Factory Mission

"I'm going to ignore that question Split, cause I like my internal code where it is." Void shouted at the male navi, "...plus I'm slightly distracted by the large lizard trying to eat us. So I'll get back to you on that later!"

I swear, the dude tries to kill an elevator when it stops for 2 second, but when Godzilla's brother shows up he's making dinner conversation. Why don't we start asking the giant monster if it wants buttered crumpets to wash us down with?

Void continued to stew as Imp managed to get his footing on the lizard's head, "What were you thinking! It could have eaten me!" Popping open his jar, Imp glared down at the lizard he was riding on, "And watch what you're drooling on! These are important scientifical papers and stuff!" Imp's large hand began to reach out of the jar and wind up to pound the creature's head.

"Bad man eating creature! Go to sleep!"

Bringing the jar's hand down, Imp aimed with all of his might at the creature's eye, probably a much better weak point than the hard skull, since there is less protecting it.

Back on the ground, Void had come to a decision, "Damian, do we still have that fan chip?"

<Yeah, you thinkin' it's a good time to drop it?> Damian replied, pulling out the chip from his pocket.

"Yeah, it was able to do all of that while stuck in place, I don't want to give it a bigger advantage than it needs."

<Fine then, sending.>

As Void downloaded the data, he realized a potential problem, "Hey guys, be careful. That drool might be acidic, considering it already tried to spit acid at me! Try not to step in it!" Turning to one of the desks, he quickly pulled at it's shadow, forming a mere lack of light into a black version of the fan virus. With a final snap of his fingers, the creation whirled to life, drawing in a torrent of air.

"And since we can..." Void chuckled, letting the sentence trail off.

<Let's just make it that much harder for it to get around.> Damian replied. Quickly pulling out another chip, Damian gave a quick chuckle, <I think this fight is rather shocking.>

"That joke was re-volt-ing..." Void said, loading the Zapring2's data. Charging up, Void's arm began to crackle with electricity as he fired his weapon at the monster and quickly hid behind a nearby desk.

"Can we stop this?" Imp groaned as he hopped out of the way of the blast, "I just wanna go OHM..."



1+*) sig attack - slamfist(60 + break)(add gust) @ SerialLizardo
2) chip - Fan(100 hp object, brings in enemies and lowers evasion) @ SerialLizardo
3) chip - zapring2(60 dmg + stun + elec) @ SerialLizardo
4) hide behind desk
Split grumbled at the situation that presented itself in front of him, giant lizard, doom acid, epic battle. It was all a a little bit of a pain, but he would force himself to manage. There were very few things he could do though, in order to cause a realistic chance for victory.

His left arm transformed into an all-too-familiar looking cannon and he prepared to fire upon his target. Suddenly a thought occurred to him, he was actually part of a group now, with realistic expectations of cooperation. The thought seemed almost magical to him, a sort of forbidden mantra crept into his mind. 'If we actually continue fighting it together we might actually win'. "Ha- HAHA HAHAHAHAHAHA" he began laughing out loud as his right eye glowed red. "Multiple target locks engaging" He said to his allies "Fire at will at confirmed location" As he finished the last words 8 bright red flashes shot over the Lizard, displaying its location coordinates clearly for all of his allies to see.

"Now then" he muttered to himself "Time to add on a little extra damage" He let his prepared and completely unremarkable cannon shot fire away as he moved in to close range. The recoil from the blast turned him unexpectedly, but he managed to keep moving forward long close enough to unleash he last attacks. His fist transformed into a bright red flame that shot out at the target in concentrated blasts as he struck at the lizard. He grumbled about disliking generic flame attacks as he leapt away from the target, hopefully before it could devour him, or coat him in acid, or whatever it was giant experimental lizards did.

Lock On:SerialLizardo 8 Take Aim Actions usable by allies, applies to next 8 attacks on target.
Hi-Cannon(80 Damage, Impact):SerialLizardo
FireHit:(60 Damage, Fire):SerialLizardo
FireHit:(60 Damage, Fire):SerialLizardo
Advanced Mobility(Passive): Leap away from mouth
Imp tried attacking the lizard first while riding on it, but the reptile screeched and whacked the prog off, rendering the attack ineffective. It also managed to smash up on of the desks. Split activated his Lock-On sequences, while Void drew up a Fan, which the monster immediately attacked with another ball of acid, creating a poison panel in the Fan's place. This, however, left it open to Void's Zapring attack, which stunned the monster a good bit. Split and Wraith took this chance, the former firing a powerful cannon at the beast, while the latter warped by the lizard and cut it with a powerful slashing motion. A firehit by Split later, the lizard was back in action, and it whacked the second firehit away with one of its tongue tips, though it seemed a bit scorched by it. Void took cover behind another desk, while Split moved away from the mouth and jumped on top of another desk, escaping the tongue that lashed out at him.

Wraith grinned as she stepped on the lizard's back, her sword gleaming as she plunged her blade at its scaly hide. There was a little resistance, and the monster whipped a tongue out at her, but the ghostly swordsmaster quickly pulled her sword out and danced out of the tongue's way.

"What a tough guy, it's like his body is made out of stone or something," Wraith grumbled, brandishing her blade once more.

SerialLizardo: 1630 HP

Terrain: 99% Normal, 1% Poison (Near Void)

Desksx19: 50 HP

Splitman: 120 HP [90 Pool Points for Healing][3 Take Aims to all allies][On top of Desk5]
Void: 140 HP [Behind Desk12]
Wraith.exe: 280 HP [Sword]

Time until detonation: 40:00 min.
"You idiot," Void hissed at Imp as he landed on the ground beside him, "How could you screw that up, it's the size of a friggin' truck!"

"Let's see you try punching something while it's trying to knock you off..." Imp muttered while face down on the ground. Pulling himself up, Imp rubbed his head and muttered, "it's a shame I didn't hit it, it sounds like lizard breath has an armored hide, it might be weak to break attacks..."

<Well that doesn't really do us much good, since that hand is our only one...>

"I said I was sorry!"

"Well saying sorry doesn't kill the giant monster lizard, now does it..." Void spat at Imp, "Damian, we're gonna need the other zapring, this thing is too strong when it's not pinned down!"


As the chip was slotted in, Void charged up the electrical shot again, crackling electricity showing through his arms. I might as well try for the eye again, this attack is much more accurate, plus with Split's target's all over still I should be able to at least hit it.

Quickly popping out from behind his cover, Void raised his arm and launched the ring of light at the lizard. As it sped off towards the monster, Void began to feel an new wave of data flooding into him, "Damian, wha-"

<Chill out man, I figure it will only be stunned for a few seconds, so we better hit it with a lower accuracy weapon before we lose our chance. I'm sending you a cannon; maybe it will help knock an attack off course or something...>

"So we're just clutching at straws then huh? Fine..." Void said smugly. Raising his arm as his hand receded inwards into the barrel of a cannon, he continued his train of thought, "We'll be able to use the soulpin in a few seconds, so we'll really let him have it then." Void took one last second to line up his shot before initiating the firing program, sending the shot blasting across the arena.

Quickly reaching into his cloak, Void pulled out 2 fists full of daggers. With a broad sweeping motion, He threw them up into the air above him, none of the daggers making noise or reflecting light as they slowed and began to float in mid air. It seems like it tries to block most attacks with it's tongue, so if I fire way more objects that we have before, it stands to reason that a lot of the stronger attacks will hit him instead while it's confused by my blades.

Void quickly swung his arms down and towards the lizard, causing the daggers to quickly launch in a wall of blades directly at the creature's face. Once again hopeing for too much from one attack, Void quickly hopped from desk top to desktop, trying to get away from the creature and off of the floor.



1)chip - zapring1 @ SerialLizardo( 40 dmg +stun + elec)
2)chip - cannon @ SerialLizardo(40 dmg + knockback)
3)Sig - dagger torrent @ SerialLizardo (5 dmg x 16 +slashing for each)
4) gust assisted autododge
"Rock-hard, eh?" Splitman commented as both of his hands conveniently transformed into razor-sharp claws. Chad was clearly getting good at following his train of thought "I open you attack" Shouted Split as he leapt towards his target. He reached out grasping at his back, trying to pry open a crack between the thick scales. The red highlighting lights of the target lock gathered between his hands, as if to say 'ATTACK HERE' while he held on for dear life.

After several seconds of this he leapt away, leaving a minibomb in place. He would need to think of some witty quip to say, he thought, if he managed to not be eaten by the time he landed. Yeah, something like 'Nice to get back to you'.. but not that one.

Advanced Mobility(Passive): Leap on SerialLizardo's back
RageClawx2(40): Pry Open SerialLizardo back scales
Minibomb(60, Blast1):SerialLizardo
Leap Away
Void sent another zapring at the monster, who tried whacking it away with its tongue, but only got the full dose of the zap instead. Taking this chance, Split tried playing "ride 'em cowboy" on the lizard and started slashing away at the scaly body, while Void blasted it with a cannon. The scales didn't rip off, though, but he did do a respectable amount of damage, before the lizard regained its senses and whacked Split off to the side with its tail. Before crashing into a desk, the bipolar navi threw a minibomb at the lizard's leg, making a success.

Then he crashed into a desk and broke it. Ow.

Void sent a flurry of daggers raining at the reptile, who countered by engulfing five of them in acid, making them drop to the floor and form more poison panels, decimating two more desks in the process. It still ended up with a mouthful of daggers though.

"Nice try Splitman, I'll take it from here!" Wraith commented to Split after his failed ripping attempt. Drawing her sword back, the ghostly navi grunted a command, transforming her blade into a massive hammer. Yelling out a battlecry, the female navi whacked her hammer at the lizard...

...and swung short, a tongue tip of the lizard wrapping around her leg and upsetting her balance, and slamming her facefirst onto the floor. Letting out a small 'tch,' Wraith tore off one of the pieces of her fading cloak and blew it at the lizard, who suddenly became entranced by the piece of cloth.

"I'll show you a demonstration of why I left so many pieces of my cloak lying around," Wraith called to her allies, smirking as she snapped her fingers.

Suddenly, the piece of cloth was where Wraith's captured leg was and the monster was suddenly slammed back through three glass containers before crashing still into the wall at the far end. The monster was immobile for the moment, but there was no telling when it would come around.

SerialLizardo: 1255 HP [Immobile]

Terrain: 90% Normal, 10% Poison (Scattered)

Desksx16: 50 HP

Splitman: 50 HP [90 Pool Points for Healing]
Void: 140 HP
Wraith.exe: 270 HP

Time until detonation: 38:00 min.
"Tsk" Splitman hissed as he recovered, watching his ally take all the glory. Meanwhile, his left arm's claw-like visage shattered into a blue dust that joined with the blue aura surrounding him and healed his body. Goddamn desks, goddamn strategies, goddamn LIZARD. "You want effective? I'll show you effective" Splitman shouted as he leapt towards the target. Mid-air his body let out a horrible groaning sound as he tore his left arm clean from his body with the horrible claw on his right. That was when between his eyes and his vision, everything went red.

The sound of metal breaking, of something snapping, of many repeated impacts upon a target. He could hear the melody of them all underneath the pulsated Red that engulfed his vision and his mind. He awoke somewhere in the middle of it, vaguely aware that his arm had broken from the strain of countless hits on -something- and briefly surveyed the target for damage. "And now for the finish" He mumbled as his shattered arm transformed in his han- err- claw into a giant log. The claw was easily able to lift He winded up and swung it at the lizard with all of his might, shattering the piece of wood into many tiny splinters from the impact, but that did not stop him from attempting to follow through once more with a tremendous back-swing aimed at the lizard, destroying what remained of the log.

Splitman flexed reflexively around the broken limb in his claw. Hopefully there wouldnt be too much more to this, they had to get out too.

Buster Recovery(50/2)+45 pool healing=70 healing Self
Red Out(50x7, Buster Lock): SerialLizardo
RingLog(50): Swing at SerialLizardo with rageclaw X2
"So the more she strips, the more she stuns people, sounds like mos—"

Void quickly covered the prog's mouth, cutting off imp's rather inappropriate thought. "Watch it, we only need one thing trying to kill us right now." Void muttered at Imp.

<If you two would stop the Abbot and Costello routine, you might realize that this is our chance.>

Void glanced at the stunned lizard, "What are you thinking?"

<Simple, while it's down for the count, we'll take this opportunity to try out that new chip we got.>

"When did we earn a chip?" Void groaned, already knowing the answer.

<The contract was in exchange for the chip...>

"So we... and you...Gah..." Void spat in annoyance, "Just load the abyssal thing."


As Damian slotted in the new chip, Void let the data flow through his arm and let it pool into his hand, where it became

"A squeaky ball," Void said in minor annoyance, looking down at the black rubber ball with 2 painted on yellow eyes, "I'm getting too old for this..." Pulling his arm back, Void threw it towards the downed lizard. "What is it even supposed to d-"

Almost in answer to Void's question, the ball expanded to a larger size and began to bounce towards the lizard. "Who the heck make this stuff up? It's like were stuck in a game for kids or something!"

<Well the PET system wa->

"That was rhetorical!" Void shouted angrily, "Just give me the dumb shotty and another cannon..."

Void didn't hear a response from Damian, but soon felt the requested chips load. Quickly raising his arms, he leveled the guns at the lizard and pulled the triggers. The uneven blasts roared out as they sent their payloads towards the creature. Void then stood his ground, ready to jump out of the way if the lizard tried anything...



1) chip - Cactball(20 x 2-4 Hits + Ground Attack) @ SerialLizardo
2) chip - cannon(40 + knockback) @ SerialLizardo
3) chip - shotgun(50 + splash 1) @ SerialLizardo
4) auto dodge
Split grumbles as he patches himself up, before leaping at the lizard from across the room and smashing it seven times with his left arm. Waking up, the reptile shrieked as Split tried smashing at it with a Ringlog, but suddenly the monster's tongues struck at him, destroying his Ringlog, and almost entrapping him if...

"Look out!" Wraith warned, pushing Split out of the way, the tongue tips that aimed for Split entrapped an arm and leg of Wraith instead, and drew her closer to its open mouth. Acid burned on the navi's ligaments as she struggled to get free.

Void took this chance to launch a Cactball at the monster, who quickly whacked at it with is tail, but got damaged anyway. Two Cannon shots hit the side of the monster, but it wouldn't let go of its prey.

"Ngh... goddammit!" Wraith cursed, grabbing her eyepatch with her free hand. "If you want to die so badly, then take this!" the ghostly navi yelled, ripping the accessory off to reveal a blood-red iris, the white replaced by a deep black. The purple and crimson eyes shined in unison, but the output of the red iris suddenly rose intensely. Flipping herself upside down, Wraith faced the monstrosity's mouth and yelled, "DISAPPEAR!" in a booming voice, a great red laser screaming out of Wraith's eye and blasting the tongue clean off, the insides as well. Removing herself from the blasted off organs, the swordsmaster took a step back as more acid spread over the floor.

"I hope... that... takes... care... of it..." Wraith groaned, panting heavily. That blast must take a lot out of her.

A reptilian screech erupted from the rubble, and it seemed that the monster was still alive, just missing its tail and its tongue.

"Just die already!" Wraith yelled, sending forth a fist of steam from her sword at the monster, who buckled under it, still alive.

Suddenly! The area turned completely into poison panels! Noticing this, Wraith jumped onto one of the desks to avoid getting burned that easily.

"This thing just keeps getting more and more annoying," Wraith complained.

SerialLizardo: 395 HP

Terrain: 100% Poison

Desksx16: 50 HP

Splitman: 120 HP [45 Pool Points for Healing][Rageclaw]
Void: 140 HP
Wraith.exe: 230 HP [On top of Desk4]

Time until detonation: 35:00 min.
"In the future, please, do not try to save me." Split said, his right eye glowing in an ironic parody of the giant laser that had just been fired. Eight red flashes covered the lizard in eight red target locks, a final beacon representing its doomed existence.

He looked at the ground as it attempted to eat away at his feet, a deadly puddle of acid. That he would need to dodge this almost made him want to laugh. "Void, pin it, now" Splitman shouted to his ally. "I am counting on you guys to kill that thing fast for me, before it unleashes its final attack, ok?" He added to everyone. It must have happened when he wasn't looking, but his right claw no longer held onto some scrap of limb or shattered log, but a plain looking sword made of polished steel.

He gripped the unusually lethal weapon in his hand and leapt directly in front of the giant lizard, as if to block its path to the rest of his allies. The blade made a sickening sound, as though it was slicing through sewage as it cut through the air towards its target. "WRAITH, if you EVER risk yourself save me again" Splitman started to shout before pulling his arm back for another slice " I will MURDER whatever it we are fighting" He continued before raising his sword up and hurling it at the target with all his might, hopefully killing it regardless of where it would have moved to. "then I will KILL MYSELF just to spite you" he finished.

Split stood where he was, panting, an easy target for any opponent that still might be moving enough to want him dead. "Void, I think I might owe you a bonus" he said to his still-living ally as the color died from his eyes to a pale blue "Though, I do hope that our employers will be the one covering it"

Lock-On: SerialLizardo 8 Take Aim Actions usable by allies, applies to next 8 attacks on target.
RAGECLAW* Sword(80): SerialLizardo
RAGECLAW* Sword(80): SerialLizardo
RAGECLAW-thrown Sword(80): SerialLizardo
*rageclaw just for dramatic effect unless otherwise noted
"Holy shi-" Void quickly spat out as the floor suddenly became very acidic. Jumping up onto one of the desks, the demonic duo heard Split telling them to use the soulpin, You don't need to tell me twice...

Quickly pulling out the special dagger, Void held up the blade, and threw it towards the near dead creature. Hopefully it still tries to eat anything that flies at it. Suddenly Split cried out about killing Void and the female navi. "Sure, we'll do that at the tournament, but get off the floor you idiot!"

<Void, Imp can use his hand again> Damian said over the PET, <Get it while it's down!>

"Right," Void said, Looking towards the monster and trying to figure out the distance. "How the heck are we supposed to do that?" Imp said in a panicked voice, "The floor is covered in poison! It's not like we can just fly or anythingggGGGGG—"

"Come on Imp, you're great at throwing your weight around...", Void joked as he threw his partner towards the lizard. Imp quickly whipped out his arm, more to stop himself from crashing than to hit the target, but it would have the same effect either way...

<You better hold back, just incase it isn't dead yet>




1) Soulpin(hold + 30 dmg) @ SerialLizardo
2) Slamfist(60 + break) @ SerialLizardo
3-4) autododge
Void initiates his Soulpin attack, locking the monster down, again. Wraith kind of wondered why the hell they didn't get on the desks first, seeing as how Splitman was charging RIGHT AT the monster. At the first slash, everything was fine, but the bipolar navi then got trapped in the lizard's jaws, even Void'd successful Slamfist didn't make it budge, being held, feet burning, ARMS burning, no thanks to those acid producing teeth, really didn't feel so good to Splitman, but the warrior persevered and slashed more and more at the monster, who still didn't let go.

Taken aback by Split's statement, Wraith blushed a bit and made a small 'hmph' as she directed her sword at the monster.

"You know, since we're technically based on an Italian mafia, you should really understand the value of protecting your family members, stupid," Wraith commented, the edge of her sword glowing brightly, and turning into a falchion. "Hrah! Take this!" Wraith yelled, sending the falchion spinning at the monster, chopping its head off, and destroying it. The floor returned to normal, and the missing lizard's tail appeared next to Split, but before anyone could do anything, the ground collapsed, and they saw nothing below them but a pit of death. Split hurriedly grabbed the tail of the experimental monster and stuffed it in his sack, while Wraith called up a display.

SerialLizardo: DESTROYED

Terrain: 100% Hole


Splitman: 30 HP
Void: 100 HP
Wraith.exe: 230 HP

Time until detonation: 30:00 min.

"Executing mass emergency jack out routines..." Wraith stated, typing fast on the display. "Confirmed, EJO execute! See you guys later!" Wraith called, blasting into the sky in a column of purple light. Split and Void burst up in their own respective columns of red and black, back into their PETs.

Splitman: JACKED OUT
Wraith.exe: JACKED OUT

Both Get: 2000z
FXP: 10 total


Later, there would be reports that the factory was completely destroyed.

Split also needed to submit this lizard tail for research.

Split GET: SerializardoTail.dat