Pirates Or Ninjas?

Quote (LordHothead)

You all have your fun. Meanwhile, I'm going off to the pagan lands to join the vikings in the hunting of emo kids.

Psst, hey. Ninjas are pretty emo. *Dons a horned helmet and grabs a battle ax* Let us go!

Quote (darkstar1006)

GET BACK HERE ZANE! I HAVE A BONE TO STAB YOU WITH! *hops on motorcycle and chases after zane*

*pushes Dark off motorcycle*
*Hides behind Yahiko's left leg and peeks forr behind* > >

*summons a viking*
*falls off* DAMN IT HIKO! DIE! *takes out bad ass ninja weponry* YOU BOTH DIE NOW!
Ahem, if you could limit your asinine spam to the appropriate section, it would be much appreciated.
*broke the elevator to the Spam Can floor*

I think vikings should join the ninja/pirate battle.
omg you threw an old lady in front of a motorcycle!!!! :angry: old lady murderer
Pirates have rum, and by God, that's all that matters.
Ninja's can bacstab and hide in the dark.
Pirate's can be scumbags that rape women.

I don't have to rape women
I go for ninja's
Also, dinosaurs. 'Cause kids love dinosaurs.
Ninjas: Serve their masters and must be willing to give their life for their master (no matter how silly the cause). Don't have a major Disney series.

Pirates: Serve themselves!

>: D

The only thing ninjas have got on pirates is kasuri-gama and chained weaponry.
And shuriken! Lots of shuriken!

*Ninja run away!*

(Please note, I voted for Ninjas)
I vote for pirates...cause I like to root for what was more oriented with my European ancestors. Ninja's are cool and all but I don't really like them. And I'm sorry but Johnny Depp is just such a hottie and I just can't see a bunch of ninja's surviving an attack from an overgrown calamari dish.

What i do like is........

THE WILD WEST!!!! WHOOOO! We should do a pole for that...wait....maybe not
Yeah, the pirates have massive amounts of very flammable rum and cannons, all very useful when fighting huge monsters spawned from Norse mythology. Ninjas would have shuriken and kunai and katanas and all that other weakass crap. Well, if they spammed paper bombs they might stand a chance, but yeah.
What, like cowboys and injuns?