Investigate! Voulge and Ignis!

Voulge take the reward from the battle and heads deeper into the net, hoping to find any clue of the mysterious Email.

The path through the ruins took Voulge through some ancient looking hallways that didn't look as if they've seen any visitors in years. Adorning some of the walls were depictions of what looked to be a dragon summoning ritual. Among them were images of navis being sacrificed at an altar. Though simplistic, they still managed to invoke a sense of primal fear.

Reaching the end of the hallway, Voulge found himself in a large chamber with an enormous circular sigil etched into the ground similar to the one he saw in the paintings earlier. There were cracks in the floor that revealed a kind of metallic underlining. Various urns and unlit candles decorated the room but there was nothing else of interest besides a large statue that looked too large to be a virus. He made his way through cautiously, trying to avoid stepping near the circle.

As he reach the halfway point to the exit, the doors slammed shut, sealing him in. Then the lights went out. The unlit candles ominously lit themselves around the room in a chain of small eerie lights. The largest three were lit last and revealed the existence of three corresponding Candevils scattered around the room. For a moment, Voulge thought that was all but he was wrong.

He also happened to be wrong about the large statue not being a virus. He could only watch as the enormous Cragger came to life and dragged its way over the steel plates in front of the Candles. The ground shook as it moved, causing dust to leak from the ceiling and earthenware to fall over. Two unremarkable pots tipped over and rolled their way into the circle. There was another distinct rumbling sound as two fiery dragons crept their way out of the fallen jars. They spotted Voulge and Ignis and let out terrifying roars.

EarthDragonA: 200HP
EarthDragonB: 200HP
CandevilA: 120 HP
CandevilB: 120 HP
CandevilC: 120 HP
CraggerEX: 160 HP [on metal]

CandleA: 40 HP
CandleB: 40 HP
CandleC: 40 HP

Terrain: 45% Normal, 45% Sand, 10% Metal

Voulge: 160 HP
Ignis: 35 HP

[Battle 4 - Begin!]
Voulge was completely surrounded before he knew it and it didn't look too good for him and Ignis. Not only was he against a towering golem that was blocking him away from the CanDevils life source, two fire dragons emerged from a mystical urn and it was about to attack at any given second. The navi lifted his Lancea slowly and signaled Ignis to go away. "Ignis...I hope you understand that you are no match against these viruses." The SP, who was always egotistical and fussy about everything, could agree with Voulge and silently floated away from the center. "...Alright, Voulge.". As Ignis was going away, Voulge summoned his trusty shield by his side and gripped on to his weapon.

Marius was also quiet while he tried to find a way out of the difficult situation. He scanned the viruses for a quick analysis and found something that might work. "Voulge, I'm sending you two chips. The rest will depend on your skills.". The operator took this chips into the PET and continued to explain his tactics, "Using the Boomerang, throw it so that it'll loop over the Cragger and slice the candles in half.. Voulge took his hands out and the gold metal boomerang materialized. It was as long as his arm and the sharpness of it could nearly match to a perfectly crafted sword. He carefully adjusted his strength and spin, calculating the right amount with the factor of the room size and the Craggers enormous body, and threw it with the flick of his wrist. The boomerang whistled through the field as it cut through the pungent air of the ruins and headed towards the candle in an arcing fashion.

Without getting signaled by Marius, Voulge jumped towards the Cragger out of the blue. This seemed like the perfect time to strike, since the Cragger would be too distracted by the homing boomerang and lower its defense. His Lancea transformed into his special trident, it had a peculiar shape and features compared to a normal one. The blade of the tridents wasn't composed of metal or any sort of materials, each blade had its uniqueness. The side blades was made entirely of dark blue electricity that buzzes around at the slightest movement and the middle blade was made out of strange, ice like material that vented out odd gases. He didn't summon the metal net along with him, he just charged straight towards the Cragger and kept the trident facing straight at it. Voulge leaped forward and tried to stab the trident straight into the rocky body. It should cause no problem since the trident was specifically designed to attack the data of its enemy rather than penetrating the exterior defense. The blades would slip through the rocky body like nothing. When the blade would reach into part of the body, the blades would react instantly with the data and starts emitting the disease like effects. The side blades would transmit and temporarily paralyze the movement system, the middle blade would use the gases to directly attack the structure of the virus itself, tricking the mind and body into thinking that it's immensely tired. Not only that, Voulge used the metallic net as a type of rope to strangle the virus into temporary submission. He covered the virus in matter of seconds and tightened it so hard that Voulge could hear a crackling noise.

Taking the time of when the Crogger was stuck, Voulge jumped away from the viruses with the trident still lodged somewhere. The chains that connected Voulge and the Avaria-Lancea rattled as he was in mid-air, but Voulge grabbed hold of the chain and tightly held it on his hand and pulled. The lance transformed into a large, silver gunlance while it was still away from its owner and traveled through the same path the chain was leading. Voulge grabbed the gunlance and inserted the next chip, Magnum, into the weapon. He began to gather its power into a single bullet and calmly waited, even when the viruses could attack him at any given second. The Gunlance's silvery exterior started to glow orange as the weapon was overheating and gave out a large click that echoed the room. In a flash, Voulge fired the bullet towards the EarthDragons direction and it blazed and charred everything that was on its path. Now Voulge needed to wait till his weapon cooled down and prepared himself for the worst.

* Phalanx Aspis [1-hit Shield]
1. Boomerang [60/3-Targets] @ Candle A/B/C
2. Retairius Triden [Hold / Stun / Slow / Movement / 3TCD] @ CraggerEX
* Movement: Gain distance away from the viruses
3. Charge Magnum1
4. Magnum1 [120+10/Charge to hit multi-target (Up to 3)/Crack Panel] @ EarthDragon A/B
5. Dodge

SP Actions:
1. Hide/Dodge
Voulge's boomerang cut around the Cragger's defences and lopped each of the three candles in half. One after another, the fiery auras that wrapped around the Candevils extinguished themselves. His Retairius Triden was also a success and corrupted the enormous golem, rendering it immobile once more.

A Candevil spit out a fireball but Voulge was able to avoid it by the skin of his teeth. As he moved, he charged the Magnum and delivered two explosive shots into the twin EarthDragons. Their pots still tipped over, the dragons were having trouble dodging. One of them crawled along the floor, dragging its pot along with it. It traced a flaming trail behind itself as it crept, trying to slam into the navi but it missed and simply crawled back to its origin. The other dragon seemed to follow the other virus's example and began to stalk Voulge cautiously.

Ignis had meanwhile perched up on an unlit candle, pretending to be part of the scenery. Neither Voulge nor the viruses could identify him among the surrounding collection of tiny flames.

EarthDragonA: 70HP
EarthDragonB: 70HP
CandevilA: 120 HP
CandevilB: 120 HP
CandevilC: 120 HP
CraggerEX: 160 HP [hardbody] [on metal] [Hold] [Stun] [Slow]


Terrain: 40% Normal, 40% Sand, 10% Metal, 10% Cracked

Voulge: 160 HP [1-hit shield]
Ignis: 35 HP
Voulge took a couple steps back as the crippled EarthDragons was slowly creeping towards him. If they were to get a single attack on Voulge, it could turn the whole thing around and even result in Voulge's deletion. After his Gunlance cooled down, it reverted back into its original form and the navi held it with both his hands. "Marius, we need to take care of the EarthDragons first. Send me a RingLog and the FireHit chip.". The operator didn't question his navi as he slotted the requested chips. "The chips are uploaded. But after this, we need to go after the Cragger before it's freed from the effect.".

The navi held his left hand up in the air, causing the RingLog to materialize in the air and dropped straight to his palm. Setting it down to the ground with a large thump, the navi's left arm immediately caught aflame with the FireHit chip. Voulge nudged the log with his legs so it would start rolling slowly. He would see where the RingLog was rolling towards and tried to adjust it so it would face the two EarthDragons at the same time. When he found the right angle, Voulge clenched his fist and drew it back as far as he could. With the powerful swing of his fiery punch, the RingLog rolled faster than it ever was and slightly charred the exterior of the wood. Hopefully, the log would crush the crawling dragons as it shattered their pots and snuffed out the fire in one shot.

Voulge rushed towards the stunned Cragger as soon as his attack was finished and verified that the EarthDragons was gone. "Alright, Sending in RageClaw and Sword!" Voulge held the Lancea out in front as the weapon transformed into a very strange pole arm. When the transformation was done, it revealed a dual-bladed weapon. The top end of the weapon was a steel blade glaive that could cleave nearly anything in its path while the bottom end was 5 bladed scythes that resembled the original shape of the RageClaw. He twirled it around and created this strange sound due to the shape of the blades and started to run even faster. Taking the scythe side up, he swings the weapon do it can dig into the virus's rocky body and cut out small chunks one at a time. Voulge continues this on for a while before the claw itself starts to wear out from the heavy beating. With his last slash, he tried to stick the blade into the body again and broke the claw out of the polearm. Now having a little less weight on the weapon, Voulge took the glaive and tried to lay the final attack on the Cragger with all his might. With all these warming up, Voulge felt light in his feet and started to run far away from the viruses.

"... ... ..."

Ignis...continued the way he was and kept hiding among the candles.

1. RingLog [50/Ground/Wide/Double] @ EarthDragon A/B
2. FireHit1 [60+15/Melee] @ RingLog [Speed Boost/Attack Boost]
3. RageClaw [40/Slashing/Grapple] @ CraggerEX
4. RageClaw [40/Slashing/Grapple] @ CraggerEX
5. Sword [80/Slashing] @ CraggerEX
* Swordplay [Dodge]

SP Actions:
1. Hide/Dodge
Voulge's Firehit smashed against the Ringlog hard, sending it careening into the EarthDragons. The punch was so powerful that the log suddenly split apart into two as the flames ate through the point of impact. One half rolled off course and crashed into a Candevil in a light hit. The larger half hit a dragon head-on and deleted it in a shower of embers.

As Voulge made his way to the Cragger, the other dragon attacked, crashing into his earthen shield and shaking Voulge considerably. It quickly crawled away from its failed attack and prepared for another strike. Voulge knew he didn't have a lot of time. He took his weapon and smashed it against the Cragger in a flurry of blows while it was still under the influence of his Retairius Triden, but something was wrong. Every strike felt weak and the sound of his lancea's impact seemed very off. After his devastating combo, the virus still towered over Voulge and raised its giant arm up.

It was time to move.

Voulge leapt back just as the Cragger's fist came down on where he had been standing. There was a heavy quake that shook him down to his core. The Cragger lifted its mighty hand to reveal a row of panels that had been cracked apart and on the verge of collapse. Voulge was ready to resume but felt a sudden searing pain splash against his back. Not even having to turn, he knew it was the work of a Candevil because the Earthdragon's attack was much more powerful.

EarthDragonA: DELETED
EarthDragonB: 70HP
CandevilA: 120 HP
CandevilB: 100 HP
CandevilC: 120 HP
CraggerEX: 80 HP [hardbody] [on metal]


Terrain: 35% Normal, 35% Sand, 10% Metal, 20% Cracked

Voulge: 130 HP
Ignis: 35 HP
Voulge shook away the painful fire from the CanDevil's attack and summoned the shield to protect him once again. He didn't expect the Cragger to shake away the effect of his trident so fast, but this also gave him a good chance as the virus changed his body property into something harder. "Prepare yourself for this attack and the after-life!". The Lancea transformed into Voulge's signature Jousting Lance and the navi tried to ram it straight through the virus and shatter his body into pebbles.

He reverted his eye towards the crawling EarthDragon and made sure that it wouldn't get the chance to ever strike again. After his attack with the Cragger, the navi pulled the lance out and it changed into the silvery War Scythe. Voulge jumped into the air and tried to stab the flaming body of the dragon, absorbing its powerful body into his own. The lean blade of the War Scythe gave Voulge a few speed boost as it rendered through the think air of the room and eventually landed on the ground. However, Voulge knew that the power of the War Scythe wouldn't be enough to finish the dragons off, so the navi reverted the War Scythe back to it original form and landed its final blow with a quick jab between the eye.

Realizing that staying in one place for too long would prove to be dangerous, Voulge immediately pulled back and gained distance between the remaining virus and himself. Voulge faced towards the CanDevils and looked through his Chip Folders, he soon realized that none of his chips would finish them off in an instant. For now, he just needed to weaken them so he could set them for the finisher next time. Marius thought of the same thing Voulge was thinking and sent him the chip that could help his navi, "Sending you a Yo-Yo chip and an AreaGrab. While you attack with the Yo-yo, you'll definitely leave yourself for an opening. When they attack, use the AreaGrab and position your self in an optimal place."

The navi didn't nod, but immediately acted on Marius' plan by throwing the bladed Yo-Yo towards the CanDevils. It zigzagged across the place and Voulge made sure that it would leave a mark or two on their Waxy body. As he was attacking, he made sure to be on the look out for any incoming attacks and prepared his AreaGrab Chip.

"...Seriously, this is getting boring"

Whispered the lonely Ignis to himself...

* Phalanx Aspis [1-hit Shield]
1. Grandis Attero [80 Damage / Fire / Break / Impact / Melee / 3TCD] @ CraggerEX
2. Bona ex Diabolus [60 Damage (Life Drain) / Melee / Slashing / 3TCD] @ EarthDragon B
3. Ruby Assault [12 Damage / Fire / Melee / Buster] @ EarthDragon B
* Swordplay [Dodge]
4. Yo-Yo1 [40 x 2-3 / Object (HP: 40) / Lowers Dodge / Read Chip Description] @ CanDevil A/B/C
5. AreaGrab [Teleport] to move away from the attack while Immobile.

SP Actions:
1. Hide/Dodge
The specially designed lance pierced through the Cragger's hard body, sending hairline fissures all over its bulky frame. The enormous virus lurched forward over Voulge before crumbling into large chunks of rock all around him. Although the shower had missed him, the cracked panels in front of the Cragger could not longer support the weight. The floor beneath Voulge collapsed underfoot and he dropped into a pit.

The fall wasn't harsh enough for him to sustain damage but it was an inconvenience nonetheless. Overhead, the Earthdragon tried to dive in but was stopped yet again by the floating shield. As it crawled away shamfully, Voulge was able to swipe his war scythe cleanly through its underbelly and shower himself in the nourishing essence that poured freely from the wound. The dragon howled in pain and sped away even faster. Voulge tried another quick jab to finish it off but it had already moved away from the mouth of the hole. Thinking it was a bad idea to stay, Voulge attempted to climb his way out. As he reached the top, a streak of fire shot across the opening. Voulge ducked back down and readied his yo-yo. A Candevil looked into the broken panel and was smacked upside the head with the spinning blade and then once more as it returned to Voulge. Before it could launch a retaliatory fireball, Voulge received his ticket out in the form of an Areagrab. His form flashed away in an instant just as the Candevil filled the hole with a mouthful of flames.

Voulge reappeared in the middle of the circle slightly disoriented. Two of the Candevils were staring right at him and the Earthdragon was already on an intercept course.

EarthDragonA: DELETED
EarthDragonB: 10 HP
CandevilA: 120 HP
CandevilB: 100 HP
CandevilC: 40 HP


Terrain: 35% Normal, 35% Sand, 10% Metal, 15% Cracked, 5% Broken

Voulge: 180 HP
Ignis: 35 HP
((Let's finish this~...Also, I hope you don't mind borrowing your SP battle prompt :P))

Seeing the situation he was in, Voulge's reflex immediately raised his weapon up to his chest. Already three viruses surrounded him as soon as he teleported and it wasn't looking too bright for Voulge. The navi decided for a quick retreat, but something was heading towards Voulge's back. "What! A fourth virus?" He turned around to see a ball of flame barely nicking Voulge's armor...wait, nick? "I'm here to save your sorry ass!". It was Voulge's egotistical SP that was heading straight towards the weakened EarthDragon. It seemed as if the SP wanted the glory of killing the virus Voulge couldn't.

"That idiot!"

Voulge took his lance's chain and made a small lasso out of it. The navi jumped away from the viruses while throwing the chain at the SP. Hopefully, Ignis finished his work, and the lasso would bring him near Voulge and into safety. When the chain had a small tug, Voulge immediately pulled it back with all his might and activated the Guard1 chip Marius slotted not so long ago. "I told you to stay put! This whole situation is too—", Ignis suddenly interrupted Voulge's little speech with his typical shouts. "I JUST SAVE YOUR ASS, AND THIS IS HOW YOU THANK ME?!"

"What are you talking about? Voulge just saved YOU."

"Maybe, if he wasn't being toyed around by those viruses! And what's with all these candle, just looking at them made me all sleepy and bored!"


When the Guard chip was gone, he took out three throwing dagger within his brigandine and imbued them with his own fiery power. Looking straight towards the three Candle viruses, Voulge threw the daggers in a delta-shape. The fires sprouting from the daggers created the PhoenixShots original shape as it flew straight for the Candels. Voulge wasn't finished; he needed one more shot to finish the battle. He raised his Lancea up into the sky and slammed it down to the ground. It created a small shockwave and shook the entire room momentarily. Soon, in every gap or hole in the room came the Molokos, running around and causing their usual havoc around the room. The sight was surprising for everyone since seeing them popping out from the smallest possible hole was quite interesting to watch. Aside from that, Voulge widened his vision for any attacks that might come from the CanDevils and possibly from the EarthDragon.

* Phalanx Aspis [1-hit Shield]
Ignis: Spikey Headbutt [10] EarthDragon B
1. Movement: Jump away from the circle w/ Ignis
2. Guard1 [Reflect 60]
3. Phoenixshot1 [70+10/Wide] @ CanDevil A/B/C
4. MokoRush [60/3 Targets] @ CanDevil A/B/C
5. Dodge
Already at death's door, Ignis's simple attack was just enough to finish off the EarthDragon. A Candevil launched a fireball but Voulge managed to resuce his SP in time before the attack hit. He launched three blades that struck against two of the closer Candevils before the Molokos finished the job for him.

As the final virus is trampled underfoot, the floor clears up to reveal a futuristic metallic floor. The damaged areas sections of the floor remained unchanged. The stone doors slid open slowly, allowing Voulge to either advance or retreat.

EarthDragonA: DELETED
EarthDragonB: DELETED
CandevilA: DELETED
CandevilB: DELETED
CandevilC: DELETED


Terrain: 80% Metal, 15% Cracked, 5% Broken

Voulge: 180 HP
Ignis: 35 HP

Get: 1100z + Golemhit1 + 46 bugfrags
Voulge was intrigued by the metallic floor that opened up for him and examined a small part of it. Ignis, however, was eager to leave the accursed room as soon as the stone doors opened. "C'mon, dumbass! Don't you realize that there's going to be more traps down there?!". Voulge kept his mouth quiet and even proceeded further, "This place might lead us to some hints about the unknown email. Let's get going, Ignis"


Voulge exited the strange summoning chamber of the ruins and soon found himself back in the raw volcanic wilderness of Hades Net. The sweltering heat had returned along with the random streams of lava that split the landscape. He followed along a rough sandy path that soon led him to a rocky clearing with a single outstanding feature. Towering before him was a monumental crystalline waterfall that drained into a lake of solid glass, seemingly frozen in time.

Stepping closer to examine it and striding carefully over the glass, Voulge could see his approximate reflection in the prismatic surface. He squinted and looked closer, examining his blurry armour, trying to make out his own shape.

Ignis bumped into him from behind and surprised him, but the real surprise was the lack of his support program's reflection. Voulge snapped glances between his reflection and Ignis, trying to pinpoint and verify this irregularity. Perhaps support programs didn't leave reflections or maybe...

Voulge's reflection had stopped following his actions altogether. It suddenly reached out, smashing its fist through the glass and cracking the enormous structure. The crystal waterfall crashed down in pieces, showering the base with heavy razor shards to reveal a flow of lava beneath the shiny exterior. The glass panels underfoot shattered away and melted into a pool of magma below. Soon, none of the magnificent splendor of the crystal was left, leaving only a blazing lake of crimson.

Stepping out from behind the stream of lava, the mysterious navi emerged unscathed.

Mirror Navi: 1000 HP

Terrain: 70% Lava, 30% Normal

Voulge: 180 HP
Ignis: 35 HP
Voulge quietly stood his ground, even when the crystals floors shattered and changed into hot lavas. His vision was affixed towards the strange figure coming behind what was the crystal waterfall. Voulge didn't move an inch or even lifted his weapon up; something compelled him to stay calm. Marius, on the other hand, was a little distressed about the given situation, "Voulge, respond. What the hell just happened?". Voulge replied after a few second of silence; something was distracting the navi, "An unknown data body, possibly a Network Navigator, emerged within the crystals...Truthfully; I have no clue what is going on.".

Marius was also silent and rested his head on his arm, thinking what would be the best action for Voulge to take. "Make a retreat. Immediately. We don't know who we're fighting against and we can't risk anything." Ignis, on the other hand, was hiding behind Voulge for the sake of his own safety, but didn't stop to keep his mouth shut. "Hey, trash, let's get the hell out of here when we have the chance! I can see how strong he is by just looking at 'im!"

Despite everyone constantly insisting him to make a run for it, Voulge just felt he needed to confront the enemy. Clenching onto his trustworthy Lancea, he stomped it to the ground and shouted towards the unknown entity, "Reveal yourself!" With a closer examination, the navi looked as if it was a direct clone of Voulge. Just like before, it felt like Voulge was looking into a mirror. The mirror navi didn't respond and didn't even move an inch, but Voulge took his Lancea and summoned his earthly shield, preparing for the worst.

"Guard, LavaCannon, and PhoenixShot." Voulge silently requested the chips, but after a few second of pause, Marius shook his head as he refused to send in the battlechips his navis requested. "I can't let you do that, Voulge. I ordered you to retrea..." Completely ignoring his orders, Voulge shifted his Lancea into his signature Jousting Lance and started to run through the lavas with all his might. This sort of action was definitely Un-Voulge like. The navi who would follow the orders from Marius, right to the last word, was openly ignoring a serious order and headed straight into a fight.

"That idiot! He's gonna lose!" The fluttering Ignis, like last time, was hiding behind couple of rocks and over watched the battle. Admittingly, the once prideful SP seems to know his place when it comes to strength. Voulge continued his assault with the Jousting Lance and aimed it straight at the Mirror Navi's torso. By the last second before the lance could make a full contact, Voulge placed all his strength and might into his right arm and thrusted the lance. From this attack, Voulge could analyze if his destructive Lance would cause extra damage to the navi, because there are possibilities that the Mirror Navi is made out of the same crystal material that once surrounded it. Once he was finished with his attack, he made a quick retreat away from the Mirror Navi by taking a huge jump backwards, but it wouldn't guarantee his safety.

"Slot in! Guard1!"

While Voulge was at his most vulnerable moment in mid-air, a large yellow shield appeared out of thin air and protected Voulge from any surprise attacks. The navi immediately understood that he got the cooperation of his operator and let out a small smirk on his face. "...Thank You", "Do this again and I'll gladly boot up the Backup Data.". As soon as he landed on the ground, he raised his Lancea up and firmly the pole under his armpit and changed the weapon into a extraordinarily large GunLance. The size of the weapon was massive and it looked like Voulge needed all his body strength in order to keep it up. The GunLance glowed bright red twice, signing the navi that it's been loaded with two battlechips. He aimed it at the Mirror Navi and fired the two in an instant. The first shot was a molten fireball that was heavily reacting to the lavas that was surrounding Voulge, and the second shot was a small bullet, but it created a wall of fire that burned up the already charred rocks.

The weapon transformed back to its original form and Voulge started to run around the field to gain an upper hand in speed when he needed to evade any upcoming attacks.

* Phalanx Aspis [1-hit Shield]
Ignis: Hide/Dodge
1. Grandis Attero [80 Damage / Fire / Break / Impact / Melee / 3TCD] @ Mirror Navi
2. Guard1 [Reflect 60]
3. LavaCannon1 [90+15 / +40 Damage On Lava Panels] @ Mirror Navi
4. Phoenixshot1 [70+10/Wide] @ Mirror Navi
5. Dodge
Without any regard to tactics or planning, Voulge charged in headfirst as he usually did. His weapon reconfigured itself into a jousting lance and he aimed the tip straight into the chest of his copy. The Mirror Navi raised its hand up to stop the weapon with no knowledge of its defence piercing capabilities. Voulge felt the weapon hit suddenly, jostling him out of his dash. His target had not moved and so far nothing had been able to resist his Grandis Attero. He was sure that the attack was successful, but he was wrong.

Voulge checked the point of impact and was shocked to find that the tip of his weapon had been stopped by his opponent's fingertip. The force of the attack had not even moved his hand. The navi moved closer to Voulge and gave him a little push, as if to taunt him. His shield moved in to take the blow and fell apart shortly after.

Not ready to give up so easily, he unleashed a LavaCannon blast and a condensed Phoenixshot that the Mirror Navi seemed to be less resistant to. Both fiery attacks struck his body and knocked him out of his smug pose. He had sustained heavy damage but still stood, albeit in a slightly more crumpled stance. He raised his head with a blank expression on his face like a puppet. Then, after straightening up, he conjured a large ball of lava from the ground.

Voulge quickly moved away, ready to dodge the inevitable attack but watched only as his copy shaped the ball into a floating shield. The exterior cooled quickly, giving the shield a coat of black while veins of red magma still pulsed out from underneath.

Mirror Navi: 775 HP [1-hit shield]

Terrain: 70% Lava, 30% Normal

Voulge: 180 HP [Guard1]
Ignis: 35 HP
((Assuming that it has a 1-Hit Shield like Voulge's...Also, I'm just gonna do this really quickly, it's almost my beddy-bye time 4AM in the morning...))

"What is this? He even has the same ability like yours!"


Marius and Voulge witness their enemy creating a shield that was very similar to Voulge's Phalanx Aspis. This meant that Voulge had both advantage and disadvantage on his side. He knows what his own limitations and power of his own abilities like a book. However, he also knew how dangerous and lethal each one would be against him. Voulge took full caution into consideration and summoned a shield on top of the unscratched Guard Chip. He switched the grip of the weapon from his right to his left hand and started to walk slowly towards the Mirror Navi. As he was walking, he slowly crouched down and started to gather small pebbles into his hand. The hand started to collect more pebbles and eventually rocks and boulders like metals attaching to a magnet. The rocks formed into what looked like a gigantic fist around Voulge's right arm and the navi started to gain speed. With this fist, he could easily break through the shield and possibly strike the Mirror Navi. He clenched his rocky fist and attempted a destructive haymaker towards the shield and the navi, hopefully breaking the defense and straight to the "crystal body" of his enemy .

The rocks dismantled back into it original shape after striking into something and Voulge immediately proceeded to his next attack. He gained short distance away from the Mirror Navi and the Lancea transformed into the GunLance once again. He took a look into the weapon's crosshair and Voulge loaded one of his strongest chips he has, the Magnum. He couldn't afford to miss this shot and took a deep breath. He pulled the trigger of the powerful Magnum GunLance and it discharged a cannon-ball like bullet that headed straight at its target. Voulge didn't waste time and changed his spear into a metal boomerang and chucked it while the Magnum was still heading towards the Mirror Navi. He didn't have time to check to see if the attacks was a success, but he took off with a quick footing and started to run around once again.

* Phalanx Aspis [1-Hit Shield]
Ignis: Hide/Dodge
1. GolemHit1 [140 / Target Up to 2 Adjacent Opponents / Break / Panel Break] @ Mirror Navi
2. Aim Magnum1
3. Magnum1 [120+10/Charge to hit multi-target (Up to 3)/Crack Panel] @ Mirror Navi
4. Boomerang [60/3-Targets] @ Mirror Navi
5. Dodge
The formation of Voulge's Phalanx Aspis overtook his Guard, completely replacing it. However, he soon realized that his defences meant nothing against his opponent. As Voulge charged in with his rock fist, a familiar lance jutted out back at him and the two navis exchanged blows. Both shields shattered under the impacts and the two combatants retreated to refocus themselves. The GolemHit had the additional effect of parting the lake of lava with sheer force, creating a large fissure between the two.

Fortunately Voulge anticipated the terrain change and opted for long range attacks. He took aim with his Gunlance and fired a well aimed Magnum shot. The Mirror Navi couldn't avoid it in time and took the full force of the attack. More cracks appeared along the lava in the process. A boomerang was thrown but as it was significantly slower than a gunshot, it was avoided easily. The opponent motioned for his own weapon to change shape and created a LavaCannon. He fired a glob of magma at Voulge but it was deftly avoided. The copy quickly resummoned another shield from the scorching ground and stopped as if it were waiting for something.

Ignis meanwhile watched the battle from afar, well out of range of the attacks.

Mirror Navi: 505 HP [1-hit shield]

Terrain: 60% Lava, 20% Normal, 20% Cracked

Voulge: 140 HP
Ignis: 35 HP
((Gah...I didn't mean to cover the Guard Chip with the shield .__. Is there a rule saying that you can't have two defenses at the same time?))

Voulge immediately saw that his clone summoned yet another shield, so he did the same. If felt like they were in an even playing field, but Voulge already exhausted all of his strongest chip and his Jousting Lance transformation needed some time before it could be used once more. "Marius, we need to come up with a plan to take the enemy down, ASAP. Soon or later, our chips is going to run out...". Marius had to think this one over. Its ability and combat capability was nearly the same as his navi, but its stamina and resilience was much stronger. Looking at his chip folder, the operator made a quick calculation and let out a small breath of relief. "It looks like we can take the navi down, but just barely. Make sure all your attacks hit dead on..."

The navi spun spear around and stomped the pole end to the ground, attempting to intimidate the Mirror Navi. He had his greave set firmly into the rocky lavas and prepared to jump into the battle once more.


It was Ignis, who was hiding far away from the battlefield. He was communicating with Voulge through his telepathy, making sure that nobody else would hear what he had to say. "That guy is waiting for you to act first! Look!". Heading his SP's warning, Voulge examined closely at the Mirror Navi and Ignis was right. Voulge loosened his grip on the spear and stabbed the blade through the ground. "Much Appreciated, Ignis" he nodded his head and faced towards the direction where Ignis was, "I'm just pointing out the obvious, you dunt!".

Keeping Ignis' warning in mind, Voulge's first thought was to stay long ranged and keep away from the Mirror Navi. He knew how dangerous it would be to face himself in close combat and he intended to use everything he had to keep the navi away. The navi had little to no idea what the Mirror Navi was preparing for, so he had to play the waiting game. He changed his weapon into a GunLance, while it was still lodged in the ground, and loaded it with two chips. The reason why Voulge wasn't carrying his weapon was to lighten his whole body to help him dodge. Plus, he had the chain always connected from his Lancea to his arm so he had access to his weapon anytime.

Voulge waited and waited till something happened, but he quick thought up what he would do. After avoiding the unknown attack from the navi, he would grab his GunLance with his chain and begin his assault. First chip loaded was the Shotgun, the second, the Zapring. Using the Shotgun, he would destroy the shield, and with a very very small chance, hit the Mirror navi with a stray bullet. With its defense down, Voulge would unload the Zapring as soon as the shotgun makes contact. The chip would temporarily paralyze the navi with its electrifying power and it would open up the chance for his next attack. The navi will unleash the Yo-yo chip to slash its crystal body into worthless shards. Hopefully, the paralysis would keep the Mirror Navi in bay and it would buy Voulge enough time to finish his attack with the Yo-yo and dodge any retaliation. Even though his future action is a bit too ambitious, Voulge needed to go all out to take his enemy down.

* Phalanx Aspis [1-hit Shield]
Ignis: Hide/Dodge
1. Prepare to evade upcoming attack.
2. Shotgun [50/Spread] @ Mirror Navi / Shield
3. Zapring [40/Stun] @ Mirror Navi
4. Yo-Yo1 [40 x 2-3 / Object (HP: 40) / Lowers Dodge / Read Chip Description] @ Mirror Navi
5. Dodge
Voulge fired his stockpiled rounds so quickly that he failed to notice the Mirror Navi avoid Shotgun blast with a simple dodge. Failing to bring down the shield, the following Zapring sparked against volcanic rocks instead of hitting his opponent. He was two chips down and had not done any damage. Desperate, he flung his yo-yo at the navi just as he counterattacked with a barrage of flaming knives that Voulge recognized to be his Phoenixshot.

In a stroke of pure luck, the blades bounced off the large yo-yo, flying off in random directions including Ignis's position. The support program barely avoided being impaled. The yo-yo proceeded to saw through the replica brigandine armour and across the belt that held his pauldron in place. The large shoulder protector fell to the ground as the Navi recoiled from the attack and brought up another rocky shield to protect himself from further harm.

Mirror Navi: 385 HP [1-hit shield]

Terrain: 60% Lava, 20% Normal, 20% Cracked

Voulge: 140 HP [1-hit shield]
Ignis: 35 HP
As soon as Voulge saw that the Mirror Navi's armor was broken by his yo-yo, he didn't hesitate to begin his assault. He couldn't give the clone a second to breath and consistently put him in defense. Voulge lifted his spear up to his chest and started to dash straight towards the navi.

"Prepare your self!", he yelled as he was nearing towards the Mirror Navi. He summoned his earthly shield in the last second and positioned the spear head towards the enemy's shield. He didn't plan anything fancy, but he knew that the power of his default spear form would be enough to break through the defense. He gave it a quick, but fierce jab towards the shield and continued his assault.

Marius, in the real world, felt a little uneasy about Voulge's actions. Even though his navi has the upper hand, he knew that a cornered animal would always fight back. He quickly dug into his chip folder and jammed the Guard chip into the PET. Placing the chip into standby, Marius only needed to press a button to activate it and protect Voulge from any sudden, desperate move by the Mirror Navi.

Voulge was clashing spear against spear with his opponent, all happening in a blink of an eye. All the attack from both was either parried or dodged, not a single hit. He intended to make quick work and retreat, but he underestimated the strength of the replica. "Amazing. How was it able to copy me in just a short time...I need to finish this quickly." He stopped his attack and took two steps back quickly. He placed both arms out to the side, making the Avaria-Lancea into his lethala war scythe, and his left arm glow with heat.

One step forward, he took the war scythe by the neck and tried to use it like a short sword. With the Mirror Navi within close range, Voulge attempted to strike the opponent's wide open shoulder and drain some blood into his own. One step forward, he clenched his left fist and sent a powerful, fiery LEFT hook straight at the Mirror Navi's rib cage, so powerful that it could shatter any ordinary navi into submission. One step forward, Voulge disappeared and reappeared far away from his enemy, keeping him safe away from its deadly close combat.

Ignis: Hide/Dodge
1. Ruby Assault [12 Damage / Fire / Melee / Buster] @ Mirror Navi
2. Guard1 [Reflect 60] As soon as Voulge's shield is down
3. Bona ex Diabolus [60 Damage (Life Drain) / Melee / Slashing / 3TCD] @ Mirror Navi
4. FireHit1 [60+15/Melee] @ Mirror Navi
5. AreaGrab [Teleport] to escape
Voulge shattered the Mirror Navi's volcanic shield into a pile of rubble with just a few quick jabs from his spear. The navi pushed Voulge away but this time it was Voulge's shield that softened the blow and consequently fell apart. For a moment, both combatants were defenceless until another Guard snapped into place on Voulge's free arm. He confidently reformed his weapon into a war scythe and stabbed down at the exposed shoulder of his target. His copy still had his arms outstretched in a pushing motion but his blade had already penetrated past that point. He would not be blocking this attack with his hands.

The attack connected but there was an uneasy feeling. It was the same feeling he had experienced earlier with his Grandis Attero. It was impossible but Voulge checked the point of impact and once again, his attack had been stopped by the copy as if its skin was made of some kind of impervious material. His scythe had not even left so much as a scratch let alone draw any blood at all. He was close enough to see the cold, empty expression in his opponent's eyes. There were no signs of fear or hate or joy. Voulge gave his opponent a powerful punch to the ribs in frustration before teleporting to a safe distance.

The Mirror Navi opened its hand and materialized a Boomerang of its own but Voulge was well out of range. Regardless, it was still thrown and Voulge watched as it spun towards him and began to veer off before it even reached him. However, he was too late in realizing that Ignis was still in harm's way. There was no time to warn his support program as the spinning blade sliced its way through the crystalized flame and returned to the Mirror Navi's hand. He dismissed the weapon and brought a large cannon that looked like his modified Magnum. The copy charged the gun with an audible humming sound as the rubble of his destroyed shield reconstructed itself.

Mirror Navi: 310 HP [1-hit shield]

Terrain: 60% Lava, 20% Normal, 20% Cracked

Voulge: 140 HP [Guard1]
Ignis: 5 HP