History of RERN

I was originally going to send an enraged e-mail to Nal after RE:CN closed down and he blocked me on AIM before I could say much of anything. But...time passed and I never completed it, and I eventually (due to something Atrus said about managing to talk to him without being blocked, I think) dropped it, thinking there was no need.

Now that I've seen King's post...I think I'll dig it up and finish it.

Also, I wanted to add Insaneiac's name. Wasn't he right before DZ?

And when was the admin-less period?

EDIT: oh, and Twi was my doing.

Quote (P.A. Master)

That's all the swearing I'm going to do. Because there are two types of rage. My rage is cold. I use it to my advantage. It gives me clearer (if more pessimistic) thinking, and the rational thought that allows me to decide what would be the (regrettably) correct thing to do.
Nal's rage is hot rage. He doesn't use it. It uses him. And because of what it did, and how he had no logic or thought to any of the repercussions of his actions, he has lost all respect and any feelings of goodwill I had towards him.

Straight out of Ender's Game.
Speaking of history...What is the chance that anyone has Retrosmith's contact information?

Quote (EonOmega)

Quote (P.A. Master)

That's all the swearing I'm going to do. Because there are two types of rage. My rage is cold. I use it to my advantage. It gives me clearer (if more pessimistic) thinking, and the rational thought that allows me to decide what would be the (regrettably) correct thing to do.
Nal's rage is hot rage. He doesn't use it. It uses him. And because of what it did, and how he had no logic or thought to any of the repercussions of his actions, he has lost all respect and any feelings of goodwill I had towards him.

Straight out of Ender's Game.

Damn. Hoped no one would spot that...

But I'd been reading a lot of books lately. And even if it is a blatant ripoff, you know it's true. Nal's definitely a hot rage kind of person. Case in point: RECN.
My rage is nonexistant. I'm walking on sunshine! =^__^=

But really, I don't worry about much Nal says outside the board, nor Twilight Shu. We didn't do anything in the first place to drive away people, and beyond that, I don't see why anything we did in the past would have an effect on new membership unless we were actively involved in doing it again.

Hopefully we'll never have any revolts against Demon or Eon. >: D

*hides his flaming pi-torch-fork*
Can anyone add Insaneiac and the admin-less period to the post?
i would but......sadly i wasn't around dureing that time, and i can't realy remember the stories i heard about those times.
Oh gods i was at one chaos net. right at the tenious mid point where nal had just gotten over being banned by some guys and where Dark_zero or what eva was comeing in. Also i just say the old sight and it scared me half to death. I can't beleave the old banner is still up*shivers*.
i joined when DZ was an admin, and nal was still head admin before giving up his power......but i wasn't there for like a month or so because i was moving at that time.

History added for the period spanning between the beginning to when DZ was promoted.

Wow, I wasn't aware off how it ended exactly. I left during the large decline after DZ became admin.
Yeah, I remember old Chaos Network. After deleting Machman.EXE, coming back with Vengeance.EXE and then promptly deleting him (Explanation: Aerospace Engineering Major), I continued to watch RECN from a distance until I noticed the board was completely annihilated. At the time I knew about the new forum's name and location but were soon forgotten.

I searched over the span of a year before finally finding this place and bringing Machman.EXE Mk II for the ride. (Explanation: Japanese Major) <(-^-^-)>

I always wondered what happened to RECN; and now I know.
I was wondering if someone could write up the RE:C/RN in-game history.

Y'know, incase someone wanted to legally not profit from it.

Hahahahaha! I look like a freaking Dictator In that story :,D

EDIT: Actually, I was the one who created the "Officials" just because I wanted to show a difference between me and the rest... Yeah, I was a mean little brat.