Coastal Paths

Her movements had the knight on the back foot for the moment as she moved inwards at him, but he would tense up, crouching slightly as he himself pushed back and twisted around midair with a, more of a pirouette as the roll of electricity went across his body and sword (10,10) as a second roll of sparks did the same (10,10), errant twitches beneath the armor but his sword gave off another blast of energy like before as he held it still just long enough, barely managing to clip her turbulant barrier and coming back at him full force, a cut across his sword from the bounced back energy (10), but despite it all, he seemed unphased by the powerful dancer in front of him.

Edging back a bit more as he held his two-handed stance, but he nodded his head as he listened to her talk. "We are creatures of learning and understanding, Lyntael. Well, our creators are at least, but we do get it from them. And I can see your apprehensions. The nets have become "peaceful" for lack of a better term. We learn and grow, just like them, be it on our own or with help from others." He began before rushing in with his claymore held high, looking as it was coming in, straight down upon her head...before curving it not unlike a crescent moon's shape, but was blown back by a third sudden explosion of energy that skidded him back just enough to miss her (10,10) by a hair's bredth and striking hard into the paneling with a diagonal gash just in front of her feet. The strength had not left his body yet, but, he was well in her way to get given a proper hit as she blasted him square in the chest (50) with little he could do about it, with the resulting followups (30x5) breaking his grip from his sword and causing him to slide back even further than before.

"Hooooooo...quite the strike..." He breathed out, having lost his train of thought for a moment as he changed his tactics immediately, watching her, for a moment and letting her get her breath back before she struck again. BeastKnight dodging out of the way with a leap that would bring him far off to the left of her, though the spread of the attack would manage to hit the sword, cracks and chips very much evident on the weapon now. "It sounds've gotten over some traumas in your've put one step forward on your new path. And that's a big step some never take. You're strong, Lyn. Never let anyone say otherwise." He spoke again, she could feel his gaze and, practically, a smile on his face. The feeling lingered, just for a moment, before he rushed for his blade, grabbing it's hilt and quickly lifting it out of the ground, before sweeping back and standing face to face with her, dual handing his blade. "And I can're struggling with something physically. Let off that steam, and don't be afraid to take a breather. I'm not gonna strike you while you're down, this isn't some life or death situation. But this is some of the most fun I've had in a while, so...don't go overexerting yourself if you can help it."

-- Challenger --
BeastKnight.EXE: 820 HP (In front of Lyntael, just out of range of her novas) (Re-armed) (Strengthen??)
Claymore: 50 HP (Re-Equipped)(Object properties) (Passive ability: 10 Shot-Slash damage per turn)

-- Navis --
Lyntael.EXE: 320 HP (Roughly 5-o-clock from BK's position) (Casing10) (ElecBarrier50) (Slow1) (Off-target2)

-- Terrain --
100% Normal
  • No effects.
(Walls have formed on the edges of the field to prevent falling off, if holes are made, they go down a floor to Sand paneling)
Across from her opponent, Lyntael exhaled as the swell of power pressed at her, bridling against her restraint. It was coursing through her limbs and making her strikers buzz and hum with bright glows of eager electricity. Across her body, light caustics danced beneath her skin in rapid patterns, occasionally breaking the surface to arc in small snaps and crackles. She breathed in again. Slow down.

She resumed her light stance and raised her hands again as her opponent spoke to give her space, but as much as she appreciated the gesture, a test was only a test if it was fair. She grit her teeth, somewhere between a grin for him, and a snarl against the burning in her muscles for herself.

“The people who really want to... hurt me... they aren't going to politely wait for me to be ready. And... and if I overload myself in a fight with someone like... like him... well, I...” She closed her eyes, pushing the memory aside. “I know how that ends, and it's not good. I need to be ready.” Lyntael focused and honed her mind against the burning pain beginning to building up as she held her charge without releasing it. Above, the gathering grey clouds rumbled again and spatters of rain began to fall. She glanced up as the first droplets hissed against her electrified skin. Smaller pains were inconsequential, beside preventing the ones that really mattered. Never again.

As she stabilised for a moment, the feeling of static and ozone in the air became a brief reverberating hum that might tingle across the senses of anyone close by – if he were susceptible to it, it might even becalm her challenger for an extra moment or two... or of course, he might just be the kind to wait patiently for combatants to exercise their power-up sequences, if that was his preferred trope. The thought didn't occur to Lyntael herself.

Above lightning cracked in the clouds, and then the storm broke from spattering rain into an increasing downpour. Around Lyntael, the whipping winds circled up again, blustering as they ruffled her vest and she turned her face towards the rain with a calmer breath, her body glowing softly in the centre of the tempest and steadfast to any opportunistic offence the knight took in the moment.

The weight of charge burning in her still had her hands and feet feeling fuzzy and more sluggish than they should, but she exhaled again and returned her gaze to focusing on her opponent and another stabilising pulse of electricity rolled off her form and danced across the gathering puddles of rain water that formed all around.

“I wasn't made to be a fighter... and I never wanted to be one.” She darted towards BeastKnight now, looking for an opening as her charge looked for an excuse to release and she held the majority of it in check. “But I think, even if I have to now... That's okay.” When she caught what looked like a moment to strike, she led with one fist in a sharp driving motion, but rolled it into a feint at the last moment, dropping her shoulder and letting the rest of her body spin into easy momentum until she could bring her opposite heel down over the top in a helm-breaking strike that flared with lighting.

The burst of light blinded briefly as arcs from it spread out and away from the point where her charge released, seeking other targets to ground themselves on. As Lyntael finished the rolling motion and and came upright again. It was only a small release, compared to the weight building in her now, but even so, there was a relief and even a mild ecstasy to the sensation of letting the power flow, just for a moment. Her guard came up as she straightened, watching her opponent through the now pouring rain while brief flashes above lit the sky and the wind rushed in a broad circle around their arena.

“It's fine, I think... because it's me choosing. I wasn't made for this, I was never intended to be a combat navi... but I can still choose my path, and if I can learn to handle this...” her breathing was more laboured now, she noticed; each small expenditure met with a fresh surge of energy cycling up from the core of her being and leaving her breathless. “...can learn to protect the ones who matter to me, as much as I can... then that's what I want to do.” She managed a brief grin while water tried to weigh down her hair across her eyes and its own sparking dance of sparks pushed back. Her eyes were starting to sting too, she could feel it at the edges. “So please... don't hold back... Hahh... because in a few seconds I'm not sure I'll be able to.”


L1) Action Precluded: Buster Charge
L2) A Scarred Soul, with love to give (Damage Reduction (10, 1 Round), 40Hp Casing, Stun (1 Action)), Self-Slow (1 Rank, 1 Round), 3CD (Overcharge -2)
L3) As I Look to the Sky, and my wounds bleed wet (Stage Chance (Sea; aesthetic as torrential rain), 10Elec Nova4, Knockback), 15Hp Sacrifice, Recovery Time (1 Action), 4CD (Overcharge -4)
L4) Action Precluded: Recovery Time
L5) My Soul Screams, and yet I fight (ShotBase(50)Elec Nova2, Knockback), Charge-Burner, 3CD (Overcharge +2)
L6) My Thoughts Collected, no more to hide (Take Aim, ShotBase(50)Elec Spread2, Impact, Knockback), Self-Slow (1 Rank, 1 Round), 3CD (Overcharge +4)
L*) Fast Armour: 10Hp Casing Refresh, if it's broken

Cooldowns and Overcharge
My Pain is Real; it lingers after (Cooling)
My Fear Swells, but I hold tight (2TCD)
My Soul Screams, and yet I fight (3TCD)
My Faith Can Heal, with time for laughter (2TCD)
My Torment Rebels; I will not break (1TCD)
My Heart Falters, yet beats anew (1TCD)
My Fear Rejected, with hopeful stride (2TCD)
My Anger Directed, 'gianst violent threat (2TCD)
As I Look to the Sky, and my wounds bleed wet (4TCD)
A Manifest Spirit, and eyes that dance (2TCD)
A Scarred Soul, with love to give (3TCD)

Overcharge: Begin: +12, A Scarred Soul (-2), As I Look to the Sky (-4), My soul Scream (+2), My Thoughts Collected (+4), End: +12
He stood his ground as the lightning, thunder and the clouds above continued to thunder on and rain beginning to fall. Lyntael wasn't the first who had "issues" with their strength that he's fought, but she wouldn't be the last, that was for sure. But regardless he began to hold his sword up defensively as she charged her buster and he in turn brought out a small syringe, the navi quickly bringing it to his neck and pushing the plunger, a soft hiss as the liquid flowed into him and a soft sigh, his signature getting a bit of a boost in Rogan's PET (+80) before tossing the syringe aside with a clatter.

"Heheh. A storm is brewing Lyn, all this power you control...or lack therein I suppose. Just let it out, I'll survive what you can dish out. Just consider me a big ol target dummy that hits back." He began as she continued to power herself up, the rain beginning to pool upon the closed off field, she had really thought of everything...but then he could feel tingles across his body, his muscles beginning to lock...sieze...he could power through it, but it would be difficult regardless as he could feel her knocking him back with her barely contained power against the wall (20). And then he took his chance, rushing towards her in a moment of weakness, hands fully wrapped around his sword...and with a cleaving strike, he brought the blade down whole on her as she recovered, striking fully, weight, sharpness, he cleaved through her defenses and struck a blow straight down her middle, pain would come in almost immediately after her defenses breached (20 Impactx2+30 Breakx2 (10 Spillover)+Strengthen 20+50 Slashing=80 total breached damage) though it's hard to say if her clothing would survive the strike.

But as soon as the strike hit, his muscles fully siezed up from the tickles on his skin, a grunt through gritted teeth...and a larger, more pained grunt, as she struck him with a powerful hit across his head, the helm quickly cracking down a fair bit from where she struck and falling off...showing a less than flattering part of BeastKnight's vissage, scars and, more importantly...trumor-like bumps across the bits that were visable. This caused him to reel back in pain, but her second strike would certainly make sure he would reel back further onto his plated ass, she had managed to topple him with her strikes and in the process, his Claymore had shattered to pieces in the process (100!, 100!, 100!). He would slowly feel his body's ability to move come back, shaking his head letting a couple brownish locks fall into view from the slightly broken helmet and a groan of pain.

"Nnnnnn...quite the kick and blow..." He breathed, just a little out of breath from the attacks, as he stared at her, the mouth she could see a little bloodied, but he would wipe it away. "Hahahaha...not many get a glimpse of what's beneath this helm. But it's not a bother. Not all of us wanted to become fighters." He continued on with a chuckle. "I didn't. I was just a normal navi long ago...but...things happened, I can barely remember now. But I was transformed into what you see before you, and...well...had to earn money to keep living. But...I grew a taste for battle while my op worked." He breathed, shaking his head before letting out another chuckle. "'s not bad to choose to fight. Protect those close to you. And who might learn to let loose more as time goes on." He continued as he slowly rose to his feet, and he clenched his fists. "So come at me Lyn. Don't hold back." He finished, flashing Lyn a grin.

-- Challenger --
BeastKnight.EXE: 700 HP (In front of Lyntael) (Strengthen30)

-- Navis --
Lyntael.EXE: 225 HP (Straight ahead from BK) (Casing10) (Slow1) (Off-target2)

-- Terrain --
100% Sea
  • Fire Elementals lose 10 HP/action standing, 20 HP/action submerged. Other Non-Aqua Elementals lose 5 HP/action submerged. Nullified for Aqua Elementals.
  • Ice attacks: 50% Freeze1 chance, Changes terrain hit to Ice.
  • Terrain changes between Sea and Onsen do not inflict damage upon submerged entities, nor do they eject submerged entities to the surface.
  • Elec attacks: +100% Source Damage.
  • PanelShot: Imbue Aqua.
(Walls have formed on the edges of the field to prevent falling off, considered Sea due to rainfall and pooling water on the field)
As they fought, Lyntael assessed her opponent. She didn't know what was in the shot he'd given himself, but strength seemed to be his forte, and she was fairly sure she had the edge on him in plain speed and agility. She moved with the fight, trading words with him as she looked for openings, but all it took was a moment of misjudgement, and a moment of the knight moving quicker than she anticipated. Despite their mutual reassurances as they battled, the blow that finally landed against Lyntael tore a cry of sudden pain from the girl. There was no stoic warrior's discipline here; as the blade stroke cut down and through, Lyntael heard her own scream accompanying the searing white line of sudden pain.

There was more that happened, in the sudden moment; BeastKnight might notice the strangeness of her defences, and the way they stopped – or in this case only reduced – the damaging force of the weapon, but not its physical presence from passing through to slam and cut her. The blade tore down from collarbone to hip as Lyntael tried, too slow, to twist away from the strike – it sheared through the remaining catches on her vest and dragged the ruined fabric with it as the blade stroke fell away from her.

Though she hadn't seemed to notice the sudden expose and loss of decency herself, recovering from the staggering strike as one hand leap up to press the lightly bleeding cut as red stain ran down from the wound, another voice, hitherto unheard, cut across the rain-swept battlefield.

“Lyntael! That's enough!!” Rogan's voice was sharp in this moment, but Lyntael only barely heard it at the edge of her senses. Lighting flared from her injury, flickering and fanning out as she staggered back around into a lower combat stance. The storm of energy inside her strained, howled to release; to respond to the pain with a violent fury that rose as a growl in her throat. She could feel the rain on her back; bare skin; pain of sliced flesh stinging. It was always the same. Never again.

“Don't touch me!” The shout came, unbidden, as she dug her toes in for a moment and leap forward, closing the distance towards her attacker in flash of light. She was there, leading fist flaring with barely controlled lightning force towards him, almost without seeming to cross the intervening space, and as she struck her whole form blurred and flickered with electricity. Lyntael felt the energy flow, let it release and welcomed the rush of power surging through her as it exploded. For a moment, sensation of pain lost to the euphoria of release and she embraced the drain of her expend demanding more charge, faster, harsher.

As the lightning danced across her skin, her body seemed, for a moment, to become nothing but the lightning itself and then she was gone from sight, or nearly enough. Just a rush of sparks striking in a flurry around her target, barely there except to strike, again and again, for a different direction each time.

Lyntael could feel the power surging as she moved, her mind a flood of static barely registering proper thought or sense. It seared at her as she guided her limbs, unseen, in a dance of blows that might have been artful and graceful, if they weren't so fast. A thread of urgent thought fought against the tide to shout that she was going too far; the thought wasn't clearer than that, against the more desperate reaction against the pain; her bare skin; and before her, again, a male with a knife. She let the power flow again in another surging release towards her opponent, the weight of her charge searing through her limbs, to her chest, then out to explode in another violent burst of lightning, delivered point blank. The drain hit her for a moment, and through the brief sense of dulling and emptiness that followed, Rogan's voice.

“Lyntael, Stop! You are not There. That is not Him. Calm down and breath, Lyntael!” The words barely made it to her through the roar of static as her charge cycled up to fill the emptiness again. The blade was gone, said a struggling thought in her mind; she'd destroyed it already. Her form was still an invisible blur of living lighting, but she pushed through it to try to find reality again, passing back and away from her opponent towards the centre of the battlefield again. Her eyes were burning, static overflow falling in cascades from them, and her body hurt as her charge burned at her. Around the edges of their arena, lightning struck and crashed in erratic bolts while the circling winds spiralled into a violent gale. Some part of her knew that she'd have burned out long ago holding this much charge, even a couple of weeks ago. It was still threatening to overwhelm her, but her cut-out hadn't taken hold yet, and the girl grit her teeth trying to hold it together.


L1) Action Precluded: Buster Charge
L2) Half-charge Strike (300Elec, Disarm, A) (Overcharge +4)
L3) My Vision Alters, yet I see through (Buster Charge, Dodge, Invisibility (1 Round)), Off-Target (1 Rank, 1 Round), 3CD (Overcharge -2)
L*) Fast Armour: 10Hp Casing Refresh, if it's broken
L4) My Pain is Real, it lingers after (Counter (On Hit): (10Elec Nova2, Knockback, Time Delay (Start of next turn): Counter (On Hit): (10Elec Nova2, Knockback))), 15Hp Sacrifice, 2CD (Overcharge +1 per Counter Triggered)
L5) Basic Buster Strike (30Null, Disarm x 5 Hits, A)
L6) Half-Charge Strike (300Elec, Disarm, A) (Overcharge +4)

Cooldowns and Overcharge
My Pain is Real; it lingers after (2TCD)
My Fear Swells, but I hold tight (1TCD)
My Vision Alters, yet I see through (3TCD)
My Soul Screams, and yet I fight (2TCD)
My Faith Can Heal, with time for laughter (1TCD)
My Torment Rebels; I will not break (Cooling)
My Heart Falters, yet beats anew (Cooling)

My Fear Rejected, with hopeful stride (1TCD)

My Anger Directed, 'gianst violent threat (1TCD)
As I Look to the Sky, and my wounds bleed wet (3TCD)
A Manifest Spirit, and eyes that dance (1TCD)

A Scarred Soul, with love to give (2TCD)

Overcharge: Begin: +12, Half-Charge Strike (+4), My Vision Alters (-2), My Pain is Real (+1 if triggered), Half-Charge Strike (+4), End: +18/+19

Nerf Tracker
This Round: Self-Slow (2), Off-Target (None)
Next Round: Self-Slow (None), Off-Target (1)
To say BeastKnight had fucked up would be an understatement, the second he realized the damage he had done to her, mentally and physically, there wasn't much more he could do as the scream came out. To Lyntael, it was a flash of emotions, barely a speck of BK however, his eyes had gone wide as plates behind that helm. The grin had faded into...well...a grimace. He hadn't realized the extent of the damage he had done until it was far too late. It was hard to know if his words had even reached her.

But her anger, her trauma, it was evident as she crushed through his armor with precision and strength that had been unseen towards him till now. It had caused the air to escape his lungs (600!) between her ferocity and scared mental state, the knight practically unable to stop her from preparing, he couldn't speak even if he wanted to, he was still reeling from the precise blow against him, practically jumping away, getting distance, he could feel her strikes against his body as he did (30x3) but avoided a potential killing blow...then the followup...the follow up is what brought him low, the back of his armor blown away from the scared, scarred, woman he had been having a friendly fight with up til now (600!). Scars seared across his now bared back...wound after wound scattered across his skin beneath. The searing pain, the broken armor, he couldn't get up from being face down in front of her, the young fighter's strikes having finally forced the battle routines to end. " wish...I suppose..." He groaned out, limbs slack and body sprawled across the arena floor, the walls falling almost unceremoniously as he tried to catch his breath, try in vain to get his words out. Regardless of how the results came about, the battle ended in Lyntael's favor. Data flowing into Rogan's PET, zenny and a chip for a "job well done". Though if they wanted to leave before he could get back up, there was nothing stopping Lyntael from doing so. BeastKnight seemed to be stable...if unable to defend himself.

-- Challenger --
BeastKnight.EXE: 1 HP (In front of Lyntael) (Strengthen30)

-- Navis --
Lyntael.EXE: 225 HP (Straight ahead from BK) (Casing10) (Slow1) (Off-target2)

-- Terrain --
100% Sea
  • Fire Elementals lose 10 HP/action standing, 20 HP/action submerged. Other Non-Aqua Elementals lose 5 HP/action submerged. Nullified for Aqua Elementals.
  • Ice attacks: 50% Freeze1 chance, Changes terrain hit to Ice.
  • Terrain changes between Sea and Onsen do not inflict damage upon submerged entities, nor do they eject submerged entities to the surface.
  • Elec attacks: +100% Source Damage.
  • PanelShot: Imbue Aqua.
(Walls have formed on the edges of the field to prevent falling off, considered Sea due to rainfall and pooling water on the field)

10,800z, BreakSwordDamage: 100 + Break + Slashing + Wide Attack
Accuracy: C
Description: Creates a sturdy but heavy blade that can cut through armor and shielding.
Duration: Until Overridden/Broken. Breaks automatically after 2 swings.
Element: Null
Trader Rank: C
She could feel the wind howling, and the rain clouds overhead; a sudden tempest that had whipped up in answer to the storm in her breast, somehow. Even so, the weather all around paled into faded ephemera against the straining, pulsing beat of her charge and the way it filled her. The net was mutable, barely as real as a canvas for paint, reflecting what was truly real, here and now. The moment crystallised in Lyntael's senses and she grabbed onto it, wrenching control of her rampant charge back from herself and holding it tight. It was hers to control, as much as the winds and the rains, and it would listen. This was not the time or the place, not this time.

In the centre of the battlefield, with another violent static reverb, the young girl's form reappeared in a flash of light. Compared to the overcast, stormy half-light all around them, her body glowed, skin alive with a light that suffused her. She was standing, stance straight and broad with her hands down to either side, palms open and outward while lightning flared and crackled in excess from each of her strikers and her eyes, turned skyward, wept fanning sprays of arcing electricity. Blood sizzled and hissed as sparks filled and danced outward from the open cut down the length of her torso. The fact that she had only a very rain-soaked pair of underpants to even partially preserve some element of decency somewhat detracted from the image.. or possibly added to it, if one was so inclined. Lyntael wasn't really aware of that, so much. She drew a breath and the storm seemed to breath in with her. Then she breathed out, clenching her fists closed and squeezing her eyes shut until the glow faded from her and the wild arcs of lightning shrank, then stopped.

Overhead, the storm rumbled again, but it was the grumble of something settling as the winds grew less wild and the rain rapidly slowed. Lyntael panted a few more quick breaths, staggering a half step as she hugged herself and fought to hold in the weight of charge that wanted out. She could see the other navi, between stinging blinks; she'd gone too far, hurt him. She had to do something, help, but her body wasn't safe... she grit her teeth and stumbled across to her downed opponent, letting herself slump to her knees a few feet from him, leaving him a safe distance away from any errant sparks while her body pulsed with regular beats that shed ripples of excess sparks.

“I'm... I'm sorry, I didn't mean... I shouldn't have let it get that bad... I'm sorry... Are you okay? Please tell me you're okay.” She glanced upwards at the clouds above again.

“Rogan? Rogan is he alright? Can you do anything? I can't... I can't touch anything, not right now... I'll just hurt him more...” She was still aware of the stinging pain down her front, but it was ignorable now that she had herself under control... mostly. The unpleasant memories still lingered, pushing themselves forward for attention, and she could still distantly feel the intrusive way they'd fuelled her instincts and actions in that angry, terrified moment. Wasn't she supposed to be more controlled than that now? Was she meant to be better? She looked on, panting for breath as helpless guilt warred across her worried expression.

“He is stable, as far as I can see, Lyntael... but likely very close to the point where his PET connection will intercede. I'd advise you not get any closer. You are hurt, Lyntael. I think this experiment is done for today. I really don't think you should continue... like that.” There was something else in his words as he spoke, but she brushed them aside, watching the other navi for signs of recovery as she forced her own body to calm down slowly.

“I'm... I'm really sorry. I shouldn't have agreed to this... I thought I had this more under control... I'm sorry.” She had to swallow between heaving breaths and the words made her throat feel hoarse; her heart still hadn't slowed and the hammer of it in her chest wasn't helping.
A long, loud sigh would ring out as Lyntael had finished apologizing to the barely conscious navi. "Again, Beast?" The voice sounded, short and little aggravated. Clearly was the navi's operator. "Well, good thing I invested in subchips..." He continued, slotting in one almost immediately after, Rogan could see BeastKnight's HP values recovering at a rapid rate. The navi letting out a grunt as he could feel his wounds stitching together rapidly, though that didn't take away from the lack of energy he had after such a shocking encounter.

Slowly he would, ever so carefully, get himself sitting up with his back against the wall, his front scarred and burnt from countless battles...including the fresh electrical burns. Breathing slowly and deeply with his eyes closed, he turned towards Lyn. "Heh. Sorry about that...didn't know your clothing wasn't protected by those defenses of yours." He said simply, before flashing her a playful smile. "Should have gone with the blunt weaponry instead, huh?" He joked, stifling a laugh.

"You know, only you could joke about this sort of thing after nearly getting zapped out of existence." His op interjected with even more exasperation in his voice before letting out another sigh. "Wouldn't be the first time, Roger. Wouldn't be the first time." Beastknight replied in turn. "Anyways, Lyn, that was a great fight all things considered...despite the end there. Again, sorry about that, I didn't mean to send you to such a dark place."
As the other navi groaned and began to rouse himself and recover, Lyntael felt some of her tension relax and she focused on breathing deeply and letting her heart slow to a more reasonable pace. Her body continued to spark faintly in rhythmic pulses and she just watched from her kneeling position for a few extra moments while he sorted himself out.

At his first proper comment, Lyntael looked down at herself with a small start and immediately lifted one arm across her chest. She felt a flush of pink hit her cheeks and her gaze slid away to one side in momentary embarrassment. Covering herself barely made any sense at this point, all things considered, but the principle of the matter was still important, or so her immediate thoughts insisted now that the violence and tension were passed.

“Ah... yeah, um... It's not your fault, I'm sorry, I should have... I thought I had myself better under control than that, really. I can't go lashing out whenever something reminds me of... um... reminds me of other things.” She wasn't about to dive into everything that had happened with a stranger, as much as a part of her did feel like she owed him an explanation for her sudden assault. I'm okay now, I promise... Ah, a little sparky. Maybe keep a little distance.... but I'm okay. I'm glad you're alright.” After a moment, she took a longer breath, lifting her face towards the sky and the still lingering breezes, then sighed and rose smoothly to her feet in a graceful motion. She wanted to stretch out a bit and just loosen up again, but for now keeping one hand across her chest was more important. She glanced down at herself again briefly and offered the other navi a rueful grin.

“The clothing wasn't your fault either... you weren't to know. I know none of this is really a danger for most navis, especially not navis with proper combat systems and all of that... It's all visual overrides, and protection values, and getting to stay right a their best and strongest right until they're down...” She shrugged softly and began to pace, stretching out the parts of her body she could while still keeping herself as close to decent as she could manage. “I'm... I'm not like that. Wasn't made for fighting... My defences, near as I can tell... they're all just instinct, not anything that anyone ever designed or wrote or intended. I've learned to control them, mostly, but...” She shrugged and shook her head. Explaining something that she barely understood herself probably wasn't going to go anywhere meaningful.

“Are you going to be okay?” She glanced back over her shoulder towards the other navi, eyebrows arching with a soft expression. Her efforts to warm down and stretch out had become an unconscious series of graceful motions that seemed to move to their own unheard rhythm, stretching and flexing in ways that would be quite easy to appreciate, save for the arm around her chest. Unconsciously, she changed arms part way through her movements, working out the other arm instead while still keeping herself covered. She spared glances towards him whenever her movements allowed, trying to remain polite as she kept speaking.

“I'm supposed to be taking care of a virus issue in the area – a hostile upsurge, apparently... and I...” she paused with her back to BeastKnight, letting both her arms down so that she could examine the cut down her body more carefully. It didn't really seem that bad, truthfully – it stung, but it was barely skin deep and she'd felt far worse pain many times. “I'm going to keep on, and get to the bottom of it, I think.”

“No you will not, Lyntael. I don't care what follies of ill fortune seem to insist on doing this to you, but you are indecent. We're stopping.” Rogan's voice cut in with a weight of exasperation, but Lyntael paused in her steps, folding both of her arms across her chest how as she frowned.

“I'm okay, Rogan. And I really don't think that anyone we're going to be facing soon is going to stop and wait politely if my clothes gets ripped again.” The unspoken words – that actively cutting them off, purely for the torment of it, had been at least one navi's game of choice – drifted across the line in the silence that followed. Lyntael shook her head. “It's just another kind of training. I need to be ready.” It wasn't fair, she knew that, and she felt as though she could practically feel Rogan's indignant frustration at her making arguments like that. She did feel bad, pushing that particular button just to get her way.

“Look, if you've worked out how to fix the problem without pulling me out, then I'd love that, but you know I'm going to have to start over finding this trail again if I stop here. It will be fine, Rogan, I'm sure it will be.” A frustrated sigh was the only immediate answer and she turned her focus back to the other navi. She shifted her arms until she was covering what passed for her breasts with one arm again and glanced at her other hand carefully before extending it towards him.

“Thank you for being kind. And, um, sorry for getting carried away. It was nice meeting you.” Her charge had calmed enough now that, if he shook her hand the most he would feel would be a warmth and a gentle hum of latent charge. She offered him an encouraging grin before getting ready to continue on the trail again. Other navis were rare in this lower network, surely the chances of her running into anyone else was extremely slim at this point.
Beastknight couldn't let out a chuckle followed by a cough and a low groan after. "Hahaha. I'll be fine Lyn. Not the first time a sparring session got too heated." He would simply say, the navi shaking his head, while he could feel the stare of his op on the back of his head regardless. He continued on, making sure to keep his eyes closed for Lyntael's modesty. "Ah, the bounty board I assume?" He asked bluntly, raising his hand up and rolling his wrist a little. "Been a lot of virus uprisings lately, heard it was something about population control. The specifics are a bit over my head, but seems viruses have been "overproducing" lately, so all in all it's a fair deal provided you can handle the work on your usual routes. Which, lets face it, you're in a good spot for that sort of thing, combat oriented or not!" He finished with a hearty laugh and another cough. "Besides, like I said, that was a good fight. I wouldn't mind sitting down sometime and talking some more when you're not busy, think my op wouldn't mind too much...provided it's on a day off of his." He would give her a friendly smile in turn as he finished, rubbing one of those fresh wounds on his chest. "And don't worry. I was looking for an excuse to get a fresh look for battle, saved me the trouble. Hahah!" He would say in addition before giving Lyn a warm, gentle, handshake despite his size and strength.

"You really just invite anyone don't you?" The cool voice came from behind BK and loud enough for Lyntael and Rogan to hear, no face cam, but the op was there at least. "I'm sorry for your garments...Lyntael, was it? I really am, this meat-head here can be a bit overboard with his playing when he likes someone." The voice kept his cool temprement, if not a hint of...annoyance. "Here, let me send you something. You could try it on and see if it fits if nothing else, I assure you, Beast here is not looking...and neither am I." Another sentence came out as the audiable tapping of keys could be heard for a moment, before a garment would materialize next to Lyntael on a maniquin, black in color with some buttons and dials on the sides. "I work with a couple companies and we were looking for a little trial with this new material. It's a type of cyber-rubber for body suits that's rated for military and combat use, there are a number of navis who deal with such "issues" you do. Clothing ripping and being destroyed or being worn down over use. Think of it as an apology for what Beast did. It fits most body types and will stretch and contract based on body type. It may feel as if you're wearing (almost) nothing, but, I assure you it will hold up to even potential cybeast level attacks and damage therein."

The suit was maybe a bit bigger than her, holes for one's head, hands and feet to push through, though despite that it would feel slippery and, more importantly, looked fairly snug. A zipper on the back could be seen, simple, but effective for getting into something like what she was presented even if it could "catch" potentially. Seemed almost like a wetsuit more than anything, but some poking and prodding would give off a proper "rubbery" feel, a stretch here and a snap there. "Oh, and the buttons and dials on the sides there will disappear once you properly wear it, they'll tune to the RGB spectrum to color it as you see fit, though we haven't figured out how to make designs and paterns natively on it. So it's just solid colors you can make." Roger would pipe up for a moment. "But please, take your time adjusting it to your "prefered" colors."
As much as she was more or less prepared to continue on her own way, the last offer from the other navi's operator was enough to make her pause and glance back towards the new display presented. A soft, thoughtful frown brushed her features as she listened to the explanation and let her eyes take in the peculiar suit with a costume-designer's eye. It looked simple enough, and very thin, though she had to suppose that when it came to designs for material, her habit of following normal physical constraints was just that, really, and the thinness of this material didn't need to be any limitation on its other capabilities. She bit her lip softly as her feet carried her back to the mannequin and her spare hand lifted one of the sleeves, passing the material between her fingers. The inner side almost reminded her of the gel that covered her when her cross with Eternalis and Aurora was active; soft, slippery and hugging, almost like it should be wet or slimy, but it wasn't. It would glide over skin and cling firm to it, yet without undue friction on contact.

At first she caught herself about to voice the idea that she simply couldn't take this, with a half a dozen small explanations about how foreign clothing didn't play well with her crosses, and how she wouldn't be able to preserve it properly going home, either, and... but she closed her mouth again and bit the polite modesty back before giving any of it voice; there was politeness, and there was silly, and she was standing here in nothing but her knickers. Take the clothes.

“It's a fascinating material. I'll... I'll try it on. One minute...” She began slipping it off the mannequin with careful movements, putting her back to the other navi so she could use both hands more freely.

“A moment, Lyntael...” Rogan's voice was cool and serious again; she was actually a little surprised he hadn't objected outright to the idea of her taking on material data from an unknown source, but he was clearly put out by her on-going wardrobe malfunctions, so maybe he was letting himself make a concession or two. A small smirk touched her lip at the thought.

“Alright, it's clean. I hope your new friend does not mind, but they certainly won't be receiving any ongoing biometric data or feedback on you from this gift. I've quarantined and sterilised it for external links and trackers.” The other navi's operator had seemed to mention wanting to find someone to test it for them, and she guessed that having data from such a test probably mattered to them, but there was not going to be any arguing with Rogan on this matter. Instead, she glanced over her shoulder with a quick, apologetic smile.

“I... I can't have that kind of stuff, sorry, but I could send you a message later, let you know how it performed, if you want?” She only spared them a moment for the glance, then turned her focus back towards actually trying on the outfit. It seemed designed to be worn against the skin directly, and after an extra moment or two hesitation, and a second glance back over her shoulder to make sure no-one was peeking, she quickly stripped off her remaining undergarment and folded the scrap of cloth up in one hand before stepping into the suit and pulling it up past her hips. A few tugs and quick adjustments later and she was settling it over her shoulders and pulling the back zipper all the way up.

It really was... very snug. Lyntael felt a soft blush creep across her cheeks as she shifted in the new outfit, her hips unconsciously rolling side to side as she moved from one foot to the other and got used to the press of the material against her body, and the way the silky material really did press in and hug 'everywhere'. Maybe she should have left her panties on after all. Oh well. They weren't wrong about it feeling like she was barely wearing anything at all, either... only the lack of feeling the wind on her skin, and the press of the outfit in certain more sensitive places, were any clues that she was dressed at all, at least as far as physical sensation went. She shifted again, still not quite at home with how much detail and definition the suit traced her figure with. Somehow she felt almost more indecent dressed like this, than she had a minute ago.

She distracted herself by raising the arm that bore the small series of adjustment dials and beginning to fiddle with them, watching the change in hue and tone against her forearm as she tweaked the suit from its default black through towards a softer, more pastel pale yellow. At one point, Rogan cleared his throat and Lyntael blinked; she realised she was seeing the soft hairs on her forearm as she adjusted the colour, and had let it slide all the way through to near transparency in her quest for the right pastel shade. A hot blush plagued her as she pulled the dial back to something safer and cleared her own throat as though nothing untoward had occurred, confirming her selection and locking it to let the controls fade away.

“Ah... right, okay... Umm... I think that's all taken care of? How do I look?” She grinned and glanced down at herself, doing a quick turn about to let others look properly at last. Her own downward glance reminded her again of just how much detail the skin-tight outfit preserved. She was fully covered and somehow felt more naked than before. The part of her that secretly craved more femininity that she had to offer internally bemoaned how slight her hips, behind and chest were, and how the extreme hugging of contours and curves mostly only emphasised how reserved those curves and grooves were. The rest of her fought off the instinct to blush instead.

“Let us hope that you don't encounter any cold breezes...” Rogan's voice sounded flatly unimpressed, though she'd come to think of his nonplussed remarks as compliments in their own right, at least after a fashion – he was only put out because his attention was being drawn to her femininity, and he wasn't comfortable with thinking of her that way... so... it was sort of a compliment, in that sense, wasn't it? She tried to think of it as such. Without thinking about what she was doing, Lyntael reached up to rub briefly at the left side of her chest just to make sure nothing was standing up or sticking out and she heard Rogan cough with a briefly mortified sound.

“If you're done, Lyntael, perhaps you should get moving again, if you're determined to continue.” She nodded, then looked towards BeastKnight once more.

“Thank you, for this. I'll look after it as best I can, I promise.” She grinned, bowing her head in gratitude to the other navi and his operator, then stepped back again and gave him a short wave before getting ready to continue her search.