Call Me Lightning!

10 years ago
In a stream of data, the three-dimensional shadow of a tall, rails-thin navi appears, before pixilating into a more armored - but still awkwardly-skinny - form. His bright white, striped armor adds enough bulk to make him look like a strong breeze won't knock him over, and his shoulder armor makes it seem as if perhaps he was designed for some form of combat, but his intimidation factor is not incredibly high. Especially after his pure-black visor boots up to a dot matrix display of high scores.

"Congratulations," he cheerfully shouts to the net. "You have made it onto the high score b-"

"No, Wizard, focus," his operator interjects from meatspace. "I know jacking in disorients you, but come on!"

Wizard blinks - or an animation on his visor-screen does - and he sheepishly apologizes. "Sorry," he says, stretching. "You don't get to be my age without a few quirks. Now, what is there to do around here to get these old bones a-movin'?"

---Searching for battle---
10 years ago
10 years ago
As it turned out, there was plenty of activity in the Electown net today, and Wizard didn't need to move his old bones very far at all before the signs of viral activity began to make themselves known.

The area itself was more of an outer-lying region of the net, and the density of neon-lit structures and the somewhat dingy back-alleys that accompanied them was actually on the lower end, here. Even so, passing by one such space between buildings heralded the sharp sound of cannon fire, as a round came flying out just in front of the older navi. A peek into the passageway would reveal a fixed turret CannonDumb, swiveling slightly to line up another attempt.

Approaching from the same direction, the identifiable sparking of an errant Eleball whizzed past the cannon making a more intimidating bee-line for Wizard, while just ahead of him, a second looked to be coming in for the pincer. Not the cheeriest of greetings, they certainly seemed to mean business. Was it time to play pinball?

-=Suddenly Viruses!=-

EleBallA: 80Hp [In Alley]
EleBallB: 80Hp [Main Area]
CannonDumb: 50Hp [In Alley]


Wizard.exe: 100hp [Main area, before Alleyway]


100% Normal.

Two buildings on the left form indestructible objects, and create a narrow alleyway, part way up this area. Anything not in or directly in front of the alley mouth will not have proper line of sight on anything inside, and vice-versa.

-=Ball Battle 1, Start=-

((I'm noting in your signature that you've deliberately set your Hp+50 Nc to off/uninstalled at the moment, so he's listed at the basic 100hp. If this is in error, let me know.))
10 years ago
An exclamation point appears on Wizard's screen as he is nearly struck by cannon fire. "Gah! This isn't quite what I had in mind when I wanted to get movin'" he complains, trying to get out of the way of the next shot, when he notices the two Eleballs. "You seein' these guys, kid?"

"Yeah," his enthousiastic NetOp replies, "Looks like the party's getting started!"

"Party? Not my idea of a good time. You got anything to deal with these pains?"

"Um...Aspirin," William jokes, while slotting in a Battlechip.

"No, I mean those viru- oh...ha, ha, ha." As his left arm transforms into a RageClaw, Wizard realized that William was messing with him. "Verrry funny. So what's the plan?"

"Lining up the shot, of course~"

William quickly explains his plan, and Wizard does his best to enact it. First, he carefully repositions himself next to the ElecBall not in the alleyway, watching out for any attacks. Then he swipes his RageClaw at the virus, attempting to grab it, followed by his visor displaying a dot matrix crosshair and his body twisting into a throw. If successful, this should put the virus in the alleyway with the others.

---Turn 1---
1) Dodge
2) Dodge
3) RageClaw1 (20+impacting) to EleBallB towards alleyway

HP: 100/100
10-Point Bumper Sig READY
-Rageclaw 5/6 Uses remaining

10 years ago
As the first EleBall moves in to attack, Wizard goes to meet it. The virus's spinning balls of electricity arc wide, missing him as the navi lays a claw on the unsuspecting ball. As he moves to enact the next part of his plan, the Cannon, down the way,. Takes another crack-shot at him, but Wizard manages, just, to duck out of the way as the cannonball goes shooting past his shoulder.

He retaliates with a strong throw, hurling the grabbed EleBall back down the alleyway to join the others, where it collides unceremoniously with the other virus that was just coming up to make an attack of its own. They ricochet off each other, and, for want of a better word, pinball madly backwards, bouncing of the walls of the alleyway as well as each other.

At least now the old navi has all three targets together. That's a good thing... right?

-=Suddenly Viruses!=-

EleBallA: 60Hp [In Alley]
EleBallB: 60Hp [In Alley]
CannonDumb: 50Hp [In Alley]


Wizard.exe: 100hp [Main area, mouth of Alleyway][RageClaw, 5/6]


100% Normal.

Two buildings on the left form indestructible objects, and create a narrow alleyway, part way up this area. Anything not in or directly in front of the alley mouth will not have proper line of sight on anything inside, and vice-versa.
9 years ago
"Is there a part two to this plan, or am I about to get my hiney kicked?" Wizard was not used to battling. Not only was it not his forte, it was also not his idea of fun. However, what has to be done will be done right.

"Well," William says excitedly, "You got them pinned down! Now knock those pins over! Use these!" He quickly slots in the Cannon chip and shouts "fire!" Before Wizard has a chance to use his new right arm cannon, his operator starts to slot in another chip. "H-hold on, I'm not that quick!" Wizard fires a shot at the first virus he can aim at then jumps back as he anticipates a retaliating shot.

Suddenly, in his right hand where the Cannon used to be was a spikey CactusBall. Thinking quickly, he tosses it into the air, then uses his Rageclaw to spinning throw it like a ball in jai alai. "Give me a little more time," he wheezes, "don't just slot in willy-nilly."

"My name's William, not Willy, and who even is Nilly?"
----------------------Turn 2-----------------------------------------------------
1) Cannon: 60 Null Damage + Knockback @ front virus
2) Dodge
3) CactusBall1: Damage: 20 Wood x 2-4 Hits + Ground Attack @ front virus
HP: 100/100
10-Point Bumper Sig READY
-Rageclaw 5/6 Uses remaining
9 years ago
((So you know, CactusBall got a make over recently! It now attempts to attack a single target up to four times, for 30 damage each hit, at a default accuracy of C. The attack ends immediately if it fails to hit at any point. It also looks like I made a minor error previously, in that the first Eleball should have taken two sets of damage from the RageClaw - once for being grabbed, and once again for colliding with the other virus. This didn't matter in the end, since they're both gone now ^.^))

While the cluster of alley-bound viruses were sorting themselves out from the first disorienting battering, Wizard found himself put to task by his operator and fired off a decisive cannon round down the narrow passage. It took the nearest Eleball square on, obliterating the virus before it could even think of retaliating. Behind, the stationary turret continued on its streak of dismal luck, firing again and missing again in quick succession.

The second Eleball managed to right itself well enough to make an attack run on the pinball navi, and while he managed to duck around the first arc of spinning electricity, the second little spark ball clipped him across the shoulder (-10). Unfortunately for the electric virus, this left it in a distinctly point-blank position for Wizard's follow-up, and he was able to slam the spiked cactus directly into what passed for its face a moment later. One hit was all it needed to tear the virus apart, leaving Wizard to face down his last remaining target at the other end of the alley.

-=Suddenly Viruses!=-

CannonDumb: 50Hp [In Alley]


Wizard.exe: 90hp [Main area, mouth of Alleyway][RageClaw, 5/6]


100% Normal.

Two buildings on the left form indestructible objects, and create a narrow alleyway, part way up this area. Anything not in or directly in front of the alley mouth will not have proper line of sight on anything inside, and vice-versa.