The Wild & Crazy Adventures of Beatfridge and Red

"Yeah, yeah, I got 'em!" Beatfridge called back. She locked onto the Gunners that she had been assigned. Those dinky little turrets were about to get rolled over by a refrigerator.

She yelled for that DashAttack. Antoinette had been slotting that chip in so many times lately that the sticker was probably already starting to wear off. The definitely unfridgelike dash thrusters on her back lit up. Beatfridge whooped as the DashAttack launched her straight through the pack of viruses.

The Navi was getting good enough at the whole DashAttack thing to know pretty much when the effect was going to wear off. As the thrusters burned out, Beatfridge spun herself around on the residual momentum and yelled for a couple more chips. Toni slotted in that Shotgun and one of the Cannons. Okay, they hadn't been quite what Beatfridge had in mind, but she would make them work.

The fridge door crashed open. Dual plasma blasts hissed out and went sailing in high trajectories toward the two Gunners down by the end.

"Hey, Toni, you wanna gimme somethin' with a little more...I dunno, what's better than oomph?"

"The Fireburn, then," Toni said tiredly.

"Yeah, sure, whatever. Just hurry it up, 'fore they start openin' up on me!"

She went through the familiar old patterns of booting up the chip data. Fire blasted out of the fridge's interior. It scorched along the ground toward those Gunners, who were way too bolted down to get out of the flame's way. Red wanted to torch a bazillion viruses at once? Well, Beatfridge could damn well do almost the same thing, too.

1. DashAttack @ GunnerA, GunnerB, GunnerC, GunnerD, GunnerE (90 NORMAL damage)
*Gust: Dodge
-->Flamenco Overdrive: +10 to Shotgun
2. Shotgun @ GunnerF (50 NORMAL + 10 Flamenco Overdrive = 60 NORMAL damage)
3. Cannon @ GunnerE (40 NORMAL damage)
4. Fireburn1 @ GunnerA, GunnerB, GunnerC (50 FIRE damage)
Areagrabbing behind the Vacuumfans, Red finds the Vacuums the easiest targets, taking them out in a matter of a split second. Unfortunately, the Magtects prove much harder targets, as they're not all in one tight-knit group. They're spaced out and partnered with gunners. The Boomerang Red throws takes out one, then miraculously bounces off the ground to hit another, then lodge firmly in one of the gunners. Myun runs up to a gunner and takes a big chunk out of it, dealing quite a bit of damage with a straight to the base of the machine. Myun then... punches it with its boxing-glove-fist-ears.

Beatnik, on the other hand, tries to plow through the gunners, only to find that they aren't in a line. Her attack manages to take out a gunner and magtect that are paired up together. Her gusty dodge isn't successful as one of the gunners locks on and fires at her, causing her shield of bees to swarm the poor gunner. It manages to get one more shot off at her before succumbing to the swarm. Her shotgun lands its mark quite nicely, and the wave of fire manages to consume the two Gunners by a mixture of skill and luck.

Then the viruses fought back. The gunners, irritated with the nonconformist navi, attacked in full force. Their attacks locked on, and barely missed their mark. Only one completely missed. Red was significantly more lucky, but still was dragged over to the MagtectD, likely as revenge for the Vacuumfans and its allies. It tried to shock her, but she managed to get out of the way. Myun had a similar experience with the MagtectF, but was not so lucky, taking the experience to the face.

GunnerEX A: DASH'D [Beatnik]
GunnerEX B: 40
GunnerEX C: 40
GunnerEX D: 90
GunnerEX F: SHOTGUNNED [Beatnik]
MagTectA: DASH'D [Beatnik]
MagTectB: 90
MagTectD: 90
MagTectF: 90
VacuumFanA: BURNED [Red]
VacuumFanB: FLAMBE'D [Red]

Red: 190
Beatnik: 30
Myun: 60 [Stun1]

Terrain: 100% Normal
"Oh crap! Your partner looks beat! Here, heal her with this, and set this up for Myun's sake," Shin babbled nervously, sending the only two healing chips in their arsenal.

"Roger that! Miss Fridge it's time for some maintenance!" Red called, sending a warm, green light shooting toward Beatfridge. "I think what we need here is some scented candles! How about it Myun?" the crimson crusader asked her rabbit, who stood a bit too still from the shock the Magtects had put her under, but managed to nod her head a bit.

"Alright! Here we go!" the fairy-tale fighter announced, taking out a bottle of wax from her picnic basket. She quickly smashed it onto the floor, prompting a large candle to build up and ignite itself with a green flame on the candle tip. The flame washed a soothing feeling over the allies, and Red turned to her Kitchen Appliance ally, smiling cheerfully.

Shin crunched on a potato chip, smirking with a "Just-as-planned"-like look.

Turn Summary:
1. Recov80 to Beatfridge [Heal 80 HP]
2. Summon Candle2 [Summon 100 HP Fire Resistant Object that grants Regen 10 To-All Allies]

Myun's Actions:

The Gunner's dead-on shot had packed enough of a punch to knock Beatfridge on her back. The appliance wiggled around helplessly as she tried to get back onto her wheels. Finally she got those thrusters on her back going, and managed to propel herself back upright. There was a big, smoking crater in her door that probably wasn't supposed to be there.

"Now you're gonna get it, you dumb mook," Beatfridge muttered. Signature Attack subroutines clicked into place. Her faithful old electric field materialized around her. The thrusters blasted on, and carried her full-speeed toward one of the Magtects -- a wall of electromagnetic force leading the way.

The fridge spun on one wheel, managed not to topple over, and loaded up the next two chips. The first of the pair was her second Cannon. That went off in the direction of the Gunner that had been paired with the MagTect she'd just victimized. The second chip was that Ratton Red had given her earlier. A tiny mouse-shapd bomb on treads dropped off of the fridge's lowest shelf. It locked onto another Gunner and shot off, chirping like -- well, a little robot rat.

A blast of healing energy hit Beatfridge. She wheeled around to face Red. "Yeah, thanks for that, I was kinda needin'--"

She trailed off as she saw the candle take shape. A memory shot out of the back attics of her mind. A memory of a candle very much like that going down and extending its healing field to Red, a long time ago...

Beatfridge gritted her teeth.

"You've still got that friggin' candle!"

"What's going on now?" Antoinette inquired tiredly.

"That stupid stinkin' cheapass candle! I frickin' hate that--"

"Calm down. It's just a candle."

She was so consumed with fury that she managed to hop up and down a couple of times. The fridge clanged noisily upon each landing. "It's the candle that Montag had! Doncha remember!?"

"Obviously it's not a big enough deal for me to. You've been fine with this girl so far, Beat."

"That was before she pulled the candle!"

Up in the Real World, Antoinette rubbed at her face with her hands. This was just so like Beatnik. "Think of it this way. It's on your side now. So deal with it."


"So deal with it."

Beatfridge caught the edge in Toni's voice and ruefully shut up.

1. Charge Techno Waltz
*Flamenco Overdrive: +10 boost to Techno Waltz
2. Second Lock: Techno Waltz @ MagTectB (90 + 10 Flamenco Overdrive = 100 ELEC damage)
*Gust: Dodge
3. Cannon @ GunnerEXB (40 NORMAL damage)
4. Ratton1 @ GunnerEXC (40 NORMAL damage, homing)
"Miss Fridge must not like candles," Red pouted, running her hand along the smooth wax that formed one of her favorite healing objects.

"It must be one of those irrational phobias people are born with," Shin commented, totally not getting why Beatnik was acting the way she was, NOT. Looks like the ex-mafiosi had aversions to memory-inciting objects, but it seemed, if anything, she was a chaotic neutral kind of person. Shin sighed with relief, he really didn't want the Mafia getting more of its forces back. He was a neutral kind of guy too though, so he thought on that while eating a potato chip and sending in another battlechip to the PET.

"A Ringlog? How am I supposed to take care of the rest of group with this?" Red questioned.

"You can attack twice with it, can't you? Myun will go for that Gunner anyway, right Myun?" Shin commented, prompting the rabbit-like support program to nod her head, shaking off the stun.

"I can use this twice? I don't remember anything like that. Oh well, here we go!" Red shouted, taking the log out of her picnic basket and kicking it at a Gunner and Magtect pair. The "deadly" log rolled "menacingly" toward the viruses, attempting to slam into them with full-force. Myun took this chance and hurried toward the targeted Gunner and slammed a powerful left straight at it, before attacking fiercely with her ears.

Red summoned up a gust of wind, blowing herself toward the Ringlog, which she kicked really hard, again, but now in the direction of another Magtect, wishing to bowl it over as fiercely as she supposed she did with the first group she attacked.

Glancing over the battlefield, Red kept her eye on her opponents' positions, ready to avoid an attack if necessary.

Turn Summary:
3. Ringlog1 to GunnerD, MagtectD [50 Wood DMG x2 to Magtect(Elemental Weakness)=100 DMG]
*Gust: Tactical Move toward Ringlog1
4. Kick Ringlog1 to MagtectF [50 Wood DMGx2(Elemental Weakness)= 100 DMG]
5. Dodge

Myun's Actions:
*Run Myun Run: Movement toward GunnerD
2. Attack GunnerD [35 DMG]
*Rhythm Boxing to GunnerD [2x10 DMG]
The Battle Starts with the friendly Red healing her partner. Said partner moves on to dramatically dash at her target. Surrounded by eectricity, charged by the power of the Flamenco, she had enough power behind it to easily wipe the poor enemy out in one hit. Unfortunately, by some cruel cruel twist of fate and random chance, she missed.

Then, to add to her misery, the caped crusader had placed a candle down, which sent her into a rage.

One of the Gunner's locks onto Red and pumps her full of lead, dropping her in health. Good thing she had that candle to help her feel better.

Red then hits her first two targets with her Ringlog, but misses the third. The Magtech she hit was deleted by the strike. Myun strikes out against one of the Gunners and and boxes it to death.

Then the luckily unharmed target of Beatnik's botched assault then uses its new lease on life to suck Myun in and smash it a bit with its deadly uppercut. The bunny survived, but was stunned and unable to move. It would be happy for the candle's happy healing light.

Another Gunner turns to Beatfridge and lays some bullets into the spot she had been in moments before; her gusty (not gutsy at all) dodge had saved her. Beat then followed up by shooting one of it's gunner allies to death with her cannon.

Her little Rat also succeeds in deleting the Gunner who had just almost hit her.

Red is then attacked by one of the MagTechs. She is pulled in by its electric pull, but manages to pull back before being hit, effectively dodging the hit. She fell to the ground just in front of the enemy, but wasn't hit.

((OOC: My that was bad and intense. I can only hope I didn't miss anything at all.))

Battle Summary:
Red-Riding_Hood.EXE: 165 HP
Beatnik.EXE: 100 HP
Myun.SP: 40 HP [STUN][-1 action]

GunnerEX A: DASH'D [Beatnik]
GunnerEX B: CANNON'd [Beat]
GunnerEX C: RAT'D [Beat]
GunnerEX D: RYTHM BOX'D [Myun]
GunnerEX F: SHOTGUNNED [Beatnik]
MagTectA: DASH'D [Beatnik]
MagTectB: 90
MagTectD: RINGLOG'D [Red]
MagTectF: 90
VacuumFanA: BURNED [Red]
VacuumFanB: FLAMBE'D [Red]

100% Normal
Somehow Beatfridge managed to completely avoid the rain of return fire. Those stupid viruses were just refusing to go down, weren't they? Two of the MagTects were still active. Wasn't Red supposed to be wasting these guys left and right?

"What've we got left?" Beatfridge called up. There was a short delay -- and when there was a delay, it meant that Antoinette was taking into account things that didn't please her. Granted, the list of stuff Toni didn't like was pretty darn long, but this was important stuff.

"No chips left."

"Aw, damn. What now, then?"

Toni shrugged and squared her hat. "Your buster."

"Oh hell."

It took Beatfridge almost a minute to remember which folders she had to access to get to her buster programming. It had been a thousand million years since she had last used the thing. When she had been packing all that firepower with the Mafia, her buster had been the last thing on her mind. Even after things had...changed, she'd still had enough chips and enough awesome to rip through everything she met without using her buster.

The fridge door flipped open. Four pies shot out of the interior in very quick succession. But something was wrong with them -- they weren't normal pies, not the edible ones like the sample that she'd dropped off with that rabbit. These pies hissed violently as they arced through the air. As they landed, they erupted in flashes of coloured light.


"That's all I can do!" Beatfridge called over to Red, and immediately mentally kicked herself for doing so. "You gotta finish 'em off! Don't screw up!"

*Flamenco Overdrive: +10 boost buster shot
1. Buster shot @ MagTectB (8 + 10 Flamenco Overdrive = 18 NORMAL damage)
2. Buster shot @ MagTectB (8 NORMAL damage)
3. Buster shot @ MagTectB (8 NORMAL damage)
4. Buster shot @ MagTectB (8 NORMAL damage)
*Gust: Dodge
A ray of sunshine washed over Red as she dusted her skirt off. Shin had slotted in the chips. It was time... for the end.

Pointing quickly and sharply at the ground under the Magtect in front of her, the red-caped wonder summoned a steaming hand of burning hot water destruction to attempt to encase the Magtect in its crushing grip and silence it... forever.

Myun, getting rid of her stun, decided to give Beatnik a hand and rushed over with quick boxing steps toward the other Magtect, and tried giving it what-for. With a fist here, and ear there, and... another ear up the alley! Jolly good stuff.

Disgruntled a bit as the Candle's healing light washed over everyone, Red decided to kick another Ringlog at the other Magtect. Hopefully it would bowl it over this time.

Just in case though, she readied a honeycomb underneath her cape to protect here, the rest would have to be up to fate, and her own ability to move.

Turn Summary:
*Sunshiny Day: Heal 15
1. MistConv to MagtectF [100 Aqua DMG]
2. Ringlog1 to MagtectB [50 Wood DMGx2 (Elemental Weakness) = 100 DMG]
3. Riskyhoney1 [Counter for 5x10 Wood DMG]
4-5. Dodge
*Gust: Dodge

Myun's Actions:
1. Stun
*Run Myun Run [Get in Melee Range of MagtectB]
2. Attack MagtectB [35 DMG]
*Rhythm Boxing to MagtectB [2x10 DMG]

HP: 100
Passive Effect: Regen 10 To-All Allies
The remaining viruses was quickly deleted by Beatnik's buster, followed shortly by Myun's attack, and the finisher delivered by Red. The threat was gone, Red and Beat was in their top shape, and they were rewarded handsomely for their victory!

Red-Riding_Hood.EXE: 190 HP
Beatnik.EXE: 100 HP
Myun.SP: 60 HP

GunnerEX A: DASH'D [Beatnik]
GunnerEX B: CANNON'd [Beat]
GunnerEX C: RAT'D [Beat]
GunnerEX D: RYTHM BOX'D [Myun]
GunnerEX F: SHOTGUNNED [Beatnik]
MagTectA: DASH'D [Beatnik]
MagTectD: RINGLOG'D [Red]
VacuumFanA: BURNED [Red]
VacuumFanB: FLAMBE'D [Red]

100% Normal

Red: 1800z, 64 Bugfrags
Beatnik: 1200z, [Machinegun1] Battle Chip
FXP: 5
"Well, we sure showed them," Shin commented, observing the battlefield.

"Alright! One mor-" Red started, but her operator interrupted.

"No, this is far enough. Besides we can always party again later," the ace said. "I'm pretty sure she isn't distressed anymore Red. She'll be fine, won't you?"

"Awww... well Miss Fridge, we have to go! I'm sure our paths will cross once again," the red-caped wonder smiled cheerfully.

And with that, they were off.

"Bummer," Beatfridge said at last, long after she had been abandoned in the hostile wilderness of Scilabs.

"Are we out of here?" Toni asked. The note in her voice dictated that she was thoroughly bored with the entire thing.

"Yeah, sure. Let's jet."