Where are you? PART2

Capuchin dashes around the field and then delivers the final blow. Of course, the trail of destruction is now begin to run a bit cold... better hurry before it disappears.

MagtectA: DELETED!
MagtectB: DELETED!
MagtectC: DELETED!
MagtectD: DELETED!

Capuchin: 140

Terrain: 85% Normal 15% Lava (scattered about randomly, nothing currently stands on it)

Rewards: Kunai1, 500z
Capuchin immediatley gave a triumphant look at where the viruses once stood. "I hope that...err....wherever little virus data goes after they die...I hope they are at peace..." With one breath of the air, she turned back to her desired target location. "...now...to take care of my REAL opponent." Her golden eye glowed a bit brighter than before as she stared at her trail, then rushed across the terrain.

"B-be careful C-Capuchin." Aida warned, "You don-on't know what th-this guy is c-capable of."

Capuchin gave a quick nod at this, "Knowing what he did to those viruses, this guy is probably filled with bloodlust...but I'll make sure to defeat this guy."

As Capuchin moves on, she meets an even bigger group of barely-alive but still pissed enough to fight viruses. There also seems to be a good deal more lava this time, though each patch of it remains unoccupied. However, some of the really weak ones linger near it, as if considering jumping in.

SpikeyA: 1
SpikeyB: 67
SpikeyC: 59
SpikeyD: 28
SpikeyE: 1
FlameyA: 25
FlameyB: 18
FlameyC: 44
FlameyD: 19
FlameyE: 56
HeavyA: 1
HeavyB: 12
HeavyC: 67
HeavyD: 40
HeavyE: 56

Capuchin: 140

Terrain: 54% Normal 46% Lava
"Urrrgh" Capuchin growled, irritated by the new brigade of enemies that seemed to cling to their belief of fighting till the bitter end. It was beginning to annoy her to see how many had arrived to delete her. "ARGH! What are they doing?!" She snapped as she pointed a finger forward towards the area the experiment supposedly was, "Why don't you go kick the butt of the guy who did this to ya?! Why me!!!? You all are getting in my way!"

"C-Capuchin, y-you really ca-ant reason w-with viruses..." Aida stuttered, "Just g-get through..."

"There wont be much time left once I defeat them all..."

"H-have some faith in y-yourself..." Aida began, "I w-will m-make sure that y-you'll g-get to y-your opponent...I will make s-sure you will find the answers your looking for...and I will certainly be there to when you reclaim all you have lost...and beat Drakkas."

Capuchin halted a bit and stared at her arms. The metal plating was still aligned to them, encasing the stiting wich bound her limbs to her body. How she hated suffering defeat from that guy, along with anyone. She would certainly gain her strength again and claim whatever goal she desired. The golden eye began to glow a bit brighter at the thought of this and her head lifted up towards the enemy battalion. "Sorry guys..." She said as her stance began to loosen, "But I'm in a hurry and your in my way...nothing will stop me!"

Aida gave a small smile at this and slotted in a chip, "G-get ready!"

The swarm of data wrapped around Capuchin's right hand, letting the fingers detatch and reform into new shapes along with her palm and wrist. Less than a second later, her limb had finished revealing a brand new weaponry. A chip she had never used before was now fused with her hand. An Airsword that seemed to have a cooling feeling radiating on it...as if the wind was blowing. She gently lifted it to her side as her feet began to dig into the ground, her body arched forward with this as well. And with one single movement, her feet shot from their position and darted towards the next spot. Her legs made giant leaps from one part to the next in quick timing in order to get to her opponents. "Lets try this on the heavys first." She said to her netop as she took a dash straight at them.

Her strike straight at them almost seemed like she was doing ballet. With a leap in the air wich she twirled in as her bladed arm held outstretched. Almost like a saw blade as she twirled and attempted to slash her opponents. Her tail twirled around her as well, keeping her on balance till she began to land. Capuchin's free hand made due of this, quickly letting the palm slam into the ground and her fingers dug into the surface. She skidded a few feet but she kept her blade still straight at her opponents, letting the ones she slided by feel the blade hit them with a force.

She then turned to the next team of angered viruses and looked at them with a serious look. She was in no mood for games nor did she have time any longer to be dragged on these long battles. She made a dash straight towards them wich ended with a huge leap in the air that was an attempt to front flip over them. First her head stared at them at the front, looking into the groups eyes...then her view was the net sky above netfrica that was covered in smoke from all the destruction...finally, her sight was at the ground and the enemy's backside. Without a single hesitation, her bladed hand made a swipe straight at them, believing they would all hit.

Capuchin had no time to stop now to see if they really did hit. There were still more opponents to beat as of now. Her feet once again dashed across the surface of the terrain, feeling the smooth ground or perhaps she would even feel the hot sting of lava burn her boots. Her concentration at this moment was at her next oppoents that she desired to beat. Her stance of runing was a bit wider than last time and her tail seemed to be sticking out more. Her body wobbled as well...but why do this? It was simple as she she went in for the first opponent...then tilted her body to the side letting herself turn quickly to the left just before she gave it the slash. Her body weight shifted to the right letting her loop to the other opponent and giving them a good smack. Once more to the left she went and went in fro a strike at that spikey with tremendous determination.

One last patch to trifle with now, and Capuchin wasn't going to take a break just yet. Her sworded arm was lifted at head height and was in a bend like she was going to punch someone in the face. Her feet didnt even stop moving for a second, they only sped up as she charged straight at them with the last of her strength. And with one launch of her arm, she thrusted the weapon into each of the three opponents attempting to break through every one.

1. arisword Heavy C-E (twirling strike)
2. airsword Heavy A-B FlameyE (Slide strike)
3. airsword Flamey B-D (Front flip strike)
4. airsword Flamey A SpikeyD-E (Zig zag strike)
5. airsword Spikey A-C (punch stab)
The Heavies, being built for bashing and not for dashing, prove far to slow for Capuchin and she strikes down three at once. Then with her next move, she takes out the two remaining ones and also clips a Flamey. She then goes for three more of the virus, but one slams under the ground, escaping the windy blade. Then, as she dashed around, she hits another three, though looking at the shape they're in, dodging seems impossible. She then makes one final thrust, piercing two Spikey, though the one manages to move out of the range of the sword's tip. Its then she notices that she did indeed run through some lava, as her feet are now on fire. Of course, before she can really do anything about it, the Flamey from early bursts out of the ground beneath her, knocking her down.

SpikeyC: 59
FlameyC: 44

Capuchin: 109

Terrain: 51% Normal 46% Lava 3% Broken
"ACK!" Was all capuchin could say as she tumbled to the ground. She quickly got to her feet seconds later to find that they were being eaten by the flames. "AUGH! Damn!" She yelped as she padded them out with her hands and stomping the remains in the dirt of the normal terrain.

"I-I'm surpr-rised you di-dn't notice..." Aida said a bit shocked.

"...It's kinda hard when you get a bit determined and your feet are bashing the floor..." Capuchin defended, "Everything starts to burn."

"L-lets just finish this..." Aida suggested as she slotted in a twinfang, hoping that this would be the final attack they needed to do.

"Ahhhh..." Capuchin sighed as her left hand formed into a cannon equipped with two sharp like animal teeth. "Good timing. I don't really wanna run around all day. Gets tiring." She managed now to move her stance a bit wider even when the soles of her boots were charred. Her sworded hand was kept back and her left handed cannon was lifted into firing range. A golden eye glittered dimly as she stared at the spikey and set off a shot then turned to the flamey, her tail was still as she did so and her feet were planted firmly in the ground. "This is it!" the monkey navi announced as she fired the final fanged bullet at the flamey.

1.twinfang (70) SpikeyC FlameyC
The two pointy projectiles each hit a foe and take it down.


Capuchin: 109

Terrain: 51% Normal 46% Lava 3% Broken

Rewards: 1000z

As she finishes off the group, Capuchin notices a shadowy figure peeking at her from around a corner. Upon being seen, it promptly ducks back behind the wall in a slightly paniced manner.
"YES! FINALLY!" Capuchin cheeps in rejoicment as she does a flip in the air. With one final cheep for joy, she dusted off her feet and gave a stretch. "Now that that's settled we can finally get back on...?" Her golden eye glowed brightly as she spotted something in the corner of it. Her head turned to a wall where there was something watching her. "Huh?" She took one step into its direction only to see it vanish in a panic. The reaction was surprising. She cocked her head to the side and bit her lip. "Well this is an interesting welcome...wonder who it could be."

"I-It could be our t-target..." Aida began, "or m-maybe something else...y-you probably sc-scared it w-with all that batt-ttling..."

"Really?" Capuchin asked, "Virus busting is that scary?...I don't know about that..." Her eyes still stared at where the figure once was, "I'm goanna get a better look." Capuchin said to her netop and slowly made her way over. Her steps were quiet and gentle as she took her time going over. "Hello?" Her voice called out in a kind and curious manner. "Hey...who's there? I'm not here to cause any trouble...You don't need to be so spooked." She gave a smile at the thought of this figure. It kinda reminded her of Aida in a way with all the panicking.
But when Capuchin laid eyes on the figure they had been chasing, it was no longer spooked or panicking in the least.

A swirling, fiery portal opened in front of the navi, showing bits and pieces of a network she had never been in, but was nonetheless recognizable from the bright lights and scattered net-based casinos. As the navi itself turned around to respond, however, the scene disappeared into the flame and Capuchin caught a full glimpse of just what the Netpolice had sent her to deal with.

It was a monster of a navi, the right half of its body grotesquely mutated into something...insectoid. A carapace of some sort had replaced the skin on that side, with spikes sticking out at odd angles and glowing veins shining out between the black sections of hardened skin. On the skin that met the freakish husk, bulging blue veins stood up, not fading until they reached the other side of his body. His right arm itself had mutated into a vicious claw of sorts, fingers extending into nearly foot-long blades dripping with the blood data of countless viruses. But the worst part, perhaps, were the eyes. Not just one, but both of them were mere sockets, blackened and empty except for a faint red light that looked like it was much deeper inside than his head would allow. Still, what little expression his face would allow was a mix of pure hatred and pain, both of which burned into Capuchin's mind as the monstrous navi was wrapped in tongues of flame and drawn into the vortex of the portal he had created.

((As you guessed, the next area is NetVegas. Make a post jumping into the portal, then make a topic there.))
"Wh....what..." Capuchin stared at the being wide eyes...filled with terror and a painful feeling in her stomach. She stood there frozen in her tracks as she saw it dissapear into the portal. "Is that....a navi?"

"...I-I think w-we found our ta-arget..." Aida stuttered. Her voice sounded worried as she spoke it.

Capuchin placed a hand over her mouth to hide her jaw drop. "That's...that's just awful! Why did the mafia make it like that?...Was it a navi subject...or was it built by the mafia itself...like a navi...made by navis..." A lurching feeling wrenched her and her eye glowed brightly.

"W-we better f-follow." Aida interrupted, "Th-the portal is st-till here...b-best t-to head o-on in..."

"Right..." Capuchin nodded and immediatley rushed into the portal as well.