Random Images (Closed)

I'm Sonic....And Metal Sonic....AH! I'm a hedgehog and a robot hedgehog!
I'm Big... dang it.
I'm Big.....DX
I'm Rouge.... No complaints here.
Shadow ftw.
I'm... godamn sexy. Oh, you meant the sign? Tikal, also sexy.

By E09ETM.
Er... I seem to be Knuckles.

Quote (Niax)

dammit, I'm a silver

Also, I seem to be Maria. Great. >_> Woohoo, Sept 17 ftw.
Spiffy. Chaos. Pisces win.

: D


*floods a city*

Quote (Nalerenn)

Shuryou wins again.

And for the record, I'm Chaos. Does that make me a god of sickeningly cute things? I thought that was Lunar...

No, it makes you a tentacle monster.

...Wait, I'm Pisces too...


NO FEMALE SHALL BE SAF- *Hit by a bat*


By E09ETM.
Nero kills Dante.

Hur hur hur.

>: D