Sci-Lab I.D.S.

As she listened, Scry's curiosity quickly shriveled up into despondence as the medical Navi's answer turned into a lecture on surgical equipment. Laser scalpels were all good and fine, but they weren't what she wanted to know about. "Hey, hey, hey..." interrupted Scry, "I asked about you, not your profession and equipment. Plenty of Navis deviate from their original purpose, so there must be at least some reason why you work as a doctor, right?"

While she posed that question, DNR began prepping his exam by cropping his hands... and that was well underway with a quick slice of his scalpel as his right hand fell lifelessly to the floor, leaving behind a data-gushing stump of an arm as the dismembered appendage dissolved into nothingness. DNR's cropping wasn't done with just that, though, so he bit down on the hilt of his scalpel with his teeth, raised his left arm up, and off came the other hand, just as easily as the first.

"Wha... wha... What the hell are you doing?!" screamed Scry, utterly horrified at the self-butchering unfolding in front of her. She lept off the terminal she was on and began creeping away from DNR, afraid of what this madman might do next. Having undergone such a severe shock, the scan DNR wanted to do never happened, as the Navi's routines made every effort they could to keep him from falling apart from the sheer data loss.

DNR.exe: 220 HP (Hands severed)
"Hmm? Why the fuss? I've seen navis shoot their arms at others. Hell, I've seen navis throw their heads, separate their limbs and send them hurtling off in different directions, and it never struck me as odd." the doctor said in curiosity, his facial expression neither insane or evil-- the two 'norms' for the navi-- but child-like. He then blinked, realizing something about this person as a thought struck him. "Wait... she seems... rather... naïve... I'm being too critical on her judgment..." The navi then bowed, saying nothing for a few seconds.

"Dr. Neuro" began to speak in a soothing and comforting tone of voice, pleading with the robed navi. "Please please please, forgive me for the rather crude display; but I felt that it was necessary. See, the most probable danger to navis everywhere is virus busting, is it not? It can be very dangerous, even things like this can happen." The navi said as he waved his arms around, then left them to hang at his sides with a cough. "Sorry, the stale air can be hard to speak in. But... this is what you would call a demonstration. Yes, I do know that this is a tad extreme, yet I felt that I needed to show you the full extent of my healing powers as a medical navi... and as a doctor."

His explanation finished for the moment, DNR raised his rather abruptly amputated arms slightly, exhaling with a hopeful sigh. "Let see... the damage is quite severe, of course, being my hands, but thankfully not permanent; henceforth a little reconfiguration of an old favorite is in order, hehe." He then closed his eyes, signaling his attempt to focus his all of his power into the restoration of his hands. At first it didn't seem like anything was happening, only faint data streams flickering like the brief, whimpering solar flares of the sun. DNR focused on the energy building within his arms. This was going to be a bit difficult... but he'd just have to pull it off, wouldn't he?

1. Defrib Gauntlets (Heal 60)
Scry only gave DNR a wary look during his explanation, keeping as much distance as she thought necessary from him. Whether or not DNR was some kind of lunatic she wasn't exactly sure, but a first impression like this definitely made her take no chances. All she would do was watch through her paper blindfold as DNR gave an explanation and began to reconstruct his hands.

It wasn't the most awe-inspiring process, but if it worked, it worked. Small tendrils of data surrounded DNR's arms and began reassembling his hands, one pixel at a time. First the wrist... then the palm... then the thumbs... and one by one, fingers began appearing on these hands. It was slow and arduous work that took several quiet minutes, but eventually, DNR had hands once more.

... Unfortunately, they seemed largely ornamental. They looked liked his hands and were attached to his arms well enough, but no matter how hard he tried, they wouldn't move. The wrists were static, the fingers were rigid, and for the life of him, DNR couldn't get his left thumb out of a weird curled position it was in. Oh well... On the whole, not a bad job for a repair job of this scale, but it looked like a proper fix would have to wait until he returned to his PET.

"Ahem..." coughed Scry lightly, grabbing DNR's attention. She had still been a little groggy from being asleep for so long, but that... well, she was awake now. "Thank you for the demonstration, but I think I've seen all I need to." She had yet to notice that DNR's hands were completely unusable, but that wasn't really her main issue. "I appreciate that you let me out of that capsule, but... I don't really feel like going back in there afterwards. It's apparently been a while since I last woke up, so I'd like to see what's changed on the Net. So no offense meant to you, but I'm going to take my leave. I'll leave you with something to think about, though..." announced Scry as she began doing something odd...

She unfurled about six feet or so of her scroll robe (with plenty left to spare, of course), and began forming some kind of image on it. Not with pen, pencil, or paint, though; lines just began spreading on the paper of their own will. DNR couldn't get a good look at the picture coming together, but to Scry, she just stood patiently as the lines and curves came together to form what looked like the image of a Navi. And not just any Navi...

Once the drawing completed itself, Scry pinned the bottom of it on the ground with her foot and stretched the rest up vertically, so the paper and the Navi drawn on it were standing upright. Then, slowly, she started... peeling. Beginning at the topic, she began pulling the paper down. The drawing, however, was not going along with it. As she peeled, the drawing began detaching itself from the paper, filing in with color and entering three-dimensional space. As the drawing came to life, it just clicked. This was... DNR?

Aside from a few alterations, DNR was, without a doubt, looking at a carbon copy of himself. A white doctor's coat around his body and thin-framed glasses over his eyes were the most obvious differences, while pocketed in the coat was a regulation-sized scalpel, much in contrast to DNR's own Myocardium. A few other things were off, but the original DNR would just have to find those out on his own time. The alternate DNR, now aware of his own existance, looked around the room a bit before stopping his sights at his other self, who he simply greeted with a charming smile.

"Everyone has room to improve, and I think he-" said Scry, pointing to her replication, "-is your gold standard. I hope you two have fun together, because I have places to go and people to see. Bye~!" waved Scry... as she vanished. Before DNR could even blink, the mysterious Navi who had been plaguing him was just up and gone.


"WHERE THE HELL DID SHE GO?!" shouted a very gruff and angry voice as its source looked at a monitor depicting the stasis chamber.

"I-I-I don't know, s-sir! She jus-t-t-t disapp-peared!" stuttered a ver nervous second voice. "T-there's no sign of t-t-teleport-tation, and the Invis-s-s-ibility scanners aren't p-picking up anything!"


"A-aye sir..." whimpered the nervous voice as he hit the button for the alarms and began alerting security...


Red lights began flashing everywhere as an automated voice came over an intercom:

"Escapee from Stasis-A Unit 17. Scry.exe. Foreign entity in Stasis-A. Unknown. Security report to scene ASAP. Lockdown active in 5 minutes." reported a rather soothing female voice over the wailing sirens.

"Oh my, oh my..." muttered the Alter DNR as lights painted the stasis chamber a dim red. "The ER must be very, very busy right now... But, it seems I've been assigned to train this intern for now, and that's a duty I need to fulfill for the sake of the medical community and its future." rambled Alter DNR, apparently saying DNR was the "intern". He pushed his glasses up the bridge of his nose before pulling out his scalpel and a syringe and facing DNR. "Your hands seem to be giving you some trouble. Would you mind if I had a look at them? I have some anesthesia right here..." he asked as he tapped the syringe's vial with a finger.

DNR.exe: 240 HP (Hands immobile)

Alter DNR.exe: 240 HP

Terrain: 100% ??? (No effects)

WARNING: Area on High Alert; Guards arriving on scene in 2 turns

"Ahhh.... " DNR said as his eyelids fluttered open. The navi looked down at his reformed hands, then gave each hand a quick looking over, clenching each one then releasing, in turn. No problems. DNR then looked over to Scry with a benevolent smile, speaking with a nice, calming tone of voice. "Like I said, I apologize for that traumatic experience... I guess you could say that whenever a navi gets badly hurt... as in my example... navis are either tended to by skilled programmers, or medical navis like myself."

"We can even..." he said with a smile and a nod, clenching his hands together, "...speed up the process with particular life-saving abilities, healing the damage that much faster." As soon as the doctor nodded, it happened; a metallic coating spread down his newly reconstructed arms, wrapping them entirely in his practically trademark Defibrillator Gauntlets. DNR took in the sight for a moment then smiled, a simple question forming on his lips. "Ready?" With a laugh, "Dr. Neuro" then, with his electrically charged gauntlets... lightly poked his forehead, eliciting from himself a gasp. There was a brief moment of silence, gauntlet pressed to forehead, then... "See? Nothing to-URRGRGRGRGRGRGR-" DNR's entire body suddenly began to flail about, convulsing: DNR's torso rocked back and forth with the spasms as the gauntlet did... absolutely nothing. The convulsions stopped just as suddenly as they came, leaving the doctor chuckling. "Gotcha." He said with a smirk.

His chortle finally halted from that little trick, "Dr. Neuro" then finally continued to speak in his comforting tone. "But I must be going on what must seem like an extreme tangent for you, so I'll have to wrap this demonstration entirely with some words: I did this to show you why I wanted to be a medical navi." He said with a smile and a wiggle of his fingers. "I care. I wanted to focus my entire being... soul, if you want to get metaphysical, to the finding of and caring for of injured navis. I would even shed pieces of myself if it would save another's life. As your doctor, I not only want to be a caretaker of sorts for this moment, but a friend to you as well." DNR then raised his gaze to meet Scry's.

"So is that... all....right?" he started to say, his eyes blinking a bit towards the coughing navi. His calm demeanor started to waver and twist as Scry's unsteady condition continued, her intent to escape her stasis pod becoming quite evident into the navi. His jaw slacked a bit, pleading with her to stay. "W-wait a sec... your going to leave in your fatigued state? Oh no, no, no! I really shouldn't be allowing that... " DNR said in his usual flair, making his hair flick slightly by his shaking head "Going away towards the net can be pretty darn dangerous, even for some one like you!"

His little address towards her well being did not affect Scry's judgment however, taking some of her own cloth, an odd maneuver to be sure. DNR couldn't help but look on, his hands still locked to do any viewable gesture at the moment.

Quote ()

Once the drawing completed itself, Scry pinned the bottom of it on the ground with her foot and stretched the rest up vertically, so the paper and the Navi drawn on it were standing upright. Then, slowly, she started... peeling. Beginning at the topic, she began pulling the paper down. The drawing, however, was not going along with it. As she peeled, the drawing began detaching itself from the paper, filing in with color and entering three-dimensional space. As the drawing came to life, it just clicked. This was... DNR?

"This... is an interesting technique...better stay wary just to be safe though..." DNR said in the recesses of his mind, looking onwards towards his doppelganger. His red eyes gazed towards the white doctor's coat, looking at those glasses affixed at his head. He then blinked, snapped out of his trance-like affliction, staring at that small scalpel. "Is that... my Myocardium? Seriously?" he blurted out, returning a charming smile from his doppelganger with another.

Dr. Neuro's right eyebrow rose up, listening to Scry's creed about the development of others. Before she went to vanished, however, the navi felt like he had to say one more thing towards her "He's... my gold standard? Really?...". She did indeed leave to have her witch-like fun but with her away... DNR was face to face with his own replica. He would have to wonder what type of personality he's have, Scry obviously not making an exact copy. Red lights started to flicker as a computer voice discussed what was happening. "A lockdown!? Oh that'll be the worst thing to happen... I have to go before... oh great... " his mind started to be a bit irritated, the clone rambling about him being his subordinate. His lips furled, curving into a delightful smile yet again. "My hands? Hehahahhh... Well I guess I can't complain... my hands may be incorrect... but your scalpel is so small, you'll never perform a worthy enough surgery... I think I'll let this 'intern' do the proper procedure..." the navi quipped, referring to himself as his legs took on a different stance, ready for battle.

Meanwhile, Polonius reacted with a surprise by the quick beeping of his PET, signaling some kind of battle or emergency. He didn't pay much attention to the screen during the entire journey into the server, in an odd attempt to look inconspicuous towards everybody in the Hospital lobby. The brown-skinned med student wiped off his mouth, looking towards the two DNRs. "W-what? There's two of you?... W-why... what's been going on?" he started blurting out to the navi, who looks decidedly annoyed by the question.

"I think the better inquiry would be... hmmm.... Oh let's sayyy.... Why haven't you been paying attention!?" he said, retracting, and then tapping his right foot onto the metallic floor.

Polonius seemed to stammer on for what seemed like a couple of seconds "W-w-w-ell I just w-wanted to b-b-be inconspic---"

"Enough enough... " 'Dr. Neuro' said with an extended arm, a gesture clearly made to have his protégé stop. "Let's just get rid of the 'foreign body'." DNR said, his feet taking a fighting stance yet again.

Polonius gave a good look over towards the "AlterDNR". Nothing too odd in Polonius terms but if he's anything like the real DNR... things would get chaotic fast... he nimbly took the chips, quickly trying to find the right combination to deal a decisive blow to the counterfeit navi. After a couple of seconds of searching, he finally reaches a few good ideas. Using the controls on the PET, he fiddles with the screens, activating different programs.

The screen seemed to read as follows in the beginning:

Asplecius Hands: Initializing...

Anesthesia: Preparing Propofol solution, fabrication of data at 40 percent.

By the time the above screen was occurring, cloud-like hands seem to appear on each side by DNR. The hands contort, then move up and down, as if they were getting used to the application. They seem to protrude their index finger towards the copy, an odd gesture to be sure. Then, going faster, the clouds move forwards a few inches, circling and producing data streams. In the end, they seem to finally reach the end of their little design; a DNR-sized Asplecius symbol. As soon as it flickers into view, it then dissipates onto the medical navi, enhancing his motor programs. His eloquent face shines through, making his hands shift from side to side, as if keeping his body nimble.

Polonius in the mean while kept his eyes over towards the two, wondering just what exactly the match is about to do...

"Let's see... he's preparing Anesthesia... he's going to attempt it... better move around and have a little fun~" "Neuro" thought, rushing with such great velocity and alacrity towards his clone and circling him, like a predator with it's prey or a cylindrical MRI machine. "Hoho... my clone is that not right? Perhaps Scry may have made you a bit more... unattractive, perhaps?" said DNR, whirling around in a focused hope to avoid the rather devastating technique of his.

Asplecius Hands: 2 Accuracy Boosts remaining. Currently Recharging, 1:29 remaining till next boost...

Anesthesia: Propofol solution, fabrication of data at Ready. Apply Boost?

Polonius then watched the above screen flickering right on his PET, actually accepting the obvious choice of adding the boost.

The data stream injected itself onto the white-haired navi, infusing him with the chemical information and the weapon data. His shoulders seem to warp and distort, creating what seem to be two hypodermic needles right on top of them, the needles themselves poking about a couple of inches forward. Right then and there however, what look to be black rectangular boxes appear on the top, but with not enough force that the glass itself would shatter. The purple propofol solution swishes right and left as the navi motions the twin syringe rockets over towards the clone; the rockets obviously complying as they fly off.

Polonius in the meanwhile slots in the Boomerang chip, not taking in the rather evident choice of boosting the accuracy of this next attack. Maybe he's confident; maybe he has quite a lot of faith in DNR's abilities. Or maybe, just maybe, he has a plan for a better opportunity.

The rockets already fired, a new data stream appearing onto the navi, readying his next attack. A curved tongue depressor seems to appear onto the navi's side, turning sharper by each passing second. When it reaches the desired length and curvature, it seems to affix itself right onto the navi's right leg, yet still loose enough for the wood to leave off. The navi only gave a sharp and dashing smile, reeling his right leg back and then flick off, sending it right over his doppelganger.

1. Asplecius' Hands (Haste for 1 turn + 2 Take Aims, 2 turn cooldown) to self
2. Dodge
3. Anesthesia+Take Aim to Alter DNR (Sleep and 40 dmg)
4. Boomerang (60X2 dmg) to Alter DNR

"Oh, hello nurse." said Alter DNR nonchalantly, as if he was completely not bothered by the white-clad nurse who just appeared from nowhere at his side. "Are we ready to begin the operation?"

"This isn't an operation, doctor, nor is that anesthesia." answered the nurse coldly. Her short black hair fell down over her face in such a way to cover her right eye and, of course, her uniform was that of the mini-skirt variety. She had a clipboard in her hand with the current patient's chart, and she read from it, "The patient is due for his seasonal Glitch vaccine. Expectations are that this season will be severe, so the recommended coverage has been expanded to cover more Navis."

"Aha, so this is the vaccine!" shouted Alter DNR enthusiastically in regards to the tiny vial of orange liquid. As if his suspicions were still not settled, Alter DNR shook the needle a bit... and the liquid turned blue? "Yes indeed, this is a Glitch vaccine! It would have been quite a problem if this was applied as anesthesia. Good catch, nurse." applauded the good doctor.

"Quite." nodded the nurse without a single hint of modesty. "I suggest you proceed with the application, as the patient seems somewhat unsettled right now. Further agitation might give him an adverse reaction to the vaccine."

Indeed, from the eyes of the unfamiliar, DNR's tracing of the Asplecius symbol would seem to be nothing if not convulsions. The artificial projections of hands to do the tracing performed their job well enough, but this worried Alter DNR. "Nurse, I think the patient might already be exhibiting symptoms of Glitch disease! I need to hurry!"

"Yes doctor, we've already established that." shot back the nurse.

"Right, then! Bear with me for a moment, dear patient, for this will only feel like a small prick..." announced Alter DNR as he made his way towards his original counterpart. DNR, of course, wasn't entirely fond of this double cramping his style, so he armed himself with his own syringe-based gear. His Anesthesia missiles readied themselves on his shoulders, while Alter DNR stepped ever closer. DNR then fired without any restraint, sending the dual needles at his copy. Undeterred in getting this all-important vaccine to his patient, Alter DNR quickly ducked under the assault. Clearly, that was just a symptom of the poor soul's sickness.

"Aaand... there, done! That wasn't so bad, was it?" said Alter DNR. In a show of impressive dexterity, the doctor slipped his syringe into DNR's arm in the wake of the missile attack and applied the vaccine accordingly. "Now, you should be feeling much better in a few minutes..." explained Alter DNR as his patient's hands suddenly sprung to life, separated themselves completely from their owner's arms, and began walking across the floor on their fingers. He didn't seem to be loosing any data from the separation, but... wow.

"... Oh dear... Nurse, diagnosis!" shouted Alter DNR.

"The patient seems to have an acute allergy to the vaccine, doctor. While the localized paralysis symptom was cured, the patient's hands seem to have been over-animated and, as a result, brought into lives of their own. The recommended treatment is a double bypass of the patient's core systems to flush the vaccine out before it causes more damage." answered the nurse calmly as she read off of her clipboard.

"Thank you, nurse. Now, about these..." pondered Alter DNR, looking down to the free-roaming appendages. Currently, they were standing in front of Alter DNR, making crude gestures at their former owner. "... Well then. I suppose I have some new assistants?"

"That would be nice. I'm tired of giving you a hand all the time." the nurse responded.

"Ahahahaha! Good one, nurse!" laughed the doctor. "Alright then, let's begin the operation. Scalpel!" With the order, DNR's Right Hand hopped into Alter DNR's coat pocket and produced a scalpel. "Thank you, assistant Hand." nodded Alter DNR.

Of course, DNR wasn't about to let his traitorous digits get away that easily. Without his hands, DNR turned to his legs for support. With a Boomerang attached to his right leg, it was like the medical Navi never even needed hands to begin with. He delivered a sweeping kick into the air, sending the Boomerang flying. DNR's hands apparently had good instincts and evacuated the danger zone while they could, but Alter DNR wasn't that lucky. The angled armament crashed into the professional, leaving him in a fair amount of pain.

"Ugh... No worries...! This is all for the patient!" resolved Alter DNR. Fighting through the pain, Alter DNR raised his scalpel and, wielding it like it was merely an extension of his own arm, cut into his patient swiftly, efficiently, and effectively. The allergenic energy was drawn straight out of DNR's body and delivered into Alter DNR's. "That should do it...! I'll take care of this vaccine, so don't worry. Nurse, please report to the pharmaceutical company about that side effect. We don't need this happening again." requested Alter DNR as his handy companions hopped back into his coat pocket.

"Very true, doctor." agreed the nurse as she jotted something down with a pen.

DNR.exe: 190 HP (1 Take Aim remaining, Handless)

Alter DNR.exe: 170 HP
Nurse: ??? HP
DNR's Left Hand: 5 HP
DNR's Right Hand: 5 HP

Terrain: 100% ??? (No effects)

WARNING: Area on High Alert; Guards arriving on scene in 1 turn
"Oh the abashment of it all..." DNR thought in his mind, watching on as his doppelganger droned on with his little friend... wait what? The fabricated clone seemed to have created what looks to be his own medical entourage. While this was the most logical strategy when combating a disease... it was frightfully unfair to oh-so-classic White Blood Cell!

"Sooo... we have a mysterious nurse... and my hands are gone... again" he said, crossing his arms with a sigh. "This is starting to happen a lot, doesn't it nurse?" he grinned as he looked towards Polonius, ignoring the annoying gestures of his hands. Given to him that his opponent's to himself, psyching out everybody has long been his strategy in battling. He had to shut out all of AlterDNR's delusional talk about the "patient".

Polonius himself was rubbing his nose, and then taking out a napkin to blow his nose. Perhaps being in the cold atmosphere of the hospital was not right for one who had Rhinitis? Either way his plan was working, albeit for the moment. He glanced away from the PET screen to take another look around the area. It was a rather peaceful scene looking out, patients walking in and out. A woman pulling a stroller full of babies occasionally came by as well; Polonius couldn't help but chuckle at one of the toddlers fiddling with their own little PET.

"Let's see... ah right...Barrier Sig Program activating... Reflex Hammer... DNR try to avoid attacks this time..." Polonius quirked towards his navi, rubbing his nose.

"... What was that? I believe a lower intern just asked his superior officer to defend?" DNR said raising his eyebrow as his reflector disk on his forehead stretched out via a yellow pole, sending out an electromagnetic shield around his persona. He seemed to then stretch his head in a circular fashion, making the muscles inside more suspect to avoiding any close shaves from the enemies here.

"Wh-what!? You know I wouldn't hurt you in anyway like th-that!" the black-haired med student said, sweating out from his neck as if he was under a heated sunlight in a plant biology lab.

DNR couldn't help but chuckle from this, grinning as he takes on a fighting stance. "Yeahhh... you don't seem to take a joke too well... try to liven up okay? You know I totally love ya.... I-I mean in a totally professional relationship... got it!?" he said, trying his best to keep up a tough image by holding up his handless right arm towards Polonius with a frown. As this was happening, DNR's left foot started beaming brightly with data, a golden coat surrounding his fuchsia boot.

"Y-yeahh...s-sure..." Polonius said with a flustered laugh, DNR running out towards himself with haste. He jetted over towards his alternate self with a toothy grin, "Say... just because I have my hands in your... beautiful possession, doesn't mean I can't attack; I hope you so realize that." He said, chuckling a bit. He then started to raise his golden left leg up...

Then, he placed it down. "Surprise you Malpractician of Maladies!" he said, raising his elbow this time, the tip getting golden? Apparently that was a fake out to distract! It came down quite fast though, DNR not deeming it necessary to hit him right now. DNR chuckled as the navi was now running around AlterDNR, trying to avoid any nasty surprises coming along this way.

"Let's see if your beautiful face can handle.... This!" he said, leaping up towards AlterDNR as he extends out his pointed elbow towards his face, raring to try and get it to slash around his face.

1. TD Barrier (30 HP Barrier + Conditional Healing)
2. Feint towards AlterDNR
3. Dodge
4. Reflex Hammer.... Elbow? (110 + stun + Take Aim #2 used)
As DNR raises his healing barrier, Alter DNR raises one of his own. And, as the two begin to move, DNR into a feint, and Alter DNR into an attempt to stab DNR with a syringe, the door to the room the two occupy suddenly opens with a hiss. A flood of more than a dozen of the gray armored server defense Navis DNR had seen earlier stormed into the room, with buster rifles already leveled and firing as soon as they had a line on either of the doctors. Unfortunately for everyone in the room, these troopers had actually learned how to shoot accurately....

DNR watched as the first volley of blue energy beams pegged and dropped both of his dismembered hands, caused the nurse to evaporate into smoke, and shredded both his and AlterDNR's barriers. The only 'missed' shots were those that passed through the illusory image of the nurse. The next several shots dropped AlterDNR to the floor a moment before DNR felt a series of stun bolts tag him as well. The Navi's vision swam out of focus, and he joined his alter ego on the floor a second or two later. DNR heard the words "Rogues down. Secure for questi...." before his processes went into stasis.


DNR.exe: 1 HP (Laundry list of double digit duration status effects)
Alter DNR.exe: 1 HP (Similarly toasted.)

Winner: IDS Security

((Back to IDS Server Gateway))