Netbattles and Chill

Courser's serious demeanour lasted up until the giant softie of a guard dog began showing his affection. He half leaned away, endured it for a moment or two, then stepped aside, leaving a second decoy to soak up the rest of the licks in his stead; it was just tangible enough to endure something like that, but there was a good chance Cerberus would begin to phase through it if he got too enthusiastic. Despite this, Courser's grim expression had softened to something a little bit more genial as he cautiously reached out to accept the hand shake; his guard was still up, for the most part, but he expected the same was true of Hevari as well.

“It sounds like that's a deal then...” Off to the side, his primary clone was still looking over the edge, into the den below. It glanced back over its shoulder, without making proper eye contact.

“Toothy's kicking up a real thrash boss. Impressive for something' without legs, right?” It shrugged and looked towards the den waters again while Courser shrugged in identical response, and kept his focus on Hevari.

“I'll be back when the waters still...” He tilted his head with the hint of a grin. “I'll be... disappointed if you're not still around...” He moved to strike past her towards the edge of the ice, but stopped just before reaching the same space as his main clone. With a thoughtful expression he half turned back to look at her again.

“One thing... I'd be a bit remiss if I didn't ask... What exactly were you aiming to do to this thing that got him so riled up?” It was worth checking, he felt; if she'd gone and given it hyper-rage juice or something, he felt he should probably know in advance...
She let out a sigh as she turned to the thrashing Cybeast out on the seaside, another breaching as water rained down from above across the area as she furrowed her brow and shook her head. Sleeping toxins made from Snoozy viruses' pillows, to a degree. They also cause poison down below the nets, but my main attempt was to just...lull it to sleep...or at least slow it down enough me and Cerberus could cross with some chip healing. He's a lot faster than I would have imagined, honestly, but part of that's probably the Fishy data I combined into him, and the fact I managed to recreate the FireAura the Scuttz- series of viruses are well known for. I'd go into it, but... She spoke, trying to hold back on her explanations as the Cybeast let out a loud roar into the air, breeching the sea again to cause another massive splash. Well, your "friend" over there is getting more pissed by the second it seems. It smells navi data and I don't doubt that it's hungry due to the lack of contenders. No idea what the toxins will do to it, but it seems to be as energetic as usual.
Courser nodded; as long as she hadn't caused it to grow three extra saw-blade arms or anything like that... He stepped up to the edge along with his clones, who were both watching the sea now. They each glanced at him, one after the other, then turned back to their watch.

“Well, best not keep him waiting then, shall I? Won't be long...” He turned to face Hevari with a side-twisted smirk, then one after another the three CourseMen back-stepped into smooth water-bound dives. The last one winked at her before it disappeared.
Watching him leave, Hevari had a slight sense of trepidation, she watched the man who chased her hell for leather against her way of experimentations, the way she went about it...she was definitely in the wrong, despite everything. Cerberus nearly chasing after the man, but Hevari gently tugging the air in front of her, giving Cerberus enough pause to stop.

As Courser continued in, the waters crashed heavily against the crags and walls all around the area, water splashing coldly against Courser and his clones. As he got into the meat of the area, waters calmed, the blackness beneath him an all encompassing void. Everything seemed still, everything seemed quiet...until the umbral roar that the Shark Cybeast emitted came from all around, the beast itself breaching the waters again, icy cold sea water falling in heavy rivulets as the challenger just barely avoided getting turned into the Cybeast's main course. Many times his size, aqua blue coloring and scales shimmering in the light above...Courser was met with a face-to-face encounter with the creature of legend itself. Cybeast. Squalo.

Hungry Hungry Fishie
Cybeast Squalo: 5000 HP (Sea) (in front of Courser, circling around clockwise)

Would be (not)Hero
Courseman.EXE: 100 HP (Sea) (In front of Cybeast Squalo)

Watery Grave
  • Fire Elementals lose 10 HP/action standing, 20 HP/action submerged. Other Non-Aqua Elementals lose 5 HP/action submerged. Nullified for Aqua Elementals.
  • Ice attacks: 50% Freeze1 chance, Changes terrain hit to Ice.
  • Terrain changes between Sea and Onsen do not inflict damage upon submerged entities, nor do they eject submerged entities to the surface.
  • Elec attacks: +100% Source Damage.
  • PanelShot: Imbue Aqua.
(There's anything else? OF COURSE NOT!)

Battle 20! Network Advancement fight+SqualoOut chance! FIGHT!
As he hit the water and dived down, Courser's main decoy peeled away to one side, swimming fast as though to bear around the outside of the massive shape in the water. Courser himself levelled out as he took a good look at the beast he'd just jumped into the pond with. It was... big.

“Courser! We're all set, as much as I can, I think! Um... I got a part so you can cross safely in the water, and I reorganised your folder to put back all the non-aqua chips, I place of most of the aqua ones! Is... is that it? I'm totally recording this... How much write protection is that!? We don't have enough chips for that!” She continued to ramble at ever increasing levels of excitement and incredulity, but Courser listed with only half an ear as he focused on the situation at hand. Around him ,the shift and shimmer of the dark water made the layers of protection that swirled around his form more indistinct, but he was still comforted by the feel of them encircling him. … If slightly weaker than before... Right, the terrain program would need the space. It was more important if he wanted to make this distance anyway.

“Right then, let's see what you've got then, big boy... I'm right here!” Courser called out through the water as he adopted a loose, mobile stance; fighting under the water was a very different game to fighting on land, and it was no wonder most off-type navis found themselves minced by this beast. Courser, at least, knew how to move properly to roll with the currents and bend his form around even the massive impacts and current strikes he guessed wold soon be heading his way. Part of the trick was letting them move you without giving them purchase, and he was ready... or at least as ready as he could be.

On one hand, the water nearest him coalesced into a circling, rushing current that created a deflecting effect – it wasn't going to stop a creature the size of the shark, of course, but it would give him the edge he needed to negate the force of most things and flow with them unharmed. The first task was to work out how clever the Cybeast actually was. If ti was a dumb brute, then that would mean his decoys would need to be the flamboyant ones. If it was actually smart behind those eyes, he'd need to be craftier as well.

There was something about the Beast that made him frown as he watched its movements; from where his main clone raced away around the edge of the watery den, he could get a decent view of its eyes. Reports made them out to be glowing spots of blue brilliance, but to his eyes they seemed... dull. Definitely blue, but not the fiercely brilliant shine that old reports described. Perhaps Hevari's toxins had actually worked something on it after all... His focus snapped back as he sought to avoid the beast's aggression, ready to split away and leave ever more of himself confusing the waters as he did. The individual retaliation shots weren't going to do much to a beast of that size, but they might distract it, or draw its attention, however briefly. He needed that, for now; he had to make sure he could survive and be stable, first, and then pace himself on wearing the monstrous beast down once he was sure.

Down below the surface, further than Courser himself was swimming, a patch of shadow in the gloom deepened and a shape took form from it. Subtle, compared to courser and his decoy, this one formed off to one side, opposite where Courser had dived in, and solidified into a camo-grey patterned version of his familiar needler, complete with an adapted propeller system instead of its normal treads. As it solidified, a second set of watery shells surrounded it and it paused, tilting up and hovering in the water for an extra few moments.

Courser, meanwhile, felt the slightly mad daredevil grin creep onto the side of his lips as he moved and flowed with the creature, staying close to it. Time to see if he had the strength to pull this off... He lfexed the fingers on his free hand, his wave whip all but invisible under water, and then brought the hand across his body, raking his fingers like claws. In response, a surge of water from one side gained current and flooded across, aiming to broadside the giant shark in the side of its head; the current itself wasn't going to harm the tough hide of the beast, he knew, but as it moved it grew ever more frigid until it became layering ice shards that began to cling to the shark and build up; if he could pull enough power into the effort, it might well freeze up the massive creature, for a precious few moments – if he could do it, then it might save him quite a few extra knocks and blows.

From the deeper depths, the needle turret took its moment, just after the frigid wave washed against Squalo, up above; it fired two small darts, aiming to kick off what would likely be a long fought battle of attrition.


C*) ((TrapMaster: Courser is aware of any traps present in the situation and their triggering conditions, and (until further notice) denies their ability to activate on him or his clones))
C*) First Barrier: (30Hp Barrier, Self)
C*) First Armour: (10Hp Casing, Self)
C*) Shadow: (Bearing left and spiralling slightly downwards in the water, seemingly trying to position first)
C1) Shield NCP: (2-Hit Shield)
C2) Dodge
C3) Forked Streams (Trap(Incoming Attack against CourseMan): Multi-Stage: First (Dodge + Decoy(1 round)), Then (10Aqua, Shot-Type x2 Hits)
C4) Ebb and Flow: (First: Status Cure, Strengthen 10, 5 Healing)(Then: 5 Healing per action, five additional actions)
C5) Needler2HP: 80
Properties: Normal, Mobile
Object Damage: 80 Null + Impact + Break
Damage Method: Ramming attack, Telekinesis, Throw
Attack Damage: 40 Null x 2 hits x 3 Targets
Accuracy: A
Description: Summons a gun platform that attacks up to 3 separate targets each turn with its trio of double spike cannons. It can also perform a defense piercing kamikaze attack.
Duration: Until destroyed.
Element: Null
Special: This chip's accuracy cannot be boosted or reduced by any means, including RP quality.
- This object may ram a target instead of firing needles, but is instantly destroyed in exchange.
- This object may dodge by trying to ram nothing, but if it hits something in this way, it is still destroyed and deals object damage.
Trader Rank: C
(Summoned deep in the water, far away from Courser or his clones)
C*) Fast Barrier: (30Hp Barrier, Needler)
C*) Fast Armour: (10Hp Casing, Needler)
C6) IceWave2Damage: 100 + Freeze
Accuracy: A
Description: Sends a wave of ice at one enemy
Duration: Once
Element: Aqua
Special: Ice Type: This chip counts as Ice Type for the purposes of potentially freezing targets on Aqua Element Terrain or environments, as applicable.
Trader Rank: C
(120Aqua, Freeze, A)
C*) Needler: (40 x2 Hits, A)

Ebb and Flow: 2 Turns
Forked Streams: 2 Turns

-=Chips Used=-
Needler2HP: 80
Properties: Normal, Mobile
Object Damage: 80 Null + Impact + Break
Damage Method: Ramming attack, Telekinesis, Throw
Attack Damage: 40 Null x 2 hits x 3 Targets
Accuracy: A
Description: Summons a gun platform that attacks up to 3 separate targets each turn with its trio of double spike cannons. It can also perform a defense piercing kamikaze attack.
Duration: Until destroyed.
Element: Null
Special: This chip's accuracy cannot be boosted or reduced by any means, including RP quality.
- This object may ram a target instead of firing needles, but is instantly destroyed in exchange.
- This object may dodge by trying to ram nothing, but if it hits something in this way, it is still destroyed and deals object damage.
Trader Rank: C

IceWave2Damage: 100 + Freeze
Accuracy: A
Description: Sends a wave of ice at one enemy
Duration: Once
Element: Aqua
Special: Ice Type: This chip counts as Ice Type for the purposes of potentially freezing targets on Aqua Element Terrain or environments, as applicable.
Trader Rank: C
Quickly setting up a defense against the massive creature, it lashed out, attempting to crush Courser with it's massive teeth first and foremost, an almost unearthly growl coming from the massive beast's body as it attacked, crushing the clone betwixt it's gigantic teeth, the clone disappearing without a trace even as it tried to reposition into the black murky depths of the water. The creature letting out a roar as it realized it had been tricked, it's great eyes focusing on Courser, narrowing down deeply at the navi as it began to dive beneath the choppy waters. Courser, meanwhile, continued to set himself up for the long battle, a trap and his own signature to clear away whatever might have been inside the waters, but all the same, he was being cautious of the giant fish.

Then Squalo struck again, coming from beneath the waves the massive creature sliced down Courser's barrier with it's razor sharp fins, but the navi was ready, evading the attack without a second thought with his signature, summoning a fresh decoy and hitting the beast ineffectively with light tickles against it's form. But before it could make another move, Courser summoned his biggest helper, his Needler and gave it the same defenses before battering the giant creature with a massive blast of frigid cold, ice immediately clinging to the beast's body as it began to shake, rattle and roll about to dislodge the offending frozen water from it's body...and then the Needler shot out twice, managing to hit the massive creature without even trying and puncturing a few of it's scales in the process. Even with Hevari's attempts to weaken or sleep the beast, it was still extremely powerful...and extremely deadly.

Hungry Hungry Fishie
Cybeast Squalo: 4920 HP (Sea) (in front of Courser, facing him)(Freeze1)

Would be (not)Hero
Courseman.EXE: 100 HP (Sea) (In front of Cybeast Squalo) (Barrier30)(Casing10)(Equipped:Shield2) (Strengthen10)(Regen5, 4 actions)
Needler2HP: 80
Properties: Normal, Mobile
Object Damage: 80 Null + Impact + Break
Damage Method: Ramming attack, Telekinesis, Throw
Attack Damage: 40 Null x 2 hits x 3 Targets
Accuracy: A
Description: Summons a gun platform that attacks up to 3 separate targets each turn with its trio of double spike cannons. It can also perform a defense piercing kamikaze attack.
Duration: Until destroyed.
Element: Null
Special: This chip's accuracy cannot be boosted or reduced by any means, including RP quality.
- This object may ram a target instead of firing needles, but is instantly destroyed in exchange.
- This object may dodge by trying to ram nothing, but if it hits something in this way, it is still destroyed and deals object damage.
Trader Rank: C
: 80 HP (About a movement away from Courser) (Barrier30)(Casing10)

Watery Grave
  • Fire Elementals lose 10 HP/action standing, 20 HP/action submerged. Other Non-Aqua Elementals lose 5 HP/action submerged. Nullified for Aqua Elementals.
  • Ice attacks: 50% Freeze1 chance, Changes terrain hit to Ice.
  • Terrain changes between Sea and Onsen do not inflict damage upon submerged entities, nor do they eject submerged entities to the surface.
  • Elec attacks: +100% Source Damage.
  • PanelShot: Imbue Aqua.
(There's anything else? OF COURSE NOT!)
As the ice took hold and the massive beast seemed legitimately hampered, Courser suppressed the urge to not to himself. Instead, he kicked and began making a wide curve to the left, in the same path his clone had travelled before. In his place, a fresh clone was left behind, bracing itself behind a false shield and beginning to visually charge up a growing mass of rushing shadow in its other hand. The charge was made to look like it wold take a while, and the clone held firm, facing down the shark while it was unable to retaliate.

Hard as it was to see in the water, Courser's own outfit shifted to monochrome tones as he circled the giant shark; a sense of greater relaxation made its way through him as he settled into the fight and let his languid motions move with the flow of the water. Up above, his secondary clone was making a rapid swim towards the surface, as though trying to get away and not paying any attention to the fight below, though Courser knew he could only maintain that one a little longer, in the heat of a real fight.

While he re-positioned and assumed his first cross, Courser gave a small, subtle gesture with one hand; just a flick of the fingertips really, and barely noticeable in the scale of the fight going on. Across, behind the shark's tail, another minute pool or darkness bloomed in the water and gave shape to his second regular companion. The mole was dressed in a miniature scuba suit this time, complete with goggles, a breather, and long blue flippers. Rather than its usual shovel, it wielded what looked like a harpoon gun, with the exception that it was a large shovel head at the tip, rather than a spear. As a ripple of protective currents surrounded it, the critter lunged forward, aiming to jab its tiny weapon into some part of the enormous beast in a particularly hard to avoid way... presuming the cybeast would deign to pay any attention to dodging its nigh insignificant attacks anyway.

From below, the grey patterned camo needler continued to shoot needle point darts upward at the monster's underside as well, but Courser began to fight for its attention in more serious ways. From his side of the watery den, Coruser raked his free hand forward, swiping back and forth several times in quick succession; each sweep of his hand sent pulses of water forward, though tier focus was primarily on the force and energy of the driving blows. The first shattered into barely visible shards of force that retained a surprising amount of piercing power, even if they lacked mass, while the three waves that followed up bore their own gathered power into spiralling twists of energy, striking towards Squalo one after another.

Direcly behind the distortions in the water, Courser was suddenly right up by the beast's head, chasing in the slipstream of his own attacks. As he arrived, his arms came around, arcing through the water at the end of a long-handed block-busting mallet that he aimed at the nearest sensitive-looking part with all his strength.

C*) Shadow: (Holding position, charging a canon shot)
C*) Secondary Decoy: (Swimming for surface, and bearing right)
C1) Movement (around to the left putting distance between his start point and staying away from his other allies)
C2) Jailbird Cross (Null/Melee, Mastery, Bash)(+10 Null Chips)
C3) MomograHP: 60
Damage: 15 + Backstab
Accuracy: B
Description: Creats a Momogra virus to aid you. Attacks with a shovel from behind, and has a constant Mole status that ignores terrain solidness when not attacking (unless the panel currently does not exist). Still affected by other effects of panels.
Element: Null
Special: Allied Virus: This virus has two actions per turn, and is fully controllable by the summoner. If no orders are given, it will perform actions at random, but will never intentionally interfere with or damage the summoner or their allies. Deleting this virus will grant no additional rewards to either side.
Trader Rank: C
(25, Backstab, B)
C*) Fast Barrier: (30Hp Barrier, Momogra)
C*) Fast Armour: (10Hp Casing, Momogra)
C*) Needler: (40 x2 Hits, A)
C4) ShotgunDamage: 50 + Spread 1
Accuracy: A
Description: A gun whose shot penetrates an enemy to hit another one directly behind it.
Duration: Once
Element: Null
Trader Rank: E
(60, +Impact, because why not, A)
C5) TripleNeedleDamage: 50 x 3 Shots
Accuracy: B
Description: Fires three sharp spears at the same target.
Duration: Once
Element: Null
Trader Rank: C
(60 x3 Hits, A)
C6) BigHammer1Damage: 160 + Impact + Break
Accuracy: B
Description: Summons a giant metal hammer to utterly crush one enemy that stands before you.
Duration: Once
Element: Null
Trader Rank: D
(180 (Using Strengthen), Break, Impact, A)

Ebb and Flow: 1 Turn
Forked Streams: 1 Turn

-=Chips Used=-
Needler2HP: 80
Properties: Normal, Mobile
Object Damage: 80 Null + Impact + Break
Damage Method: Ramming attack, Telekinesis, Throw
Attack Damage: 40 Null x 2 hits x 3 Targets
Accuracy: A
Description: Summons a gun platform that attacks up to 3 separate targets each turn with its trio of double spike cannons. It can also perform a defense piercing kamikaze attack.
Duration: Until destroyed.
Element: Null
Special: This chip's accuracy cannot be boosted or reduced by any means, including RP quality.
- This object may ram a target instead of firing needles, but is instantly destroyed in exchange.
- This object may dodge by trying to ram nothing, but if it hits something in this way, it is still destroyed and deals object damage.
Trader Rank: C

MomograHP: 60
Damage: 15 + Backstab
Accuracy: B
Description: Creats a Momogra virus to aid you. Attacks with a shovel from behind, and has a constant Mole status that ignores terrain solidness when not attacking (unless the panel currently does not exist). Still affected by other effects of panels.
Element: Null
Special: Allied Virus: This virus has two actions per turn, and is fully controllable by the summoner. If no orders are given, it will perform actions at random, but will never intentionally interfere with or damage the summoner or their allies. Deleting this virus will grant no additional rewards to either side.
Trader Rank: C

IceWave2Damage: 100 + Freeze
Accuracy: A
Description: Sends a wave of ice at one enemy
Duration: Once
Element: Aqua
Special: Ice Type: This chip counts as Ice Type for the purposes of potentially freezing targets on Aqua Element Terrain or environments, as applicable.
Trader Rank: C

ShotgunDamage: 50 + Spread 1
Accuracy: A
Description: A gun whose shot penetrates an enemy to hit another one directly behind it.
Duration: Once
Element: Null
Trader Rank: E

TripleNeedleDamage: 50 x 3 Shots
Accuracy: B
Description: Fires three sharp spears at the same target.
Duration: Once
Element: Null
Trader Rank: C

BigHammer1Damage: 160 + Impact + Break
Accuracy: B
Description: Summons a giant metal hammer to utterly crush one enemy that stands before you.
Duration: Once
Element: Null
Trader Rank: D
Making his movement and his clones moving about, or otherwise "prepping" for an attack, Squalo was floating briefly before beginning to circle across the field slowly, an attempt to put some speed upon itself to evade attacks coming from Courser as he shifted entire color schemes, crossing with one of his allies in the interim to help out with his damage output. And with his protections over the scubamole, the creature launched it's attack from behind Squalo and managed to "ding" the mammoth creature across it's fin, though the creature seemingly didn't notice the bite of a mosquito in the greater scheme of things as two more shots rang out in the murky depths, both crashing against Squalo's giant fins, causing some more weaker segments of the creature's armor to fall off.

Roaring out, Squalo continued to circle around the navi, though it's eyes began to drift towards the clones, it's form was big enough to at least circle around Courser and his "prepping" clone, aquatic roars continuing to sound out in the depths as it took the shotgun on the chin despite it's attempts to evade. The TripleNeedle fired off next, and while one unfortunately went off course from the giant beast's movements, two managed to strike true and with him bringing down a massive mallet upon the beast's head, barely managing to connect before the beast moved away, continuing to circle around, seemingly building up for a massive attack as the ice fell off it's fin.

Hungry Hungry Fishie
Cybeast Squalo: 4455 HP (Sea) (Circling Courser and his clone)

Would be (not)Hero
Courseman.EXE: 100 HP (Sea) (In the middle of Squalo's cirlcing) (Barrier30)(Casing10)(Equipped:Shield2)[JailbirdCross: Null/Melee Overwrite, +10 Null)
Needler2HP: 80
Properties: Normal, Mobile
Object Damage: 80 Null + Impact + Break
Damage Method: Ramming attack, Telekinesis, Throw
Attack Damage: 40 Null x 2 hits x 3 Targets
Accuracy: A
Description: Summons a gun platform that attacks up to 3 separate targets each turn with its trio of double spike cannons. It can also perform a defense piercing kamikaze attack.
Duration: Until destroyed.
Element: Null
Special: This chip's accuracy cannot be boosted or reduced by any means, including RP quality.
- This object may ram a target instead of firing needles, but is instantly destroyed in exchange.
- This object may dodge by trying to ram nothing, but if it hits something in this way, it is still destroyed and deals object damage.
Trader Rank: C
: 80 HP (About two movements away from Courser) (Barrier30)(Casing10)
MomograHP: 60
Damage: 15 + Backstab
Accuracy: B
Description: Creats a Momogra virus to aid you. Attacks with a shovel from behind, and has a constant Mole status that ignores terrain solidness when not attacking (unless the panel currently does not exist). Still affected by other effects of panels.
Element: Null
Special: Allied Virus: This virus has two actions per turn, and is fully controllable by the summoner. If no orders are given, it will perform actions at random, but will never intentionally interfere with or damage the summoner or their allies. Deleting this virus will grant no additional rewards to either side.
Trader Rank: C
: 60 HP (Roughly a movement away from Courser) (Barrier30)(Casing10)(Null+10)

Watery Grave
  • Fire Elementals lose 10 HP/action standing, 20 HP/action submerged. Other Non-Aqua Elementals lose 5 HP/action submerged. Nullified for Aqua Elementals.
  • Ice attacks: 50% Freeze1 chance, Changes terrain hit to Ice.
  • Terrain changes between Sea and Onsen do not inflict damage upon submerged entities, nor do they eject submerged entities to the surface.
  • Elec attacks: +100% Source Damage.
  • PanelShot: Imbue Aqua.
(There's anything else? OF COURSE NOT!)
Courser watched the shark move ever more rapidly as it worked to shake off the ice. Freezing it worked, but he needed to make every shot count, and if it was going to be evasive while it couldn't attack... Maybe better to freeze it only in a real emergency. Wear the aggression, and get it to be less cautious.

Off to one side, his primary duplicate continued tracking with the shark, making whatever powerful shot it was pretending to gather grow larger and larger as it held position; the secondary one had faded already and his options for making more of himself were more limited while he was crossed, but if it drew the attention for whatever Squalo was building up, it would have done its job.

“Glad you've got confidence in good old expendable me, Boss!” A derisive chuckle filtered across the distance while the shadow continued to 'charge up'.

Courser cast his eyes inward towards the centre of the area instead, and as the deeper-floating needler took its next round of shots at the moving target, and his mole ally took another stab at it as it roared past, a large black object, covered in blunt-tipped protrusions took shape in the water, solidifying in to dark grey metal, with a counting red digit on one side. A field of warding water similar to the others surrounded it as its timer clicked down from three to two.

Closer to himself, Courser kept his shield arm tracking to Squalo's movements and raised his free hand to form a much smaller glob of tightly-wound water current and set it down a short distance to his side. As it settled, threads of still, current-free water spread out from it like the tendrils of a jellyfish, barely visible in the watery den save for the difference in current; the feelers laced themselves over the path that the shark beast was tearing wound in circles, ready. The next time it crossed them in its loop, the sphere wold detonate, sending a line of rapid depth charge explosions across the path. He didn't think it would be enough to really interrupt the massive cybeast from its plans, but hopefully wit would at least sting it while it was no longer focused on evading.

With the device set, Courser kicked back a few extra feet and retook his stance, ready for whatever was coming, if indeed it came his way. He was still hoping that his decoy's impressive charge attack show would draw some retaliation first, but just in case it failed, he was ready, shield up and waiting. He watched; Squalo's movements were rapid – frighteningly rapid for such a large creature... but at the end of whatever it was building up, there would be a moment. It was hard to hit now, but if it was making a large attack, then there would have to be a moment of recoil afterwards – a proper second or two when it was more or less still, after releasing whatever it was up to. He prepared himself to pick that moment when it came; face whatever attack was coming, and then strike in the dead moment just after it. His free hand drew back and low, waiting and watching for a clean shot. When it came, he brought his arm up and over, and with it in response, a massive current of water curled over and drove down at the beast as a bludgeoning hammer-blow with as much force as he could muster behind it.

As he recovered from the motion, Courser braced himself; he was presenting the shark beast with a lot of targets, certainly, but even something that was purely bestial in its nature would realise soon enough that the most decisive strikes were coming from him, and without more clones that would be harder to disguise. He was ready, in case the shark struck out towards him directly to, in his most favoured fashion, be somewhere else – the other side of the den, ideally, though he did peer down into the deeper waters; if there were tunnels or other structures down there, there might be other things he could use to his advantage against the beast.

C*) Shadow: (Holding position, making that charge up look real big now)
C1) TimeBomb1HP: 100
Properties: Anchored
Object Damage: 50 + Impact
Damage Method: Telekinesis
Attack Damage: 100 + To-All-Clause (Enemies)
Accuracy: S
Description: Places a bomb on the field that will explode after two turns, damaging all enemies.
Duration: 2 turns or until destroyed.
Element: Null
Trader Rank: D
(110, To-All enemies, 2 turn delay, S) Set up mid field, central, away from everything else.
C*) Fast Barrier: (30Hp Barrier, TimeBomb)
C*) Fast Armour: (10Hp Casing, TimeBomb)
C*) Needler: (40 x2 Hits, A)
C*) Momogra: (25, Backstab, B)
C2) Dynamite1HP: 100
Properties: Light
Object Damage: 100 Null + Blast2
Damage Method: Throw, Knockback, Microburst, Telekinesis, Gust
Attack Damage: 100 Null + Blast2 + Line Attack + Seeking
Accuracy: D (thrown) / A (trigger)
Description: Sets a lightweight laser trip bomb. When something crosses the sensor beam, the bomb detonates a shaped charge that blasts an entire line. It can see through Invisibility. This weapon is very dangerous to use, caution is advised.
Duration: Until destroyed or until it attacks.
Element: Null
Special: Laser TAG: Attack triggers when something moves through the targeting laser beam, no matter who or what that may be.
Trader Rank: D
(110, Blast2, A) Trip line set to cross where Squalo is circling
C3) Take Aim
C4) Take Aim
C5) GolemHit1Damage: 140 + Break + Panel Crack + Wide Attack
Accuracy: C
Description: A fist of stone falls from the sky to smash an enemy, and create a shock wave that hits two nearby enemies. The area affected by the fist becomes Cracked terrain.
Duration: Once
Element: Null
Trader Rank: D
(150, Break, +Impact, Panelcrack, Wide, A)
C6) Mist and Shadow: (Trap(Incoming Attack against CourseMan): Multi-Stage: First (Teleport + Decoy(1 round)), Then ((Aqua)LifeDrain 10, Shot-Type), Then (Self-Slow)

Ebb and Flow: Cooling
Forked Streams: Cooling
Mist and Shadow: 3TCD

-=Chips Used=-
Needler2HP: 80
Properties: Normal, Mobile
Object Damage: 80 Null + Impact + Break
Damage Method: Ramming attack, Telekinesis, Throw
Attack Damage: 40 Null x 2 hits x 3 Targets
Accuracy: A
Description: Summons a gun platform that attacks up to 3 separate targets each turn with its trio of double spike cannons. It can also perform a defense piercing kamikaze attack.
Duration: Until destroyed.
Element: Null
Special: This chip's accuracy cannot be boosted or reduced by any means, including RP quality.
- This object may ram a target instead of firing needles, but is instantly destroyed in exchange.
- This object may dodge by trying to ram nothing, but if it hits something in this way, it is still destroyed and deals object damage.
Trader Rank: C

MomograHP: 60
Damage: 15 + Backstab
Accuracy: B
Description: Creats a Momogra virus to aid you. Attacks with a shovel from behind, and has a constant Mole status that ignores terrain solidness when not attacking (unless the panel currently does not exist). Still affected by other effects of panels.
Element: Null
Special: Allied Virus: This virus has two actions per turn, and is fully controllable by the summoner. If no orders are given, it will perform actions at random, but will never intentionally interfere with or damage the summoner or their allies. Deleting this virus will grant no additional rewards to either side.
Trader Rank: C

IceWave2Damage: 100 + Freeze
Accuracy: A
Description: Sends a wave of ice at one enemy
Duration: Once
Element: Aqua
Special: Ice Type: This chip counts as Ice Type for the purposes of potentially freezing targets on Aqua Element Terrain or environments, as applicable.
Trader Rank: C

ShotgunDamage: 50 + Spread 1
Accuracy: A
Description: A gun whose shot penetrates an enemy to hit another one directly behind it.
Duration: Once
Element: Null
Trader Rank: E

TripleNeedleDamage: 50 x 3 Shots
Accuracy: B
Description: Fires three sharp spears at the same target.
Duration: Once
Element: Null
Trader Rank: C

BigHammer1Damage: 160 + Impact + Break
Accuracy: B
Description: Summons a giant metal hammer to utterly crush one enemy that stands before you.
Duration: Once
Element: Null
Trader Rank: D

TimeBomb1HP: 100
Properties: Anchored
Object Damage: 50 + Impact
Damage Method: Telekinesis
Attack Damage: 100 + To-All-Clause (Enemies)
Accuracy: S
Description: Places a bomb on the field that will explode after two turns, damaging all enemies.
Duration: 2 turns or until destroyed.
Element: Null
Trader Rank: D

Dynamite1HP: 100
Properties: Light
Object Damage: 100 Null + Blast2
Damage Method: Throw, Knockback, Microburst, Telekinesis, Gust
Attack Damage: 100 Null + Blast2 + Line Attack + Seeking
Accuracy: D (thrown) / A (trigger)
Description: Sets a lightweight laser trip bomb. When something crosses the sensor beam, the bomb detonates a shaped charge that blasts an entire line. It can see through Invisibility. This weapon is very dangerous to use, caution is advised.
Duration: Until destroyed or until it attacks.
Element: Null
Special: Laser TAG: Attack triggers when something moves through the targeting laser beam, no matter who or what that may be.
Trader Rank: D

GolemHit1Damage: 140 + Break + Panel Crack + Wide Attack
Accuracy: C
Description: A fist of stone falls from the sky to smash an enemy, and create a shock wave that hits two nearby enemies. The area affected by the fist becomes Cracked terrain.
Duration: Once
Element: Null
Trader Rank: D
As Squalo continued to circle about the area immediate to Courser, his timebomb began to form in the murky depths surrounding the area as Squalo's eyes moved back and forth between Courser and his clone, trying to figure out which of the two it would go after first as Courser's hired help struck thrice between the two of them, all attacks managing to cause more of the weakest scales to fall into the depths below, seemingly unperturbed by the gnats swatting at it's body as it continued to swirl about the two, water slowly displacing as the pace picked up, an obvious attempt to trap Courser in a whirlpool.

While this happened, the beast tripped the wire of Courser's Dynamite, explosions rocking through the depths and wounding the beast further as he took a stance and began to aim at the swirling beast as the torrents continued to whip into a frenzy, choppier and choppier waters threatening to pull Courser and his clone to a watery death as he unleashed his Golemhit upon the massive beast and bashing it over the head again, briefly opening a hole in the waves that was quickly closed by the beast's displacement, as it had finished, a torrent of water managing to whip up directly upon the clone's body and dragging it away deep underwater where it's form dissipated. Courser had managed to avoid getting hit by one of it's best attacks, but his luck couldn't hold forever...right?

Hungry Hungry Fishie
Cybeast Squalo: 4090 HP (Sea) (slowly shifting around Courser, eying the navi intently)

Would be (not)Hero
Courseman.EXE: 100 HP (Sea) (Watching Squalo shift around) (Barrier30)(Casing10)(Equipped:Shield2)[JailbirdCross: Null/Melee Overwrite, +10 Null](Trap:Mist and Shadow, when attacked)
Needler2HP: 80
Properties: Normal, Mobile
Object Damage: 80 Null + Impact + Break
Damage Method: Ramming attack, Telekinesis, Throw
Attack Damage: 40 Null x 2 hits x 3 Targets
Accuracy: A
Description: Summons a gun platform that attacks up to 3 separate targets each turn with its trio of double spike cannons. It can also perform a defense piercing kamikaze attack.
Duration: Until destroyed.
Element: Null
Special: This chip's accuracy cannot be boosted or reduced by any means, including RP quality.
- This object may ram a target instead of firing needles, but is instantly destroyed in exchange.
- This object may dodge by trying to ram nothing, but if it hits something in this way, it is still destroyed and deals object damage.
Trader Rank: C
: 80 HP (About two movements away from Courser) (Barrier30)(Casing10)
MomograHP: 60
Damage: 15 + Backstab
Accuracy: B
Description: Creats a Momogra virus to aid you. Attacks with a shovel from behind, and has a constant Mole status that ignores terrain solidness when not attacking (unless the panel currently does not exist). Still affected by other effects of panels.
Element: Null
Special: Allied Virus: This virus has two actions per turn, and is fully controllable by the summoner. If no orders are given, it will perform actions at random, but will never intentionally interfere with or damage the summoner or their allies. Deleting this virus will grant no additional rewards to either side.
Trader Rank: C
: 60 HP (Roughly a movement away from Courser) (Barrier30)(Casing10)(Null+10)
TimeBomb1HP: 100
Properties: Anchored
Object Damage: 50 + Impact
Damage Method: Telekinesis
Attack Damage: 100 + To-All-Clause (Enemies)
Accuracy: S
Description: Places a bomb on the field that will explode after two turns, damaging all enemies.
Duration: 2 turns or until destroyed.
Element: Null
Trader Rank: D
: 100 HP (Roughly a movement away from Courser) (Barrier30)(Casing10)(null+10)(Count:2)

Watery Grave
  • Fire Elementals lose 10 HP/action standing, 20 HP/action submerged. Other Non-Aqua Elementals lose 5 HP/action submerged. Nullified for Aqua Elementals.
  • Ice attacks: 50% Freeze1 chance, Changes terrain hit to Ice.
  • Terrain changes between Sea and Onsen do not inflict damage upon submerged entities, nor do they eject submerged entities to the surface.
  • Elec attacks: +100% Source Damage.
  • PanelShot: Imbue Aqua.
(There's anything else? OF COURSE NOT!)
Not far away from the action, Courser watched the shark beast successfully dispatch his clone, leaving the navi himself he only really obvious target, more or less. He still had some tricks up his sleeve for the time being, though, and as it finished its forceful attack, he began swimming towards it again, moving to intercept. One hand extended out ahead in a thrusting motion and the ripples of water ahead of him spread and magnified until they became a wavering pulse wave of force in the water that raced ahead, aiming to hammer at the beast and keep its attention on himself.

He watched it, carefully lining up an appropriate intercept course after the long range assault; the water around his free hand sped up and stretched out, going from an intangible whip in the greater sea, to a long, razor-edged high-pressure edge that extended for several feet bast his tightly-extended finger tips. He'd go to the shark if he had to, but Courser was rather more aiming to let it come to him; the first time it struck at him, he was ready to be elsewhere – off to one side and in perfect position to carve two clean, deep cuts along its flanks and gills while the mime-cross clone that got left behind would dive away in the water, twisting to the opposite side and blowing a quick kiss at the shark with a grin as she taunted it for missing. She pointed towards Squalo in exaggerated fashion, and mimed out just how much he had missed her by while, at the periphery and down below, the other more subtle assistants made their own plays; the needler continued to pepper shots up at the beast, aiming for its more or less unguarded underside, and the scuba-mole attempted to shovel-stab it in the back of the fin the next time it passed by.

Courser himself manoeuvred about the shark and carefully aimed a second set of cleaving swipes at the creature's flank then drew back a short way again, shaking out his hand and refreshing his defences as he watched for the next opening and checked on his summoned help. The timebomb clicked in the centre of the den.

C1) Pulsar1Damage: 70 + Object Triggered Blast 2
Accuracy: A (Primary) / B (Blast)
Description: Fires a sound wave. If it hits an object, its range is amplified, hitting anything near that object in a blast of noise.
Duration: Once
Element: Null
Special: Object Triggered Blast: Blast effect that only works if the attack hits an Object, such as a RockCube.
Trader Rank: D
(80, A)
C2) Take Aim
C3) Katana1Damage: (60 + Slashing + Wide Attack) Then (60 + Slashing + Long Attack)
Accuracy: B
Description: Creates a long metal blade with exceptional cutting speed. Hits with a wide slash, then a long slash in the span of a single action, hitting 3 and 2 targets, respectively. Only one target can be hit with both slashes. Rare
Duration: Until Overridden/Broken. Breaks automatically after 2 uses.
Element: Null
Trader Rank: C
(70, Slashing, Wide, Then 70, Slashing, Long, A)
C*) Needler: (40 x2 Hits, A)
C*) Momogra: (25, Backstab, B)
C4) Take Aim
C5) Katana1Damage: (60 + Slashing + Wide Attack) Then (60 + Slashing + Long Attack)
Accuracy: B
Description: Creates a long metal blade with exceptional cutting speed. Hits with a wide slash, then a long slash in the span of a single action, hitting 3 and 2 targets, respectively. Only one target can be hit with both slashes. Rare
Duration: Until Overridden/Broken. Breaks automatically after 2 uses.
Element: Null
Trader Rank: C
(70, Slashing, Wide, Then 70, Slashing, Long, A)
C6) Shield NCP (Refresh 2-Hit shield)
C*) Fast Barrier: (30Hp Barrier)
C*) Fast Armour: (10Hp Casing)

Mist and Shadow: 2TCD

-=Chips Used=-
Needler2HP: 80
Properties: Normal, Mobile
Object Damage: 80 Null + Impact + Break
Damage Method: Ramming attack, Telekinesis, Throw
Attack Damage: 40 Null x 2 hits x 3 Targets
Accuracy: A
Description: Summons a gun platform that attacks up to 3 separate targets each turn with its trio of double spike cannons. It can also perform a defense piercing kamikaze attack.
Duration: Until destroyed.
Element: Null
Special: This chip's accuracy cannot be boosted or reduced by any means, including RP quality.
- This object may ram a target instead of firing needles, but is instantly destroyed in exchange.
- This object may dodge by trying to ram nothing, but if it hits something in this way, it is still destroyed and deals object damage.
Trader Rank: C

MomograHP: 60
Damage: 15 + Backstab
Accuracy: B
Description: Creats a Momogra virus to aid you. Attacks with a shovel from behind, and has a constant Mole status that ignores terrain solidness when not attacking (unless the panel currently does not exist). Still affected by other effects of panels.
Element: Null
Special: Allied Virus: This virus has two actions per turn, and is fully controllable by the summoner. If no orders are given, it will perform actions at random, but will never intentionally interfere with or damage the summoner or their allies. Deleting this virus will grant no additional rewards to either side.
Trader Rank: C

IceWave2Damage: 100 + Freeze
Accuracy: A
Description: Sends a wave of ice at one enemy
Duration: Once
Element: Aqua
Special: Ice Type: This chip counts as Ice Type for the purposes of potentially freezing targets on Aqua Element Terrain or environments, as applicable.
Trader Rank: C

ShotgunDamage: 50 + Spread 1
Accuracy: A
Description: A gun whose shot penetrates an enemy to hit another one directly behind it.
Duration: Once
Element: Null
Trader Rank: E

TripleNeedleDamage: 50 x 3 Shots
Accuracy: B
Description: Fires three sharp spears at the same target.
Duration: Once
Element: Null
Trader Rank: C

BigHammer1Damage: 160 + Impact + Break
Accuracy: B
Description: Summons a giant metal hammer to utterly crush one enemy that stands before you.
Duration: Once
Element: Null
Trader Rank: D

TimeBomb1HP: 100
Properties: Anchored
Object Damage: 50 + Impact
Damage Method: Telekinesis
Attack Damage: 100 + To-All-Clause (Enemies)
Accuracy: S
Description: Places a bomb on the field that will explode after two turns, damaging all enemies.
Duration: 2 turns or until destroyed.
Element: Null
Trader Rank: D

Dynamite1HP: 100
Properties: Light
Object Damage: 100 Null + Blast2
Damage Method: Throw, Knockback, Microburst, Telekinesis, Gust
Attack Damage: 100 Null + Blast2 + Line Attack + Seeking
Accuracy: D (thrown) / A (trigger)
Description: Sets a lightweight laser trip bomb. When something crosses the sensor beam, the bomb detonates a shaped charge that blasts an entire line. It can see through Invisibility. This weapon is very dangerous to use, caution is advised.
Duration: Until destroyed or until it attacks.
Element: Null
Special: Laser TAG: Attack triggers when something moves through the targeting laser beam, no matter who or what that may be.
Trader Rank: D

GolemHit1Damage: 140 + Break + Panel Crack + Wide Attack
Accuracy: C
Description: A fist of stone falls from the sky to smash an enemy, and create a shock wave that hits two nearby enemies. The area affected by the fist becomes Cracked terrain.
Duration: Once
Element: Null
Trader Rank: D

Pulsar1Damage: 70 + Object Triggered Blast 2
Accuracy: A (Primary) / B (Blast)
Description: Fires a sound wave. If it hits an object, its range is amplified, hitting anything near that object in a blast of noise.
Duration: Once
Element: Null
Special: Object Triggered Blast: Blast effect that only works if the attack hits an Object, such as a RockCube.
Trader Rank: D

Katana1Damage: (60 + Slashing + Wide Attack) Then (60 + Slashing + Long Attack)
Accuracy: B
Description: Creates a long metal blade with exceptional cutting speed. Hits with a wide slash, then a long slash in the span of a single action, hitting 3 and 2 targets, respectively. Only one target can be hit with both slashes. Rare
Duration: Until Overridden/Broken. Breaks automatically after 2 uses.
Element: Null
Trader Rank: C
Throwing a physical sound wave at the beast, he managed to hit the giant creature as it was passing by, plates and shark skin falling down into the depths as the creature thrashed about at the disorienting hit, a wave of water aimed at Courser's direction in return...but going wide from the attack previous, completely blasting in a different direction to where Courser was at before the latter took aim at the beast and swam forward, sending a flash of hardened water at the beast, connecting twice.

The beast thrashed in return, head nearly hitting Courser's body at such a close range...but the navi's form dissipating just before connecting as a clone flittered out of his body's afterimage, going wide around the giant beast as both of his Needler's shots hit from afar, whilst his mole companion barely hit the beast on it's tailfin, causing a small piece of it to flutter downwards into the twisting abyss below. Reappearing in a different spot next to the beast and blasting it ineffectively with his own shots, Courser aimed again and with another flash of hardened water, slashed twice and ripped another fairly deep chunk off the creature's body, flecks of flesh floating upwards to the surface as cyber blood began to flow into the water around Courser. The beast, annoyed at Courser's resistance turned about in the water and immediately opened it's many toothed mouth wide, biting into the navi's barrier, popping it immediately before he refreshed it, the beast seemingly glaring at the navi as it began to circle about again, it's voice becoming lower...angrier...on top of the pain beginning to flit across it's body, segments of it's giant body beginning to show wear as it seemingly began to slow it's movements in the water.

Hungry Hungry Fishie
Cybeast Squalo: 3625 HP (Sea) (slowly shifting around Courser, eying the navi intently)

Would be (not)Hero
Courseman.EXE: 100 HP (Sea) (Watching Squalo shift around) (Barrier30)(Casing10)(Equipped:Shield2)[JailbirdCross: Null/Melee Overwrite, +10 Null]
Needler2HP: 80
Properties: Normal, Mobile
Object Damage: 80 Null + Impact + Break
Damage Method: Ramming attack, Telekinesis, Throw
Attack Damage: 40 Null x 2 hits x 3 Targets
Accuracy: A
Description: Summons a gun platform that attacks up to 3 separate targets each turn with its trio of double spike cannons. It can also perform a defense piercing kamikaze attack.
Duration: Until destroyed.
Element: Null
Special: This chip's accuracy cannot be boosted or reduced by any means, including RP quality.
- This object may ram a target instead of firing needles, but is instantly destroyed in exchange.
- This object may dodge by trying to ram nothing, but if it hits something in this way, it is still destroyed and deals object damage.
Trader Rank: C
: 80 HP (About two movements away from Courser) (Barrier30)(Casing10)
MomograHP: 60
Damage: 15 + Backstab
Accuracy: B
Description: Creats a Momogra virus to aid you. Attacks with a shovel from behind, and has a constant Mole status that ignores terrain solidness when not attacking (unless the panel currently does not exist). Still affected by other effects of panels.
Element: Null
Special: Allied Virus: This virus has two actions per turn, and is fully controllable by the summoner. If no orders are given, it will perform actions at random, but will never intentionally interfere with or damage the summoner or their allies. Deleting this virus will grant no additional rewards to either side.
Trader Rank: C
: 60 HP (Roughly a movement away from Courser) (Barrier30)(Casing10)(Null+10)
TimeBomb1HP: 100
Properties: Anchored
Object Damage: 50 + Impact
Damage Method: Telekinesis
Attack Damage: 100 + To-All-Clause (Enemies)
Accuracy: S
Description: Places a bomb on the field that will explode after two turns, damaging all enemies.
Duration: 2 turns or until destroyed.
Element: Null
Trader Rank: D
: 100 HP (Roughly a movement away from Courser) (Barrier30)(Casing10)(null+10)(Count:1)

Watery Grave
  • Fire Elementals lose 10 HP/action standing, 20 HP/action submerged. Other Non-Aqua Elementals lose 5 HP/action submerged. Nullified for Aqua Elementals.
  • Ice attacks: 50% Freeze1 chance, Changes terrain hit to Ice.
  • Terrain changes between Sea and Onsen do not inflict damage upon submerged entities, nor do they eject submerged entities to the surface.
  • Elec attacks: +100% Source Damage.
  • PanelShot: Imbue Aqua.
(There's anything else? OF COURSE NOT!)
He was starting to do damage; that much was clear, even if it only seemed to be riling the great beast up even further at this point. Courser kept his focus, rolling back away from his last strike and aiming his hand back that the shark's flank as they manoeuvred and sent a second rolling wave of force ripples through the water towards it. Across from him, in her last few seconds, his mime-styled decoy made the over-exaggerated motions of winding up her fist, swinging it around in the water repeatedly, before swinging in a strike that clearly whiffed nothing but water and set her spinning about in a dizzying way, until she came to a stop, floating upside down in the water and looking across to one of Squalo's huge eyes with a wry grin.

“Hopeless, you. Couldn't hit an iceberg if you tried...” She called, poking her tongue out at it. Whether it was enough to draw a retaliating bite or not, the decoy ran out of time a few moments later while Courser readied his next attack. He kept mobile even so, ready to split and dodge if any ire came to him instead – better him than any of his more subtle tools. His mime-dressed double would be back again a moment alter if the shark did opt to attack him, and while courser dodged away from it, or tried to, she fully intended to take the opportunity to reiterate just how impotent the great beast seemed to be at hitting her properly.

“Don't listen to that one, mate! Over here. Come on, I'll hold still for you... Put it there!” He held out his free hand, as though to shake, but only enough to past it through the wall of his water shield. On the outside, the hand turned over into a palm-out pose and his wave whip massed up into a large circular barrel of firmly stilled water, in which a rapidly spinning ball of higher pressure formed. It rocketed out at the shark with a dull thump as the blast and recoil was absorbed by the mass of cushioning stillness on courser's side of it.

At the same moment, hidden in the sound, the needler fired again from down below, and his mole ally swam up behind on the shark's back angle, attempting to stab it with its spear-shovel some more. As far as spear-fishing stories went, it was going to have such a tale to relay later on...

Over in the centre of the watery arena, the timebomb clicked down again, and courser's eyes flicked in its direction. Just another moment now... and then a bigger one to follow, if things kept going smoothly. As he let himself weave in the water, moving with the shark's own shifts, darkness wrapped itself around him, reducing his body to murky shadows in the depths as he made sure to stabilise and reform whatever parts of his defences were flagging.

C1) Pulsar1Damage: 70 + Object Triggered Blast 2
Accuracy: A (Primary) / B (Blast)
Description: Fires a sound wave. If it hits an object, its range is amplified, hitting anything near that object in a blast of noise.
Duration: Once
Element: Null
Special: Object Triggered Blast: Blast effect that only works if the attack hits an Object, such as a RockCube.
Trader Rank: D
(80, +Impact, A)
C2) Forked Streams: Trap(Incoming Attack against CourseMan): Multi-Stage: First (Dodge + Decoy(1 round)), Then (10Aqua, Shot-Type x2 Hits)
C3) TankCannon1Damage: 80 / 80 + Blast 2
Accuracy: A / C
Description: An enormous cannon whose ammunition can be altered to either a single high accuracy shot, or a low accuracy shot that can explode to hit several enemies.
Duration: Once
Element: Null
Special: Dual Mode: This chip has two separate modes of operation. The user may pick which one they wish to use at the time of activation.
Trader Rank: D
(90, A)
C4) Ebb and Flow: (First: Status Cure, Strengthen 10, 5 Healing)(Then: 5 Healing per action, five additional actions)
C*) Needler: (40 x2 Hits, A)
C*) Momogra: (25, Backstab, B)
C5) Murky Deception: (Shadow, 2 rounds, Self-slow (1 round, 2 instances))
C*) Fast Barrier: (30Hp Barrier)
C*) Fast Armour: (10Hp Casing)
C6) Shield NCP (Refresh 2-Hit shield)

Mist and Shadow: 1TCD
Forked Streams: 2TCD
Murky Deception: 2TCD

-=Chips Used=-
Needler2HP: 80
Properties: Normal, Mobile
Object Damage: 80 Null + Impact + Break
Damage Method: Ramming attack, Telekinesis, Throw
Attack Damage: 40 Null x 2 hits x 3 Targets
Accuracy: A
Description: Summons a gun platform that attacks up to 3 separate targets each turn with its trio of double spike cannons. It can also perform a defense piercing kamikaze attack.
Duration: Until destroyed.
Element: Null
Special: This chip's accuracy cannot be boosted or reduced by any means, including RP quality.
- This object may ram a target instead of firing needles, but is instantly destroyed in exchange.
- This object may dodge by trying to ram nothing, but if it hits something in this way, it is still destroyed and deals object damage.
Trader Rank: C

MomograHP: 60
Damage: 15 + Backstab
Accuracy: B
Description: Creats a Momogra virus to aid you. Attacks with a shovel from behind, and has a constant Mole status that ignores terrain solidness when not attacking (unless the panel currently does not exist). Still affected by other effects of panels.
Element: Null
Special: Allied Virus: This virus has two actions per turn, and is fully controllable by the summoner. If no orders are given, it will perform actions at random, but will never intentionally interfere with or damage the summoner or their allies. Deleting this virus will grant no additional rewards to either side.
Trader Rank: C

IceWave2Damage: 100 + Freeze
Accuracy: A
Description: Sends a wave of ice at one enemy
Duration: Once
Element: Aqua
Special: Ice Type: This chip counts as Ice Type for the purposes of potentially freezing targets on Aqua Element Terrain or environments, as applicable.
Trader Rank: C

ShotgunDamage: 50 + Spread 1
Accuracy: A
Description: A gun whose shot penetrates an enemy to hit another one directly behind it.
Duration: Once
Element: Null
Trader Rank: E

TripleNeedleDamage: 50 x 3 Shots
Accuracy: B
Description: Fires three sharp spears at the same target.
Duration: Once
Element: Null
Trader Rank: C

BigHammer1Damage: 160 + Impact + Break
Accuracy: B
Description: Summons a giant metal hammer to utterly crush one enemy that stands before you.
Duration: Once
Element: Null
Trader Rank: D

TimeBomb1HP: 100
Properties: Anchored
Object Damage: 50 + Impact
Damage Method: Telekinesis
Attack Damage: 100 + To-All-Clause (Enemies)
Accuracy: S
Description: Places a bomb on the field that will explode after two turns, damaging all enemies.
Duration: 2 turns or until destroyed.
Element: Null
Trader Rank: D

Dynamite1HP: 100
Properties: Light
Object Damage: 100 Null + Blast2
Damage Method: Throw, Knockback, Microburst, Telekinesis, Gust
Attack Damage: 100 Null + Blast2 + Line Attack + Seeking
Accuracy: D (thrown) / A (trigger)
Description: Sets a lightweight laser trip bomb. When something crosses the sensor beam, the bomb detonates a shaped charge that blasts an entire line. It can see through Invisibility. This weapon is very dangerous to use, caution is advised.
Duration: Until destroyed or until it attacks.
Element: Null
Special: Laser TAG: Attack triggers when something moves through the targeting laser beam, no matter who or what that may be.
Trader Rank: D

GolemHit1Damage: 140 + Break + Panel Crack + Wide Attack
Accuracy: C
Description: A fist of stone falls from the sky to smash an enemy, and create a shock wave that hits two nearby enemies. The area affected by the fist becomes Cracked terrain.
Duration: Once
Element: Null
Trader Rank: D

Pulsar1Damage: 70 + Object Triggered Blast 2
Accuracy: A (Primary) / B (Blast)
Description: Fires a sound wave. If it hits an object, its range is amplified, hitting anything near that object in a blast of noise.
Duration: Once
Element: Null
Special: Object Triggered Blast: Blast effect that only works if the attack hits an Object, such as a RockCube.
Trader Rank: D

Pulsar1Damage: 70 + Object Triggered Blast 2
Accuracy: A (Primary) / B (Blast)
Description: Fires a sound wave. If it hits an object, its range is amplified, hitting anything near that object in a blast of noise.
Duration: Once
Element: Null
Special: Object Triggered Blast: Blast effect that only works if the attack hits an Object, such as a RockCube.
Trader Rank: D

TankCannon1Damage: 80 / 80 + Blast 2
Accuracy: A / C
Description: An enormous cannon whose ammunition can be altered to either a single high accuracy shot, or a low accuracy shot that can explode to hit several enemies.
Duration: Once
Element: Null
Special: Dual Mode: This chip has two separate modes of operation. The user may pick which one they wish to use at the time of activation.
Trader Rank: D

Katana1Damage: (60 + Slashing + Wide Attack) Then (60 + Slashing + Long Attack)
Accuracy: B
Description: Creates a long metal blade with exceptional cutting speed. Hits with a wide slash, then a long slash in the span of a single action, hitting 3 and 2 targets, respectively. Only one target can be hit with both slashes. Rare
Duration: Until Overridden/Broken. Breaks automatically after 2 uses.
Element: Null
Trader Rank: C
The creature stared down the clone and Courser intermittently as it continued to cut through the water, fins beginning to glow a light blue as it took the Pulsar hit, sending the creature reeling briefly as it's fin came down upon Courser again, ripping through his barrier once more by pure luck on the beast's part. Squalo's body writhed and reeled in pain as it roared out, shaking the waters about like nothing else, ripples forming on the surface of the water as it roared. Courser set up his trap and wailed upon the cybeast with a tank cannon this time around, blasting a hole into the creature's side as more and more blood data began to leak out of it's slowly deteriorating body.

As his hired help fired off and swam into the creature's body, the Needler's attacks managed to hit both times causing more of the shark skin plates to fall deep upon the depths below, but unfortunately his Mole managed to whiff it's attack this time, going Squalo noticed it. Roaring again, the mole was attacked by a bolt from the blue, water barely flowing over and above it's body as it managed to swim back downwards due to it's innate "mole" status embedded in it's chip data. As he became awash in shadows, the titan of the seas attempted to strike, raising it's tail high into the air and bringing it down hard upon the seas around it as a tidal wave attempted to wash across it's foe's body, crushing his clone in the process, Courser evaded the attack, a second clone coming out shortly thereafter as his water aligned shots did nothing but tickle the creature's body, refreshing an already refreshed shield and readying himself for the next few moments. Even as things continued, Squalo's movements slowed ever further, perhaps with the damage he was dealing, it's body was succumbing to whatever Hevari poured into the water, but it could just as easily be from the damage it was taking.

Hungry Hungry Fishie
Cybeast Squalo: 3375 HP (Sea) (Back turned to Courser)

Would be (not)Hero
Courseman.EXE: 100 HP (Sea) (Behind Squalo) (Barrier30)(Casing10)(Equipped:Shield2)[JailbirdCross: Null/Melee Overwrite, +10 Null](Trap: Forked Streams, when targeting Courser)(Strengthen10)(Regen5, 3 actions)(Shadow, -20% long-range accuracy)(Self-Slow2, 2 instances, 1 turn, -20% dodge chance)(Clone:5 actions)
Needler2HP: 80
Properties: Normal, Mobile
Object Damage: 80 Null + Impact + Break
Damage Method: Ramming attack, Telekinesis, Throw
Attack Damage: 40 Null x 2 hits x 3 Targets
Accuracy: A
Description: Summons a gun platform that attacks up to 3 separate targets each turn with its trio of double spike cannons. It can also perform a defense piercing kamikaze attack.
Duration: Until destroyed.
Element: Null
Special: This chip's accuracy cannot be boosted or reduced by any means, including RP quality.
- This object may ram a target instead of firing needles, but is instantly destroyed in exchange.
- This object may dodge by trying to ram nothing, but if it hits something in this way, it is still destroyed and deals object damage.
Trader Rank: C
: 80 HP (About two movements away from Courser) (Barrier30)(Casing10)
MomograHP: 60
Damage: 15 + Backstab
Accuracy: B
Description: Creats a Momogra virus to aid you. Attacks with a shovel from behind, and has a constant Mole status that ignores terrain solidness when not attacking (unless the panel currently does not exist). Still affected by other effects of panels.
Element: Null
Special: Allied Virus: This virus has two actions per turn, and is fully controllable by the summoner. If no orders are given, it will perform actions at random, but will never intentionally interfere with or damage the summoner or their allies. Deleting this virus will grant no additional rewards to either side.
Trader Rank: C
: 60 HP (Roughly a movement away from Courser) (Barrier30)(Casing10)(Null+10)
TimeBomb1HP: 100
Properties: Anchored
Object Damage: 50 + Impact
Damage Method: Telekinesis
Attack Damage: 100 + To-All-Clause (Enemies)
Accuracy: S
Description: Places a bomb on the field that will explode after two turns, damaging all enemies.
Duration: 2 turns or until destroyed.
Element: Null
Trader Rank: D
: 100 HP (Roughly a movement away from Courser) (Barrier30)(Casing10)(null+10)(Count:1)

Watery Grave
  • Fire Elementals lose 10 HP/action standing, 20 HP/action submerged. Other Non-Aqua Elementals lose 5 HP/action submerged. Nullified for Aqua Elementals.
  • Ice attacks: 50% Freeze1 chance, Changes terrain hit to Ice.
  • Terrain changes between Sea and Onsen do not inflict damage upon submerged entities, nor do they eject submerged entities to the surface.
  • Elec attacks: +100% Source Damage.
  • PanelShot: Imbue Aqua.
(There's anything else? OF COURSE NOT!)
A moment after Courser refreshed his defences, the drifting mine int eh middle of the pool clicked its last digit and detonated with a concussive thump that blasted through the water, gently buffeting Courser and his allies, but destined to have a much greater impression on a creature as big as Squalo. It was hard to tell if the beast's slower motions were from caution or fatigue, but courser wasn't about to take the risk of assuming he had an advantage just yet. He waited and watched, turning his shield arm towards the creature for a moment and letting the swirls of protective water around him shimmer and diminish for a moment; it looked as though whatever he was trying had weakened his barrier temporarily, and he hoped it was enough to bait the giant shark into a strike.

If it reacted first, Courser intended to take the attack on his barrier directly; his already shadowed body faded into the water and reappeared directly by the side of the great shark's head instead, aiming to deliver a strong counterblow in return. His real goal, however one he was close, had a bit more punch. A second large, blunt-spiked sea mine took shape from the shadows in front of his hand, all black metal and sinister intent as it floated right by the beat's head – there as ever chance that Squalo might think to destroy this one before it could explode like the last, but Courser didn't mean to even give him the chance, if he could. Instead he kicked back in the water a couple of feet, then lashed out with his free hand, sending coiling tendrils of controlled current to scoop up the heavy explosive, whip it around once in an arcing spin, and slam it back inward, aiming to brain his target with the device.

He wasn't entirely sure if he'd connected or not, in the end – at least not at first. The explosion of force displaced water and vaporised it it in a shockwave that Courser had no real hope of staying away from, but his quarry likely wouldn't either. Courser pushed through the blast; even if his defences were stripped, the explosion couldn't harm him while he kept the dark shadows wrapped about him. He lunged in, trying to use the aftermath of the explosion as a distraction so he could get to the beast's great eye. One hand touched down on coarse, abrasive skin, as he steadied himself.

“Eyes on the prize, big boy...” His other hand swung hard. Rather than water whips or pressured edges this time, an actual short, wicked-looking blade had appeared in his hand, seemingly from his sleeve as he plunged it down and across for two piercing gouged as the cybeast's eye, if he could get it. As his hand pulled away, he gripped on, trying to stay with the shark like the green-clad protagonist of some ancient video game, but as he did his form shifted and split, leaving behind a different Courser that folded his arms and strove to look as unimpressed as he could. Around both of them, the swirl of protective water currents reasserted themselves, post explosion... though of course, only one of the two was real, as usual.

The Courser still trying to cling to the shark as it moved now bore a simple headband to tie back his hair, picked out with a pattern of many multicoloured, eight-pointed stars. The same delicate pattern decorated his trousers. The other courser, shaking his head at the display, also had a similar headband now, though his one was patterned just in simple green stars, each with five points, and matching style on his trousers.

“You try-hard.... Show off!” The unimpressed Courser called out through the water, as the other fight participants continued their own objectives; the needler fired from the depths, and the mole, hanging back from the blast zone until now, attempted to race in and catch the shark from behind with its shovel spear again. Closer to the shark, the shadows that wreathed Courser himself took on a heat haze as the water around him began to warm up His chip library was running through, but he still had some resources left. Fire next.

C*) Timebomb Explodes (110, S, To-all (enemies))
C1) Counter1Damage: (1-Hit I-Field) + (Counter(70 + Impact + Break): On-Hit)
Accuracy: S Block, A Return
Description: Defends against one attack, teleports to enemy, and strikes with Gutpunch. Impacting. Breaking.
Duration: Once
Element: Null
Special: I-Field is pierced by Impact, Counter is negated by Impact.
Special: Status Guard: This chip blocks debuffs.
Trader Rank: D
(1-Hit I-Field, 80, Impact, Break, A+)
C2) BoyBomb1HP: 100
Properties: Normal
Object Damage: 220 + Blast3
Damage Method: Throw, Knockback, Microburst, Pull, Gravity, Telekinesis
Attack Damage: 220 + Blast3
Accuracy: Not Applicable
Description: Creates a BoyBomb1 on the field directly before you. The bomb may be pushed around until the end of the turn. The bomb will explode at the beginning of the following turn, dealing extremely heavy damage to anything nearby. Be somewhere else when that happens....
Duration: Until destroyed or the beginning of next turn.
Element: Null
Special: If enough damage is dealt to this object to destroy it, it will immediately explode instead.
Trader Rank: D
(230, Blast3, NA Acc) (right in front of his nose)
C3) RageClaw1Damage: 40 + Slashing (Attack) OR 20 + Impacting (Throw)
Accuracy: B / B then B
Description: Creates an impressive bear claw. Can be used to slash or throw enemies or objects.
Duration: Until Overridden/Broken. Breaks automatically after 6 uses.
Element: Null
Special: Throw: The wielder must first grab the target to be thrown, then the target is thrown in the direction/area indicated. A second check is made if against another object/enemy. Throw deals damage to both thrown object/enemy and the second object/enemy. Damage occurs at point of collision with the ground/wall/ceiling/etc. or an object/enemy, not during initial grab attempt. Objects deal their max HP in damage (instead of the chip's damage) if they hit an object/enemy, then break. If they miss, the object just takes the chip's damage. This chip has a variety of uses.
Trader Rank: D
(As grab/throw – lifting Bomb and swinging it at Squalo, A) (100 on hit, then triggers Boybomb's damage method regardless)
C4) Prison Shiv: (20 x2Hits, Break, +Impact, Nullify, Melee-Type, A+)
C*) Fast Barrier: (30Hp Barrier)
C*) Fast Armour: (10Hp Casing)
C5) WandCross: Fire/Shadow, (Assassin, Clone)
C*) Twig-Clone: Doesn't hang on and drifts to one side. That Courser guy is such a show off...
C*) Needler: (40 x2 Hits, A)
C*) Momogra: (25, Backstab, B)
C6) Fire+30Status: Fire Element UP 30, Stackable
Accuracy: S
Description: Adds 30 Damage to all hits of a Fire Element attack chip, before any external environment-related or target-related damage modifiers apply.
Duration: Once
Element: Fire
Trader Rank: C

Mist and Shadow: Cooling
Forked Streams: 1TCD
Murky Deception: 1TCD
Ebb and Flow: 1TCD

-=Chips Used=-
Needler2HP: 80
Properties: Normal, Mobile
Object Damage: 80 Null + Impact + Break
Damage Method: Ramming attack, Telekinesis, Throw
Attack Damage: 40 Null x 2 hits x 3 Targets
Accuracy: A
Description: Summons a gun platform that attacks up to 3 separate targets each turn with its trio of double spike cannons. It can also perform a defense piercing kamikaze attack.
Duration: Until destroyed.
Element: Null
Special: This chip's accuracy cannot be boosted or reduced by any means, including RP quality.
- This object may ram a target instead of firing needles, but is instantly destroyed in exchange.
- This object may dodge by trying to ram nothing, but if it hits something in this way, it is still destroyed and deals object damage.
Trader Rank: C

MomograHP: 60
Damage: 15 + Backstab
Accuracy: B
Description: Creats a Momogra virus to aid you. Attacks with a shovel from behind, and has a constant Mole status that ignores terrain solidness when not attacking (unless the panel currently does not exist). Still affected by other effects of panels.
Element: Null
Special: Allied Virus: This virus has two actions per turn, and is fully controllable by the summoner. If no orders are given, it will perform actions at random, but will never intentionally interfere with or damage the summoner or their allies. Deleting this virus will grant no additional rewards to either side.
Trader Rank: C

IceWave2Damage: 100 + Freeze
Accuracy: A
Description: Sends a wave of ice at one enemy
Duration: Once
Element: Aqua
Special: Ice Type: This chip counts as Ice Type for the purposes of potentially freezing targets on Aqua Element Terrain or environments, as applicable.
Trader Rank: C

ShotgunDamage: 50 + Spread 1
Accuracy: A
Description: A gun whose shot penetrates an enemy to hit another one directly behind it.
Duration: Once
Element: Null
Trader Rank: E

TripleNeedleDamage: 50 x 3 Shots
Accuracy: B
Description: Fires three sharp spears at the same target.
Duration: Once
Element: Null
Trader Rank: C

BigHammer1Damage: 160 + Impact + Break
Accuracy: B
Description: Summons a giant metal hammer to utterly crush one enemy that stands before you.
Duration: Once
Element: Null
Trader Rank: D

TimeBomb1HP: 100
Properties: Anchored
Object Damage: 50 + Impact
Damage Method: Telekinesis
Attack Damage: 100 + To-All-Clause (Enemies)
Accuracy: S
Description: Places a bomb on the field that will explode after two turns, damaging all enemies.
Duration: 2 turns or until destroyed.
Element: Null
Trader Rank: D

Dynamite1HP: 100
Properties: Light
Object Damage: 100 Null + Blast2
Damage Method: Throw, Knockback, Microburst, Telekinesis, Gust
Attack Damage: 100 Null + Blast2 + Line Attack + Seeking
Accuracy: D (thrown) / A (trigger)
Description: Sets a lightweight laser trip bomb. When something crosses the sensor beam, the bomb detonates a shaped charge that blasts an entire line. It can see through Invisibility. This weapon is very dangerous to use, caution is advised.
Duration: Until destroyed or until it attacks.
Element: Null
Special: Laser TAG: Attack triggers when something moves through the targeting laser beam, no matter who or what that may be.
Trader Rank: D

GolemHit1Damage: 140 + Break + Panel Crack + Wide Attack
Accuracy: C
Description: A fist of stone falls from the sky to smash an enemy, and create a shock wave that hits two nearby enemies. The area affected by the fist becomes Cracked terrain.
Duration: Once
Element: Null
Trader Rank: D

Pulsar1Damage: 70 + Object Triggered Blast 2
Accuracy: A (Primary) / B (Blast)
Description: Fires a sound wave. If it hits an object, its range is amplified, hitting anything near that object in a blast of noise.
Duration: Once
Element: Null
Special: Object Triggered Blast: Blast effect that only works if the attack hits an Object, such as a RockCube.
Trader Rank: D

Pulsar1Damage: 70 + Object Triggered Blast 2
Accuracy: A (Primary) / B (Blast)
Description: Fires a sound wave. If it hits an object, its range is amplified, hitting anything near that object in a blast of noise.
Duration: Once
Element: Null
Special: Object Triggered Blast: Blast effect that only works if the attack hits an Object, such as a RockCube.
Trader Rank: D

TankCannon1Damage: 80 / 80 + Blast 2
Accuracy: A / C
Description: An enormous cannon whose ammunition can be altered to either a single high accuracy shot, or a low accuracy shot that can explode to hit several enemies.
Duration: Once
Element: Null
Special: Dual Mode: This chip has two separate modes of operation. The user may pick which one they wish to use at the time of activation.
Trader Rank: D

Katana1Damage: (60 + Slashing + Wide Attack) Then (60 + Slashing + Long Attack)
Accuracy: B
Description: Creates a long metal blade with exceptional cutting speed. Hits with a wide slash, then a long slash in the span of a single action, hitting 3 and 2 targets, respectively. Only one target can be hit with both slashes. Rare
Duration: Until Overridden/Broken. Breaks automatically after 2 uses.
Element: Null
Trader Rank: C

BoyBomb1HP: 100
Properties: Normal
Object Damage: 220 + Blast3
Damage Method: Throw, Knockback, Microburst, Pull, Gravity, Telekinesis
Attack Damage: 220 + Blast3
Accuracy: Not Applicable
Description: Creates a BoyBomb1 on the field directly before you. The bomb may be pushed around until the end of the turn. The bomb will explode at the beginning of the following turn, dealing extremely heavy damage to anything nearby. Be somewhere else when that happens....
Duration: Until destroyed or the beginning of next turn.
Element: Null
Special: If enough damage is dealt to this object to destroy it, it will immediately explode instead.
Trader Rank: D

RageClaw1Damage: 40 + Slashing (Attack) OR 20 + Impacting (Throw)
Accuracy: B / B then B
Description: Creates an impressive bear claw. Can be used to slash or throw enemies or objects.
Duration: Until Overridden/Broken. Breaks automatically after 6 uses.
Element: Null
Special: Throw: The wielder must first grab the target to be thrown, then the target is thrown in the direction/area indicated. A second check is made if against another object/enemy. Throw deals damage to both thrown object/enemy and the second object/enemy. Damage occurs at point of collision with the ground/wall/ceiling/etc. or an object/enemy, not during initial grab attempt. Objects deal their max HP in damage (instead of the chip's damage) if they hit an object/enemy, then break. If they miss, the object just takes the chip's damage. This chip has a variety of uses.
Trader Rank: D
(5 uses left)
Counter1Damage: (1-Hit I-Field) + (Counter(70 + Impact + Break): On-Hit)
Accuracy: S Block, A Return
Description: Defends against one attack, teleports to enemy, and strikes with Gutpunch. Impacting. Breaking.
Duration: Once
Element: Null
Special: I-Field is pierced by Impact, Counter is negated by Impact.
Special: Status Guard: This chip blocks debuffs.
Trader Rank: D

Fire+30Status: Fire Element UP 30, Stackable
Accuracy: S
Description: Adds 30 Damage to all hits of a Fire Element attack chip, before any external environment-related or target-related damage modifiers apply.
Duration: Once
Element: Fire
Trader Rank: C
Explosions rocking through the sea that surrounded them, the bomb did it's job and buffeted Squalo well, more and more of it's shark skin plates falling away from the beast's massive body as the explosion rocked it hard. It's body slowly turning to face Courser, head pointed right at him and not the clone nearby as it attempted to bite through the shadow cloaked navi...only to instead not only pass through the navi without a second to think about it...Courser landed a massive counterblow to it's giant jaw, knocking loose a navi-sized tooth into the depths below as the giant passed by, eliciting a a scornful roar from the cybeast.

Quick to follow up on his counterstrike, Courser summoned his ever so trusty boxed bomb to give Squalo another wonderful present as it began to turn back around to aim for the navi again, teeth bared and ready to chomp at the navi again, Courser was swifter than the monstrous shark cybeast, his tendrils wrapped around the bomb and flung it right into the beast's face. The explosion rocking the waters even harder than his Timebomb did, so much so Hevari could see the ripples above on the surface as she elicited a confused squeak and her trusty spikey companion howled into the air happily, knowing his new friend was doing the cybeast a wonderful struggle.

Through the soot and smoke, Squalo charged back at Courser, soot and blood clinging to it's now blackened face, teeth rending through the water and passing through the navi's body once more, as his knife pierced through the Cybeast's eye with a rending squelch, thankfully he managed to make both strikes, the cybeast roaring in absolute pain as it's most unguarded and exposed part had managed to be attacked, a large squirt of data coming from the attack, causing the beast to thrash about in what could only be expressed as "excruciating" pain. The creature's tail beginning to flail about, waves crashing about and explosions of water flying about into the depths as his hired help took advantage of the beast's flailing about, striking true with their attacks as he swapped to a different cross and readied himself for another attack. Even though he could barely see it, the shark's eye had closed over quickly with scar tissue as if to stem the bleeding from such a blow, though it still smelled Courser, it seemed less inclined to go after anything else...and less able to discern a clone from the real thing...

Hungry Hungry Fishie
Cybeast Squalo: 2710 HP (Sea) (Back turned to Courser) (Half-Blind! Actions now have -1 Accuracy rank and Squalo has a higher chance to attack Courser's clones or him! Unsure duration!)

Would be (not)Hero
Courseman.EXE: 100 HP (Sea) (Behind Squalo)(Barrier30)(Casing10)(Equipped:Shield2)[WandCross: Fire/Shadow Overwrite, +10 Fire](Strengthen10)(Fire+30)(Equipped: Rageclaw1 (5 uses))
Needler2HP: 80
Properties: Normal, Mobile
Object Damage: 80 Null + Impact + Break
Damage Method: Ramming attack, Telekinesis, Throw
Attack Damage: 40 Null x 2 hits x 3 Targets
Accuracy: A
Description: Summons a gun platform that attacks up to 3 separate targets each turn with its trio of double spike cannons. It can also perform a defense piercing kamikaze attack.
Duration: Until destroyed.
Element: Null
Special: This chip's accuracy cannot be boosted or reduced by any means, including RP quality.
- This object may ram a target instead of firing needles, but is instantly destroyed in exchange.
- This object may dodge by trying to ram nothing, but if it hits something in this way, it is still destroyed and deals object damage.
Trader Rank: C
: 80 HP (About two movements away from Courser) (Barrier30)(Casing10)
MomograHP: 60
Damage: 15 + Backstab
Accuracy: B
Description: Creats a Momogra virus to aid you. Attacks with a shovel from behind, and has a constant Mole status that ignores terrain solidness when not attacking (unless the panel currently does not exist). Still affected by other effects of panels.
Element: Null
Special: Allied Virus: This virus has two actions per turn, and is fully controllable by the summoner. If no orders are given, it will perform actions at random, but will never intentionally interfere with or damage the summoner or their allies. Deleting this virus will grant no additional rewards to either side.
Trader Rank: C
: 60 HP (Roughly a movement away from Courser) (Barrier30)(Casing10)(Null+10)

Watery Grave
  • Fire Elementals lose 10 HP/action standing, 20 HP/action submerged. Other Non-Aqua Elementals lose 5 HP/action submerged. Nullified for Aqua Elementals.
  • Ice attacks: 50% Freeze1 chance, Changes terrain hit to Ice.
  • Terrain changes between Sea and Onsen do not inflict damage upon submerged entities, nor do they eject submerged entities to the surface.
  • Elec attacks: +100% Source Damage.
  • PanelShot: Imbue Aqua.
(There's anything else? OF COURSE NOT!)
Wear and tear was building up on the beast, that much was certain. Courser took a moment to assess then glanced across the way to where his double had re-emerged from the increasingly murky waters. The twig-clone shook his head and rolled his shoulders.

“Blow-hard like you... all roar and no substance. You couldn't swat a fly, you great big flounder... Hmph. Not even really worth the effort. The clone swam along side the great shark, down and past it on one side, blanking Squalo with a shake of his head, while the real Courser slipped in on the opposite side, coasting close and tearing a raking line of edged pressure lines along its flank. No sooner had he made the slice, however, than he dived lower, seeking to pass under the beast's blind spot to find abetter angle. His clone moved in opposition, shifting to find the shark's good eye while he raised a facsimile of Courser's own shield, gesturing with its free hand.

“Come on then, if you're coming, eh? You've got to do better than that if you want to play with the cool kids...” Not fr away, Courser aimed another strike, seeking to lacerate a different area before ducking aside and repositioning. This time, he called out directly, trying to pull the shark's attention back to himself, slightly above the beast.

“Don't worry about that one! Come on, I'm the one you should be looking at, mate! Over here! As long as you make a good showing, give it some flare, it'll work out, trust me! Now come on, show me what you've got, eh?” As with his clone, Courser's shield was ready for the shark's attention, but he made the wave whips on his other hand sparkle and flare with miniature fiery technics that lit up the water near his hand for a moment or two.

In that moment, his needler shot again, launching two more flechettes up at the shark from below, and if his clone was still about, he called out from below the shark now, its form between Squalo and the actual needle turret.

“Nah, it's like I said; all flare and no substance, ignore that lug – he's not your real problem...” The clone smirked and winked up at the beast just as Courser darted forward and lashed out again, aiming to drag more cuts across its body with his high-pressure blades. If he'd managed to draw more of the creature's ire than he'd intended, there was a good chance he'd have run through some of his protections, but as he attacked, the surrounding swirls of fluid shadows re-coalesced the various under layers for him again.

He pulled back from the strike, one hand raised and waving fingers while he kept himself ready to defend, while, from a different direction, behind the shark, his scuba-mole took its own turn, lunging in with a piercing shovel at the beast's most unguarded angle before retreating again. Courser gave each of the little extra jabs a chance to draw the monster's attention before striking back himself; two more slashes at different parts of the beast's body. The aim, for now, was to make it hurt all over from a swarm of individual cuts – the more he could disorient the creature, or confuse its senses, the better. With the last strike, the keen edges of his whips wore away back to fluid, flexible tendrils and freed up his hand again for some more pronounced fire power.

C*) Twig-Clone: Shifting in opposed patterns to Courser, switching places with him intermittently
C*) Assassin: +20% Damage (10) on any trike that lands after an attack from Squalo that wasn't against the real Courser.
C1) RageClaw1Damage: 40 + Slashing (Attack) OR 20 + Impacting (Throw)
Accuracy: B / B then B
Description: Creates an impressive bear claw. Can be used to slash or throw enemies or objects.
Duration: Until Overridden/Broken. Breaks automatically after 6 uses.
Element: Null
Special: Throw: The wielder must first grab the target to be thrown, then the target is thrown in the direction/area indicated. A second check is made if against another object/enemy. Throw deals damage to both thrown object/enemy and the second object/enemy. Damage occurs at point of collision with the ground/wall/ceiling/etc. or an object/enemy, not during initial grab attempt. Objects deal their max HP in damage (instead of the chip's damage) if they hit an object/enemy, then break. If they miss, the object just takes the chip's damage. This chip has a variety of uses.
Trader Rank: D
(50 Slashing, B)
C2) RageClaw1Damage: 40 + Slashing (Attack) OR 20 + Impacting (Throw)
Accuracy: B / B then B
Description: Creates an impressive bear claw. Can be used to slash or throw enemies or objects.
Duration: Until Overridden/Broken. Breaks automatically after 6 uses.
Element: Null
Special: Throw: The wielder must first grab the target to be thrown, then the target is thrown in the direction/area indicated. A second check is made if against another object/enemy. Throw deals damage to both thrown object/enemy and the second object/enemy. Damage occurs at point of collision with the ground/wall/ceiling/etc. or an object/enemy, not during initial grab attempt. Objects deal their max HP in damage (instead of the chip's damage) if they hit an object/enemy, then break. If they miss, the object just takes the chip's damage. This chip has a variety of uses.
Trader Rank: D
(50 Slashing, B)
C3) Movement (For positioning in and around Squalo)
C*) Needler: (40 x2 Hits, A)
C*) Fast Barrier: (30Hp Barrier)
C*) Fast Armour: (10Hp Casing)
C4) RageClaw1Damage: 40 + Slashing (Attack) OR 20 + Impacting (Throw)
Accuracy: B / B then B
Description: Creates an impressive bear claw. Can be used to slash or throw enemies or objects.
Duration: Until Overridden/Broken. Breaks automatically after 6 uses.
Element: Null
Special: Throw: The wielder must first grab the target to be thrown, then the target is thrown in the direction/area indicated. A second check is made if against another object/enemy. Throw deals damage to both thrown object/enemy and the second object/enemy. Damage occurs at point of collision with the ground/wall/ceiling/etc. or an object/enemy, not during initial grab attempt. Objects deal their max HP in damage (instead of the chip's damage) if they hit an object/enemy, then break. If they miss, the object just takes the chip's damage. This chip has a variety of uses.
Trader Rank: D
(50 Slashing, B)
C*) Momogra: (25, Backstab, B)
C5) RageClaw1Damage: 40 + Slashing (Attack) OR 20 + Impacting (Throw)
Accuracy: B / B then B
Description: Creates an impressive bear claw. Can be used to slash or throw enemies or objects.
Duration: Until Overridden/Broken. Breaks automatically after 6 uses.
Element: Null
Special: Throw: The wielder must first grab the target to be thrown, then the target is thrown in the direction/area indicated. A second check is made if against another object/enemy. Throw deals damage to both thrown object/enemy and the second object/enemy. Damage occurs at point of collision with the ground/wall/ceiling/etc. or an object/enemy, not during initial grab attempt. Objects deal their max HP in damage (instead of the chip's damage) if they hit an object/enemy, then break. If they miss, the object just takes the chip's damage. This chip has a variety of uses.
Trader Rank: D
(50 Slashing, B)
C6) RageClaw1Damage: 40 + Slashing (Attack) OR 20 + Impacting (Throw)
Accuracy: B / B then B
Description: Creates an impressive bear claw. Can be used to slash or throw enemies or objects.
Duration: Until Overridden/Broken. Breaks automatically after 6 uses.
Element: Null
Special: Throw: The wielder must first grab the target to be thrown, then the target is thrown in the direction/area indicated. A second check is made if against another object/enemy. Throw deals damage to both thrown object/enemy and the second object/enemy. Damage occurs at point of collision with the ground/wall/ceiling/etc. or an object/enemy, not during initial grab attempt. Objects deal their max HP in damage (instead of the chip's damage) if they hit an object/enemy, then break. If they miss, the object just takes the chip's damage. This chip has a variety of uses.
Trader Rank: D
(50 Slashing, B)

Forked Streams: Cooling
Murky Deception: Cooling
Ebb and Flow: Cooling

-=Chips Used=-
Needler2HP: 80
Properties: Normal, Mobile
Object Damage: 80 Null + Impact + Break
Damage Method: Ramming attack, Telekinesis, Throw
Attack Damage: 40 Null x 2 hits x 3 Targets
Accuracy: A
Description: Summons a gun platform that attacks up to 3 separate targets each turn with its trio of double spike cannons. It can also perform a defense piercing kamikaze attack.
Duration: Until destroyed.
Element: Null
Special: This chip's accuracy cannot be boosted or reduced by any means, including RP quality.
- This object may ram a target instead of firing needles, but is instantly destroyed in exchange.
- This object may dodge by trying to ram nothing, but if it hits something in this way, it is still destroyed and deals object damage.
Trader Rank: C

MomograHP: 60
Damage: 15 + Backstab
Accuracy: B
Description: Creats a Momogra virus to aid you. Attacks with a shovel from behind, and has a constant Mole status that ignores terrain solidness when not attacking (unless the panel currently does not exist). Still affected by other effects of panels.
Element: Null
Special: Allied Virus: This virus has two actions per turn, and is fully controllable by the summoner. If no orders are given, it will perform actions at random, but will never intentionally interfere with or damage the summoner or their allies. Deleting this virus will grant no additional rewards to either side.
Trader Rank: C

IceWave2Damage: 100 + Freeze
Accuracy: A
Description: Sends a wave of ice at one enemy
Duration: Once
Element: Aqua
Special: Ice Type: This chip counts as Ice Type for the purposes of potentially freezing targets on Aqua Element Terrain or environments, as applicable.
Trader Rank: C

ShotgunDamage: 50 + Spread 1
Accuracy: A
Description: A gun whose shot penetrates an enemy to hit another one directly behind it.
Duration: Once
Element: Null
Trader Rank: E

TripleNeedleDamage: 50 x 3 Shots
Accuracy: B
Description: Fires three sharp spears at the same target.
Duration: Once
Element: Null
Trader Rank: C

BigHammer1Damage: 160 + Impact + Break
Accuracy: B
Description: Summons a giant metal hammer to utterly crush one enemy that stands before you.
Duration: Once
Element: Null
Trader Rank: D

TimeBomb1HP: 100
Properties: Anchored
Object Damage: 50 + Impact
Damage Method: Telekinesis
Attack Damage: 100 + To-All-Clause (Enemies)
Accuracy: S
Description: Places a bomb on the field that will explode after two turns, damaging all enemies.
Duration: 2 turns or until destroyed.
Element: Null
Trader Rank: D

Dynamite1HP: 100
Properties: Light
Object Damage: 100 Null + Blast2
Damage Method: Throw, Knockback, Microburst, Telekinesis, Gust
Attack Damage: 100 Null + Blast2 + Line Attack + Seeking
Accuracy: D (thrown) / A (trigger)
Description: Sets a lightweight laser trip bomb. When something crosses the sensor beam, the bomb detonates a shaped charge that blasts an entire line. It can see through Invisibility. This weapon is very dangerous to use, caution is advised.
Duration: Until destroyed or until it attacks.
Element: Null
Special: Laser TAG: Attack triggers when something moves through the targeting laser beam, no matter who or what that may be.
Trader Rank: D

GolemHit1Damage: 140 + Break + Panel Crack + Wide Attack
Accuracy: C
Description: A fist of stone falls from the sky to smash an enemy, and create a shock wave that hits two nearby enemies. The area affected by the fist becomes Cracked terrain.
Duration: Once
Element: Null
Trader Rank: D

Pulsar1Damage: 70 + Object Triggered Blast 2
Accuracy: A (Primary) / B (Blast)
Description: Fires a sound wave. If it hits an object, its range is amplified, hitting anything near that object in a blast of noise.
Duration: Once
Element: Null
Special: Object Triggered Blast: Blast effect that only works if the attack hits an Object, such as a RockCube.
Trader Rank: D

Pulsar1Damage: 70 + Object Triggered Blast 2
Accuracy: A (Primary) / B (Blast)
Description: Fires a sound wave. If it hits an object, its range is amplified, hitting anything near that object in a blast of noise.
Duration: Once
Element: Null
Special: Object Triggered Blast: Blast effect that only works if the attack hits an Object, such as a RockCube.
Trader Rank: D

TankCannon1Damage: 80 / 80 + Blast 2
Accuracy: A / C
Description: An enormous cannon whose ammunition can be altered to either a single high accuracy shot, or a low accuracy shot that can explode to hit several enemies.
Duration: Once
Element: Null
Special: Dual Mode: This chip has two separate modes of operation. The user may pick which one they wish to use at the time of activation.
Trader Rank: D

Katana1Damage: (60 + Slashing + Wide Attack) Then (60 + Slashing + Long Attack)
Accuracy: B
Description: Creates a long metal blade with exceptional cutting speed. Hits with a wide slash, then a long slash in the span of a single action, hitting 3 and 2 targets, respectively. Only one target can be hit with both slashes. Rare
Duration: Until Overridden/Broken. Breaks automatically after 2 uses.
Element: Null
Trader Rank: C

BoyBomb1HP: 100
Properties: Normal
Object Damage: 220 + Blast3
Damage Method: Throw, Knockback, Microburst, Pull, Gravity, Telekinesis
Attack Damage: 220 + Blast3
Accuracy: Not Applicable
Description: Creates a BoyBomb1 on the field directly before you. The bomb may be pushed around until the end of the turn. The bomb will explode at the beginning of the following turn, dealing extremely heavy damage to anything nearby. Be somewhere else when that happens....
Duration: Until destroyed or the beginning of next turn.
Element: Null
Special: If enough damage is dealt to this object to destroy it, it will immediately explode instead.
Trader Rank: D

RageClaw1Damage: 40 + Slashing (Attack) OR 20 + Impacting (Throw)
Accuracy: B / B then B
Description: Creates an impressive bear claw. Can be used to slash or throw enemies or objects.
Duration: Until Overridden/Broken. Breaks automatically after 6 uses.
Element: Null
Special: Throw: The wielder must first grab the target to be thrown, then the target is thrown in the direction/area indicated. A second check is made if against another object/enemy. Throw deals damage to both thrown object/enemy and the second object/enemy. Damage occurs at point of collision with the ground/wall/ceiling/etc. or an object/enemy, not during initial grab attempt. Objects deal their max HP in damage (instead of the chip's damage) if they hit an object/enemy, then break. If they miss, the object just takes the chip's damage. This chip has a variety of uses.
Trader Rank: D

Counter1Damage: (1-Hit I-Field) + (Counter(70 + Impact + Break): On-Hit)
Accuracy: S Block, A Return
Description: Defends against one attack, teleports to enemy, and strikes with Gutpunch. Impacting. Breaking.
Duration: Once
Element: Null
Special: I-Field is pierced by Impact, Counter is negated by Impact.
Special: Status Guard: This chip blocks debuffs.
Trader Rank: D

Fire+30Status: Fire Element UP 30, Stackable
Accuracy: S
Description: Adds 30 Damage to all hits of a Fire Element attack chip, before any external environment-related or target-related damage modifiers apply.
Duration: Once
Element: Fire
Trader Rank: C
A low rumble sounded out across the water as Squalo began to turn back around, going downwards and beginning to flip back around like a barrel roll, before going into a corkscrew dive against the clone, but unfortunately for it's half-blinded state it completely went wide against the clone, going way above it's head as it swam beside and downwards from Squalo's form and right into the waiting Courser's claws, leaving nasty scratches along it's body as the shark cybeast flowed across the field, anger obviously bubbling at the surface as it let another aquatic roar at the duo, seemingly angrier than before as it was taunted relentlessly by the duo, another scratch cutting through it's hardened skin and more plating began to fall off and disappear into the deep dark depths below.

Though as Courser made his move, Squalo's head and body turned to the navi himself, seemingly getting a hang of only having one eye for the time being. It's gaze almost trained upon the navi as it flailed about in a circle, almost swiftly trying to slice into Courser like a sword with it's fins...and managing to cut into the bubble that surrounded him with hellish accuracy and swiftness, pushing the dandy away slightly from it's body as it took a pair of needler hits upon it's rear flank before getting it's side slashed again with the watery blades, tearing through more of it's own write protections and making it leak further blood data into the water, a visible tinge of red with the aqua blue seas mixing and melding within the water.

Flying up from the waters, his Scubamole attempted to ding the cybeast again with it's trusty shovel, but sad enough for it, it's aim was misplaced and it managed to swipe at nothing but water as the cybeast moved, it's body slowly beginning to circle about Courser, but all the same, it's movements continued to slow. And for Courser, he could manage to hit the beast twice more with the watery claws as the beast was becoming more and more haggard with damage and with those two slices, the fight was just over half over...but would he have the stamina to keep up this pace was the big question.

Hungry Hungry Fishie
Cybeast Squalo: 2410 HP (Sea) (Circling about Courser, preparing another charged attack!) (Half-Blind! Actions now have -1 Accuracy rank and Squalo has a higher chance to attack Courser's clones or him! Unsure duration!)(Charge1)

Would be (not)Hero
Courseman.EXE: 100 HP (Sea) (Within Squalo's domain of influence)(Barrier30)(Casing10)(Equipped:Shield2)[WandCross: Fire/Shadow Overwrite, +10 Fire](Strengthen10)(Fire+30)(Equipped: Rageclaw1 (5 uses))
Needler2HP: 80
Properties: Normal, Mobile
Object Damage: 80 Null + Impact + Break
Damage Method: Ramming attack, Telekinesis, Throw
Attack Damage: 40 Null x 2 hits x 3 Targets
Accuracy: A
Description: Summons a gun platform that attacks up to 3 separate targets each turn with its trio of double spike cannons. It can also perform a defense piercing kamikaze attack.
Duration: Until destroyed.
Element: Null
Special: This chip's accuracy cannot be boosted or reduced by any means, including RP quality.
- This object may ram a target instead of firing needles, but is instantly destroyed in exchange.
- This object may dodge by trying to ram nothing, but if it hits something in this way, it is still destroyed and deals object damage.
Trader Rank: C
: 80 HP (About two movements away from Courser) (Barrier30)(Casing10)
MomograHP: 60
Damage: 15 + Backstab
Accuracy: B
Description: Creats a Momogra virus to aid you. Attacks with a shovel from behind, and has a constant Mole status that ignores terrain solidness when not attacking (unless the panel currently does not exist). Still affected by other effects of panels.
Element: Null
Special: Allied Virus: This virus has two actions per turn, and is fully controllable by the summoner. If no orders are given, it will perform actions at random, but will never intentionally interfere with or damage the summoner or their allies. Deleting this virus will grant no additional rewards to either side.
Trader Rank: C
: 60 HP (Roughly a movement away from Courser) (Barrier30)(Casing10)(Null+10)

Watery Grave
  • Fire Elementals lose 10 HP/action standing, 20 HP/action submerged. Other Non-Aqua Elementals lose 5 HP/action submerged. Nullified for Aqua Elementals.
  • Ice attacks: 50% Freeze1 chance, Changes terrain hit to Ice.
  • Terrain changes between Sea and Onsen do not inflict damage upon submerged entities, nor do they eject submerged entities to the surface.
  • Elec attacks: +100% Source Damage.
  • PanelShot: Imbue Aqua.
(There's anything else? OF COURSE NOT!)
The waters were growing increasingly clouded with the murk of the on-going battle, but Courser kept his eyes on the great beast as it began to whip up a new whirlpool of current all around him. For a few moments he let himself drift with it, pulled into the centre and higher up in the flow until he was level with the shark itself before catching himself in the middle of the current and reversing his own spin. He threw his hands out, laughing as he did and lit up the water with a dazzling scatter of pinpoint stars and white-hot streaks of fire that shimmered through the currents in a reverse spiral of burning jets. The blast itself wasn't as powerful as some of his other tricks, but it lit up the increasingly murky water in a briefly obscuring light show. The big shark was building up to a big one, but Courser didn't plan to be around for it.

As the light faded and the scorching flames and stars burned out, one courser remained in the centre, shield up and tracking with the shark. Courser himself had taken the moment to dart down the column of water and break out to one side lower in the den, letting the dark shade of his coat blend with the frigid water long enough to lose the beast's attention, or hopefully so. There were other distractions beside his main clone, as his turret continued to fire and the mole swam in again, trying to clip the shark as it circled. He continued to hide, as best the could, slowly drawing the silvered revolved from his coat as he waited for the shark to lash out at the target-rich environment above him in some way, before extending his arm up and pulling the trigger. A concussive thump kicked his arm back and he let the weapon spin about his finger from the recoil as the chamber discharged. It was a pin-point shot, compared to the size of the beast, but it had enough punch and piercing power to do significant damage, if he was able to find a decent blind spot. Two more shots followed, but Courser aimed them upwards at the edges of the den instead; if he could dislodge any larger chunks of ice or debris it might give him some more cover to make called shots from.

Still holding the weapon, he readied himself to deal with any more direct repercussions of his attack; if he got the shark's attention again, it could snap at the water – Courser planned to be elsewhere, leaving only another after image in his place to tease it.

C*) Assassin: +20% Damage on any strike that lands after an attack from Squalo that wasn't against the real Courser.
C1) HeatSpreader1Damage: 30 + Spread 8
Accuracy: A
Description: Shoots a fireball that explodes on impact to hit nearby enemies.
Duration: Once
Element: Fire
Trader Rank: D
(40Fire, 8-way spread (enemies), A)
C2) Star Field: (20Fire, Nova4)
C*) Twig-Clone: Takes forward position, where Courser was before the star burst, evasive with a 'shield' up
C3) Movement (Fading back, seeking to use the after effects of the light-show to disorient and hide)
C*) Momogra: (25, Backstab, B)
C*) Needler: (40 x2 Hits, A)
C4) Ebb and Flow: (First: Status Cure, Strengthen 10, 5 Healing)(Then: 5 Healing per action, five additional actions)
C5) Magnum1Damage: 120 + Break + Panel Break x 3 Targets
Accuracy: A
Description: A triple barreled gun that blasts through defenses and terrain alike. Rare
Duration: Once
Element: Fire
Trader Rank: C
(160Fire (Using Fire+30), A) (+32Fire if Assassin is met) (other two shots directed towards the edges of the den arena, trying to create some more terrain debris)
C*) Fast Barrier: (30Hp Barrier)
C*) Fast Armour: (10Hp Casing)
C6) Forked Streams: Trap(Incoming Attack against CourseMan): Multi-Stage: First (Dodge + Decoy(1 round)), Then (10Aqua, Shot-Type x2 Hits)

Ebb and Flow: 2 Turns
Forked Streams: 2 Turns

-=Chips Used=-
Needler2HP: 80
Properties: Normal, Mobile
Object Damage: 80 Null + Impact + Break
Damage Method: Ramming attack, Telekinesis, Throw
Attack Damage: 40 Null x 2 hits x 3 Targets
Accuracy: A
Description: Summons a gun platform that attacks up to 3 separate targets each turn with its trio of double spike cannons. It can also perform a defense piercing kamikaze attack.
Duration: Until destroyed.
Element: Null
Special: This chip's accuracy cannot be boosted or reduced by any means, including RP quality.
- This object may ram a target instead of firing needles, but is instantly destroyed in exchange.
- This object may dodge by trying to ram nothing, but if it hits something in this way, it is still destroyed and deals object damage.
Trader Rank: C

MomograHP: 60
Damage: 15 + Backstab
Accuracy: B
Description: Creats a Momogra virus to aid you. Attacks with a shovel from behind, and has a constant Mole status that ignores terrain solidness when not attacking (unless the panel currently does not exist). Still affected by other effects of panels.
Element: Null
Special: Allied Virus: This virus has two actions per turn, and is fully controllable by the summoner. If no orders are given, it will perform actions at random, but will never intentionally interfere with or damage the summoner or their allies. Deleting this virus will grant no additional rewards to either side.
Trader Rank: C

IceWave2Damage: 100 + Freeze
Accuracy: A
Description: Sends a wave of ice at one enemy
Duration: Once
Element: Aqua
Special: Ice Type: This chip counts as Ice Type for the purposes of potentially freezing targets on Aqua Element Terrain or environments, as applicable.
Trader Rank: C

ShotgunDamage: 50 + Spread 1
Accuracy: A
Description: A gun whose shot penetrates an enemy to hit another one directly behind it.
Duration: Once
Element: Null
Trader Rank: E

TripleNeedleDamage: 50 x 3 Shots
Accuracy: B
Description: Fires three sharp spears at the same target.
Duration: Once
Element: Null
Trader Rank: C

BigHammer1Damage: 160 + Impact + Break
Accuracy: B
Description: Summons a giant metal hammer to utterly crush one enemy that stands before you.
Duration: Once
Element: Null
Trader Rank: D

TimeBomb1HP: 100
Properties: Anchored
Object Damage: 50 + Impact
Damage Method: Telekinesis
Attack Damage: 100 + To-All-Clause (Enemies)
Accuracy: S
Description: Places a bomb on the field that will explode after two turns, damaging all enemies.
Duration: 2 turns or until destroyed.
Element: Null
Trader Rank: D

Dynamite1HP: 100
Properties: Light
Object Damage: 100 Null + Blast2
Damage Method: Throw, Knockback, Microburst, Telekinesis, Gust
Attack Damage: 100 Null + Blast2 + Line Attack + Seeking
Accuracy: D (thrown) / A (trigger)
Description: Sets a lightweight laser trip bomb. When something crosses the sensor beam, the bomb detonates a shaped charge that blasts an entire line. It can see through Invisibility. This weapon is very dangerous to use, caution is advised.
Duration: Until destroyed or until it attacks.
Element: Null
Special: Laser TAG: Attack triggers when something moves through the targeting laser beam, no matter who or what that may be.
Trader Rank: D

GolemHit1Damage: 140 + Break + Panel Crack + Wide Attack
Accuracy: C
Description: A fist of stone falls from the sky to smash an enemy, and create a shock wave that hits two nearby enemies. The area affected by the fist becomes Cracked terrain.
Duration: Once
Element: Null
Trader Rank: D

Pulsar1Damage: 70 + Object Triggered Blast 2
Accuracy: A (Primary) / B (Blast)
Description: Fires a sound wave. If it hits an object, its range is amplified, hitting anything near that object in a blast of noise.
Duration: Once
Element: Null
Special: Object Triggered Blast: Blast effect that only works if the attack hits an Object, such as a RockCube.
Trader Rank: D

Pulsar1Damage: 70 + Object Triggered Blast 2
Accuracy: A (Primary) / B (Blast)
Description: Fires a sound wave. If it hits an object, its range is amplified, hitting anything near that object in a blast of noise.
Duration: Once
Element: Null
Special: Object Triggered Blast: Blast effect that only works if the attack hits an Object, such as a RockCube.
Trader Rank: D

TankCannon1Damage: 80 / 80 + Blast 2
Accuracy: A / C
Description: An enormous cannon whose ammunition can be altered to either a single high accuracy shot, or a low accuracy shot that can explode to hit several enemies.
Duration: Once
Element: Null
Special: Dual Mode: This chip has two separate modes of operation. The user may pick which one they wish to use at the time of activation.
Trader Rank: D

Katana1Damage: (60 + Slashing + Wide Attack) Then (60 + Slashing + Long Attack)
Accuracy: B
Description: Creates a long metal blade with exceptional cutting speed. Hits with a wide slash, then a long slash in the span of a single action, hitting 3 and 2 targets, respectively. Only one target can be hit with both slashes. Rare
Duration: Until Overridden/Broken. Breaks automatically after 2 uses.
Element: Null
Trader Rank: C

BoyBomb1HP: 100
Properties: Normal
Object Damage: 220 + Blast3
Damage Method: Throw, Knockback, Microburst, Pull, Gravity, Telekinesis
Attack Damage: 220 + Blast3
Accuracy: Not Applicable
Description: Creates a BoyBomb1 on the field directly before you. The bomb may be pushed around until the end of the turn. The bomb will explode at the beginning of the following turn, dealing extremely heavy damage to anything nearby. Be somewhere else when that happens....
Duration: Until destroyed or the beginning of next turn.
Element: Null
Special: If enough damage is dealt to this object to destroy it, it will immediately explode instead.
Trader Rank: D

RageClaw1Damage: 40 + Slashing (Attack) OR 20 + Impacting (Throw)
Accuracy: B / B then B
Description: Creates an impressive bear claw. Can be used to slash or throw enemies or objects.
Duration: Until Overridden/Broken. Breaks automatically after 6 uses.
Element: Null
Special: Throw: The wielder must first grab the target to be thrown, then the target is thrown in the direction/area indicated. A second check is made if against another object/enemy. Throw deals damage to both thrown object/enemy and the second object/enemy. Damage occurs at point of collision with the ground/wall/ceiling/etc. or an object/enemy, not during initial grab attempt. Objects deal their max HP in damage (instead of the chip's damage) if they hit an object/enemy, then break. If they miss, the object just takes the chip's damage. This chip has a variety of uses.
Trader Rank: D

Counter1Damage: (1-Hit I-Field) + (Counter(70 + Impact + Break): On-Hit)
Accuracy: S Block, A Return
Description: Defends against one attack, teleports to enemy, and strikes with Gutpunch. Impacting. Breaking.
Duration: Once
Element: Null
Special: I-Field is pierced by Impact, Counter is negated by Impact.
Special: Status Guard: This chip blocks debuffs.
Trader Rank: D

Fire+30Status: Fire Element UP 30, Stackable
Accuracy: S
Description: Adds 30 Damage to all hits of a Fire Element attack chip, before any external environment-related or target-related damage modifiers apply.
Duration: Once
Element: Fire
Trader Rank: C

Magnum1Damage: 120 + Break + Panel Break x 3 Targets
Accuracy: A
Description: A triple barreled gun that blasts through defenses and terrain alike. Rare
Duration: Once
Element: Fire
Trader Rank: C

HeatSpreader1Damage: 30 + Spread 8
Accuracy: A
Description: Shoots a fireball that explodes on impact to hit nearby enemies.
Duration: Once
Element: Fire
Trader Rank: D
Continuing to whip up the waters around Courser himself, Squalo's fins cutting through the water like no else and whipping the cloudy waters up ever further as the whirlpool began to grow in intensity, slowly but surely dragging Courser into the absolute middle of it as Squalo let another roar of anger at the navi in it's grasp, though that didn't stop Courseman from lining up a shot with the great beast and letting loose a blast of fire and scorching the outside of Squalo's scales with his HeatSpread1 along with his blast of energy to further scar the beast's scorched outside.

Unfortunately and despite the lightshow that the beast was subjugated to, as he tried to move away from the beast's great whirlpool attack, he was still sucked up into it's currents and even though it bounced him about like a pinball within the raging torrents, heavy blows against him reverberating through his form even under his protections, his barrier held firm long enough to disperse and protect him from being injured or his other defenses from being popped along with it. With the raging whirlpool done, Courser's movement was unhampered as he tried to get out of the way and faded backwards, his mole and turret launched their attacks in turn, though two hits got through against the beast, the navi's turret managed to miss a shot in the interim going just too wide of the beast's body as it made it's move against his clone.

As he popped a refresh upon himself as Courser's clone, unfortunately for it, was cut in twain by the massive beast's fins as it spiraled through it. But with this in mind, his trusty magnum out and with a little bit of luck, he blasted a hole into the beast's side as it tried to float around the area, charred flesh beginning to fall way into it's domain's depths...and despite opening holes into the field with the Magnum's effect, his holes were quickly swallowed up by the raging tyrant of the seas...and with it, two heavily dilapidated pieces of wood beginning to float up from the depths, gnarled wood and barnacles in twisted rock-like sizes floating through the field to the north and south of the navi. Refreshing his defenses and preparing another ever frustrating trap for Squalo, Courser could at least manage to say for certain he has made a lot of progress against the giant of the sea.

Hungry Hungry Fishie
Cybeast Squalo: 2093 HP (Sea) (Nearest to Momogra) (Half-Blind! Actions now have -1 Accuracy rank and Squalo has a higher chance to attack Courser's clones or him! Unsure duration!)

Would be (not)Hero
Courseman.EXE: 100 HP (Sea) (About a feint+ from Squalo)(Barrier30)(Casing10)(Equipped:Shield2)[WandCross: Fire/Shadow Overwrite, +10 Fire](Strengthen20)(Regen5; 3 actions)(Trap:Forked Streams, targeting Courser)
Needler2HP: 80
Properties: Normal, Mobile
Object Damage: 80 Null + Impact + Break
Damage Method: Ramming attack, Telekinesis, Throw
Attack Damage: 40 Null x 2 hits x 3 Targets
Accuracy: A
Description: Summons a gun platform that attacks up to 3 separate targets each turn with its trio of double spike cannons. It can also perform a defense piercing kamikaze attack.
Duration: Until destroyed.
Element: Null
Special: This chip's accuracy cannot be boosted or reduced by any means, including RP quality.
- This object may ram a target instead of firing needles, but is instantly destroyed in exchange.
- This object may dodge by trying to ram nothing, but if it hits something in this way, it is still destroyed and deals object damage.
Trader Rank: C
: 80 HP (About two movements away from Courser) (Barrier30)(Casing10)
MomograHP: 60
Damage: 15 + Backstab
Accuracy: B
Description: Creats a Momogra virus to aid you. Attacks with a shovel from behind, and has a constant Mole status that ignores terrain solidness when not attacking (unless the panel currently does not exist). Still affected by other effects of panels.
Element: Null
Special: Allied Virus: This virus has two actions per turn, and is fully controllable by the summoner. If no orders are given, it will perform actions at random, but will never intentionally interfere with or damage the summoner or their allies. Deleting this virus will grant no additional rewards to either side.
Trader Rank: C
: 60 HP (Roughly a movement away from Courser) (Barrier30)(Casing10)(Null+10)

Flotsam: ??? HP (About a movement away from Courser to the north of him)
Floatsam: ??? HP (About a movement away from Courser to the south of him)

Watery Grave
  • Fire Elementals lose 10 HP/action standing, 20 HP/action submerged. Other Non-Aqua Elementals lose 5 HP/action submerged. Nullified for Aqua Elementals.
  • Ice attacks: 50% Freeze1 chance, Changes terrain hit to Ice.
  • Terrain changes between Sea and Onsen do not inflict damage upon submerged entities, nor do they eject submerged entities to the surface.
  • Elec attacks: +100% Source Damage.
  • PanelShot: Imbue Aqua.
(There's anything else? OF COURSE NOT!)