
Kazu froze as Memoriam slipped and went rocketing down the steep chute. With a resounding thud, the usually acrobatic Navi sprawled across the cold surface, bruised, but only in ego. Kazu's sigh of relief was quite audible to Memoriam, and Memoriam found it irritating.

"Guess I have no choice but to get moving," muttered Memoriam discontentedly. Determined to cheer himself up again, Memoriam ignited a tiny spark of light in his left hand, and twirled it in crazy patterns around his fingers as he walked, glancing around constantly for any signs of danger, or excitement, whichever came first.
Memoriam comes upon a fork in the path. To the left, the path looks fairly level, but also very slick. To the right a downward slope, but unlike the one he had just come down, there is no visible patches of ice. Just...snow. Or something.

The right path also looks a bit darker than the left.

Left or right?

((IC Time used: Little))
Memoriam snatched the spark in his palm, extinguishing it, and bit his lip. Not exactly excitement. His main gripe with diverging roads was that, even if one were to agonize over the consequences of taking one over the other, one tended to miss out on the excitement and probable treasure to be found along the other.

Memoriam wasted no further thought on the matter, and took a running jump down the right side, positioning himself to skid on the snow.
Memoriam starts down the slope. And slides. Kinda like skiing. Only without actual skis and relying more on how slick the slope is.

Only problem is, once he's actually on the slope, it becomes obvious that at an actual ski resort this particular slope would have been a double black diamond or higher, if such a thing exists.. It becomes very steep very fast, and the path looks very narrow up ahead.

On either side of the path appear to be ditches. Thankfully not chasms, but landing in either of these looks rather bad too. There are quite a few icicles overhead, and it looks like too much loud noise could easily knock them loose.

Moreover, a slight mound just threw off Memoriam's balance.
You should've taken the safe route, muttered Kazu darkly. In only a few minutes, Memoriam had thrashed his way through somewhere around a dozen enemies, earned himself a pretty penny in battle spoils, and now found himself racing down a slope at suicidal speed.

"Well, safe isn't really my style--- argh!" Memoriam, instead of risking a trip into the ditch by trying to regain his balance, simply covered his head and tumbled head over heels for a short distance, until he found himself stable and sliding on his rear. Slowly, he rose to a low crouching position and summoned his weapon in a flash of light, dragging it behind him in case he ended up needing to turn. There was no end in sight, so Memoriam allowed himself to enjoy the exhiliration of speed that would probably terrify him if he knew just how fast he was going.
Memoriam manages to avoid the rather painful trip into the ditch and flies through the room. He was safe again...aside perhaps from the fact that he was still going extremely fast with seemingly no good way to stop himself.

Yeah, might want to try and work on that soon. After another minute of sliding, Memoriam sees the end. And it's a solid wall of ice. It looks fairly thin, but crashing into it would probably still be bad.

((IC Time used: very little))
Memoriam narrowed his eyes and dug his sword deep into the snow, slowing him down just enough so that he could get his footing and then leap off the slope. The sword fragemented into a shimmering cloud of light, then leapt forth to smash the wall of ice with massive force an instant before Memoriam would have crashed into it.

((Coercion [Self Slow, Microburstx3]))
Memoriam manages to slow himself down and get a decent footing again. He also shatters the ice wall and makes it through the opening left from it unharmed.

However, he soon has another problem. Blasting walls of ice into nothing tends to create rather loud noises.

The sound from the shattering ice resonates throughout the cavern. Memoriam hears something cracking above him, and jumps out of the way just as an icicle falls from above and barely misses him. Several others begin to follow suit. He had to move. NOW.

((IC Time used: Very little.))
Memoriam looked up.

And exhaled slowly, looking more exasperated than panicked.

And ran. As he became more and more tense, a cloud of energy formed about him, forming a pale blue shimmer behind him, mingling with clouds of snow. The aura was his weapon in battle; his shield and his sword in. Now, it was keeping him alive.
Memoriam runs and uses his weird aura thingy to defend from the few icicles he fails to avoid. He runs through the end of the passage...

And ends up in a room much larger than anything he's seen so far in the cavern.

The next thing he notices is the formations. Columns, stalactites, and stalagmites comprised entirely of ice. Tendrils of more ice running horizontally across the room.

He also notices that he's standing on one of these. It looks like it'll hold if nothing else happens, but not slipping would be good.

And finally, Memoriam hears something coming from somewhere beyond the room. Like a low, growling noise.
Memoriam made small sounds of annoyance as he shifted his footing and experimented with his weight, trying to gradually master the curious quality of the ice under his feet. The different platforms required different techniques to stand on safely, and Memoriam intended to master them all. He leapt to another spot deftly, absobing the shock of landing with his whole body and coming within nanoseconds of a humiliating and potentially fatal fall.

He was concentrating intensely on his task when Kazu interrupted him. "Memoriam," said Kazu worriedly, "Do you hear that?"

Memoriam did. He smiled-- at last, some excitement.
Memoriam leaps a few spots and comes to a stop on a ledge. He spots another exit from the room not far away. There's a broken stalagmite about halfway across the gap, creating a platform just barely out of reach if a human were to try and make the jump. But maybe a navi...

((IC time used: Average))
Over there, said Kazu, using his laptop to point the location out to his Navi. After about a second, though, Kazu regretted showing the spot to his Navi without any further explanation.

Memoriam, ever confident in himself, launched himself off of his unsteady footing towards the exit, aiming to skip lightly on the platform in between and avoid a potentially fatal slip. The cold air was loud in his ears as his feet lifted off and sailed along, riding an invisible wave.
Memoriam's foot slips on the platform and loses his balance. He still manages to make it to the other side...but in doing so, he falls on his face. (10)

Nonetheless, he's on the other side now. He can see the next room from here. It's rather dark, and there seems to be an even darker patch on the ground in the shape of the shadow of...something. He can't tell what it is from here.

((IC Time used: Very little.))
Memoriam and his operator both groaned. As he pulled himself rather laboriously to his feet, the ever-so-agile Navi tried to think of some excuse for himself. He had a feeling he didn't need to; Kazu's human standards would have ranked that as a pretty impressive feat of acrobatics.

Thank goodness. I can't believe you actually made that massive jump.

Memoriam sighed. Then he raised one eyebrow as he got a glimpse of what was ahead of him. A grin crossed his face as he summoned his weapon, held it at the ready, and crept up toward the shadow, letting his aura fill the space around him. A fight? He hoped so.
The owner of the shadow turned around. It looked like something that came out of stories, rumors, and similar things.

The Yeti.

But wait...that was just legends, right? There was no such thing as...oh wait. This is the net, and anything is possible here. So yes, there can be a Yeti here. It sees Memoriam, and it looks hungry.

Yeti: 800 HP

Memoriam: 200 HP

Terrain: 100% Ice

Battle 5, START!

Memoriam took an involuntary step back, and looked like he was going to run for it, before he composed himself. Kazu's PET, unbeknownst to Kazu, was furious with activity. Step by step, a tentative strategy was forming in Memoriam's metaphorical "head." Every circut of his powerful cognitive programs was running at full power. The completion of the plan hit him like a human flash of insight. "Not that chip," said Memoriam hurriedly, as he started to slip into a state of deep concentration, manipulating his aura like a master at an easel. "Zapring. Twinfang." The two sputtered words were the last thing Memoriam was able to say before his aura exploded with light, overriding the area with sheer energy. Panels shifted, walls twisted, and the world was thrown into chaos before it settled again-- but different.

Kazuhiro at first wondered why Memoriam had taken the time to do what was a seemingly pointless move, but then saw the brilliance in it. The patterns of snow and ice on the ground were completely different, and what was in reality a treacherous, zero-traction patch of ice appeared to be buffered by an attractive pad of soft snow. What was more was, a thick screen of flying snow had risen from the ground to make Memoriam's approach tougher to spot, impossible to stop. Even as Kazu slipped the first two BattleChips into his PET, his laptop's screen came alive as Memoriam went to work.

The aura blinked for an instant an instant before Memoriam lunged forward to slam his shoulder into the monster's gut. His entire aura was concentrated into a massive blow that would hopefully send even this massive creature flying. Then the aura moved. It flitted like a shadow away from Memoriam's body, between the monster's legs, and behind it, where it stopped the monster's momentum with a massive upper-blow that would surely be painful. Finally, it whipped back into the air to rejoin its master, where he was suspended in the air above the monster, ready to use the aura to deliver a crushing kick that would send the Yeti straight down into the patch of snow that was actually a patch of sheer ice.

Memoriam's next move was to plant his palm in the beast's chest, discharging the Zapring's energy in a powerful burst of energy. That finished, he jumped off backwards, then dropped into a low stance as his aura was divided into two glimmers of light in his palms. He only spent a second preparing, lest the monster get up and attack before Memoriam was ready, and then Memoriam let fly first a white, spike-shaped projectile at the Yeti's chest, then another into the cave ceiling far above, with the aim of cracking a stalagtite and having it crash down on the monster.

[Regeneration (5 x Actions)]
[one-hit barrier]
[Tactical Movement]

1. Misdirection: Alter the pattern of snow and ice on the ground, and kick up an obscuring snowstorm. [Illusion, Take Aim, Sacrifice 15.]
2. Coercion: 3-hit combo! [3x Microburst, Self Slow. That has just got to do SOME damage. Aim to have the Yeti land on an ice patch disguised as a snow patch.]
3. Point-blank Zapring [40 Elec+stun]
4. Smash/Twinfang1 [70 damage, use the second one to crack a stalagtite overhead.]