
The Bagworm eventually dropped down from its portal, surrounded by a Leafshield. Then...



40% Sand [Beach]
60% Sea [Ocean]

Shuri.EXE: 105HP [Sand] [FireKnife 4/6]
Shurimpy.SP: 40HP [Sand]

~Battle 2: Victory!!~
Rewards: WoodTower1 + 450z + 16 BugFrags
With the last Popper burned to a crisp, Shuri allowed her non-innate weapons to dissipate, and looked over at her SP. It clasped its claws together and bowed, showing that it was 100% okay. "Looks like we're all okay. Good. Now, let's gather up our reward..." The remnant data from the viruses began to swirl, and formed into three distinct data crystals: a yellow one, containing the cash data, a green one, containing a chunk of chip data, and a blue one, containing the other random bits. While Shurimpy began to absorb the latter, the Navi transferred the cash, and took a look at the chip. She wasn't quite sure if anything a regular Popper dropped was especially appealing to her...and that opinion didn't change at all once she accessed it and noticed it was chip data for WoodTower. "Well, that's disappointing."

"What, you're going to complain about free chips?" Blank chip in, WoodTower chip out. Convenient. "The way I see it, it's better than leaving an empty slot in your folder!"

"Maybe so, but not by much...they're unwieldy. Not at all the kind of chip I like."

"If I ask around a bit about trading them, will you at least not complain about it?"

"First, I'm not complaining, I'm stating facts. And second, I'll happily shut up about it if you can trade them off for me."

"I can't promise anything, but I'll try. How's that sound?"

"It's about as good as I'm going to get." The ninja Navi looked over at Shurimpy, who had taken in the last bit of data from the blue crystal. It looked at her, and nodded. It was all done, it seemed. Which meant...that it was ready to get going. Good. And with that, Navi and SP continued their day at the beach. Not the most relaxing thing ever, ut eh. Relaxing tended to be boring, anyway.

(Searching for Battle #3)
Walking along the beach a KillPlant erupts from the sand in front of the Navi. Another KillPlant erupts from the ground behind as well, trapping the two between two killer plants. From the city to the south, a Raingear floats onto the beach. And finally, a pair of Megalian-As fly in from the ocean.

Megalian-AA: 130HP [10HP Aqua Aura] [Omnishoes] [Sea] [North]
Megalian-AB: 130HP [10HP Aqua Aura] [Omnishoes] [Sea] [North]
KillPlantA: 100HP [Immobile] [Sand] [East]
KillPlantB: 100HP [Immobile] [Sand] [West]
Raingear: 80HP [Sand] [South]

40% Sand [Beach]
60% Sea [Ocean]

Shuri.EXE: 105HP [Sand]
Shurimpy.SP: 40HP [Sand]

~Battle 3: Start!!~
And so, Navi and SP continued on their merry walk through Beach Area. Well, Shuri was walking, anyway. Shurimpy continued to just sort of float ahead, thanks to the slight walking impediment of not having legs. But without any warning, the walking stopped, and the Navi placed an arm in front of the pseudovirus to prevent it from wandering forward. She could sense a malicious presence around her...and sure enough, a pair of KillPlants appeared. If it was just them, it wouldn't be very hard...too bad it wasn't, as a RainGear entered the scene. That complicated things, but it still wasn't too bad. But naturally, that wasn't enough, and a pair of the dreaded Megalian virus showed up over the water. Based on their blue auras, they were undoubtedly Aqua elemental. All right, now this was a battle. "I hope this isn't their idea of boxing me in." After all, they only had the four cardinal directions covered. And it wasn't like a KillPlant could chase her. "But, no sense in small talk. Let's get started."

Over in the real world, her operator was already fumbling around for a chip. "Okay, I know you're going to want AreaGrab. You always do. But what else do you want?"

The ninja looked over her enemies. There was a case to be made for each of them being the first to destroy, but one type was catching her eye in particular. "Let's go ElecKnife. Those Megalian can be brutal if you don't wipe them out fast. ...Actually, let's not take any chances. Send over that Attack+10. I don't want their flying to come back to bite me."

"You know, when you say stuff like that, it makes it feel like you're the operator, and I'm the Navi..." She needed to bone up on all things NetBattle related sometime...but for now, she'd have to settle for being a dedicated chip sender while her Navi handled the brain work. "BattleChip, AreaGrab! BattleChip, ElecKnife! BattleChip, Attack+10! Triple slot in!"

While the chip data flowed into her without incident, Shuri surprisingly didn't immediately spring into action. Instead, she looked over at her SP. "Be good, and don't get hit too much while I'm gone." The crustacean nodded in response. "Good. I'm off." And off she was, as she instantly disappeared from the spot she had stood, and reappeared...surprisingly, on neither sand nor sea. Instead, she stood atop the aura of one of the Megalian. In her right hand, a yellow kunai, that occasionally let off a small spark or two. She raised it above her...and slashed to her side, to try and erase the other one from existence. It was possible that it was close enough to the water that it'd compound the damage and delete it in one hit anyway, but she didn't want to take any chances. The extra chip boost sealed the deal no matter what, and she wanted these things gone. By that extension, she took her knife, and tried to stab it down into the virus she was riding. Not much of a thanks for the lift, but such was the way of battle...though it'd also send her into the ocean. Before she could hit the water, however, she dissipated her weapon. She didn't want to be on the receiving end of any electrical shocks.

Over on land, Shurimpy looked around slightly warily at the more grounded foes. It was certainly a bit worried that with its master way over there, the enemy might try to gang up on it...but it was going to do everything it could to not let her down. It agreed to not wind up EJO'd, and that was going to be what it did, whether anyone else liked it or not.

[Order of Turn:
1-AreaGrab to atop Megalian-AA (S, Teleport, Accuracy UP)
2-ElecKnife chip attack on Megalian-AB (60+10, Elec, B, Slashing)
3-Attack+10 chip attached to ElecKnife (S, raises all hits of chip by 10)
4-ElecKnife chip attack on Megalian-AA (60+10, Elec, B, Slashing)]

Shuri teleported above the two Megalians and cut right through one of them before splashing into the ocean. The other skirted away, unharmed, and headed towards the beach. Meanwhile Shurimpy started dodging as the KillPlants spat giant seeds at the SP. He tried to evade, but the sand slowed his movements too much and he was pelted into EJO by the hard, head-sized seeds.

The Raingear headed for the ocean to rain on Shuri's parade some more. A geyser suddenly bursts out of the ocean, and misses Shuri, who is still quick and nimble from her teleportation.

Megalian-AA: DELETED
Megalian-AB: 130HP [10HP Aqua Aura] [Omnishoes] [Beach]
KillPlantA: 100HP [Immobile] [Sand]
KillPlantB: 100HP [Immobile] [Sand]
Raingear: 80HP [Sand]

40% Sand [Beach]
60% Sea [Ocean]

Shuri.EXE: 105HP [Sea]
Shurimpy.SP: EJO
Because the cruel laws of the universe dictated so, Shuri looked back at the shore just in time to watch as her beloved SP fell victim to seed artillery. She looked on in stunned horror as a blue beam sent Shurimpy back to the safety of the PET. "No...! ...Naomi, is Shurimpy going to be okay?"

The operator checked the screen, noting that, while bandaged and with an ice pack on its head, the pseudovirus was still responsive, and all readings came up green. "He'll be fine, he just needs some time to recover. So, what are you going to do? Keep going, or stop here?"

"Oh, I know what I'm doing right now...making these bastards pay for what they just did!" The ninja's feet began to churn like mad, propelling her forward, and back towards the shore. She hadn't fully lost her sense of preservation, however, and kept an eye out for incoming attacks, as well as not completely hitting land, where the sand would make it harder to maneuver around. Instead, she stayed in the shallow area, where she could get enough footing to pull off ranged attacks without incident, but still be able to back into the deeper water to avoid counterattacks. Though, admittedly, the latter part wasn't particularly important to her at the moment. She had retribution to deliver, and she was delivering it NOW. She planted her feet on the undersea ground, while approximately waist deep, and raised her right arm. "I'll get to the ones responsible for hurting Shurimpy in a minute...but first, I should 'thank' that Megalian for the ride...Elec chip, now!"

"Well, we only have one left-"

"Then send it over! NOW!"

"Wow, you're really upset..." Naomi shook her head, though she kinda saw where her Navi was coming from. If someone had hurt one of her friends, she probably wouldn't be any happier...though admittedly, she couldn't do nearly as much about it herself. "Okay, here. BattleChip, ZapRing! Slot in!"

Shuri's hand vanished, to make room for an odd apparatus, with a pink base, and two long wires that each looped around, forming something akin to a Bunny's ears. Electricity began to form between them in a ring shape, and with a crackle, it shot forth at the aura donning virus. As soon as the attack was launched, however, she shifted her arm back to its normal state. She didn't need to do anything stupid, like absentmindedly lowering it into the water. "...Now, something that can hit everything!"

Hit everything, hit everything...hmm. Kunai? Eh, that was pretty weak...oh, there was something that might work. "This oughta do it...BattleChip, Boomerang! Slot in!"

The ninja Navi's main weapon on her back began to glow green, as she reached back and grabbed it near one of its point. Let's see, if she flung it to hit the Megalian first, it should be able to arc around and hit the other three. Theoretically, she could do it the other way around...but she preferred to throw with her right hand, and it'd take about the same amount of effort either way, so...she reared back, and without letting it touch the water, let the shuriken fly. Based on the arc she'd calculated, if done properly, it should hit the Megalian, then the KillPlant, then the Raingear, then the other KillPlant, then back to her. Not the easiest of trajectories, but considering it was her specialty, it was hard for her to not be at least somewhat confident about it. Even though the laws of reality tended to be...less than pleasant about that sort of thing.

While that was going on, the paralegal was searching her chips for something else that could hit everything. Hmm...AirStorm? No, she didn't want last time to happen again. CustomSword? Maybe, but it wasn't going to be very strong at this point, if she remembered how it worked correctly. Hmm...oh, there was something. Grabbing a chip that basically just looked like some Navi was shooting some sort of gun, she slammed it into her PET shortly after the last attack was thrown. "Here, you can use this to hit them all, too! BattleChip, Spreader! Slot in!" ...How she remembered that chip was called Spreader and hit a bunch of enemies was beyond her, especially since they didn't bring it out very often.

A strange blue gun, that widened out only for the end to become narrow and black, like some sort of weird angular mushroom, formed over Shuri's right hand. Fortunately, as the boomeranging blade returned, she calmly lifted her left arm, and effortlessly caught it, sliding it back onto her back. She then pointed her gun square at one of the nature-attuned viruses, her eyes narrowing as she aimed. "I didn't catch which one of you was the one to delete Shurimpy...but I'll settle for knowing you MIGHT be the one. Now, get out of my sight!" With that, an energy bullet was fired at the KillPlant...and if it hit, a stream of energy beams would radiate out, smacking pretty much any other enemy that was still alive and not kicking, since none of them actually had feet. Of course, if she'd done any missing, it'd make her yelling a bit silly...

With that, she stood there, preparing herself for the fate of once who didn't stop to take a moment to fully avoid attacks...but that just didn't sit well with her. She was a ninja, and ninjas didn't stand there and take attacks unless there was a really good reason. Even though she was starting to get a little tired, she readied her body for evasive action, since some muscle pain was still better than seed and water based pain.

[Order of Turn:
1-Get closer to shore, but remain in shallow water (Feint)
2-ZapRing1 chip attack on Megalian-AB (40, Elec, A, Stun 1)
3-Boomerang1 chip attack on Megalian-AB, KillPlantA, KillPlantB, and RainGear (60, Wood, B, Arc Attack)
4-Spreader1 chip attack on KillPlantA (40, A, Spread 8) (Spread Targets: All other viruses)
5-Dodge (Afterburner usage)]

The Megalian-A turned around as Shuri moved to shallower water and fired off its head. Fortunately for her, Shuri afterburned a dodge in there, as it didn't fall for the feint. The Navi retaliated with a ZapRing1, which broke through the aquatic aura that protected the virus and shocked its system badly. The virus locked up as its coding was short circuited temporarily.

Shuri pressed the advantage by infusing the large shuriken on her back with wood energy, and then threw it in a wide arc. All but the Raingear were hit by the swirling weapon. The Megalian-A was deleted.

The KillPlants then launched their seeds at Shuri. Both miss the Navi and land nearby in the water. They begin soaking in the salty ocean, absorbing the water and swelling to a bloated state. It was only a matter of time before they popped.

As the Raingear passed between the two KillPlants, quite far apart from each other on either sides of the battlefield, Shuri peppered the area around KillPlantB with shots. The Raingear was close enough to get shot up also. However, KillPlantB was already wounded and was quickly finished off by the many shots.

The Raingear swept forward into the ocean and attempted to drown Shuri in more water. She was struck by a geyser and got more wet, her feint not working on the Raingear either.

Megalian-AA: DELETED
Megalian-AB: DELETED
KillPlantB: 40HP [Immobile] [Sand]
Raingear: 40HP [Sea]

SeedA: ???HP [Sea]
SeedB: ???HP [Sea]

40% Sand [Beach]
60% Sea [Ocean]

Shuri.EXE: 90HP [Sea]
Shurimpy.SP: EJO
It was somewhat difficult to figure out exactly what was worse: how Shuri felt after overexerting herself, or the fact doing so was ultimately for nothing. With her hands on her hips, she started to gasp for air as she looked on at the fact she still had multiple targets. "Unreal...I think...this is my worst...battle ever..."

"You know, you'd probably get more air if you took your mask down..." Te operator immediately got a glare for her concern. "Yeah, yeah, I know, stupid thought. But seriously, I don't like the looks of those TreeBombs..."

The ninja Navi looked over, noting their absorbing some of the sea water. Unfortunately, unlike the real world, salt water wouldn't hurt these plants. "...That's a problem. If they explode into WoodTowers, they're going to hurt like hell."

"In that case, we oughta delete them before they can go off. But, just in case..." Time to hedge some bets. "BattleChip, Barrier! Slot in!"

A blue energy sphere surrounded the purple Navi, who was able to breathe a small sigh of relief. That meant one fewer attack to worry about...but by her math, one unlucky break and she could still be history, so she had to hurry. To that end, she pulled off her giant shuriken again, and flung it forward. Based on her intended trajectory, it would cut through the KillPlant, then return and catch the Raingear on the way back, and that would be the end of that. And of course, somehow, her shuriken would get through her protective barrier without harming it, both on the toss, and on the catch. But that was definitely something she wasn't going to think very hard about, since it only helped her cause.

Of course, the Navi wasn't done yet, as Naomi had managed to pick out one more useful chip. "All right, now use this as backup! BattleChip, CornShot! Slot in!"

As soon as the throwing star returned to her back, Shuri found her right hand taken over by what resembled a rounded BombCorn virus. Not stopping to think about the implications of essentially having a virus grafted onto her for the moment, she pointed it forward, located her target...and activated the mechanism, causing it to open its mouth, and fired what looked like a piece of popcorn. If it managed to hit, it'd explode, and fire a second piece at the other enemy, provided it, too, still existed. ...Destroying an enemy with exploding popcorn. The net was a weird place.

Unfortunately, while she would've loved to try and avoid an attack, she was just too drained from before to try it now. She'd just have to hope that her marks were hit..

[Order of Turn:
1-Barrier chip on Shuri (S, 10 HP Barrier)
2-Shuri Toss sig attack on KillPlantB and Raingear (40, Slashing)
3-CornShot1 chip attack on KillPlantB (50, Wood, A, Trick-Shot Spread 1) (Spread Target: Raingear)]

Shuri raised a barrier and then tossed her shuriken at the two remaining viruses, deleting them in quick succession. Fortunately, with the death of all the viruses, the seeds imploded. There were rewards at the end of the tough battle, but none for the ejected SP.

Megalian-AA: DELETED
Megalian-AB: DELETED
Raingear: DELETED


40% Sand [Beach]
60% Sea [Ocean]

Shuri.EXE: 90HP [10HP Barrier] [Sea]
Shurimpy.SP: EJO

~Battle 3: Victory!!~
Rewards: 1000z
With the last virus gone, Shuri finally saw it fit to walk back onto dry land. She took a quick look at herself; really, if it wasn't for the strips she wore underneath her outfit, she'd look like she had purple skin at this point. That was how soaked she was. She squished a bit as she walked over, and half-heartedly accessed the money left over from the viruses' destruction. She did feel a bit better now that the ones responsible for hurting her Shurimpy were no more, but...her inner fury wasn't gone. She needed to find something to take it out on.

...But not here. It was way too annoying an area for her to properly vent. "Naomi. Do me a favor, and jack me out."

"Really? Okay, but I'm not done with my coffee yet, so you'll have to sit around a bit."

"No, I won't. I then want you to jack me back in immediately."

"Really? You want to lose all the progress you made?"

"I'm perfectly fine with it. Now, hurry up."

"Well, if you really want to..." A button was pressed, and the Navi was extracted from the Net.