Cat hits the scilabs again

Nikko jacked into the net and started walking through the net, ready to face the viruses here again as timmy readied the chip while the new signature attack kept on decodeing.

(battle 1)
Virus Attack!

MarkCannonA: 60 HP
MarkCannonB: 60 HP
MarkCannonC: 60 HP
BoomerA: 60 HP
BommerB: 60 HP

Nikko.exe: 160 HP

Looks like the area has:

Quote ()

-Causes all chacters to slip and slide, reducing dodge and accuracy by 1 rank. Water worsens the effect to -2 ranks.
-Wet glass panels may cause poorly RP'ed or heavily hit Navis to loose balance and fall, losing 1 to 2 actions to recover.
-Shatters and becomes Broken when hit with Ground effect or Break type attacks, causing splash damage with shards. Damage varies from 10 to 100 points, in increments of 10.
-Causes Null Dmagae + Splash Effect Damage when used w/ Panel Shot.

-Go for it-
"Huh? Glass? oh well."
"Send me some battle chips."
"Pheonixshot1, Shotgun, DBLCube, Guard, battle chips in and download"

As Timmy slotted in the chips, a large cube appeared above Nikko as it kept on randomly going back and forth between red and blue and at the same time, a large red blaster appeared on Nikko's right paw while a small yellow buster appeared on her left. Nikko felt some bit of rage fill her body, but disapeared, though the DBLCube took on a slight red glow as Nikko took aim at the markcannons and fired a large blast of flame that took the shape of a pheonix as it then divebombed at the Markcannons and hit the ground, causeing a large vortex of flames to appear around the Markcannons, though the question was, are the markcannons gone? Nikko then took aim at BoomerA and fired a small blast of energy twords the Boomer, though it would do much good, should the DBLCube hit red, all the viruses would probably die anyways, Nikko then raised a large yellow shield in front of her and waited for the resaults of her attacks.

*Feline rage active on DBLCube
Feline rage DBLCube----->ALL CAN BE TARGETS (30 heal or 60 damage)
Pheonixshot1------>MarkcannonA-C (90, fire, can hit three targets)
Shotgun----->BoomerA, slash at BoomerB (50+splash)
Guard1 (reflect up to 60 damage from 1 attack)
Everything died. Yay.

Nikko.exe: 160 HP

Rewards: 500z
Nikko scouped up the reward and headed deeper into the net, ready to face anything that attacked her.

(battle 2)
The path that Nikko has chosen to follow soon turns largely to steel. There are only a few normal squares in between the plains of metal.

Quote (Metal Panels)

-Unbreakable, and uncrackable--except by water! More than 100 Aqua damage cracks the panels.
-Adds 100% to Fire damage!
-Adds 100% to Elec Damage!

It isn't long before a few viruses camping on the metal panels confront her.

ChampuA: 60 HP
ChampuB: 60 HP
ChampuC: 60 HP
ChampuD: 60 HP
StarfishA: 60 HP
StarfishB: 60 HP
StarfishC: 60 HP

Nikko.EXE: 160 HP

"Hmmm....little normal and lots of's a great conductor and it heats up super fast, perfect for fire and elec attacks, though it will rust with a large enough gush of water."
"Mind sending me the chips timmy?"
"Magbolt1, pheonixshot1, Magbolt1, battle chips in and download."

As Timmy slotted in the chips a large magnet with red ends appeared on Nikko's right paw while a large red buster appeared on her left. Nikko then clicked on the magnet and pointed it at starfishA and started to pull it in, ready to delete the little bastard with four times the power than normal, should the hit be on a metalic pannel as she jumped back and then took aim at three of the champu's leting off a large burst of flame that took the shape of a large bird that was on fire, as it swooped in on ChampuA-C and crashed into the ground near them hard, createing a large splash of flame all around them, hopefuly it would burn them to a crisp because of the metal pannels all around them as a small metal bomb appeared in her right paw, right where the magnet had been, as she tossed it at StarfishB and Nikko hoped that it would delete it as Nikko rushed at ChampuD and jumped right at it from the side and felt rage build up in her claws as she pounced upon it with great quickness and tried to dig her claws deep down into it's core as she jumped back and waited, hopefuly she deleted them all in one feel swoop just as she did in the last fight.

Magbolt1----->StarfishA (90X2 for elemental weakness and multiply that by 2 more for metal pannels)
Pheonixshot1------>ChampuA-C (90X2 for metal pannels)
Magbomb1----->StarfishB (30X2+stun)
*Feline rage active on Cat attack
Cat attack----->ChampuD (80+stun)
(finished post)
Sadly, Nikko is let down. This was not even close to an OTKO.
As the Magbolt drew in the enemy, Nikko jumped back before the hit connected to fire off the Phoenixshot at the Champus, only to have the Starfish plow into her Magbolt, deleting itself but throwing off her aim, and dealing minor damage to her (10) in the process. She recovers fairly well, however, pulling off a miraculous shot to hit two of the enemies.
Her Magbomb goes off better, taking out the enemy, but she gets interrupted as she prepares to use her Sig attack, the Champu swinging wildly. She manages to dodge the first strike, but it matters not as the Steel panel doubles the damage of the next hit (10x2). Pulling through, she digs deep to find the energy to finish her attack.

ChampuA: 60 HP
StarfishA: DELETED
StarfishB: 60 HP
StarfishC: DELETED

Nikko.EXE: 130 HP
"Ouch.....that hurt...."
"Here Nikko, Bubbler, Markcannon1, battle chips slot in and download."

As Timmy slotted in the chips a large green cannon with a scope appeared on Nikko's right paw while a small blue buster with water flowing through it appears on her left. Nikko then took a lax aim at StarfishA and fired off a large blast of energy that starts to hone in on the aquatic enemy, which would most likely kill off the starfish for it doesn't realy move. Nikko then jumped back and as she was in the air she took aim at ChampuA and as soon as she touched the ground she fired off a small blast of water that headed twords the Champu, hopefuly it was deleted as Nikko ran like crazy around the battle grounds, maybe the viruses were deleted, maybe not.

Markcannon1------>StarfishB (70+lock on)
Bubbler------>ChampuA (50X2+splash)
(*Slow clapping*
Better, Dark. Your RP'ing is becoming much better.)

This time, they were.

StarfishA: DELETED
StarfishB: DELETED
StarfishC: DELETED

Nikko.EXE: 130 HP

Rewards: 300z, Firehit1
Nikko downloaded all the rewards to Timmy's PET, timmy took a good look at the battle chip that they had obtained from the battle.

"Ahh, a fire hit1, not bad and 300z."
"I wonder why viruses have zenny on them in the first place....."
"That is a forbiden question Nikko, do not ask it again."

Nikko walked on again, ready to fight.

(battle 3)
Suddenly Viruses! More of them!

DBLCUBEA: 100 HP (Blue)
DBLCUBEB: 100 HP (Blue)
DBLCUBEC: 100 HP (Blue
ElecOgreA: 120 HP
ElecOgreB: 120 HP
ElecOgreC: 120 HP
MarkCannonA: 60 HP
MarkCannonB: 60 HP
MarkCannonC: 60 HP

Terrain: 1/2 Metal, 1/2 Normal

Nikko: 130 HP

-Ready or not-
"Hmm....elecorges, DBLCubes and markcannons, not too hard."
"Hit me."
"Ringlog1, Pheonixshot1, Markcannon1, battle chips in and download."

As Timmy slotted in each chip, a large green cannon with a small scope appeared on Nikko's right paw while a large red buster with flames running through it appeared on her left as a large log appeared on her left, ready to be used at all times. Nikko took aim at all three DBLCubes and looked at the ground under all of them, looking for metal pannels as she fired off a large blast of fire that slowly turns into the shape of a large bird as it soared above them and then dive bombed at them down onto the ground, createing a large explosion of flames all around the DBLCubes, wheather or not they were hit and nearly or even completely destroyed was unsure to Nikko in the blazeing inferno created by the Pheonixshot. Nikko then took very quick aim at MarkcannonA and fired off a large blast of energy at the thing, as it honed in on the Markcannon's power signature, it was almost a sure hit, for a cannon does not move. Nikko then picked up the large log that was beside her and felt a small ammount of rage build up in her body, though the rage disapated quickly, the ringlog took a redish color as Nikko chucked the log at the ElecOrges, trying to delete all three with a single log. Nikko quickly jumped up into the air and then as she hit the ground she ran around the viruses with great speed, trying to avoid being hit by any enemies that might survive her flurry of attacks.

Markcannon1------>MarkcannonA (70+lockon)
Pheonixshot1------>DBLCubeA-C (90X2 if on metal pannels)
*Feline rage active on Ringlog1
Ringlog1------>ElecOrgeA-C (80X2 due to elemental weakness)
Ironically, the first of the Markcannons was erased off the face of the Internet by the very chip it dropped. Another locked on, but Nikko avoided what would have been quite the painful blamming by leaping over the ensuing shot at the last second. The three DBLCUBES were swept away by the panel-empowered Phoenixshot that melted their outer casings and forced their internal components to overheat and explode in a rather pretty light show. The slow, inaccurate Ringlog was dodged by all three of the floating ElecOgres. One of them charged up its electrical blast, and the lightning leapt from conductive metal panel to conductive metal panel, giving Nikko the shock of her life.

ElecOgreA: 120 HP
ElecOgreB: 120 HP
ElecOgreC: 120 HP
MarkCannonA: DELETED!
MarkCannonB: 60 HP
MarkCannonC: 60 HP

Terrain: 1/2 Metal, 1/2 Normal

Nikko: 70 HP
"Ugh....well then, that could have gone better....."
"Here, DBLCube, Shotgun, Shotgun, battle chips in and download."

As Timmy slotted in the chips, a large grey cube appeared above Nikko as it started flashing between red and blue, ready to stop at any time as a small yellow buster appeared on Nikko's right paw. Nikko didn't think of what would happen should the cube land on the blue, though she didn't realy need to as she took aim at MarkcannonB and fired off both shots from the shotgun that had been downloaded into her body, she knew that if she took out the Makrcannons now, they would not cause her trouble later. Nikko then took off twords ElecOrgeA and with a mighty leap she pounced upon the creature, trying to dig her claws deep into it's body as she jumped back, knowing she can't do much more at the moment as she waited to see what has happened to the viruses she attacked.

DBLCube (40 to all enemies, 30 heal to allies)
ShotgunX2------>MarkcannonB, splash at MarkcannonC (50+splash each)
Cat attack------>ElecOrgeA (50+chance to stun)