Google was Easier

[From: David's Dorm]

--- Somewhere in the Dentech Dormitory Netspace...

The temperature began to drop in the space above the telecom gate pad that connected to David's PC. Snowflakes began to form and fall. A moment later, an icy blue beam of light shot from the heavens to strike the telepad, shedding a flurry of flakes in its wake. The moment it struck the ground, the beam recoiled back up upon itself and took the shape of a female outline. The image resolved into that of the Navi Sorceress, Winter.EXE.

Winter quietly stepped forth into the network. She had no desire to speak with the human she was helping. David (the human in question), on the other hand, was busy trying to figure out how to talk to the Navi he'd just jacked into the network (Winter). Neither had yet to introduce themselves to the other....

Winter appears in an area that looks... somewhat different.

It is what appears to be an old, dilapidated building at first glance; the door leading outside is half-collapsed and filled in with rubble, and the walls in several places are crumbling... one such crack in particular is covered in strange white papers, with weird scribblings you can't make out from here on them.

There are several old, run-down consoles around the room, and the far side of the room has a glass floor... A glance downward notes the presence of several viruses... and an unblocked door outward. Several broken consoles also dot the walls of the floor below, though one in particular still seems to be active... A few more of the strange papers dot several places on the floor below as well, and a few appear to be acting as stoppers for an eerie purple goo.

--Top floor--

Winter.exe: 100

Broken Console A: 30
Broken Console B: 40
Door Rubble: 120
Papered wall: ???

Terrain: 80% Normal, 20% Glass. (Glass can be pierced through to gain access to Bottom Floor)

--Bottom floor--

Metool A: 40
Metool B: 40
Metool C: 40

Broken Console C: 60
Broken Console D: 43
Broken Console E: 21
Active(?) Console: 80

Terrain: 30% Cursed (scattered about seemingly at random), 70% normal
Winter glanced curiously about the decrepit netspace she found herself in. The room was a shambles. There were two virtual machine consoles in the room with her, but both were damaged beyond her (lack of) ability to repair them. Text files lay scattered about the floor, pinned to the walls, and draped over the sides of the broken consoles. Most were too corrupted to read, but a couple in the distance looked promising. By the time her gaze fell upon the Glass Panels, and to the lower floor beyond them, her curiosity has turned to contempt. This is shameful. If a mere handful of Solo Navis and Orphaned Support Programs can construct and maintain the Sanctuary, then there is really no excuse for the humans and their legions of programs to have let their precious network deteriorate like this. It's... She looked down through the Glass to see the pulsing purple panels below... ...disgusting. She found the glowing panels to be unsettling somehow, and resolved not to get any closer to them than she absolutely had to.

While Winter's eyes were focused upon the eerie purple panels, something yellow caught her eye. Her gaze shifted to lock upon that which had caught her eye... a Metool. Her eyes widened... A Virus! Can I avoid it? However, Winter's thoughts of potentially skirting the virus somehow were met with several complications: First, a quick glance told her there wasn't an especially good way to exit the net space from this floor. The doorway had collapsed, and the rubble blocking it was a little too much for a Novice like her to be able to deal with easily. Secondly, the only viable exit that Winter could see was on the lower floor behind the virus. And that meant that, third, she would have to break through the glass flooring to get to it.

Frankly, breaking through the glass herself was something Winter most emphatically did not want to do. I was taught about the dangers of glass paneling in Virtual Terrain Studies. I'm not too crazy about how much it could injure me if I were to jump through it. She glanced to the side at the broken console to her right. Maybe I could use that to break the glass with a little push...? With that thought, Winter's gaze tracked along the floor, and back to the glass panels. That's when she caught sight of problem number four: There were three Metools, not one, and they stood between her and the only open door.

Winter decided not to provoke the viruses, and slowly, carefully, lowered herself to a crouching position. She was lucky that the walls were in terrible shape, but the flooring was rock solid. As she lowered herself to decrease the likelihood of being seen, slowly as to not garner unwanted attention, she got a rough idea of where the Mets where in relation to each other in the room below. Nix that idea. Those three could pose a huge problem for me if we engage and they draw in reinforcements, or-- Wait! Winter's thoughts about the building came to a halt as a strange notion occurred to her. I'll provoke them into fighting. Fighting each other! Yes, I just need to confuse them. Agitate them. Agitate them how...

Winter's Theme

Winter looked up and allowed her gaze to slowly sweep across the walls of the room. Soon, the paper covered wall section came into view, but began to slide past as-- A small movement caught her eye. Winter turned her gaze towards the source of the movement, and saw the very edge of one of the sheet-of-paper-like files curled upwards ever so slightly.... Then it dawned on her as she turned her head to look back down upon the metools. Wind. Summoned at that moment as if Winter's very thoughts were law was a small but dense burst of wind. The air blast seemed to originate from the direction of one of the three metools, and was aimed at striking one of the others. Shall we play, little pawns?


David, on the other hand, was still unable to contact her.

1: Examine the environment. (RP)
2: Hide Presence (Stealth)
3: Sight on the Metools. (Take Aim)
- Gust: From MetoolC's direction @ MetoolA (Knockback + Take Aim)
The struck Metool meeps angrily as it's shunted violently onto one of the oozing, purple-coated panels. Some of the goop sticks to it as it gets up and quickly flees the panel, angrily squawking at one of its' 'comrades'. The third Metool looks around quizzically, not quite buying this just yet...

--Top floor--

Winter.exe: 100 (Acting the chessmaster.)

Broken Console A: 30
Broken Console B: 40
Door Rubble: 120
Papered wall: ???

Terrain: 80% Normal, 20% Glass. (Glass can be pierced through to gain access to Bottom Floor)

--Bottom floor--

Metool A: 40 (???) (Close to C)
Metool B: 40
Metool C: 40 (Close to A)

Broken Console C: 60
Broken Console D: 43
Broken Console E: 21
Active(?) Console: 80

Terrain: 30% Cursed (scattered about seemingly at random), 70% normal
Winter watched as the wind gust caught the Metool, and propelled it forward in roughly the manner she had hoped. That the Met had landed on one of those eerie purple panels had been fortuitous, as it only served to agitate the virus further. Ooooh, that got him good. The now angry Met turned and rushed back to give the one she'd used as her scape goat an ear full. Good, he's losing his cool. He won't be thinking very clearly, and the other one just 'betrayed' him, so.... Winter's gaze fell upon the remaining Metool... That leaves this little guy.

Winter was careful to remain where she was and maintain a low profile while she reasoned out her next move. Now... Let's make it a real issue, and further goad the already agitated Met whilst drawing in another party. If it looks like he's been completely betrayed, I bet things will heat up. She quietly turned her head to look at the broken console to her left. All I need to do is stay cool, and keep out of sight. Then I'll be able to take advantage of the situation, and deal with them or escape. That might be useful in either case.

Winter looked back down at the mets, with the two still arguing below. She glanced back over at the remaining Met, and waited. Time for you to get involved, little virus.... Now! Winter summoned another blast of air, this one originating next to the skeptical Met. The gust was intended to catch the lone Met, and throw him into the agitated goop covered Met as if he'd decided to headbutt/tackle his angry comrade. Alright, remember to play nice now.

1: Continue to hide presence. (Stealth)
2: Observe the Metools. (RP)
3: Calculate and time the next Gust (Take Aim)
- Gust: From behind MetoolB @ MetoolB to MetoolA (Knockback + Take Aim)
Winter's chill again blows strongly, hurtling another Metool around-- only this one doesn't quite shunt as hard as intended, and ends up rolling along the ground into the goop covered Metool, bowling it and the second Metool completely over, and leaving it disoriented.

The goop-covered Metool, outraged, goes berserk. It fires off a Shockwave at the downed Met, turning disorientation into an outright daze, (10) and then meeps something angrily at the third Met. The third met, offended, mmediately fires off a Shockwave at the goop-covered Met, who can't seem to dodge in time-- and is hit. (20)

Ah, how much easier it is to have your enemies do your dirty work for you...

--Top floor--

Winter.exe: 100 (Acting the chessmaster.)

Broken Console A: 30
Broken Console B: 40
Door Rubble: 120
Papered wall: ???

Terrain: 80% Normal, 20% Glass. (Glass can be pierced through to gain access to Bottom Floor)

--Bottom floor--

Metool A: 20 (???)
Metool B: 30 (Stunned)
Metool C: 40

Broken Console C: 60
Broken Console D: 43
Broken Console E: 21
Active(?) Console: 80

Terrain: 30% Cursed (scattered about seemingly at random), 70% normal
Winter watched in amazement as the third Metool, the one she'd just pushed, plowed into the other two with a decent amount of force. She'd only intended to have it bump into the agitated Metool, but this unexpected development worked even better. Not only did it have the desired effect of lighting off the agitated Met's anger, it served to agitate the scape goat Met as well. Agitate him enough that an apparent insult from the angry met was enough for the argument to come to blows. Even better, the poor Met she'd used as a bowling ball just now was knocked out cold. With one taking a nap, and the other two brawling, none of them have any attention to spare a Navi they don't even realize is here. Winter thought as she looked away from the Mets below, and over towards the text file covered wall. It should be safe to act now, so long as I'm cautious.

Winter looked back down at the Mets through the glass panels. She slowly and quietly began to retreat from her vantage point while she watched for any signs that they'd seen her, though the chances of that happening were vanishingly small. One can't be too careful.... Once Winter could no longer see the Mets, she slowly stood up, and quietly walked towards the paper covered wall while being careful to stay far enough away from the glass floor panels that the viruses below couldn't possibly see her.

As Winter drew near the wall, it occurred to her that she might want to examine the text files attached to it before doing anything else. For all I know, some could be intact and provide clues or other helpful information. There might even be a script file among them. I recall that Autumn and Luna were really into those, and liked to stress the importance of studying them to the Orphans. She smiled at that thought. Who knows. It could all be random junk too. Still... She stopped before the wall, and began examining it while the Mets sorted out their 'issues' below.


Back in the real world, David buried his head in his hands, sighed, and then stood up. He'd finally reached a point where he knew his efforts were going nowhere quickly. He decided to swallow his pride and to just go and get some help with operating his own PET. He didn't really care how silly that might seem to others at this point.

1: Continue to hide presence. (Stealth)
2: Move quietly to the paper covered wall. (Movement)
3: Examine the text files on the wall. (RP)
Winter backs off for a small while, deciding to let her machinations run their course... the Mets don't notice her retreating to check out the nearby wall, too caught up or knocked out to care.

Winter instead decides to examine the papers on the small section of wall... most of them are script files of varying extensions, every last one of them bearing the name 'SEAL'. However-- one file on the wall is a simple text file, albeit with a corrupted filename... 'W28(k41#x;'.

The Metools, meanwhile, continue to sort out their troubles; the gooped-up one takes a crack at the undazed Metool, and hits-- but it wastes no time retaliating, dispatching the goopy metool easily with a shockwave.

The stunned Metool chooses this particular moment to wake up in time to see one of his friends deleting the other, and is understandably outraged.

--Top floor--

Winter.exe: 100

Broken Console A: 30
Broken Console B: 40
Door Rubble: 120
Script-covered wall: ???

Terrain: 80% Normal, 20% Glass. (Glass can be pierced through to gain access to Bottom Floor)

--Bottom floor--

Metool B: 30
Metool C: 30

Broken Console C: 60
Broken Console D: 43
Broken Console E: 21
Active(?) Console: 80

Terrain: 30% Cursed (scattered about seemingly at random), 70% normal
Winter frowned as she looked at the spread of script files plastered to the wall. She knew better than to touch them or read their contents aloud. To her, that was common sense. Reciting the contents of a script file is the same as casting from a scroll. Finding a useful script is a wonderful thing, but more often than not the script will be malware... a cursed scroll. Touching an opened script file is also a no-no, as there's no telling what could happen until the contents are studied carefully first. And... She had begun to despair as she continued reading what she could of the scripts. ...these are all particularly dangerous. For starters, they're all opened files, and already functioning. Secondly, they're all labeled as seals, and the code some of them display show them to indeed be that. Winter leaned forward and squinted at a couple of the files that were both legible and mostly visible. Disturbing them would be unwise. I don't know what they're sealing since the portions of the scripts that would tell me are covered by other seals.

Winter mentally sighed, having come to the conclusion that not one of the script files was of any use to her. She was about to turn away from the wall when a single text file nestled among the seal scripts caught her eye. Hello, what have we here...? She tuned and looked at the file a little more closely. W28(k41#x;.... A corrupted filename, but the text extension remains intact. It's also a closed file, so the contents may not be completely destroyed.

Winter smiled wryly to herself as she heard a crashing noise from the brawl going on below. That certainly didn't sound healthy.... Her smile turned into a wince as she heard another, even louder crash followed by the faint sounds of something disintegrating into deletion and a more angry Met war cries. Oh dear... I think it might be in my best interest to pass the time with a little light reading while they sort themselves out below. Now, how am I going to get that file out of that mess? I dare not touch the seals...

Winter stood there staring at the file nestled among the seals for a few moments as she pondered how exactly to extract it from among the scripts without touching any of them. Then it occurred to her. I'll cold bond it to the tip of my finger. With that thought, Winter raised her hand to her face, made a fist, and extended her index finger. She licked the tip of her finger to moisten it a bit, then quickly pressed it to the exposed surface of the text file. She then began to channel cold energy into her hand, thereby steadily lowering the temperature around it. The concept was simple... When extreme cool temperatures are present, and an object is exposed to them; other objects with even a slight amount of moisture on them that come into contact with the freezing cold object will rapidly cool and stick together. In this way, when Winter's hand got cold enough, and the text file's surface temperature dropped sufficiently, the moisture trapped between the two would bond the two surfaces together and allow her to pull the file out of its resting place without having ever touched the potentially dangerous scripts around it. And all I'll have to do to separate the file from my hand is stop channeling cold energy. Though, I think I'll slowly back it off so as not to damage the file.

1: Lick finger and touch text file. (RP)
2: Channel cold energy to extract file. (RP/Charge)
3: Read the file silently. (RP)
Winter plucks the file off of the wall... jostling a SEAL script that was stuck to it free. The script falls to the floor...

...Nothing happens. Phew!

Winter opens up the text file-


And is blasted by a second wall, this one made of garbled text. This could take some time to even attempt to salvage...

Meanwhile, on WHEN METOOLS COLLIDE, the hit new DiscoverI show...

Both of the Metools fire shockwaves at each other and hit. ...Really, it'd be more exciting of a fight if they could do anything else...

Abruptly the sealed wall gives off a loud CRACK of a noise, and a thin, glowing fissure shoots outward from the mess of seals.

It's glowing purple.

--Top floor--

Winter.exe: 100

Broken Console A: 30
Broken Console B: 40
Door Rubble: 120
Script-covered wall: ???

Terrain: 80% Normal, 20% Glass. (Glass can be pierced through to gain access to Bottom Floor)

--Bottom floor--

Metool B: 20
Metool C: 20

Broken Console C: 60
Broken Console D: 43
Broken Console E: 21
Active(?) Console: 80

Terrain: 30% Cursed (scattered about seemingly at random), 70% normal
As Winter took hold of the text file, she saw one of the seals come off of the wall with it, and fall to the ground. Frag it! I thought I was being careful. She held her breath for a moment while the seal fell to the floor, and exhaled slowly when it didn't react violently. Still, that couldn't have been good. Winter shook her head and then looked at the text file. The moment Winter opened it, she grimaced. This is too far gone to be of any use to me. Even decoded to plain text, it doesn't tell me anything I couldn't have already guessed. Sealed, dangerous, warning... Yeah... She looked down at the seal laying on the floor. ...I just made a really big mistake.

As if to confirm Winter's analysis of her situation, the wall began to split open a moment later. Okay, time to leave. The rift began to stretch up the wall. Time to leave NOW! She dropped the text file, turned around, and took off in a most un-stealthy run towards the glass panels in the floor. As Winter drew near them, she jumped and wrapped her cloak around herself in preparation for slamming bodily into the panel. This is gonna hurrrrt.

Then she hit the glass....

1: Run towards the Glass Panels (Movement)
2: Jump into the Glass Panels (Movement)
3: Try to land the jump with minimal injury (Movement)
Winter LEAPS through the glass. Several shards of the stuff bounce off of her cloak, and a few more are grazing blows-- but several shred straight through her cloak and imbed themselves themselves directly into her, dealing a sizeable chunk of damage. (42)

Luckily she is not alone in this; one of the two Metools below is also caught in the cascade of falling glass, and is instantly deleted as several shards pierce straight through its' helmet.

The last met is, currently, too stunned to move... leaving it smack dab between Winter and the door, midway through the room.

--Top floor--

Winter.exe: 58

Broken Console A: 30
Broken Console B: 40
Door Rubble: 120
Script-covered wall: ???

Terrain: 80% Normal, 20% Glass. (Glass can be pierced through to gain access to Bottom Floor)

--Bottom floor--

Metool B: 20

Broken Console C: 60
Broken Console D: 43
Broken Console E: 21
Active(?) Console: 80

Terrain: 30% Cursed (scattered about seemingly at random), 70% normal
Winter winced in pain as the glass shards stabbed and sliced at her while she made her landing. Yet another reminder of why I hate glass. She thought to herself as she chanted the one basic recovery spell she actually knew. As it was just a novice level spell, it didn't take long at all to cast, but also had an understandably unimpressive result to match. About all it accomplished was mending her damaged clothes and closing up the few visible wounds she'd acquired.

Now in a bit better shape than she was a moment ago, Winter channeled a large quantity of cold energy directly into the floor. The floor below her began to freeze, and the effect spread quickly outward to encompass a large portion of the room; including everything between her and the door. Without skipping a beat, Winter pointed her hand towards the remaining Metool, and made a waving-aside motion. As she did so, a gust of wind kicked up to push the Metool sideways and out of her path.

Winter stood up, completely unaffected by the slippery nature of the icy floor, and started running for the door. When she made it through, she planned to keep right on going. She had no intention of stopping to pick up any of the Zenny or Chip data left by the Metools, and for two reasons. First, she didn't know they were valuable or useful to her. Having been raised as a Solo Navi, away from humans, Winter had no concept of what battlechip data was, and no real use for Zenny. But, even if she had known their value and utility, she was not about to stop and pick any of it up with God only knew what opening a portal to net-hell behind her for all she knew. Anything that delayed her gave whatever it was more time to climb out and get her. Winter wasn't having any of that....

1: Novice's Healing @ Self (Recover 15; 1 TCD)
-- SetIce: Ice Zone
-- Gust: Blow Met out of escape path
2: Dash for the door. (Movement)
3: Bolt through the door, and don't look back. (Escape)
Winter incants her healing spell expertly, restoring some of her fighting strength, and then gives some of the stage a setting more befitting of her.

As she makes her mad dash toward the door, the flings aside the lone remaining Metool with her wind-- it hits one of the walls off to the side, bounces off one of the defunct consoles dotted along the walls, and then lands, finally, in a bit of that purple goop.

Winter doesn't care, instead continuing to dash madly for the door...

and escaping.

--Top floor--

Winter.exe: 73

Broken Console A: 30
Broken Console B: 40
Door Rubble: 120
Script-covered wall: ???

Terrain: 80% Normal, 20% Glass. (Glass can be pierced through to gain access to Bottom Floor)

--Bottom floor--

Metool B: 20 (???)

Broken Console C: 60
Broken Console D: 43
Broken Console E: 21
Active(?) Console: 80

Terrain: 12% Cursed (scattered about seemingly at random), 60% Ice (Centered on path between Winter and door), 28% normal.

Victory nor loss-- fled from battle.
Winter's exit out the open door of the building and into the light outside leads her to realize this wasn't just a single, lone, worn-down building; it was an entire complex.

No less than seven buildings are arranged in a circle around a large, crumbled fountain, with a pathway lined by overgrown, unkempt grass and weeds connecting all of them.

Although there is space enough between the buildings that Winter could just escape between them if she so chose, there does appear to be a proper path 'out' on the far side of the circle.
The moment Winter exited the building, she realized it wasn't just a rundown building among the other buildings of Dentech's virtual campus network, it was an older version of the campus network that had long since been abandoned. As she stopped to take in the scenery, she realized this abandoned virtual campus site was a place she'd never been to before. I am completely lost... I recognize nothing here. Winter thought as she visually scanned the old square. That idiot human sent me to the back of beyond, not the dormitory network.

Winter spotted what looked to be the major communication pathway that previously serviced this network on the far side of the dilapidated net square. If that's what it appears to be, then following that path will eventually lead me to a more populous or heavily traveled area of the network. A telecom pathway that large certainly won't lead to the middle of nowhere, at least. She smiled a bit as a more pleasant thought passed through her mind: Who knows? I could get lucky and it may even eventually lead me to someplace I actually recognize. Still... Her smile became a little fixed... ...I'd better be careful not to get ambushed by viruses. I don't get a second chance at life like those pampered Operated Navis. With that in mind, Winter watched for signs of more viruses for a few moments, but felt pressured to keep moving. I can't afford to spend too much time here. That thing in the wall might find Navis tasty. When she saw no signs of them, she urgently began making her way towards the broad path at the far end of the square.

Winter remained acutely alert as she moved onwards....


Meanwhile, David walked into his dorm room with his buddy Ross in tow....

"You know... You still owe me for earlier." Ross remarked half-jokingly.

"Put it on my tab." David replied easily as he sat down at his desk and prepared to do some hands-on learning. "You know I'm good for it."

"True that." Ross grinned as he moved to stand behind David. He then looked down over his friend's shoulder, and got down to business. "Okay, power's on... Navi's already in the network... Now, here's what you do: First--"

It wouldn't be too long before Ross helped to correct the gaps in David's knowledge about Navis and Net Operation. Or so David hoped.
Winter makes her way to the far edge of the courtyard... it's weird, there's no viruses about, but it's almost as if she can feel eyes on her...

Upon reaching the other side, it would seem that the main pathway is still mostly intact... albeit dotted with more purple splotches, as well as a few cracked places... it'll be a fair enough walk, so long as she's careful. At the far end Winter can see what appears to be a gateway...
As Winter gazed upon the old pathway, she again felt disgusted by the decayed state of the network environment she found herself in. Even the road is falling apart. She sighed. And why exactly is there so much Cursed terrain here? A Network being abandoned and left to rot doesn't explain its presence. That thought prompted Winter to maintain her alert state, and only reinforced her desire to be quickly gone from this place. This creepy chill running through my processes isn't making me like this place more either. The sooner I'm out of here, the better.

Winter advanced along the path at the quickest pace she could safely manage while avoiding any terrain assisted mishaps. She chose to skirt the cracked sections, and occasionally jumped over them if there was sufficient room to safely land beyond them. As for Cursed panels... Winter avoided them entirely. She wouldn't even jump over them, and instead opted to navigate a healthy distance around them if she could. She consciously chose to keep her ability to turn the terrain into Ice in reserve, but ready to use just in case. If something tries to jump me out here, the sudden catastrophic loss of traction could save my data. It also wouldn't do to fall in one of these cracked or cursed panels. Then something occurred to her that made her see the terrain in a different light. Maybe there are other reasons to leave things as they are... Oh yes.

Winter smiled a bit as she kept moving...
Winter continues along the path; it's a bit longer than she first thought, and given how careful she's being about the cursed terrain, it takes a bit longer than usual...

But she does reach the other side eventually, and fairly without incident. The portal she had expected to be active, however, is not... it does appear to be linked to a small control pad, supported in its' raised position by a steel pole affixed to the floor.

Winter can almost swear she hears another muffled 'CRACK' off in the distance...
Well, haven't seen one of these in a long time. Winter thought to herself as she discovered the gateway to be a an old switch model instead of the newer dedicated links they used today. This will allow me to go to more and different places than the dedicated models would. Assuming it still works, that is. She moved quickly to the panel to examine it, and ignored the sound coming from the distance. If I can get this dialed into another Network, whatever it is that lives here won't be an issue.