Iron Body when not attacking. (HardHead) -

Accuracy: C
Description: A bomb that breaks the ground it lands on
Duration: Once
Element: Null
Trader Rank: D
"If none a them spark yer fancy, yer free to reroll the list if you want."
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Examining the list, Delta found that three viruses caught his attention; DarkProg, ForestDragon, and Skeeter. Eventually though, he selected his target. "Skeeter, then. Any other information that I should have before I go?"
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"Them things? Sounds good, and no there is not much else to it, besides you havin to kill two of them variants to return the bounty, then you can get a new one. Other than that, you get max rewards at 50 kills...not that nobody has hit that tally yet, but everyone gots stuff ta do." He explained before printing out a second sheet for Delta, rewards for X kills and area of where to hunt them.
Bounty Reward for Skeeter (Skeeter)
Area: Yoka, Okuden Valley, Beach, Yumland, Netfrica
2 kills: 400z, turn-in available
5 kills:
Drain1Damage: Drain 50
Accuracy: C
Description: Summons a cloud of Skeeter viruses, and sends them flying at one enemy. They surround the target, proceed to drain HP from it, and send the stolen energy back to their summoner before vanishing. This attack has a slow travel speed.
Duration: Once
Element: Null
Trader Rank: D; OR 1000z
10 kills: 1600z
15 kills: 2400z
20 kills:
Drain2Damage: Drain 70
Accuracy: C
Description: Summons a cloud of Skeeto viruses, and sends them flying at one enemy. They surround the target, proceed to drain HP from it, and send the stolen energy back to their summoner before vanishing. This attack has a slow travel speed.
Duration: Once
Element: Null
Trader Rank: C; OR
Drain1Damage: Drain 50
Accuracy: C
Description: Summons a cloud of Skeeter viruses, and sends them flying at one enemy. They surround the target, proceed to drain HP from it, and send the stolen energy back to their summoner before vanishing. This attack has a slow travel speed.
Duration: Once
Element: Null
Trader Rank: D + 3000z; OR 4000z
30 kills: 5000z
50 kills:
Drain2Damage: Drain 70
Accuracy: C
Description: Summons a cloud of Skeeto viruses, and sends them flying at one enemy. They surround the target, proceed to drain HP from it, and send the stolen energy back to their summoner before vanishing. This attack has a slow travel speed.
Duration: Once
Element: Null
Trader Rank: C + 3000z; OR
Drain1Damage: Drain 50
Accuracy: C
Description: Summons a cloud of Skeeter viruses, and sends them flying at one enemy. They surround the target, proceed to drain HP from it, and send the stolen energy back to their summoner before vanishing. This attack has a slow travel speed.
Duration: Once
Element: Null
Trader Rank: D + 4000z; OR 7000z
"There ya go pardner, enjoy yer bug bites!"
Bounty Reward for Skeeter (Skeeter)
Area: Yoka, Okuden Valley, Beach, Yumland, Netfrica
2 kills: 400z, turn-in available
5 kills:

Accuracy: C
Description: Summons a cloud of Skeeter viruses, and sends them flying at one enemy. They surround the target, proceed to drain HP from it, and send the stolen energy back to their summoner before vanishing. This attack has a slow travel speed.
Duration: Once
Element: Null
Trader Rank: D; OR 1000z
10 kills: 1600z
15 kills: 2400z
20 kills:

Accuracy: C
Description: Summons a cloud of Skeeto viruses, and sends them flying at one enemy. They surround the target, proceed to drain HP from it, and send the stolen energy back to their summoner before vanishing. This attack has a slow travel speed.
Duration: Once
Element: Null
Trader Rank: C; OR

Accuracy: C
Description: Summons a cloud of Skeeter viruses, and sends them flying at one enemy. They surround the target, proceed to drain HP from it, and send the stolen energy back to their summoner before vanishing. This attack has a slow travel speed.
Duration: Once
Element: Null
Trader Rank: D + 3000z; OR 4000z
30 kills: 5000z
50 kills:

Accuracy: C
Description: Summons a cloud of Skeeto viruses, and sends them flying at one enemy. They surround the target, proceed to drain HP from it, and send the stolen energy back to their summoner before vanishing. This attack has a slow travel speed.
Duration: Once
Element: Null
Trader Rank: C + 3000z; OR

Accuracy: C
Description: Summons a cloud of Skeeter viruses, and sends them flying at one enemy. They surround the target, proceed to drain HP from it, and send the stolen energy back to their summoner before vanishing. This attack has a slow travel speed.
Duration: Once
Element: Null
Trader Rank: D + 4000z; OR 7000z
"There ya go pardner, enjoy yer bug bites!"