Planeswalker Test Arena B

We see the White Terror still dancing the falminco dance. A few seconds of dancing in a rather unique style later, he noticed the burning fire creeping further towards him. He gets a startled look and flamingos away, giving quick short bursts of "Ole'" after each inch.

Quote ()

"Red, either use your gust to put out the flames, spread them towards the enemies, or fly above them. If you don't use them to dodge, use your own log to follow Junior's example. You, the other navi, try to use something with splash to attack both viruses and then jump into the lake as well. Don't use you're element, though. Elec and aqua do not mix!"
It came from one of the other Netops. "Hmmm . . . . .an interesting advice. On a side note, that little lady sure has a pyrotechnical problem." he thought while Spanish dancing away. After a few more steps, he finally stopped, saying to his "nurse", "I need a shot gun and a Log, Nurse Joy!"
. . . . .
The shy netop just stares with a small eyetwitch on his left eye and goes to his pockets. He finds the missing chips and slots in the two chips: " Shotgun, Ringlog, Vaccinate!" is what he says as he is barely audiable.
. . .
Back in the arena, the Shotgun data arrived in its typical grey glitter format. It reaches DNR's body and then clustered to his right arm, turning it into a gun with two barrels. He aimed upwards diagonally, hoping to hit the Boomer and Honey Bomber. . . .

After he shot the two, consecutative bullets, the Ringlog1 chip data comes down in its typical green fashion. As the log materialises in his hands, he holds it up, proclaming " I am Pierre de Jaques Rousseau and I have cut this tree! TIMBEEEEERRRRRRR!" He threw the log to the nearby lake, in which it floated like a rubber duck. He jumps on it, running backwards and saying in a Canadian accent: " Hey, this is kinda fun eh?" He starts rolling very quickly along the lake, being in an pretty good position to dodge any incoming attacks. . .

1. Shotgun to Boomer EX B and HoneyBomber (50 to each)
2. Ringlog1 to the lake for safety
3. Dodge
Red nodded at Wes' idea as she slowly started to concentrate large amounts of air in front of her. The navi compressed the air into a ball, and shot it out, towards the fire as a mighty gust of wind, directing the flames towards the virii.
The navi chose not to follow Junior's example and instead, rocketed up into the air in evasion of any incoming attacks.
"I think it's tea time for those viruses Shin," Red commented as she pulled out seven pastries from her picnic basket.
"Guess so, they're missing the snacks though," Shin replied to his navi, smirking at the idea that she had.
"Then why don't I give them some?" Red questioned. Without waiting for a reply, the wind navi threw all seven pastries straight at the viruses, and watched them explode on contact. She watched the viruses carefully, and prepared to move out of the way if they were to attack.

Turn Summary
*Gust: Blow flames toward BoomerEX B and HoneyBomber [??? DMG]
1. Fly o so high in the air.
2. Pastry Bomb to BoomerEX B [30 DMG] and HoneyBomber [40 DMG]
3. Prepped dodge
The two Wood Virii are completely trashed by the allied assault. However, Junior's idea of throwing the Boomer EX into the other Virus proves to be a bad one as the Boomerang it launched tries to follow the virus, who disintegrates before it arrives, causing it to arc skyward, nailing Red between the eyes, and knocking her from the sky.

Meanwhile, Junior voices his concerns about the heated turn of events... Yet the Admin Navi seems unconcerned, possibly even relaxed about the entire thing, and lets Junior know about it: "That sounds like something my Net-Op would add to the event rules. She aught not to worry so much." As he finishes speaking, the robed Navi walks out onto the lake's surface, completely safe from the fire. "Please concern yourselves with your safety first. As long as you're not actively shooting at me or some such, I suppose we can overlook that clause." As he finished speaking, Red fell out of the sky, and entered the lake at his feet, causing a huge geyser of water to soot upwards that soaked him from head to toe and rained down upon the other two Navis... The Admin Navi simply smiled and shrugged as if this was a normal thing for him...


Enemies Defeated

Red Riding Hood: 110
Soulman Jr.: 100
DNR: 100

"Crap, Red-chan, are you okay?" Junior called out. He swam over to where she fell.

"Relax. She took a hit, but she still has more HP than you." Wes sighed, "Anyway, Mr. Admin, can we move on now? Having a soggy navi is a bit of an inconvinence, plus I have places to be. Also, since we didn't get anything from this fight, I take it we get the rewards at the end? You guys better blaze through these next rounds, got it?"

"Yeah, whatever." Junior reached into the water, pulled up Red, and threw her over his Ringlog, "You okay?"
Red shook the water off her before replying to Junior, "I'm fine." Red said cheerfully, but rubbed her eyes anyway. "But that boomerang really hurt!"
The navi keeps rolling his log like a lumberjack, singing a little song "Leaping from tree to tree! As they float down the mighty rivers of British Columbia! With my best girl by my side! The Larch! The Pine! The Giant Redwood tree! The Sequoia! The Little Whopping Rule Tree! We'd sing! Sing! Sing! Oh, I'm a lumberjack, and I'm okay, I sleep all night and I work all day." He gets rained over by the little girls splash and looks behind him. "Oh crap, what the hell!?" he says as he sees the little girl in the taller navi's arms. He rolls over and asks "That was some fall I heard, are you alright? I'm DNR.exe By the way, sorry if I was so rude to not have introduced my self." He says to both the small, red navi and the oddly green colored navi.
The soaked Admin Navi looked distracted for a moment, the spoke to the team, "I apologize for the inconvenience, but I am afraid I am going to have to ask you to come back and finish your exam at a later date. Please inform your operators and jack-out at your convenience. Your registration is still valid upon your return." With that, the Navi touched the surface of the water, causing the fire, grass, and water to vanish. The trio of Navis found themselves standing upon normal ground once again, bone dry, and unharmed. The Admin Navi was still soaked however.
"Wha...? This is so lame." sighed Junior.

"No kidding. I was really hoping to get the rewards from this before our big event." Wes's eye twitched. he glanced at Red and then got an idea, "Hmmmm.... jack out for now. I have a plan."

"Plan? Whatever. Coming back now." Junior then disappeared.
"I see." Shin commented, jacking Red out without a word.
"O-o-o-o-oh M-m-m-m-my" is all Polonius can comment by this upstage. "Hmmm . . . J-j-j-j-jack Out DNR, W-w-w-w-we need to go back to our apartment to do some preparations s-s-s-so we can help the fortunate.