Factory Mission

"Ha Ha ha, well it doesn't ever hurt to be cautious, you know?" Smoke chuckled as he and Wraith stepped into the elevator with Split and Void. Pressing the button for the first floor, Smoke turned to navis and snapped his fingers, dissolving their disguises.

"You don't need these anymore, so... WARGH!" Smoke started, before stumbling as the elevator came to an abrupt stop. They had gotten to the fourth floor for some reason. Wraith floated over to the elevator control panel and rapidly tried pressing the 1st floor button, but they were instead bathed in a red light and stuck, for the moment.

Smoke grumbled, stroking his chin with his hand as he looked upward. Turning to Splitman he pointed at the navi and prompted, "Press the switch now, I've got a bad feeling about this. If we come close, I'll get us all out of here, so don't worry."
"Why would you.... " Split looked at their disguises as they vanished and at the alarms as they did anything but vanish. "What happened to being too cautious!?" He shouted at his 'comrade' before pressing the detonator. The tiny button depressed far too easily for comfort as he set into motion a series of events that could doom them all.

After pressing the switch, he looked around the area for exists. Up... nothing.. the door... nothing... it was all a death trap to him, with his existence stuck in the middle like some horrible joke. NO this was not happening. Not after he put all of this effort into this POINTLESS series of tasks. Not when he was so close to just LEAVING. Splitman's eyes grew red and he began to laugh without restraint. "I see.. I see.. this is why you needed people, because you were all too INCOMPETENT to do it yourselves." He continued laughing while he fell to his knees "Well the jokes on you because I am not dying here!" He shouted, ripping free his left arm. His eyes were red, and his goal was clear.

This floor is in the way

THUNK..THUNK..THUNKTHUNKTHUNKTNK his arm crashed into the ground over and over, the very metal splintering apart with every impact. "If we can't get out, then we just need to make a new exit... right...? RIIIIGGHT!?"

"Time is wasting. Either help me get us out or get out of the way. If anyone has some smart plans, start doing them."

RedOut: 50x7 on Floor
Void's eyes widened as the alarms started blaring, but relived that the GMO had dissipated. Walking is more trouble than it is worth... Void muttered to himself.It's so annoyingly repeti

A loud clanging interrupted his thoughts, followed quickly by a panicked Imp climbing on top of his head. "Dude! And you said I have issues!"

Looking over at Split, Void noted several things. The first was that split was missing an arm, the second was he was using the arm as a club, the third was he was breaking the floor. The main problem was that they were still 30-40 feet up, and while Void and possibly Wrath didn't really weigh much, the one who he was supposed to be protecting probably weigh a bit with all of that metal. It was also likely that either the concrete floor or the scrap metal that would be falling could easily kill him.

"Imp, for once in your life, be a gentleman and get the door..." Void said with a wave towards the elevator doors. Imp looked down at Void's head with a sinister grin, "I'll be a man while getting the door, but I won't be gentle."

There was a sound of ceramic scraping on ceramic as the lid of Imp's jar slid aside, revealing a dark opening that seemed to absorb all light. When the sound died off, an impossibly large arm extended from the jar, reaching a good 6 feet from the opening. It's skin seemed to simply be an extension of the darkness contained inside, mocking what god or chance had said a normal arm should look like. A mess of oddly placed joints and sinew that cracked and groaned with it's extension.

It flexed it's form, then with inhuman speed swung back and brought itself upon the metal door. Void braced himself as Imp's arm began to pound repeatedly on the metal door, hoping to jump off the vanishing floor before it gave out.
Wraith floated himself into one corner of the the elevator, narrowing his eyes at the two navis as they tried to break their way out of the small metal box. He smirked in amusement while Smoke tried to get everybody to calm down.

"Ok! Ok! Void's got the right idea, but calm down Splitman we're 40 feet in the air- WARGH!" Smoke yelled, as the elevator started moving downward again and the red light swamping the box faded back to a cool, blue.

Reaching the lobby floor, the four could hear voices muttering outside, something about a power failure from the floor 6 power generator or something. Was the power generator that Jupiter like thing?

"Gosh, I hope the people inside the elevator were ok. That's gotta be scary, dont'cha think?" one voice commented outside the elevator.

"They're fine, I heard they were inspectors from higher up, gotta be tough guys anyway," another voice replied.

"What if they just all work at desk jobs? Could be those prissy types that scare easily," the first voice suggested as the door moved open. Smoke narrowed his eyes at the beserk Splitman at this comment. Wraith floated quietly over to the front of the door, attracting Smoke's attention.

"Wait! That thing's limited! Don't do it so hast-" the Mafiosi warned his companion, but the doors had opened and the NetPolice guys were presented a very odd situation with a fading-in-and-out navi, one of their own operatives, a shadowy guy with an Imp, and a guy clubbing a hole in the floor with his own arm. They could daresay that the guy had pretty much succeeded. At the bottom of the hole in the elevator was not solid ground, but more of a tunnel going down.

"Uh... who are these guys, Joe?" the navi with the first voice asked the guy next to him.

"They're the... inspectors... right Paul?" Joe replied, hesitant, as he reached for his walkie-talkie.

Just then, Wraith moved, one of his eyes shining a brilliant red as he came up close and personal to the two navis.

"You saw NOTHING!" Wraith stated firmly in a dark, deep rumbling voice.

"Yes, sir," the two Enforcers replied, moving out of their way.

"Come on, let's move!" Smoke prompted the two.

Well, they could follow their Mafiosi allies, or just jump into this hole in the floor and see what else there is.

-[Alright, let's run]-
-[Hm, this bottom floor looks interesting]-
"Movin'!", Imp said, scampering off after Wrath. Void looked at the 2 Np officers, waving casually towards Split, "My friend is claustrophobic, he'll be fine once we get outside."

Void started to follow the other 3, waving for Split to follow. He had a small lump where his stomach would be, nervous after his friend's wild reaction. Hopefully they could get out before anything else happened. "Come on Fix, we have an appointment to keep..."

Split stared at the hole he made for what seemed like hours. He knew it was a bad idea.. it was a bad idea right? Bad things would happen if he went in there... they might all die.. surely there wasn't anything good down there anyway.. if he did that they might all die it was death down for them, right? Death is bad.. bad bad bad...

'But what if there was something useful down there..? '
The thought rang out in his head.... 'Perhaps... it could be something useful...
hmmmm ...something that could help kill HIM'

The idea seemed awfully appealing...

Split looked at his ally, then back at the hole once again.
"Chad, could I get a claw in case something bad happens..?" He asked his owner, unusually calmly
"Uh... sure..." He replied, slotting in the chip and transferring the data

The next moment went by in an instant. Split's detached left arm transformed into a massive claw and shot out at Void, while he himself leapt down into the pit. "Ijustwantocheckitoutfastbebackinamoment" He shouted outloud as the duo descended.

"DAMN it all" Chad shouted, as soon as he realized what was going on. "I should have known.. just hurry up and get back up before you all die."
Void was too busy keeping an eye on the guards to notice Split's apparent indecision on leaving, and only started to realize what was happening as the claw dug into his back and dragged him halfway into the opening. Too stunned by the surprise attack, Void could only grab the edge of the hole before falling. Struggling with a combination of trying to hold his and Split's weight, maintaining focus on staying solid so he wouldn't drop Split, and fighting the urge to drop Split for literally stabbing hm in the back.

Suddenly, Void felt himself being jerked upward by another large hand as Imp lifted him out with his third arm.

"I gotcha boss," The small prog sputtered in a strained voice as he lifted the 2 navis, "Don't worry, we'll beat hm with that arm later, we gotta get out...NOW!"

Once again on solid ground, Void quickly turned and pulled Split up by his remaining arm, and after getting him on solid ground, promptly punches his face. Taking the opportunity, Void tries to grab Spits legs while Imp grabs his remaining arm in an attempt to carry him out.

During the ensuing trouble, Void notices the 2 NP officers, "He's also agoraphobic, really tragic..."
Split tries to go down, Void tries to run, Split tries snatching Void down, Void tries pulling Split up, its a very chaotic affair. Smoke and Wraith look at each other and sigh. The two Netpolice navis have gone already.

Just then, Split slips from Void's grip and descends down into the basement. Going with his own instinct, the shadowy navi runs, and Smoke taps Wraith on the back before handing him two capsules.

"I'll escort that guy out, you make sure the other guy is ok. You can use the emergency link if necessary, later Wraith," Smoke says, going after Void.

Wraith nods, and descends down into the basement after Splitman.

-With Void-

"Alright, everything's clear. Get out of here," Smoke says to Void after they reach the cloaking barrier. He stands near the entrance, and looks back. "I'll stay here, don't worry about your partner, he's in good hands. Now scram." Smoke ordered, staring at the factory.

Better just jack out, I guess.

20 FXP for each

-With Splitman-

Splitman's eyes adjust to the darkened room and finds himself in a long corridor with one room at the very end. Wraith comes from behind and goes in front of him, stopping and facing the bipolar navi.

"This isn't the wisest course of action, but I guess I'll accompany you," Wraith commented, sighing. Extending one black-sleeved hand toward the door, the ghostly ally says, "Lead the way," in a sly voice.

Time until Detonation: 57:09 min
"Get out of here?", Void said in an extremely pissed off tone of voice, "Why the hell would I abandon a teammate? I came for this tub of lard..."

The shadowy Navi held up one hand, showing a squirming Imp being held by the base of his tail. "Lemme go, I'm allergic to explodi--"

Imp rubbed his face after the sharp backhand he'd received and stopped trying to break free of his grip. Void looked at Smoke, "Listen Bub, I know you guys are professionals, but I made a contract. And unlike some people I know..." Void giving Imp a quick glare, "I don't abandon allies and I don't break promises, bomb or no bomb. Just who the hell do you think I am?"

With that, Void sped back towards the broken elevator in a swirl of shadows and the panicked protests of Imp.
Back underneath the main complex in the basement depths, Split pondered his situation. He looked around for allies, finding only this whisp of a being next to him. "I don't know why you have followed me. Your mission is complete, your goals should be over here. You have no reason to keep me alive, I am just a pawn to you guys as an organization." he explained to the navi claiming to help him. "I myself though am fine with this, even a pawn can take out a queen"

"AS FOR YOU THOUGH. IF YOU BELIEVE YOU CAN WIEZAL OUT OF CONTRACT BECAUSE OF COINCIDENTAL INCIDENT BREAKS YOU HAVE ANOTHER THING COMING." Split shouted up through the hole. "I will give him 10 seconds to get here before I begin moving at full pace with you, this incident has already taken precious time.




"Keep your bloody voice down!" Void said as he swirled into the opening, pitiful whimpering coming from the mass of quivering flesh clutched in his right hand, "I've probably caused enough attention catching this spineless coward."

Dropping Imp on the ground beside him, Void reformed looking at the 2 of them, "I don't go back on my promises, so pipe down and lets move. Even though I try to have honor, I'd rather not die for this..."

Leaving that remark floating in the air, Void started to glide down the corridor with a greasy imp looking out from under his cape...
-With Void-
"Do what you want," Smoke sighed as Void rushed back to the location. The Mafiosi kept watch on the building and the barrier entrance.

"Even we have a bit of camaraderie, you know?" Smoke mumbled.

-With Split-

"A pawn, huh? Don't think too low of yourself," Wraith murmured as Void joined them. "I'm accompanying you anyway, so let's go." The ghostly navi's cloak swished as Split and Void proceeded toward the door...

...which was locked with a security code. Great.

"Aah~ locked out, huh? Want me to help?" Wraith sighed, extending a pale-skinned hand toward the code input panel.

Time until Detonation: 55:30 min
"If you don't mind...", Void muttered, pulling his shoulder back in place after it was tugged to a lower position by the Imp in his cape, "I just gotta ask, what's up with this place? I mean, sure, it's a weapon's factory, but this secret tunnel and the whole planets thing up... there... This seems a bit bigger than your usual setup, or am I just naive?"
"I would think it is a standard factory layout warped vertically with a relatively secret research department in the basement. Pretty standard to have it roof or basement really. I would guess that the elevator actually goes down another floor secretly, we just cheated." Split explained to his ally "Oh yeah, and if you can't get the door opened I can likely help, but by all means please make this faster."

Meanwhile Split pased not-quite nervously in anticipation. They would need to move through this area with more than reasonable haste, hopefully they wouldn't miss anything.

"Oh yes.. good to have you with us again, Void" He added after a moment, before continuing his pacing.
"Alright then," Wraith said, the navi's hand turning see-through for a moment as it passed into the security entry key. A bunch of numbers started jumbling and mixing up on the entry screen while a green, spiraling light seemed to emit from one of Wraith's eyes. The numbers finally settled and the door announced in a clear, feminine, robotic voice, "You have been authorized to pass. Have a nice day."

Pulling its hand out from the entry panel, Wraith sighed and said, "Let's go."

-Beyond the door-

Another long corridor with three crossing paths appear before the group. A murky waterway builds up the sides. The ceiling is the same as before, but the walls seem to have a damp, sewer motif going for them with low energy lights hanging above.

There's nothing at the end of the corridor, but there might be something along the crossing paths.

-First right-
-First Left-
-Middle Right-
-Middle Left-
-Final Right-
-Final Left-

Time until Detonation: 53:27 min
"I will determine this randomly. We all can go a direction randomly determined. This has been randomly determined to be the middle left. I will not make any demands of you coming with me, but won't complain either, both work. In 5 minutes of high speed movement I will return here if there is nothing significant. I would recommend you all do the same if you choose other directions." Split explained before bolting off through the middle left passage. His footsteps resonated in his ears, or at least seemed to, as he moved literally as fast as was possible for his body to manage, significantly faster than most, and made is way down the path.

Each fork, he decided, he would take to the right, there was no time to waste deciding unless there were clear indicators. Now all that was left was seeing what the others would do.

Move: 4 Actions+passive tactical movement.

"Right, cause splitting up always works so well..."

Void shook his head as his comrade sped off in one random direction and turned to face Imp, "I want you to check the end of the corridor here,there might be something worth while there."

Turning to check the back right, Void sped off as quickly as he could trying to find his way out...


1) search back wall
2-4) run through tunnels
"Fine, let's split up then," Wraith sighs, taking the first right, finding at the end of the path... a green cushion?

Splitman heads up to the middle, and passes an inscription on the floor while he turns left, finding a golden cushion at the end of the path.

Imp searches the back wall... Nothing doing. Void takes the final right and discovers a purple cushion.

"Is this... a button or something?" Wraith wondered, floating closer toward the cushion.

Split: Middle Left (Gold Cushion)
Void: Final Right (Purple Cushion)
Wraith: First Right (Green Cushion)

Time Remaining: 51:00 min
"I HATE ridiculous puzzles" Split murmured angrily as he looked at the cushion. 'Maybe you.. sit on it..?' He he looked around to make sure nobody was watching then sat down on the golden pad. If this didn't work in the next 30 seconds though... he would have to search for 30 seconds then grab it and run back to the junction.

No sense wasting time if there was nothing to find.
Void arches an eye upon the discovery of the cushion, "Okay, I've seen weirder..."

Quickly floating back out, Void gives Imp a glance as he reports his findings, "I didn't find anything, the wall seems solid."

Void looked at Imp, stewing over what to do next, when he noticed a weird pattern on the ground behind him. Void floated over to the markings to study them, while Imp nervously hopped from one foot to another. Void quickly looked at him, "Fine go check the right middle passageway..."

Imp perked up and sped off down the hall. Maybe he won't find a cushion...