Burning off some energy

16 years ago
Holoß looked around after the flash of light that announced his arrival in the SciLab Network had faded. He found himself in a desolate part of the Network, not another soul to be seen. The immediate surroundings gave the impression that this little corner of the Net was probably overlooked by SciLab's usual Anti-Virus Navis. That fact, of course, made this a prime location to start busting some viruses. Picking a direction at random, Holo trekked off into the Net, looking forward to the new viruses he'd see and maybe picking up a new trick or two for the next round of the tournament. True, he probably wasn't going to win... but if he could put forward a decent effort, maybe stymie his defeat for a while, he figured it wouldn't be a complete massacre. He took to hopping from panel to panel as he continued on his way, wherever it may lead...

((Round 1, please))
16 years ago
Holo came across a glass gray square in the middle of nowhere, ominously standing upon the navi. Even before he could even take the time to further examine it, two panels near the square slid out and two turrets sprang up, aiming straight at Holo! The square was "activated," as it lit Red and Blue and slowly slid further behind the CanoGuards' defense!

CanoGuardA: 60 HP
CanoGuardB: 60 HP

-Behind CanoGuard-

Terrain: 100% Normal

Holoß: 140 HP

16 years ago
Time to get started...

Holo accessed the PET's audio function, mentally rummaging around in it until he found the alarm function he had used to get Aelieth's attention earlier. Once more the PET let out a BEEP!, dragging Aelieth away from the conversation once again. Chip data flooded the Navi's combat routines, and as Holo accessed the two chips one by one, he was glad to see that Aelieth wasn't distracted enough for it to interfere with his chip sending. Then again, we have so few chips I probably wouldn't notice if it had... he dryly thought.

Activating the first of his chips, a wave of light washed over Holo, replacing the projector Navi with something entirely different. Erected where the green and gray Navi had stood was what looked like a green and gray Canodumb, with one noticeable difference: Where the cannon would be on a normal Canodumb, diligently tracking and obliterating any that would stand in its way, were mounted twin barrels of equal length, each drawing beads on the viruses before them. A brief hum resonated from deep within the contraption before a cacophony of bullet data flew from the cylinders, causing the pair of floating 8-bit eyes nestled between the barrels to squeeze shut from the noise the shot created. As the volley of lead began to spread out, seeking not one but two targets, more pellets seemed to leach out of the flight, adding to their numbers as they cascaded down over the first row of viruses.

Holo quite literally snapped out of his current shape, the recoil forcing him into a needless backward flip which he almost failed at landing. Catching himself, he activated the second chip, crouching down on all fours as a domed shell appeared over his back, making him appear as an odd turtle with a cross painted across his shell. He moved with anything but turtle speed, however, the shell, which he tucked himself into, began to rocket around the field in elaborate serpentines and zig-zags, seeking to evade the anger of those he just rained holographic hell upon.

1. Shotgun (50 damage + Spread 1; targeting CanoGuardA and CanoGuardB)
-VHP:MI (15 damage; targeting CanoGuardA)
-VHP:MII (5 damage; targeting CanoGuardB)
2. Guard
3. Dodge
16 years ago
16 years ago
The Shotgun hit both of the CanoGuards but deleted neither of them. As the prepared to fire back, one was quickly deleted by an additional damaging splash. The other held onto dear life as it fired. Sadly, it was also deleted by its own reflected attack. Meanwhile the cube fired a laser but it missed. Too bad.


-Behind CanoGuard-

Terrain: 100% Normal

Holoß: 140 HP
16 years ago
Holo slid, his now shell-less belly sliding across the ground and making him appear as some strange, blocky penguin, before springing up into a mobile position on his feet. As he continued to move around the battlefield, he paged Aelieth for chips once again. Some time passed without answer before two more chips appeared within the reach of his data. Accessing them, the projector Navi began to slow down, trying decide on the best, or most fun (he really didn't care which), way to utilize his new tools. He came to a decision, skidding to a halt as he turned to face the lone DBLBEAM virus.

One for the money...

A pair of bear like claws sprouted from his forearms, completely overtaking the boxy structure of the limbs in a great furry mane.

Two for the show...

From above his head bloomed a heavy lead ball, which fell with a satisfying PLOP! into his awaiting claws. The sphere was much too heavy for a smooth catch, however, and he nearly dropped it.

Three to get ready...

The area immediately beneath his feet exploded out in holographic fragments as a gigantic cannon swallowed Holoß whole. The towering column of steel fell forward, the gaping maw of the contraption drawing a respectable arc to the virus.

And four...

The fuse on the back of the cannon hissed into life, rapidly burning up, along and into the cannon itself.

TO GO!!!

A thunderous blast resounded from the gigantic artillery, sending the cannonball, both Navi and projectile, flying in a wide arc straight to, and over, the DBLBEAM. Realizing that he was about to miss his mark by a wide margin, Holo hefted the leaden globe he carried over his head and hurled it down upon the virus, the force created by the throw cancelling out his forward momentum. Following the lead of his lead, the holographic Navi plummeted to rejoin the ground and, quite possibly, the virus. Closing his eyes and thrusting his arm forward with such speed than a duo of afterimages joined his knifelike claws, Holo felt his hand impact... something. Pushing off from the point of impact, he landed some feet away from the location of his assault, though his now open eyes could make out little more than the dust the impact of the Cannon shot must've caused. Moving carefully, he kept his distance as he waited for the dust to settle, ready to leap out of the way of the retaliation of what he guessed must be a rather angry virus, should it still be alive.

1. Cannon (40 damage + knockback. Targeting DBLBEAM)
2. RageClaw (40 damage + slashing. Targeting DBLBEAM)
- VHP:MI (15 damage. Targeting DBLBEAM)
- VHP:MII (5 damage. Targeting DBLBEAM)
3. Dodge
16 years ago
The CanoGuards taken out, it was an unhindered path to the DBLCUBE virus. Holoß launched himself holding the cannonshell at the virus, cracking its hard surface but also spinning it to reveal its blue face. A Rageclaw swipe spun it around again while his afterimages finished it off.


Terrain: 100% Normal

Holoß: 140 HP

[Battle 1 - Victory!]

Get: 200z + DBLBEAM battle chip
16 years ago
A merry buzz followed Holoß as he gathered up his rewards. He transferred the data back to the PET, the device interrupting Aelieth once again to inform him of his newly found Battle Chip. Once the alarm had ended, Holo was content to continue in the same direction he had been.

((Round 2, Please))
16 years ago
A pair of turrets with tiny little pilots blocked Holoß's way. It looked easy to get past until two Handys spawned beside the Gunners, adding to the difficulty. The Handys waggled their fingers menacingly. It was kinda disturbing.

GunnerA: 60 HP
GunnerB: 60 HP
HandyA: 80 HP
HandyB: 80 HP

Terrain: 100% Normal

Holoß: 140 HP

[Battle 2 - Begin!]
16 years ago
Holo recoiled slightly at the waggling of the disembodied hands. Something about the way they beckoned to him... Holo was suddenly glad that there was little of him for them to actually grab onto. A sudden noise snapped him out of the stupor the hypnotic motions of the Handys' gestures had caused as he realized that the Gunners were starting to warm up their turrets. He quickly began to weave back and forth across the battlefield, running in a serpentine to throw off the aim of the batteries. As he ran, he checked over his shoulder, trying to judge whether he was in any danger of getting caught. When he turned his head back, however, he found he was face-to-palm with one of the Handys. Startled, he sent for chips as he frantically changed direction and leapt to the side, rolling as he went. The chip data was received and activated before he even checked to see what he had received.

As he stood from his near collision with the virus, a glint of shining metal where his arm was supposed to be caught his eye. Panic rose within him as he realized that his old friend, the D.A.S.H. Attack System, had found a familiar roost encasing his right arm. In a response near identical to his first use of the chip, Holo fought to pry it from him. Unlike that first time, however, no smooth introduction was given by the gleaming, steel Fishy. Instead, it seemed as though the chip had become self aware. "You seem to be trying to remove me," the female voice remarked, it's usual monotone carrying a hint of amusement at the Navi's futile struggles.

"I'm afraid I can't let you do that, Dave."

Engines burst from the metal chassis as the wicked device violently jerked Holo around to face the viruses. A monotonic countdown sounded from the projector Navi's outstretched arm. In an attempt to avoid the rough treatment he had received in previous encounters with the D.A.S.H. Attack, Holo momentarily illuminated as he shifted into a gigantic anchor, firmly wedging himself into the ground with a defiant grin. A roar of blue flames exploded from the engines as the weapon finished it's countdown: "... 1... Goodbye.". Two hundred Newtons of thrust rocketed forward, easily ripping HoloAnchor out of the ground and sending him erratically jerking behind the projectile now speeding towards the viruses with such vigor that it seemed a trio of gigantic hooks trailed behind the determined Fishy. Seconds later, the ride was over; the chip had been used up and disappeared back into nothingness with a flat chuckle. Holo, now entirely dizzy from the entire ordeal, took a moment to orient himself as the trail of smoke lazily floating where the Dash Attack had thundered through the viruses' ranks began to dissipate. Stumbling slightly, the holographic Navi noticed that he still had chip data within his system. Accessing it, his fears of another nasty surprise were soothed when a cross-bearing panel sprang into existence in front of him, providing a see-through barrier between him and the viruses.

1. Dodge
2. Dash Attack (90 damage + impact. Targeting GunnerA, GunnerB, HandyA, and HandyB)
-VHP:MI (15 damage. Directed at HandyA)
-VHP:MII (5 damage. Directed at HandyB)
3. Guard (Reflects one attack up to 60 damage)
16 years ago
Holo quickly took evasive maneuvers, which turned out to be the right decision as one of the Gunners started to open fire at the navi. The Dash attack, despite causing some troubles to Holo, rammed over couple of viruses with its incredible speed, but couldn't take out more because of the lack of control. The viruses continued their own attack as the Handy's countbomb was set, but the Gunner's attack was negated by the Guard!

GunnerA: 50 HP
HandyA: 65 HP

Countbomb: 100 HP [Countdown: 2 Turns]

Terrain: 100% Normal

Holoß: 140 HP [Guard Destroyed]
16 years ago
Perplexity filled Holoß's eyes as the Handy set produced a... was it a timer?... and set it down. Well... he figured, I'll worry about it after I take care of these two. Ringing Aelieth for another batch of chips, holographic legs began to pump as the Navi became mobile once more. Moments later, he once more found chip data coursing through his data stream, eager to be plucked out and used against his foes. Claws found their way onto his right arm once again, this time manifesting themselves in the style of a popular comic book hero and bursting out from between his fingers, leaving five polygonal digits free to do what they will. Armed with these iconic weapons, he changed direction and charged the viruses.

Struck by inspiration, Holo set his course for the mysterious device planted by the Handy, pulling his beclawed arm back and swinging it forward into the side of the object. As the talons sank into the metal, the holographic Navi continued through with the punch, swinging the timer around and launching it straight towards its maker. As the construct neared the end of its flight, an impressive double barreled gun appeared in Holo's waiting hands. Loading two large shells into the back of the barrels, he snapped the weapon up to bear upon the viruses. Stopping to better steady his aim, he sighted between the barrels and pulled the trigger. An explosive [b]BOOM![/i] blasted from the end of the gun as a cone of pellets shot across the field. As they flew, they fanned out, more pellets seeming to join the flock as, piece by piece, they rained down upon their targets. Holo dropped the Shotgun, it's ammunition spent, and once more began his dance around the field, razor sharp claws flashing in the light as he snaked his way around enemy fire.

1. Rage Claw (20 damage + impacting. Throwing Countbomb into Handy)
2. Shotgun (50 damage + spread 1. Targeting HandyA and GunnerA)
-VHP:MI (15 damage. Targeting HandyA)
-VHP:MII (5 damage. Targeting GunnerA)
3. Dodge
16 years ago
When the Countbomb was thrown towards the Handy virus, it actually caught the bomb in mid air! It was shaking up and down, as if it was laughing and... ... ...flicked Holo off?!? The virus continued laughing, but that didn't really matter after the navi fired its shotgun towards the vulnerable viruses. The bullets first ripped through the Gunner and the rest hit the Handy. It was still alive and still provoking the navi, but what it didn't realize was that the bomb prematurely exploded and took the virus out?!!


((None of this stuff is suppose to happen. The handy can't catch and the bombs can't explode prematurely. I was just bored))


Countbomb: BOOM

Terrain: 100% Normal

Holoß: 140 HP

16 years ago
((Meh... works for me : D))

Holo involuntarily winced as the Countbomb exploded in the hand of its maker. So, yeah... those've gotta go first. Check. He retracted his claws, which ended the Rage Claw's effect, then set about gathering up his rewards.

Hmm... it's starting to get late, he thought as he started along the trail yet again. Should still have time for one more fight, though... hopefully without being late for the match. He continued on into the 'Net, ready to call for support should he come across any more viruses.

((Battle 3, please))
16 years ago
Holo wanders further into SciLabs, feet, or whatever it was, padding along a fullmetal terrain. He spots a couple of viruses in his way. Three Ogre heads, horns brimming with electricity, and two Kabutanks, scuttling around.

ElecOgreA: 120 HP
ElecOgreB: 120 HP
ElecOgreC: 120 HP
KabutankA: 80 HP
KabutankB: 80 HP

Terrain: 100% Metal

Holoß: 140 HP

16 years ago
Little arcs of electricity sparked beneath Holo's feet as the electrons that made them jumped ship. This... might not end well... he thought, grimacing as he noted the large amount of crackling energy writhing around the ElecOgres. More troublesome, he discovered as his combat routines began scanning the viruses, was that the majority of his foes were tougher than any virus he'd fought yet. This was gonna be hard... His thoughts were cut short as thought he noticed one of the viruses glance his way. Taking action, he immediately leapt out of the way, tucking and rolling before springing up into a full blown sprint. Though he had doubts that his movement would stop electricity hitting him on a floor made entirely of superconductive metal, he took his chances with the evasive action. As a precaution, his form shrank down to about half its usual height, presenting a smaller target to the attacking viruses.

Unfortunately, without the direct intervention of some kind of digital miracle, trying to outrun the viruses' attacks would do him little good in terms of beating them. He needed chips, and soon. He triggered the PET's alarm, calling Aelieth yet again. It pained him to think this, but if he wanted to dispatch these foes with any sense of speed, he had to use powerful chips... and there was only one that he had that would be able to make a sizeable dent in these guys. A familiar tingle arose in the back of his mind as he realized he had received a chip. A pang of disappointment arose in the pit of his stomach when he realized it wasn't the one he needed... Continuing his way around the field, he materialized a shotgun, a short barreled, powerful looking affair, and snapped it around to face the group. He fired from the hip, a collection of shot hurtling through the air towards a particularly nasty looking pair of ElecOgres. As the shot spread out to engage both targets, several lighter bullets materialized within the group and added their voices to the cacophony the pellets were creating as they hit solid objects.

The shotgun shattered into its component polygons as Holoß let it fall to the ground, the green shards fading quickly before completely disappearing. He prepared to make another leap to avoid an attack, but realized he still had a chip he hadn't used. Activating it, a panel appeared on his arm and detached itself, expanding until it was as tall as he was. The cross bearing shield floated alongside the Navi as he ran, diligently guarding its charge, ready to throw itself in the line of fire to protect Holoß.

1. Dodge
2. Shotgun (50 damage + spread 1. Targeting ElecOgreA and ElecOgreB)
-VHP:MI (15 damage. Targeting ElecOgreA)
-VHP:MII (5 damage. Targeting ElecOgreB)
3. Guard (reflect one attack up to 60 damage)
16 years ago
Holo's instincts turned out to be right as a swath of electricity blasted the area he once was. He quickly fired out his with his Shotgun, his signature programs adding more firepower to the blast, knocking two ElecOgres back, but not defeating them.

A Kabutank took this chance to fire a powerful bomb at him, which he reflected back with a Guard, but the second Kabutank decided it was its turn to fire, so it did.

Well, good thing metal floors can't break easily.

ElecOgreA: 55 HP
ElecOgreB: 65 HP
ElecOgreC: 120 HP
KabutankA: 50 HP
KabutankB: 80 HP

Terrain: 100% Metal

Holoß: 110 HP
16 years ago
Shards of green fluttered away from the various projections that made up Holoß as the blast hit him, fading into nothingness as the next refresh brought them back good as new. The miraculous recovery of his visible damage didn't mean the blast had no effect; on the contrary, his projectors were working overtime to stabilize his form as the concussive shockwave caused by the explosion ripped through his systems. It was clear that these guys were here to play rough. Unfortunately, Holo didn't have the bite to back up a similar bark. Sticking with his hit-and-run methodology, he picked himself and took off once more. It seemed that Holo's chip requests were coming in at predictable intervals, because this time Aelieth sent chips to the Navi right as Holo accessed the alarm. A strange, unfamiliar line of code became available to Holo. Probably the new chip... he thought as he examined it.

He activated it as he zagged to avoid a perceived attack. Within the palm of his hand materialized a small, blue and red cube, roughly the size of a cube of billiard chalk. Despite its minute size, intricate designs were etched with excruciating detail along the edges of each face, images of war along the red faces, and peaceful icons gracing the blue. In the center of each face, no two turned the same direction was an ornate beta, light-blue where it lay upon a blue face and dark-red where it was emblazoned upon the red. It didn't seem that this tiny little block would be of much use... but he didn't have much else to lose. He pulled his arm back and hurled the cube into the no-man's land between him and the viruses. The moment it touched ground, it started to grow, rapidly expanding until it took up a 5' x 5' space. The imposing block sat there for a moment, then began to glow, its faces rapidly switching between red and blue. Holo was in the middle of another dodge, his face turned away from the cube as it became a solid color and showered the area in energy beams, two of which were faded green and lanced toward two of the viruses. Its job done and its energy spent, the cube shrank back to original size before collapsing into six dark gray faces that sank into the ground.

1. Dodge
2. DBLBeam (40 damage to all Enemies or 30 heal to all Allies; Random.)
-VHP: MI (15 damage. Targeting ElecOgreA)
-VHP: MII (5 damage. Targeting KabutankA)
3. Dodge
16 years ago
16 years ago
Holo dives out of the way of another ElecOgre attack, then activates his DBLCube... which heals him. Damn.

Frusturated, the holographic base blasts off more damage to the viruses, rolling out of the way of a bomb, but getting hit with another one of them.

ElecOgreA: 40 HP
ElecOgreB: 65 HP
ElecOgreC: 120 HP
KabutankA: 45 HP
KabutankB: 80 HP

Terrain: 100% Metal

Holoß: 110 HP