Cram Time, Net Version

As Red slices one MarkCannon in half, Junior goes ballistic and rips the other one into very very tiny pieces with a flurry of claw swipes.... There's pieces scattered everywhere afterwards...

MarkCannonA: !DELETED!
MarkCannonB: !DELETED!
MarkCannonC: !DELETED!
MarkCannonD: !Shredded!
MarkCannonE: !DELETED!
MarkCannonF: !DELETED!
MarkCannonG: !Divided!
MarkCannonH: !DELETED!

Soulman Jr.: 80
-- GET: MarkCannon1, 400z

Red Riding Hood: 120
-- GET: MarkCannon1, 400z
Junior gave the remnants of his enemy a conceited look, and with a scowl just muttered, "That's right....."

"Ummm... okay, that was lovely and all, but we really must be off. Junior, you ready?" Wes inquired.

"Yeah, in a sec." He jogged over to Red and stooped down so that he was on eye level with her. He gave her a smile and said, "Well, looks like the deadline for that mission's almost up. We're not in the same group, so you have to be careful. We'll meet up after we finish then, kay?" He placed his hand on her shoulder and felt a bit of a charge run through it. His made him blink, but he didn't give it much thought. He then stood up and with a wave, jacked out, "Well, I'll see you later."

((The 'bit of a charge' will be us gaining a Cross, if our reg goes through. I'll post up our request in a bit.))
((sure thing))

Red felt a surge of energy flow into her when Junior touched her. She watched him leave and sighed. The wind navi jacked out.