The Terraformer and the Knife Fighter

"What--" blurted out Carbide, as she realized the "chip data" that she had received was redirected elsewhere, and she ended up picking out some weaker attack instead. "What happened, Scarlet?" she asked. Scarlet ran her fingers through her hair, checking some of her data. She clicked her tongue in annoyance as she located the source of the problem. "Terra's systems redirected the data at the last minute to one of the viruses, it seems," grumbled Scarlet. She definitely didn't expect that. Something would have to be done about it later.

Meanwhile, Terra's systems recovered back to normal as her barrier refreshed itself. A strange flame burned from within her eyes, and she knelt down to one knee. Without warning, she sank one of her hands into the lava, eliciting a terrified reaction from Carbide. "Terra, what're you doing?!" she yelled out in a panic. Terra didn't reply, and pulled her hand out, unhurt, revealing that she was holding onto some kind of glowing orb of magma.

A beep on Scarlet's screen notified the operator of a direct private link, which detailed some requests for battlechips. [MarkCannon1, MarkCannon2, Pulsar1, ElementalRage2], it read out. "Terra, are you--" started Scarlet, before another message interrupted her. [Thank you for your worry,] the message said. Scarlet sighed audibly, and her fingers swept across the folder selection screen in response, and the link closed itself. "Stay safe," she said.

Meanwhile, Carbide tried to reach out to Terra, but her lava pool restricted the SP's movement. "... A little further away, Carbide," said Terra, as she raised the orb above her head. The orb disintegrated into a few shards of rock, which situated themselves behind her in a circular pattern, and started to pulse and crackle with energy from the lava beneath them.

Carbide gulped, and generated another shield. As she saw Trent had some difficulty moving, she dislodged it from her arm, and tossed it over. "Trent!" she called out, hoping the knife fighter would get the message. After that, she moved a little closer to Sasha, who was exposed from his earlier attack. "Stay close," said Carbide, lifting her shield in defense.

Terra looked to her sides, inspecting the shards about her. After being satisfied with them, she crossed her arms, and searched the field for the viruses that had been so much of a pain to her. Locating the Skarabs quickly, she only had to wait for a moment before two of the shards about her released a powerful crackle of energy each.

Her eyes lingered towards the sides of the battlefield, and a piercing glare at each launched two more energy bursts towards the unlucky viruses. Scarlet watched the spectacle with a shake of her head. "Don't need words to say she's angry," she chuckled.

--- Terra.EXE --- Carbide.SP ---
[*] Terraskill: Earthen Barrier 1 @ Terra [20 HP Planar Barrier - Lava: Fire]
[*] Terraskill: Reflex Guard 1 @ Trent [Reinforced 2-Hit Shield]
[1] Defend Sasha [Defend]
[1] MarkCannon1: SkarabA [Null 70 + Seeking + Lock-On] {A}
[2] MarkCannon2: SkarabB [Null 100 + Seeking + Lock-On] {A}
[3] Pulsar1: SpidyD [Null 70 + Object-Trigger Blast2] {A}
[4] ElementalRage2: SpidyE [Fire 90 + Line Attack(3) + Terrain-Element - Lava: Fire] [+100% Wood] {A}
With his head clear from taking cover, Trent rose up from the fountain with two drawn weapons ready for the fight. It was drawing to a close at this point, and Mark had already informed him of the failed transfer to Sasha, meaning that the Skarabs were still a treat. But not for much longer. The first thing Trent did in the opener of what he hoped was the final exchange of this long and brutal battle was command the Totem for a healing. The blue light flowed over him and a mist and he took a deep inhale of the cooling sensation. Sasha was already pulling his leg up to itch at the collar for the barrier, something he had been feeling uncomfortable without for a while now. The familiar cube fell and soon engulfed the support program in the defense.

Trent pushed forwards, now with a renewed vigor, determined to end this fight now. The chips that the skarabs now had at their dispostal were rather powerful, nearly so much so that if Terra or Trent was injured by the attack they could face being jacked out of the network. "Mark, Arrow and aurahead." Trent was going a bit out of character requesting a few gun style chips, but they were all he could use to quickly take out the distant targets. Trent summoned the elecbee virus to his side and pointed it towards the virus which received Terra's chip. The bee happily buzzed off after the bone pile. Trent pulled up the aurahead chip next, which he imbued to one of his knives. With a fast throw the knife drove forwards in a straight line, trying to pierce threw the second skarab.

Now Trent turned his attention to the Spiders. They had caused a poison to flow through him, something that was rather annoying actually, and he pulled up another request to Mark, the fireknife chip. Trent would be at his element here, slicing and dicing at the spiders to finish them off. He moved forwards and pulled up the knife on the higher of health spiders first. Both of his knife were glowing bright red as he slashed downwards on to the target with both knives. He stepped backwards and kept his attack going, opting to send many slashes in the direction of the spider. He switched his focus to the second spider and sent a horizontal slash at it as well. Trent backed out of the battle and waited to see if it was finally over.

1) Protection Collar -40 Hp barrier-

*Free Action: Totem Heal +50 HP to self
1) Arrow1 chip to Skarab C (100 + Elec + Homing)
2) Aurahead to Skarab A (90 + Line Attack + Barrier Boost)
*Free Action: Fast Warrior: Tactual move towards Spider E
3) Fireknife to Spider E (60 + Fire + Slashing)
4) Fireknife to Spider E (60 + Slashing + Fire)
5) Fireknife to Spider D (60 + Slashing + Fire)
The Skarabs were deleted before they could use their chips and the Spidys were blasted away with things before they could get away. The totem also performed one last heal on Trent before succumbing to some kind of self-destruct mechanism.


Terrain: 40% Lava (Pool), 15% Normal (Path), 30% Normal (L/R Graves), 15% Normal (Empty Fountain)
Terrain Coating: 10% Webbing (Around Lava)

Terra.EXE: 135 HP [lava]
Carbide: 70 HP [2-hit shield]
Trent.EXE: 150 HP
Sasha.SP: 40 HP

Terra get: 1375z + Whiteweb1 Battlechip + 31 bugfrags + 7 FXP
Trent get: 1375z + Whiteweb1 Battlechip + 31 bugfrags + 7 FXP
The atmosphere was strained as the team's collective attacks wiped out the rest of the viruses easily, though Terra was still tensed up by her previous attacks. Her energy-blast shards were still floating about her, and she was gritting her teeth with all the pressure on her. Of course, there weren't any more threats so far, and she was just continually getting worked up over nothing.

An exclamation broke the silence as Carbide rushed towards the Navi in a hurry. "Terrraaaaaaa!" she said, nearly knocking down Terra with the force of her running embrace. "Are you okay? That looked pretty bad!" said Carbide, who buried herself in her master's chest with her hug. This had the effect of breaking Terra out of her tenseness, and she put her hand on her SP's head. "... Yes, I'm all right," she said, ruffling Carbide's short hair affectionately.

Scarlet breathed easy once she saw Terra's battle routines wind down into standby, and pulled up a comms screen. "Thank heavens you're all right, Terra. I was a little worried there," the operator said. Terra replied with a warm smile, saying, "... Thank you, Scarlet." Looking down at the SP locking her with a tight hug, she poked Carbide's forehead slightly. "... Come on, you need to breathe sometime," jabbed Terra. Carbide laughed a little, and let go of the Navi shortly after.

Terra ran her hand through her hair, and looked at her partner, wondering about his condition. "... Is everything all right, Trent?" she asked.

[Battle 5 - Ready?]
[Terra.EXE: 135 HP]
[Carbide.SP: 70 HP]
Trent's palms were turning white from the end of the fight, both from the overall length and intensity of it, and for his failure to delete the rush virus. These feeling of anger towards that small inability were quickly dismissed as he gathered his rewards from the fight, along with his hand relaxing from the blade handles. He found several pockets of remaining zenny and two forms of the same viral data. Mark saw instant use of the new attack in the rings, gladly placing it in the their expanding folder, which was mostly full of useful attacks at this point. Trent looked to his battle partner as she was still tensed from the fight. He shouted a few simple words to help calm down from the intense fight. "Relax Terra, we got them." Not a moment after Trent talked Terra was tackled by Carbide. Trent chuckled about it and looked for the same reaction from Sasha, but didn't get it.

Sasha's nose was to the dirt sniffing out the rest of the bugfrags that were his. Trent rolled his eyes at Sasha, who didn't even notice Carbide and was too distracted by his treats. As he gulped down the last few he looked to Trent and burped before bounding over tail wagging happily.

"Trent, Sasha has gathered enough of those bugfrags to get a few upgrades here. A window popped up on your PET for him. I am going to pick a few for you, I think I know which you would want anyways. There is a chip preset here and I know you are dying to fight along side of Sasha for once. Here we go." As Mark's fingers tapped the screen Sasha was covered in a small light for a moment as the upgrades took place into his system. Mark ran a fast list by Trent for a good standard attack, and Trent choose the gigasarm attack. Letting out a happy bark the two played together with each tying to wrestle the other to the ground.

After a moment of this both realized that Terra and Carbide were talking to them. Both held an awkward pose before snapping up to their feet. "Everything is alright." He waited a moment and glanced around. "Everything ok...with you?" Trent wasn't the best at small talk. Sasha hid his face and Mark turned off his display. "That was a rough fight for us."

[Battle 5?]
Trent :150HP
Sasha: 50 HP
The threats of the garden were no longer an issue and the area itself didn't lead anywhere so the only place left to go was back inside. There were still some unexplored areas including the eerie den and the two unexplored doors in the foyer; the crumbly wooden door upstairs and the rusty metal door on the ground level.
Carbide watched Sasha play with Trent happily with a bit of a curious look in her eyes. It did kind of look like they were fighting each other, but in an affectionate kiddy kinda way. "... It was quite rough, yes," said Terra, unsure on how to respond further, with her hand hiding her slight smile at the amusing sight. "Doesn't feel like there's anything here anymore," popped in Carbide with her small stature.

Scarlet popped in a small tart into her mouth as she muffled out her idea. "Maybe you guys should check out that big hallway out front? I think you guys passed over a couple doors," she said, munching slowly on the chewy delicacy. "... That does sound like a good idea. Let's go," she said, turning on her heel and walking towards the large dining hall once again. Carbide ran after her, shouting out, "Hey! Wait for me!", only to find Terra resting her head on her chin and staring at the food.

"Don't tell me you're going to eat that," said Scarlet, worried about the earlier regal Navi's appearance and the general suspiciousness of the place. Terra said nothing, and picked up one of the assortments of food laid out on the table; a neat little bun rested on her palm, her creased brow indicating that she was examining it. "What're you doing, Terra? C'mon, let's go," said Carbide, though she was also curious about the food. It certainly smelled good.
Sasha and Trent kept rolling around in the yard a bit more as Terra and Carbide had their talk, the two being just as rough as before. Once they caught word of moving back inside and exploring the other doors, they dropped play time and started to follow along behind. They were several paces behind the two as Terra entered the room and started to take a look at the food. Sasha agreed with Terra on this one, that food did look really good. He rushed forwards ahead of Trent to the side of his new friend and placed himself right beside her in a sitting position. The large white dog turned his head to the side and raised his ears up.

Trent picked up his own pace once he saw Sasha run ahead, shouting out commands to stop. Sasha must simply be really hungry. Trent stopped in the door frame, unsure what else to say to stop the two other than, "Remember which navi it was that made those!" The thought deterred Mark from even getting up and gathering his own food from his apartment. "That was one disturbing navi," Mark chimed in. Once his mind started to wonder Mark came up with various scenarios about how the navi came to look like it was sewn together, all of which were very Sweeny Todd in Nature.
Trent, Sasha, and Mark all waited for some sort of response from their teammates. None of the three were responding, all of which frozen in place. The first assumption was that it was a lag in the connection, which Trent took the advantage of and removed the food from Terra's hand and sat it back on the table. As he waited longer it became clear that this was no normal lag spike or break. As the minutes dragged on and on he started to grow quickly impatient. As much as he wanted to explore the rest of the house, based on the size of the viruses groups that had been dwelling here thus far, he didn't think that it would be safe for him and Sasha to try and work through without her.

As the minutes gathered and stacked, with still no return or activity from Terra or Carbide, Trent simply opened a simply text file in the shape of a slip of paper and slid it into the grasp of the frozen warrior. It had written on it Mark's email, should the two wish to finish their busting runs together. With one last look in the house, both out of frustration and wonder, he jacked out from the network taking the large white dog along for the ride.

[Error 0x09F4C12: Transmission/Synchronize]

The error message blocked the entire feed window in front of Scarlet as she blankly stared at it dumbly. "... What's that supposed to mean...?" said Scarlet, as she creased her eyebrows at the error, trying to look through the PET's menus to try and resolve her problem. The screen flickered in and out of sight, and the various gibberish from the PET's diagnostic functions did nothing to help her find out what was wrong.

After a solid four minutes, she finally got her video feed up, and saw Terra and Carbide frozen in place, without any trace of Trent or Sasha nearby. "... That doesn't look too good," she thought, deliberating a jack-out. Glancing towards the side, she managed to catch a text feed out of the corner of her eye.

"Yoka Area Outgoing Net Transmission Unstable: Jack-Out Advised," the feed mentioned, eliciting a heavy sigh from Scarlet, with her hand swiping over the jack-out button quickly. Both programs quickly disappeared from the screen, with the feed window blinking out shortly after.

[Jack Out]