The winter time battles

"AH!" Capuchin hollered, "Darn! Daisy got to them all first! I need to get in the game as well." She planted her legs on the floor as she quickly looked around, "maybe...nah....should bout.....OH!" She then pointed to the melody. "I'll help with that guy there."

"Wh-what chip would you like?" Aida asked her navi friend as she rummaged through a selection.

Capuchin just shook her head. "Nah, I got this one already." The monkey assured as she extended her hand in the sky, summoning her red pole. "I say my special will take care of this." Clasping the pole in her hands, it quickly grew in size. Her golden eye gleamed at the melody with glee as she slowly positioned herself and her pole like a baseball player at bat. "Here we go!!!" She cried out as she attempted to hit the melody with a pole strike.

3.Sig (80) MelodyB

The two Navis lay waste to their opponents, but the net becomes unnaturally quiet in the aftermath. The lights of a pitched battle flash off in the distance....


Capuchin.exe: 100 HP
- GET: Boomerang1, 8 FXP, 800z

Daisy.exe: 160 HP
- GET: BubbleStar1, 8 FXP, 800z
"HAH! Once again we accomplish the...huh?" Capuchin turned her head towards something off in the distance. Her eye glowed as she did so and her hears heard the far off shots. "What's going on down there?" She asked.

"What is it?" Aida asked a bit quietly, "It's probably just another navi battle." She assured, not as much to Capuchin but more to herself.

"I don't know..." Capuchin said as she squinted at it. "I say we take a better look. Just to be on the safe side. We wouldn't want someone in danger."

"I th-think you're just c-curious." Aida teased.

"Haha...well of course I am! Who wouldn't want to figure out that." The monkey navi turned to Daisy and gave a big grin. "Wanna go look with me?" She asked.
"Alright raccoon thing, I want my shoe back now!" Daisy said, as she started to creep towards the thieving mammal. But before she could get close enough, it vanished along with her shoe. Daisy looked around to see where it could have gotten to, and then she saw that somehow her shoe was back on her foot. "What the?" She asked, before she heard Capuchin talking, and saw what she saw.

"Something is up over there it seems...You might want to check on what is happening over there, because someone might need help." Virgil stated to Daisy.

"Alright, well, it seems like we should go to see what is going on over there." Daisy said, as she began to heard over towards what might be fighting.
((Brought to you by PaladinGC and English_Ninja. Enjoy. ^_^))

Indeed, what appeared to be fighting from a distance was very much a pitched battle in progress. The scene of the fight was a total mess. The famous Sharo permafrost had been melted, shattered, and scattered in fragments everywhere. In one place, something had been hot enough to transform the frigid ice into boiling lava.

Bits of broken objects were scattered as if by a tempest, and four NetPolice officers were crouched amongst the items. Two of them, armed with rifles, were laying down cover fire for a female Navi, dressed as a field medic, causing one of the swooping jet-powered weapons veer away from its strafing run and dart into the sky. The medic Navi was bravely trying to drag another unconscious Navi, with a sizeable sheath across his back, off the field of battle. Each one of the officers had been ravaged by the viruses' combined assault.

None of them paid any attention to the newly-appeared pair of civilians.

As Capuchin and Daisy approached, the flying viruses screeched in for another attack. There were three of them -- red, blue, and green. They were small, boxy things. Engine pods, sporting short wings on the sides and bottoms and slightly larger wings on the tops, stuck out of their sides. On the front of the box-like viruses were long, slender tank guns, with a pair of smaller gatling guns positioned underneath the main one. There was a large protective sheath over the majority of the viruses' bigger weapons. On the edges of the beveled tops of the viruses were an assortment of box-launchers, mortars, and rounded rocket pods.

Overall, they were mean-looking little things, buzzing around the harried group of NetPolice as if merely toying with the Navis. One of the jet-gun viruses wasn't in the best shape, though. There was a sword, presumably the one that belonged in the scabbard of the unconscious Navi, jammed savagely through it.

Red High-Performance Virus: 425 [Flying]
Blue High-Performance Virus: 500 [Flying]
Green High-Performance Virus: 180 [Sword'd, Flying]

NP Rifleman A: 168 HP
NP Rifleman B: 242 HP
NP Swordsman: 1 HP [Unconscious]
NP Medic: 60 HP [Dragging NP Swordsman out of the fight.]

- Ice: 25%
- Cracked: 50%
- Broken: 20%
- Lava: 5%

BoulderA: 110 HP
BoulderB: 600 HP
BoulderC: 600 HP
BoulderD; 320 HP
BoulderE: 210 HP
IceBlockA: 100 HP
IceBlockB: 100 HP
RockCube: 200 HP

Capuchin.exe: 100 HP [On Ice Terrain]
Daisy.exe: 160 HP [On Ice Terrain]
((Medic says, post somehow got very long.))

"What- what are those?" Daisy asked in utter confusion. The ground, the gunfire, the only time she had ever seen a scene like this was during the battle with the Twi thing. Daisy was hoping that Virgil knew what they were, I mean, he talked about having a navi before me, he might have seen those things or heard about them or something. she said in her mind. That was until Virgil began to speak.

"Was ist das? I have never seen anything looking like that before, nor have I heard about anything like that from any of my brothers. But whatever those are, I don't think those NP navis have any advantage at the moment. We should honestly help them, civilian duty or something like that." Virgil said, not exactly happy about having no concrete idea what the strange viruses were fully capable of. From what Virgil could tell from the surroundings, they hit hard, incredibly hard. The ground was cracked and broken in several areas, probably much more maneuverable then it could have ended up. The small patch of lava made Virgil worry some, the only reason he could come up with was that the viruses had some kind of, Paladin grade heat ray, a legendary grade of weaponry created and disbanded roughly 20 years ago due to being 'too powerful'. If one of those flying viruses, if you could even label them as that, had a weapon of that grade, then things would become a great deal worse for the navis.

Daisy was about to began a dash towards the medical navi when she turned her head towards Capuchin. "I think we might have to save fun and games for later." Daisy said, following trough with the start of a dash in the direction on the wounded swordsmen.

"Daisy, hold on! We should stay back to see wh- Daisy! Are you listening to me?" Virgil nearly commanded at his navi, who paid little attention towards her netop at the moment. "Daisy! Great, you're not going to listen to me right now, are you? Well, guess I'll use this then" Virgil said, with a grin at the end, rapidly slotting in the randomly shiny DBLbeam chip. Now to see which how unlucky the other side is! Virgil said in his mind, figuring that either option of the chip would help in this battle. A small orb appeared behind Daisy, and in mere second thousands upon thousands red and blue lasers fired out of the orb, bathing the battle field in a two color light show, the true effect unknown at the moment.

Daisy managed to maneuver around the field, and arrived at the current position of the medical navi and her charge. "Excuse me, but me and my friend saw your fighting from the distance and thought you might need help." Daisy said to the medical navi. A small screen appeared over Daisy's shoulders with Virgil's face on it.

"Daisy, I would have preferred to at least see firsthand what those things were capable of doing before rushing into what could be the hornet's nest." Virgil said, his voice showing minor frustration. "Well, now that you-"

"Hornets? I don't think those are on the net." Daisy interrupted Virgil, causing him to shrug before picking up where he left off.

" -are here... if you want, Daisy seems to be willing to help you out." Virgil finished, the screen turning towards the foreign viruses. For now, Virgil will try to formulate a schema to take down the deadly flying virus... things. So far, airshoting the rockcube towards the highly wounded one seems like a highly plausible idea, but the problem at the moment would be the aiming of the attack, and making sure it would have the range capable of hitting it. Maybe if they somehow trap it?

While Virgil was creating a schema in his mind, Daisy looked at the wounded navi. It seems like he won't survive another hit. she reasoned from the swordnavi's wounds. Chances are the medic has a greater power in the art of healing then Daisy possesses, so for now Daisy will let the medic handling any healing that might be needed. What Daisy can at the moment, is grant them some form of protection. Daisy began to bleed from her left hand, and the blood dripped off, and started to float a few inches off of the ground. Daisy's blood started to flow out more rapidly, and all of it joined together as a floating sphere. That sphere moved from its position near the ground, and shaped itself into some kind of protective barrier above the near death navi. Upon that act, Daisy's hand stopped bleeding. "That might help protect him a bit." Daisy told the medical navi, before she heard Virgil beginning to speak.

"If we combine the range of... and the trapping capabilities of the... it might have the ability to keep them still long enough for a solid shot..." Virgil said quietly to himself, the screen turning back around. "Then we might... Alright, Daisy. Plan!" Virgil said, opening a private com line with his navi. "Alright, Daisy here is what I want you to do. I'm going to send you a Mark cannon...

...and with luck that will trap at least some of them."
Virgil told Daisy, who nodded while Virgil turned his attention to the medic. "Alright, this might be asking much, but is there any way to tell your allies to not shot at anything trapped in a bubble?" Virgil asked the medical navi, slotting in a Markcannon and the bubblestar. A slender cannon barrel appeared on Daisy's arm, with a single cartridge inside. Will combining the data together even work the way Virgil wants it to? Daisy asked in her mind. But she paid no further attention as moved a bit away from the medic and swordsmen, and aimed the cannon up in the direction of the plane things.


The single shell rocketed out of the barrel, spiraling towards the opponents at an alarming rate, in a matter of millisecond it closed half of the distance, and it was then Virgil's plan went into action. The shell busted at about the 75% mark between the navi and the viruses into a massive net made of... bubbles? The shell rapidly turned into a massive, spreading net made of bubbles. Could that be what Virgil thinks will trap them? Daisy thought, looking upward when Virgil slotted in the pickpocket chip without her knowing. There is more then one way to use chips, and it seems this one operates quite diffrently. So go forth raccoon! Do what needs to be done! Virgil screamed in his mind, when right after you could see something beginning to fall from the sky.

Plummeting downwards from the sky was the raccoon from before. The raccoon that seems to have been able to steal undetected, the raccoon that seems to have the ability to vanish from view, but most of all it is... the raccoon that will become a pancake if it did not do something fast. Wait, it is falling towards one of the strange virus things, the one with the sword stuck in it. An idea popped into the mind of the little critter. Grab onto the sword! The thieving mammal thought; the action could very well save the poor critter, and as a bonus might allow the chance to steal from the strange virus. So the Raccoon stretched it front paws out as far as it can as raccoonaly possible in the direction of the massively wounded virus, screaming during its descent. Will it make it? Will it even survive if it doesn't? And how did it get that high up into the air in the first place!

((Passive, one hit shield on NP Swordsmen (Can't let the navi die, can we?)
1 Get to battle
2DBLbeam, justice for all!
4Profit! (Combine the range and accuracy of a Markcannon with the attack of a Bubblestar! (Includes action 3))
5Pickpocket sword from silly Virus thingy (Or, raccoon stole my great sword!))
Capuchin gave a nod to Daisy and dashed outward. "Yeah! You go help that medic, I'll help distract the viruses!" She cheeped as he feet made a dash toward the Riflemen. She looked at the viruses thinking about what to do with them. She began to mumble to herself and Aida. "Hrmm...we should probably go out with a chip then a charge with a..."

"CAPUCHIN!" Aida cried out, "Whatch where you step!"

The monkey quickly halted then looked at the ground beneath her. "Its...cracked...lava with ice? and some are just destroyed!" She gave a sigh as she planted her footing where she was, "This is juuuuust what I we have any chips that can help in this situation???" She asked her netop.

"N-no..." Aida said sadly, "Oooooooh...I should have bought that sand area chip when I had the chance!" She was beating herself up on this now for not even thinking of the advantage she could gain from a chip like that. It would have made situations like these easier.

"No sweat." Capuchin announced as she cracked her fists and loosened her stance, "We'll improvise." She eyed the high performance virus in the center of the group. Her golden eye gleamed as she examined its features. "That one is at it's peak, we should probably cut it down to size and then handle the others. Send me a pretty damaging chip. Something that is long distance."

"A-Alright..." Aida began to look into the selection. She was about to place in the firesword but knew from Capuchin's distance that it just wouldn't be enough. Her sight came to the twin fang chip they had just previously acquired and snapped it in along with a bubbler. "next time, I'll g-get an a-area chip!" She said to herself.

Both of Capuchin's hands formed into weapons. One was a cannon holding inside the massive bubbler and the other was a gun equipped with the twinfangs. She eyed two of the viruses and stretched out her arms as she planted her feet firmly knowing of a ricochet. She then launched out one round of both at the center virus which somewhat looked like a watery arrow flowing straight towards it. She then moved her arm to the side virus and shot the final fang at it as the bubbler splashed over to that side. Capuchin's eyes then turned to the two next to her, "Maybe we should get them and us some cover." She suggested.

"I-I'm right behind you on th-that!" Aida's voice happily said as she clicked in a guard chip.

The chip made a quick entrance as it formed a shield in front of Capuchin who in turn gestured to the two Riflemen. "I'll cover ya guys if needed. Or if you want, you can hide behind this guard. I don't mind sharing at all."

1.twinfang shot (70) High-Performance Virus A&B
2.bubbler shot (50) High-Performance Virus A&B
Daisy and Capuchin split up, with Daisy running towards the Net Police patrol while she activated a DBLBeam. The viruses were just pulling away from their latest strafing run when Daisy's DBLBeam lanced out to strike each of them with a red beam of coherent light. She continued to dash towards the Medic as Capuchin summoned a pair of guns, took aim, and scored a hit with a Bubbler on the red virus, then followed up by scoring a second hit with the slightly slower metallic spike of a Twin Fang. Capuchin then shifted her aim and nailed a blue colored virus that had begun swooping back down on Daisy, and caused it to shy away, giving her ally time to reach the Medic.

The viruses flew up into the clouds, leaving everyone on the ground with nothing visible to shoot at...

The Medic Navi, wearing a Lieutenant's patch for the Department of Public Safety, did not look up when Daisy and Virgil began speaking to her. She instead, concentrated on saving the rapidly fading life of the Officer lying comatose before her. "What sort of sick bastard CREATES these things?!" she grated in obvious frustration as her hands began to glow... The glow expanded to encompass the unconscious Navi, who slowly began to look better as they watched. "Yes, yes, come on! Live, damn you!" She never once responded to Daisy, who dashed off, leaving her Net-Op's image behind to deal with the Navi....

Meanwhile, from their firing positions...

Seeing the hellish viruses disappear from sight after taking some unexpected fire from some equally unexpected help, the first NP Rifleman looked at his comrade and said "We got cover. Reload." They both stopped firing their buster rifles, and took cover, with neither of them planning to question where their help was coming from. Regardless, they both planned to take advantage of it, each pulling a com unit off of their belts and requesting additional ammo for their custom NP issue weapons...The ammo for their weapons appeared moments later, which the two slotted into their backpacks before picking their buster rifles back up and searching for targets...

... They didn't have to wait long....

The second Rifleman sighted on the lead virus, blue in color and figured out where it was headed. He shouted over his shoulder: "Commander! Incoming!" The Medic looked up from her patient to see the blue virus bearing down on them both... and a wall of blood rise before her a millisecond after she saw the blue nightmare's 'hex-lense' flash into being, with the troublesome green flying beside it... But where was the red one?

The Medic looked over the body of her injured comrade at the interloping civilian Navi who had identified herself as Daisy. She watched the civilian raise a long-barreled cannon towards the enemy and fire upon the duo of virii the Lieutenant had accounted for moments before. Daisy's peculiar shell flew directly at the lead virus until it came apart at the seams, releasing a wall of bubbles to trap the speedy virii....

Daisy and Capuchin soon learned why their NP comrades looked as harried as they did as the trio of viruses masterfully executed 'The Impossible'. Both the green and blue viruses rotated their engine pods, and air-braked themselves to a roaring halt with the power of their engines alone... To add to the surreality of the moment, a raccoon fell out of the sky, manage to grab the handle of the sword sticking out of the green virus, and promptly plummeted to the ground with the sword. The viruses started flying backwards, then down, and finally around the cleverly deployed trap, guns blazing as they rocketed towards the Navis. Meanwhile, the raccoon passed unnoticed, or rather more accurately, ignored. It fled with the blade toward Daisy, who- didn't receive the weapon from the creature. It clutched at the weapon and shook its head for a couple seconds, chittering its want for the shiny thing. After a couple moments of tense not-so-silence, the small animal finally handed the blade over reluctantly. It hefted the weapon up, being that it was several times smaller than the blade, and 'handed' it over to Daisy. It did seem rather strange that the small raccoon could even lift such a large blade, but this was the 'net, after all. Weight didn't really mean too much.

As the green virus hosed down the boulders the NP's were hiding behind with lead from it's double gatling guns, the blue virus executed a move that cast doubt upon the existence of physics. The virus pointed it's nose straight at the ground, but continued to fly normally, preparing for it's attack....

This is when the red virus dropped out of the sky like a rock, then flaring it's engines at the last moment and coming to a steady hovering stop less than 5 feet from Capuchin. It's main cannon was aimed directly at her, charged, and less than a second from firing then she raised her guard and jumped away... The cannon flared to life, issuing a focused jet of fire from the barrel that was hot enough to change the permafrost below it into steam, and the rock beneath into boiling lava. The jet struck the guard, propelling Capuchin out of the way of the scouring blast a second before the NP Swordsman was erased by the raging jet of fire.

These viruses were worlds apart from anything either of the civilians had yet encountered....

Red High-Performance Virus: 255 [Flying]
Blue High-Performance Virus: 390 [Flying]
Green High-Performance Virus: 140 [Flying]

NP Rifleman A: 148 HP
NP Rifleman B: 202 HP
NP Medic: 60 HP

- Ice: 20%
- Cracked: 50%
- Broken: 20%
- Lava: 10%

BoulderA: Destroyed
BoulderB: 515 HP
BoulderC: 585 HP
BoulderD; 320 HP
BoulderE: 210 HP
IceBlockA: 100 HP
IceBlockB: 100 HP
RockCube: 200 HP

Capuchin.exe: 100 HP [On Cracked Terrain]
Daisy.exe: 160 HP [On Ice Terrain] (In possession of the blade.)

--Guard1 destroyed.
--Blood Shield destroyed.
Capuchin's golden eye glittered at the three viruses. She was determining what to be done next but she still was quite unsure. They were a powerful threesome and a single wrong mistake could mean bad things for her and the rest of the navis. Her tail stood still and low on the ground as her feet were spread a bit away and her body was crouched, preparing for the next maneuvers. "Aida..." She began as she eyed the three. "Any ideas on what we could do? Do we have any good far range chips?"

Aida rummaged through the assortment looking carefully at each one. Though her results didn't turn well and she shook her head. "N-Nothing that would be o-of use...our most powerful are close r-ranged attacks...problem is those viiri are flying types and I do-don't think we will be able to hit them in our range." Her eyes suddenly light up and she gave a smile, "Unless..."

Capuchin returned with a grin and gave a nod. "I think I know what your thinking...I say lets give it a go!" She planted her feet firmly and stretched a bit. "Just hand me some chips before hand. We better deal some damage first..."

"Already sent!" Aida happily said after she clicked in two energybombs.

Capuchin grasped them both in either hand and stared at her opponents. "Let's have some fun with this!" She put her stance as a pitcher at the baseball leagues. Keeping her hands bay her chest and one foot in front. She pulled back her right arm while her front foot took a step futher out. She then catapulted her right arm outward sending the minibomb, like a rocket, at the green virus. As her righthand went back down, she croutched letting it touch the ground and making herself do a frontflip and chuck the ball in her left hand straight towards the red one. She gave a triumphant smile at this and she extended both hands up in the air, making her pole appear before her. she grasped the sides of it firmly and made a rush towards the center virus. She then slammed the pole into the ground and commanded it to extend. Shed kept herself firmly on it, rising upward towards the blue virii.

1.energybomb (40x3) Green High-Performance Virus with frontflip
3.energybomb (40x3) Red High-Performance Virus with rush
5.Sig attack/polestrike (80) Blue High-Performance Virus
"What the hell?" Virgil said, more accurately nearly screamed, after seeing what all the viruses were able to accomplish. How in the world were they- Is that all they can do or- What the hell spawned them? Did I find out about them before my brother did? all ran trough Virgil's mind as he attempted to make reason to what had happened. Alright, you know what they can do so think! They seem able to hold their ground when facing a small NP patrol, poor swordsnavi, wish I had Daisy heal and not try to attack- great, they are even from the Department of Public Safety, I hope they don't mind the people they are to protect help them out. Alright, back on topic, the viruses move around much more then one would like, able to stop in an instant, able to turn ice into lava easily, and only attack once in a set... Wait, they stopped to avoid an attack, and then they each attacked about once... Virgil thought, finally heading towards being able to come up with a plan that might work this time.

More blood came out of Daisy's hand, and began to form a barrier between her and the deadly viruses. Daisy saw what they were capable of, and was frightened by it. They were far from anything she had faced before, and not even Virgil knew about them. She barely even paid attention to the raccoon, being more focused on trying to figure out what to do agest the flying death viruses. Thankfully, Virgil came up with a plan, and started to talk to Daisy in a private channel.

"Alright, Daisy, I'm going to send you two wideshots, a twinfang, a rageclaw, and the airshot. I'll let you know how to use the last two chips when the time comes, but for now focus your fire on the Red virus, I think I found out one of the ways to take it out."

Daisy nodded, while Virgil slotted in the two wideshots and the twinfang. Alright, here is to hoping they can only avoid around two attacks normally. his mind said, before giving a small grin. Daisy looked for the red virus as the two wideshot data began to flow trough her systems, the chip materializing as a red cannon barrel where her right hand should be. Daisy tried to point it towards her target, which was most likely moving around enough to make it hard to hit. When Daisy though it would be safe to fire, a glob of red liquid bursted out of the barrel, slowly spreading width wise to hit as many targets as it can. chip one. Daisy said in her mind, the second wideshot appearing the same as the first, with Daisy firing it in the same manner. After the second chip was fired, her right hand went back to normal, and she was somewhat ready for the next chip.

That makes the second chip, now for the third... but what am I to do with a rageclaw and an Airshot? I know I can use to airshot to make it harder to hit me, is that what it is for? She began to question while the Twinfang data began working its way trough, the chip appearing as two massive tusks, one on each side of Daisy. Daisy had little to do this time, as the tusks pointed towards the red and green viruses, and rocketed off the ground towards them. Daisy began to wonder what Virgil's plan was... because sofar it was just pelting the Red virus with attack after attack, but won't it move fast enough to avoid them anyway?

"Daisy, after getting the rageclaw, run to the Rockcube and throw it at the Virus you have been attacking, then blast the cube with the airshot while it is in the air." Virgil said to Daisy, who for the first time responded to Virgil via the private link.

"How would that do anything?" Daisy asked, rather unsure how using a chip as weak as the airshot one something like the rockcube, which is probably heavier then she can lift anyways. It took a bit before Virgil responded to the unsure Daisy. "Rockcubes are lighter then you would expect, and trust me, if this works I don't think that virus will be alive for much longer."

Daisy decided to trust Virgil on this, and went right to the rockcube when the ragecalw entered her systems. Two stylish black gloves appeared on her hands, each one with some sort of circular jewel on them. Daisy raised her hands towards her face to get a closer look, and then moved them back to her sides until she reached the cube. Upon her arrival, she placed her hands on the sides, and tried to lift the cube off the ground...

...with more ease then she was thinking. Well, Virgil was right about the lighter part, so I guess the rest of what he said is probably true Daisy thought, before throwing the cube in the air, towards the Red virus. This was when the airshot data went right trough her system, and a massive burst of wind came from Daisy's right hand, hitting the rockcube and causing it to increase speed and velocity.

During the time, the raccoon took the sword which Daisy did not take, and dropped it on the ground near where the swordsnavi was before his burning death. After dropping the blade, the Raccoon vanished from sight. Seems like it went back to where ever it was from.

((Passive, shield on self
1 Wideshot Red Virus, 70 aqua + spread at Blue and Green
2Wideshot Red Virus, 70 Aqua + Spread at Blue and Green
3Twinfang Red Virus and Green Virus, 70 damage
4Rageclaw Rockcube into air towards Blue Virus
5Airshot Rockcube at Blue Virus, fun stuff
The Blue virus took the opening the Red had just created, and executed its attack... The barrel glowed with amassed energy, then flashed as it fired an enormous beam into the field it had created before the barrel. The moment the beam struck the field, it split and scattered countless smaller beams before it like a shotgun blast, sending the fragmented beam raining down upon the two riflemen, and destroying Daisy's shield.

The NP Medic, still shaking from the loss of yet another of her men, saw the virus' attack... "NO! Not again!" she managed through clenched teeth as her right arm changed into a long barreled cannon. "Eat Tank Cannon you flying FREAK!" she all but screamed as the pulled the trigger. The weapon actually knocked her off of her feet as it blasted the virus with enough force to drive it off before it could fire again.

The Riflemen recovered from the hit, and began firing at the viruses. The Blue virus, still off balance from being blasted by the cannon, wasn't quite able to evade the attack, and took several hits before it pulled away. The other NP took aim at the Green virus and cut loose, but the wickedly agile virus dropped under the volley, evading the attack... Only to be struck by a fast-ball energy-bomb pitch from Capuchin.

Meanwhile, Daisy took aim at the hovering Red virus, and nailed it with a Wideshot. The virus spun to face it's tormentor, then defly boosted over the follow-up Wideshot while painting Daisy with a targeting laser. A moment later the guns on the underside of the virus blazed to life, pummeling the Navi with 20 buster shots in less than a second. It was preparing to fire again when Daisy took aim with her next chip, which prompted the virus to take off into the heavens to evade the attack... But Daisy still managed to tag it with the steel spike. The Green virus was slightly more prepared for Daisy's attack, and barrel rolled out of the way, then pulled up and out of sight.

The two NP Riflemen attempt to capitalize on the opening they suddenly had, and began firing at the fleeing Red virus. They fired at where the virus would be a couple of seconds later, leading their target for a decisive kill... only to be denied as the virus killed it's engines, pitched over backwards, and dove for the ground. It was just about to pull out of the dive when Capuchin's pitch tagged it with another energybomb, blasting the virus into tiny pieces.

Capuchin dashed towards the Blue virus, brandishing her staff weapon. She then slammed one end into the ground, and attempted to pole-vault into the air to strike at it. Her plan seemed to work as she rose towards the virus, until she noticed herself falling away from it a moment later... The cracked ground had given way beneath the pole, and dumped the Navi into a pit, where she landed rather hard.

This wound up being fortunate for Capuchin, as another tank cannon shell flew through the space she'd occupied a moment before. The shell went wide of the virus, causing the Medic to swear something unintelligible as she pulled the slider on the gun and fired again. The Blue virus flipped upside down, and dove hard to avoid the attack. This is when daisy served the Rockcube like a volleyball, and spiked it at the Virus. It had no time to execute another evasive action before it was clobbered and crushed by the flying brick.

This is when the Green virus executed it's ambush... As the Rockcube struck the blue virus, the Green one roared over the top of the cube and fired its rockets at the Riflemen. The first one took several hits, and was knocked off of his feet before he could react. The second was simply deleted where he stood as a half dozen scored hits, blasting the Navi into data fragments. The virus continued it's attack as it flew towards the only remaining Rifleman, but it's plan went awry as it bashed into Daisy accidentally, and was thrown off course.

As Daisy collapsed to the ground, unconscious, the remaining Rifleman rolled over onto his side, and pointed his rifle at the virus. As he switched his weapon over to it's secondary fire mode, the virus turned towards him and began firing again, trying to finish the Navi off. "LIFEAURA!" He heard as a silver barrier rose up to shield him from the virus's guns.... With only a moment's hesitation, he pulled the trigger, lancing the virus with a beam shot, and deleting it.

As Daisy regained consciousness, she saw the Medic skid to a stop next to the Rifleman and began healing the injured Navi.

The sword lay forgotten...



NP Rifleman A: Deleted
NP Rifleman B: 32 HP
NP Medic: 60 HP

Capuchin.exe: 90 HP [In a pit.]
--1000 Zenny

Daisy.exe: 60 HP
--1000 Zenny

Optional Reward:
--Custom Weapon: Ancient Sword
"OOoooooh..." Capuchin groaned as she managed to slowly sit up. "That wasn't as comphy of a landing that I wanted..." She slowly rose up and looked around her area. "geeze...where did I go?"

"Y-You fell into a pit." Aida informed, she had watched it all and was holding back all her worry. "You not hurt are you?"

The navi happily shook her head. "Nope, not really. Though the fall did somewhat hurt...I'll live though. We need to get back up there and check on the others." She felt the walls of the pit feeling for grip anywhere. "By the did we fair out?"

"Seems that we have won." Aida said happily, "We even got a very nice reward. There's a chip in here too..."

"AH! A CHIP A CHIP A CHIP!" Capuchin gave a happy cheep and did a backflip. I just love chips! I can't wait to use it and beat some more viruses..." The monkey navi halted her little dance for a moment to realise she was still in the pit. "Eheheh...lets get out first." She began to attempt to climb out.

Daisy slowly came to, and her eyes gave a hazy view of the area. Her mind still unclear as to what had just transpired, that was until she heard Virgil's voice. "Daisy! Daisy! Daisy, are you alright!" he said, Daisy letting out a slight moan as she tried to get up. "Wha, what happened?" Daisy asked, spotting the medic at a highly wounded NP navi.

"It seems like the battle is over, and you nailed the virus with the rockcube." Virgil said, the screen now by Daisy as she manages to stand up. "It seems like the patrol lost another member, but they fought valiantly from what I can tell... And the monkey navi somehow fell down a pit." Virgil then said, the screen turning around to get a view of the area. Daisy began walking towards the medic. "I could help you heal him, if it is alright.

Virgil's screen was slowly spinning, surveying the surroundings when something caught his eye. The blade that the raccoon seemed to have grabbed was lying on the ground near where the swordsnavi had fallen. It placed the blade there... almost as if it was there to respect the fallen... Seems like there was more to that chip then I thought. said Virgil in his mind, the screen turning towards the medical navi, and moving to be within talking range. "Excuse me, sorry if what I am about to ask is out of line for a civilian, but the sword of your fallen comrade... Is there anyway we could keep it as a way to show any other patrols that we are allies to the NP? Or will you just mention us in a report?"
The NP Medic looked up from the Navi she was healing, and spoke in an even tone "No, I'll be able to heal everyone in my squad on my own. But thank you." her head tilted and she smiled as she finished.

As Virgil addressed her, she turned back to helping her injured comrade, but spoke to him quietly as she worked "Those things... They came out of nowhere. We never heard them until they attacked. Those monsters slew three of my men before we could respond...." She looked up at Virgil "My name's Doc Patcher. I'm a lieutenant with the NetPolice and commander of this unit. I thank you for your help, and will include both of your Navi's actions in my report. You are welcome to keep the blade. Just be careful if you run into them again." She stopped speaking, and returned to her work.
"Holy." Was all Virgil could muster. Just three of those were able to take down a patrol of around 7 navis... something was not right about that. Were they created? Did they come from the undernet? Virgil had questions that no one can give an correct response to. Daisy took the time to respond to what the Medic said, "Well, Virgil seems to not have heard of them before, or seen them before either. It's nice to meet you Don Patcher, and I think we will be more careful." Daisy went to where the sword laid, and picked it up, and went to the pit Capuchin was in, and reached down into it with her free hand. "Need any help getting out?" Daisy asked.

((Get one sword))
Capuchin managed to climb a ways up. Just enough to reach Daisy's hand. She gave a smile as she grasped the hand. "Thanks Daisy." She could now see a bit out of the pit and began to look at the aftermath. "Did everyone make it out okay? Geeze what were those virri? I never saw any type like that before. Did you ask the NP group what kind of virus they were?"
"Doc Patcher did not seem to know what they were." Daisy said to Capuchin, as she tried to pull her monkey friend out of the pit. "Oh, Patcher is the medic." Daisy added, before Virgil started to look at the spoils of the battle.
Zenny and... wait, I thought this chip was nolonger made? I wonder if... "Er, Capuchin, what was your spoils of this battle? As in, what chip if any you got? Because the one I got I thought wasn't made anymore..." Virgil asked the lovely monkey navi.
"Wasn't made anymore?" Capuchin thought about this for a moment as she finally emerged fully from the pit and stood beside Daisy. She was silent for some time, then her eyes widened. "You got...A RARE CHIP?!" She quickly shook Daisy like mad at this, "OH WOW! Your so lucky! Do you know how much this looks good on you?! You power could double...NO! Triple! What kinda chip is it? It must be strong!!!" She quickly let go and spun in a circle, "Ooooooh! Chips are so nice! Filled with many different powers! Yeeee! Aida, what chip did we get? Did we get a super rare chip to???"

Aida was silent trying to find the best wording. "Umm...Capuchin...I...I don't th-think our chip is at all rare. I think i-its somewhat common..."

Capuchin froze in place by this. Her face was in shock and her body slumped on the floor. "A common chip?" Was all she said and went back into silence.

Aida gave a panick, "B-But C-capuchin...y-you certainly helped allot wi-with this battle and w-we reci-cieved so much money. I-It should not matter. One chip is better than no chip right? Also, its a fairly n-nice chip, so I-it would help."

"...." Capuchin turned back up to them and stood there blankly for a moment. "......YES! One chip is better than no chip!" She immediately said with a cheery expression. "Haha! And we did great! We beat those virii and got some nice rewards! Now we can get more chips and upgrades!" She said this with such emotion that it seemed that rarity was no matter in this anymore.
"Actually... we got a Buster Up, pretty sure it was pretty common back in the day. Problem is, I haven't seen one in the longest time, so I figured it was discontinued or something. As far as I can tell, this chip is only good if you gear yourself for it." Virgil said to Capuchin, "Well in any case, I need to do some shopping and get in contact with someone, so Daisy might have to jack out now." Virgil finished, before Daisy tells Capuchin "See you later" and jacks out of the net.
"Oh!" Aida said with a bit of surprise, "We sh-should go shopping as well. We have all this cash but still haven't spent it. Y-You definitely need some new powerups."

Capuchin gave a nod in agreement with a cheery look in her eyes. "Yeah! I definitely need some new items! How about a really cool chip...or an upgrade...or something highly awesome!!!" Capuchin did a backflip and a handspring thinking of this.

Aida could only give a sigh at this. "L-Lets see when we get there..." She managed to say, still a bit embarrassed.

Capuchin quickly turned to the remeining NPCs. "Good luck on your work. I hope everyone will be okay." And she was jacked out as well.