Look! I exist!

^.^ You can call me Jean. Doesn't really matter. Jean was the name given to me and Syca was the name I gave myself. It's a secret as to why. o.o


Really, it just sounds like a whole bunch of people went crazy in my thread. It really does make me feel welcome.

Now I feel cliche'd
I gave myself the name Shuryou. My parents gave me the name Maarten. Funny how these things work, eh?

hello :3
Hello, Jean. or Syca. We already met on the chat.
But I feel like I need to say something here.

Namely, if you ever get scared by any of the various memebers, there is always a little "x" button on the top right hand corner of the screen. It is your friend.

Anywaaay. I am home sick, and have nothing to do except eat various cheese products, and post my ramblings on here.

ps. lag sucks balls. :rolleyes:
My given name was Steve, which is obviously the most superior name ever, so I kept it and made it even more awesome, so I'm better than the average Steve now. I'm the best of the best of the awesome!
Ah....so that's who you are. Well, welcome. I suppose I could muster something better of a greeting, but in all honesty, pokemon kind of owns my face at the moment, and catching a shiny Dialga is proving to be more of a pain than I initially thought. My nerdy exploits aside, I hope you have fun around here, and pehraps show kazu a thing or two about how RP is done.

...........Damn...100 or so tries thus far and still no shiny... D:
Considering it's one out of ~8300, I'm not surprised.
My brother's friend got one through the GTS, though... :angry:
Prolly hacked, but meh.

And yes, don't worry, whatever drugs I was on yesterday have worn off. Now, I'm just on Tylenol Sinus. Damn cold...
Don't feel bad, FZ. I spent like, 8 hours straight trying to get a Shiny Palkia before giving up and sobbing for wasting so much of my time.

Quote (Roguen Child)

o.o I'm tired right now, but I do exist. *nod nod*

Or do I?

ph34r me, for I am teh n1nj4

I hope you do.

Unless I'm seeing things and talking to random objects that aren't there. I mean the wall is an awesome friend and all, but that would be kind of weird if I've talking to wall and not you this entire time.