Aqua Aqua Everywhere

To either side, the two remaining kettles watched with a fairly predictable amount of apathy as Martia and her new friend decided to pause and partake of their fish immediately and without delay. While the martial artist revelled in the exquisite flavours, the Rush was far more interested in getting the food into its face as fast and efficiently as it could, making half-mumbled sounds of delight even as it ate. It finished quickly, and promptly began licking all over the area where the fish had landed; it was fortunate that Martia wasn't more exposed in that area, or it might have gotten borderline indecent.

Standing on the coals while she ate probably wasn't incredibly present-minded of her, but even as the heat scorched the soles of her feet, it had to be said.. that fish was -Really- good. (-5 coal burn, but Heal to Max for tasty fish!)

With the first meal out of the way, Martia turned her attention to the oil-scented kettle, and began making ready to repeat her controlled boiling technique. As she did, however, the Rush began to make urgent sounds, to the effect of trying to get the martial artist to wait up a moment. He struggled free of her grip, leaping easily from her arm, to the safe ground on one side of the coal bed, near the kettle in question. Next it jumped across the bed, landing on the kettle and snagging its lid clean off, then across to the far side of the coals, without touching the uncomfortably hot terrain. The burning fire on the lid extinguished, leaving an easy-to-hold handle as soon as it was more than a foot away from the virus itself, but the Kettle only looked on, uncomprehending.

Pilfered lid in hand, the Rush ran quickly to the other end of the coal bed, and repeated his little double jump to nick the second lid as well, then returned to Martia, making sure she was ready before jumping back into her arms. Once he was settled, he looked up at her, then clapped the two lids together briefly, and held them upward above his head and to the sides slightly. They weren't exactly plates, or bowls, but they'd probably do in a pinch for catching things. Either way, the little guy seemed quite confident that Martia's trick would probably work again, and was happy to trust her to keep him safe, whether she chose to take hold of the impromptu plates herself, or leave them to him.

Things went more or less as they had the time before, right up until the point that Martia boiled the kettle. This time, the kettle bubbled and spat more fiercely as it hit boiling point, droplets of scalding oil flecking Martia's turned back; fortunately they weren't going to get through her outfit any time soon. The blast itself, however, was another story. The quirks of the net certainly protected Martia's HP value from being affected by the explosion, but being blasted with boiling oil was still being blasted with boiling oil; it was hot, and it hurt. What would have been a fantastic geyser of vaporising oil became a backlash wave of force as it collided with the inside of her bubble, drenching the martial artist with uncomfortably hot remnants of liquid oil, while the air inside the bubble turned into a thick, oily vapour that left a nasty residue on everything.

Amongst this, however, it was also positively raining freshly crisped thin-cut hot chips, at least inside the confines of Martia's bubble-wrap. Aside from getting a good many in her hair, and more still getting into any and seemingly all the smallest openings of her outfit, it was certainly easy enough to catch two suitable 'plates' full of the unusual rain, provided they were trying to. An inspection of the chips would reveal them to be very well cooked; perfectly crispy without being burned or singed in any way, and without being soft or chompy in any places either. They probably would have gone well with the fish, and maybe some lemon, perhaps... but would still probably be tasty enough on their own.

The moving around on the coals was continuing to scorch Martia's poor feet... but there was only one kettle to go now, right? The real question was... if this one was a herbal mix of some sort... how to get it safely without just spraying tea everywhere? the last kettle heated up, then cooled down again. It certainly wasn't being any help.


KettleA: 0 Degrees [Coal][Smells Herbal][Extreme left edge of the coals]

Rush: 4Hp [Carried][Holding Kettle-lid plates of chips, unless Martia takes them from him][Friendly!]


Martia.Exe: 235Hp [Normal][Carrying Rush][Rage-Claw, 4/6 (sorta)][Coal Burn (5)][Errant chips in ALL the places! Ack!]


20% Coal: long strip horizontal to Martia.
40% Onsen: Two pools to either side, stretching the full length of the area.
40% Normal: The Rest
Despite her HP suggesting otherwise, Martia was in some serious, serious pain as she got herself doused in oil. If she hadn't been a Navi, she would've gotten quite a nasty burn. But she didn't shout out or anything. So as not to startle her Mole friend, she simply grit her teeth and bared it, until the burning sensation finally started to fade.

"You know, usually when I see someone like you get oiled up, it's a turn on. But this time, nope..."

Leslie's quip snapped the martial artist Navi back to reality, and looked around. Her dog-mole companion had managed to cover the lids it'd snatched with crisp, delicious looking chips, though since it was holding both of them, it ironically couldn't enjoy the fruits of its labor. Actually, neither could she, since she was afraid that if she moved her arms at the moment, there would be spillage, and that would be quite depressing for both. Instead, she carefully started walking over to the other Kettle. She had no idea how she was going to tackle it, though..."Any idea for that last Kettle? Anyone?"

"Uh, don't look at me. The only idea I have is that you really could use a bath. Y'know, since you're covered in oil grime."

"Somehow I'm not surprised you have that idea..."

"No, really! Not trying to be a pervert! You're covered in that, you've got chips in your hair, I think you ended up getting some under your top..."

"Oh, I did. I can feel it. You know what it's like having bits of fried potato in your shirt as you walk around? Not pleasant!"

"Hey, it could be worse. You could be wearing something like what I do. I mean, you've still got a layer underneath that. I've got nothing. I mean, if I so much as bumped into something, that's pressing right into me, no protection at all!"

"That's...actually true. It may not look like much, but even bodysuit Navi armor can be pretty protective. All you could do is deal with it as it broke into pointy pieces and started stabbing you right in your boobs!"

"Yeah, I'll pass on that..."

"You and me both, Leslie. You and me both..." With that, Martia was now face to face with the last Kettle. But instead of getting it inside her bubble, she was content to stand there for a moment and look at it. She then set the Mole on the non-burning ground nearby, and relieved it of one of the plates. "Go ahead and dig in! I'll join in just a sec!" She still had a free hand, which still had a RageClaw on it. She used it to grab the less than intelligent virus, and carried it off its coal perch, onto less painful terrain. At the very least, she wouldn't have to worry about that. "That's one step down. Now I just need to figure out how to catch tea..."

The Navi took a seat at the edge of the normal panels, and dipped her feet into the warm water to the side. It stung for a moment at first, but the warmth and healing power of the water quickly overpowered it, allowing her to stop and relax. She took a moment to enjoy it, then started bringing up screens in front of her as she reached onto the lid she held, took a chip, and munched on it. "This doesn't even need salt, it's so good! You really are (munch) a great cook!" It was kinda odd, complimenting a virus on something as complex as cooking...then again, she remembered hearing once that Moles were among the most intelligent of all normal viruses. Seeing this, she was inclined to believe it now. "Now we just (munch) need to figure out (munch) how to not get tea (munch) all over the place (munch), and into something we can (munch) drink out of!" Now for those screens...containing info on her latent abilities and non-edible chips. Let's see...her copied sig moves. She could grab things, kick with electricity, melt things with fire, or punch things with the power of a whirlpool. None of which seemed very conducive to catching fluids in mid-air. Moving along to BattleChips...taking out what she'd already used, she could drop snow, drop a giant stone fist, cover her hand with a giant fist, shoot fists, shoot a fist of steam, heal up, and fire a ball of electricity. None of those really worked...hmm? Looking over the specs of the chips, she noticed something potentially interesting. She'd always manifested them as ki energy, but as they were normally applied...that was probably her best shot at something that actually worked.

"All right, I (munch) think I've got a plan! (munch) But I'm gonna sit here just (munch) a bit longer, (munch) okay?" By now, Martia was going ahead and eating the chips that ended up on her. Fortunately, her hair didn't really affect the taste, nor did the fact that some were only a fraction of an inch from making direct contact with her breasts. Some would probably argue the latter made those chips better...but they didn't. They were just really good chips.

[Order of Turn:
1-Move to KettleA
2-Move KettleA off of Coal with RageClaw
3/4/5-Dip feet in Onsen/Ponder options/Eat chips]
Once the burning sensation of the oil had faded away, and Martia could take proper stock of things, the conclusion that she reached was that there was not really any sort of immediate rush on the tea. Quiet eager to begin the second course of edibles, the Rush made enthusiastic sounds as Martia took one plate and freed him up to begin devouring his own.

Settling by the edge of the onsen, he ate a few chips, but then paused to watch and wait for Martia anyway. The kettle did about as much as could be expected when Martia moved it of the coals; it watched her blankly, vaguely resenting her delicate touch for not allowing it to explode. The scent of luke-warm aromatic tea still drifted from the virus, and if she didn't mind the tea cool, it would be perfectly drinkable now, but that would be too easy for the determined martial-artist.

The water, at least, proved a cooling balm for her scorched feet, and along with a delicious helping of expertly crispy chips, she soon found her worries more or less completely soothed away. The rush continued to chatter excitedly as it ate, alternately cutting its small squeaks off with chip-stuffing, and its chip-stuffing with small squeaks. In between sounding like a puppy with food, it also chattered directly at Martia, though it was just about as incomprehensible as any other virus she'd ever encountered. It certainly didn't manage to provide any insights on the art of catching fast-boiled tea explosions.

Fortunately, Martia had ideas of her own, but took her time plotting them out carefully in her mind first, while the onsen, and the chips, brought her back to full vim and vigour.


KettleA: 0 Degrees [Normal][Smells Herbal][Just off the Coals]

Rush: 4Hp [Normal][Eating chips with great enthusiasm][Friendly!]


Martia.Exe: 250Hp [Edge of Onsen][Eating Chips][Rage-Claw, 3/6 (sorta)][Coal Burn (Soothed!)][Chips in her Clothes, Ack!]


20% Coal: long strip horizontal to Martia.
40% Onsen: Two pools to either side, stretching the full length of the area.
40% Normal: The Rest
So far, so good. Both Martia and the Mole were filling up on fish and chips...but that tea. It remained in the final Kettle, in its imperfect state of not being heated. And she just would not stand for that. Feeling significantly less burned now, she hopped out of the hot water, and gave the virus a knowing smirk...the look of someone that knew their opponent was history, but also knew that they didn't know they knew. "First things first...MeteorKnuckle me!"

"...MeteorKnuckle you even listen to yourself sometimes?!" It was too easy to even really make fun Leslie just sent over the chip. "There, MeteorKnuckle yourself!"

The Navi failed to notice the poor choice of words, so she simply let the chip manifest itself as its default form...three metal fists nearly as large as herself. It wasn't entirely faithful to the normal form, however, as if the fists were placed on the ground and peered into, they were completely hollow. The opening was also quite wide, almost as though it were some sort of giant cup. And indeed, that was their purpose on this occasion. She carefully positioned them such that they surrounded the enemy virus, each tilted towards it to catch as much tea as possible. Fortunately, their hovering abilities would prevent them from falling over.

Now for the next step. Martia walked over to her newest friend, making sure her body (and bubble covering it) would fully protect it from scalding tea. She knew what it was like to have boiling hot fluids cover you, and that was NOT something she wanted it to feel. "All right, don't move! And I'll need something to delete that Kettle now!"

"'Bout time, huh?" She, for one, was looking forward to finally ending this whole thing. Especially since that'd mean she wouldn't have to look at all that deliciousness. "Here, now put an end to it!"

"That I shall!" Martia's right foot became covered in hot steam, as the claw over her hand faded away for what would be the last time. No fist containers blocking her, Mole safely behind her...with everything checked off, she let out a quick kick, banishing the steam from her boot, in the shape of her boot, naturally, and sending it forward at the Kettle. If all went well, it'd explode, and they'd have basically three fist shaped barrels of piping hot tea to enjoy. Her taste buds were already anticipating it...

[Order of Turn:
1-MeteorKnuckle1 chip attack on...nothing (3 large fist shaped containers placed around the Kettle
2-Make sure Martia is protecting Rush from KettleA
3-MistConvergence1 chip attack on KettleA (100, Aqua, A, Impact)
The mysteries of exactly what one lady meteor-knuckling another might entail were probably better left to the imagination, and thankfully for everyone, that was where such questions stayed for now as Martia proceeded to make yet more unorthodox use of her chip collection.

Her plan was a creative one, certainly, and though the effort of maintaining the giant fist's prolonged presence when not immediately bludgeoning things with them was probably a fair amount of effort, the martial artist managed to keep them steady. If anything, the remaining kettle seemed vaguely disappointed that yet another chip was being used, but it still wasn't being given the opportunity to blow itself up, and it stared without comprehension at the three metal fists positioned like sentinels around it.

For that matter, the Rush seemed quite curious and confused by her preparations too, and though it was still finishing off its chips, and didn't slow from this pursuit, it also watched her with great interest. The level of acceptance that the offer of shared food brought, not to mention the sharing of other soft, hugable objects, was such that the little guy showed no trepidation at all as Martia brought him into her bubble again and prepared another attack chip.

Good aim made the attack, when it came, connect without a hitch and the last Kettle, finally, had the euphoric joy of blasting itself to nothingness. Unlike the others, this one boiled over in away that actually caused its explosion to react with hostility to Martia, though her bubble wrap protected her easily.

Under normal circumstances, one might think that setting up three person-sized metal containers to catch the explosive tea rain of a single, less-than-person-sized kettle, might be a bit hopeful and excessive, but for a wonder, net physics were strange in strangely understandable ways sometime,s and Martia's guess seemed to be on the money: the explosive blast sent a positive downpour of boiling tea showering down everywhere, making a beautiful rayliegh scattering of raindrops on water against her bubble as well as making the coals hiss and sizzle.

When the last drops had settled, against all the normal laws of science and physics, Martia and her companion were left with three person-sized fists, each quite full to the brim of gently steaming tea. No-one was going to drink that much, but it certainly smelled refreshing. Now that it was properly brewed, there was a zesty lemon scent to the tea, perfect for refreshing and cleansing the palette and lifting the spirits. It probably bore repeating that this was really, really a LOT of tea. How this had even happened was anyone's guess. One way or the other, though, Martia and her companion were quite clearly the only ones left in the area, now...

Upon inspection, the giant metal fists actually seemed to be insulating the heat for the tea quite well, and weren't growing too hot too quickly, and the air itself shared the same sharp, fresh scent that the vast quantities of tea gave off more strongly. The main question, at this stage, was probably how to get a manageable drink before the maintaining the somewhat misused MeteorKnuckle became too difficult. The Rush seemed excited at least, though it was mostly content to leap over to the nearest fist, clasping onto the sides, and sip directly from the top, albeit carefully.

That said, amongst the data remnants of the boiled kettles, as well as some zenny, there remained something else potentially useful, or maybe just a memento of the very strange encounter.



Rush: 4Hp [Normal][Carefully sipping tea from a giant metal fist][Friendly!]


Martia.Exe: 250Hp [Edge of Onsen][Still got chips in her clothes, Ack!]


20% Coal: long strip horizontal to Martia.
40% Onsen: Two pools to either side, stretching the full length of the area.
40% Normal: The Rest

-=Battle(?) 1, Victory!=-

Rewards: 660z, LittleBoiler1

Quote (LittleBoiler1)

HP: 1
Properties: Light
Object Damage: (100 Aqua + Damage Absorbed) + Blast 3
Damage Method: Throw, Knockback, Microburst, Telekinesis, Gust
Attack Damage: (100 Aqua + Damage Absorbed) + Blast 3
Accuracy: E (thrown) / B (trigger)
Description: Throws a boiling kettle 3 panels ahead that boils over when hit once, dealing aqua damage to everything around it without regard to who or what that may be. The damage of the attack that strikes it is added to the blast.
Duration: Until destroyed.
Element: Wood
Special: Time Delay: Upon taking damage, there is a 2 action time delay before the attack triggers.
Special: For the purposes of Elemental Bonuses, this chip is counts as Aqua Element.

Well, she might not have been around for too long, but Martia figured she was starting to get the whole Net thing, upon seeing the three fist shaped containers of tea. She folded her arms in front of her, making some small crunching noises from chips she had failed to notice earlier. "...Ow." Well, maybe she didn't have quite as good a grasp of things as she thought. She watched the Mole race over to a container and start sipping. She started for another one to do the same, but stopped after something in the Kettle remnants caught her eyes. "There's something in there other than money...let's see...LilBoiler? Let's check the specs...aha! This'll be perfect! Leslie, I'm sending the cash over, but not the chip just yet."

"Not even questioning why anymore. Do whatever you want." On the plus side, zenny total up. Not an eye popping amount, but enough to get a little something later.

When the Navi finished, there was only a hovering chip shaped piece of data, gently spinning in place. She grabbed it and accessed it...and after a moment, the chip disappeared, and a Kettle shaped tea cup appeared in her hand. "Well, this is already an amazing chip, if it gets me some tea!" She gently dipped it into one of the containers, blew on it for a bit, and took a sip. "Oh yeah...that's the stuff!" It wasn't green tea, but it was the next best thing: non-green tea. If it wasn't for the fact it was hot, she would've happily guzzled it down in one shot. Then again, tea was best hot and sipped. "A perfect way to wind down after all that thinking!"

"Yeah, speaking of thinking, what are we gonna do with your Mole friend? It doesn't seem right to just leave it."

After wrapping up her first cup, Martia looked over at her new dog-like companion. Her operator was right, she couldn't leave it there. Doubly so since as far as she knew, Moles were incapable of self-defense, and reliant on their incredible resilience and escapability to survive. Of course, there was also a certain solution that fixed that problem...might as well try. But, not before getting another cup of tea. She wasn't in that big a hurry, after all.

After walking over to her friend, and naturally downing some more tea in the process, she took a look at it, before starting her pitch. "Um, listen...I really don't want anything to happen to you. We're friends, after all. But, as long as you're in the main net area, I can't guarantee that. So, what would you say if I knew a place where you live in safety? There's a virtual zoo that's looking for benign viruses to take care of, and they can set it up so you won't have to worry about some Navi that doesn't know any better...well, you know where I'm going with that. I hear they're very accommodating, so I'm sure they'd give you stuff to cook some more great meals! Honestly, I wouldn't be shocked if they gave you your own restaurant, or something...but, won't you go? For me? I just don't want anything to happen to you...I promise I'll come visit!" Because the laws of the universe willed it so, the normally dexterous Navi accidentally spilled much of her tea on herself, getting it all over her chest. The heat didn't bother her much...after getting doused in oil, some hot tea wasn't all that bad. She just sighed at herself, and awaited an answer.
Biblical amounts of tea multiplication aside, The battle was concluded with refreshing drinks all around. The only hitch in the martial-artist's proceedings came a few moments after refilling her impromptu cup for a second time. The giant fists of her strangely misused MeteorKnuckle finally decided that enough was enough and, with a dull shudder, all three weapons-turned-containers dissipated from the net. The result, predictably, was a positive torrent of displaced tea that brought a hiss of steam from the coals as it collapsed into a wave that managed to reach as high as Martia's shins before it ran away.

The Rush, who had been perched on the lip of one of the fists sipping contentedly squeaked in surprise and leaped free moments before his purchase was gone, landing on the nearest safe, dry platform. In this case, that would be Martia again, and he scampered around her chest and shoulders, clinging tight as the herbal torrent flowed off and dissipated.

He shifted around to be able to look at the woman's face more clearly as she spoke her offer, tilting his head slightly as he listened. As far as viruses went, the Rush seemed fairly clever, and probably understood her properly, more or less, but at first his reaction was simply to clamber about Martia's shoulders again, making small affectionate sounds, before nuzzling up against her chest again with extra vigour. Mostly, it looked as though he just wanted to stay with Martia.

Fortunately for the martial artist, she wasn't to be saddled with becoming virus-mamma just yet; as the Rush continued to watch her, gears of thought turned around gradually, and it began to contemplate first that navis tended to leave the net in ways that viruses like it couldn't follow. If that happened, there wouldn't be much hope of having any more opportunities to snuggle them... ah, her. Perhaps if it went where she asked, then she could find him again more easily, and who knew... maybe there would be other friendly individuals who would also like similar hugs. It buried its face in Martia's chest again, nosing around and squishing happily for a few more moments, under the false pretence of sucking spilled tea from her clothes, then decided that such things were worth settling down for. After another few seconds, it looked up at Martia, made some sounds that sounded identifiably positive, then nodded to her. Provided she would show him the way, this little guy was ready to accept her offer, it seemed.

"Ahh, no!" But while she had noticed ahead of time, Martia could do nothing to stop her MeteorKnuckles from fading away, unable to remain materialized so long after the battle. There went all that tea. And she lost most of what she had with that spill...but she made sure that what little she still had was downed before her cup had a similar fate. And sure enough, right as she finished the last drop, her mini-Kettle faded. She would always have memories of it, though...

On the plus side, the Mole noticed it ahead of time as well, and leaped to her right before the mass spillage. And then, the spiel began. She had faith that it understood what she was talking about...after all, as she had recalled earlier, Moles were extremely intelligent viruses, and this one had done absolutely nothing to refute that. It didn't seem too keen on the idea at first, seemingly content at being with her. That was fine for now, but she didn't want to look for a fight with it in tow. Aside from being an extra target, which was in itself not really desirable to her, it didn't bring much to the table.

...But, after some thought (and further fun time), the virus agreed to her proposition. Martia's face lit up at this development, now knowing that her latest pal would not die a horrific death by some punk Navi that didn't know better. "You will? Wonderful!" She picked it up and held it at arm's length with both hands, looking at it with a big smile, and gave it a big hug...which probably sealed the deal in its mind. "You won't have to worry about NetBattlers or anyone now...and I'll make sure to come see you opening day! Based on what I've heard, that won't be a long wait. ...I think I'm gonna go ahead and send you over. Since, you never know when someone or something might show up and try to hurt you. Take care, okay? And thanks for the meal, it was amazing!" With that, the Navi started up the transferal process. It wouldn't take very long, and she could do whatever without worrying about it. Question was, what now? After all that, she wasn't too up for a battle right away. But she still wanted to test her new move...hmm...

(NOT looking for a battle at the moment; I just wanted the Mole transferred to the zoo)
With the preparations made, the little Rush made a few more happy sound,s then leaned in to nuzzle at Martia's face just before the transfer collected him and whisked him off to the land of milk and honey, or at least to a safe haven for non-destructive viruses. Who knew, maybe by the time Martia visited he might even have his own Rush-Cafe and snack bar?

Back in Yoka, however, Martia herself was now alone again, and free to pursue her own agendas, whatever they might be. What were they now, anyway?
With the Mole gone, Martia took a moment to stretch, and do nothing. "Mmm...that kinda killed my desire to battle."

"Your move's not going anywhere, so why don't we just call it quits for now? We'll check it out another time. And at least we know that expensive as hell speed upgrade works."

"Yeah. Sorry."

"What, it's not like I'm up for a fight right after a meal. Come on, we'll find something else to do."

"All right. Coming!" And in a pink beam of light, the Navi did just that.