A miniboss?

Seraphim walked into the nets of scilab, waiting for the members of his elusive party, who seemed quite slow.
"H-hey!" shouted Rass as he ran up alongside Seraphim, pausing next to the heroic navi to pant and catch his breath, "G-Geez, you move f-fast! D-do you think w-we can take a quick b-break at least?"

"Rass? Rass? Where the heck are you?!" demanded Suien, frantically looking over the two PET screens for any sign of his navi, "I can't find you anyplace in Netfrica! Are you alright?"

Rass fumbled for a switch on his helmet, reestablishing the communication link-up that had been knocked out in the previous battle. "S-sorry, Suien," he replied, "I f-followed Seraphim to S-Scilab's network b-because he... um... I d-don't know why he came here actually."

Suien rolled his eyes and fiddled with his chip folder nervously. That Seraphim fellow is a lot more trouble than he's worth, he thought with a grimace, One of these days, he'll wander right into a situation that's way more than he can handle... hope he doesn't cause his netOp's condition to worsen from his antics...
"Hmph," MeleeMan grunted, following the navis through the net gate. "You guys trying to give me the slip? Still don't think I'm worth having around?"

"MeleeMan, they never said they didn't think that. You're just letting an inferiority complex get the better of you. Try to think positively!" Rania urged him, refixing her hairpin with one eye winked shut.

"I have no inferiority complex! Look at these muscles! This fine, sculpted body! Do I have regrets? No, I have none!" he roared with unnecessary volume across the net area.
Virus Attack!

BoomerA: 60
BoomerB: 60
BoomerC: 60
KabutankA: 80
KabutankB: 80
Windbox: 100
ElecogreA: 120
ElecogreB: 120
ElecogreC: 120

Seraphim: 140
Rass: 100
Meleeman: 100

Battle 1 Start!
"Rrgh! This wind is working my nerves!" MeleeMan growled as the air suddenly began to split around him, blowing him further from his opponents.

"Ha, what doesn't?" she laughed, filing throught the few chips they had. "Don't worry, I know a strategy you can use to beat this guy."

"Huh? How am I supposed to get the Windbox when I need to get close to attack? I don't exactly have any teleportation or digging abilities. Well, I could dig, but it would take a while..."

"No, no, nothing like that. I don't need you to go to him, we can simply bring him to you! Use this Magbolt to drag him over here, then finish him off with the RageClaw," Rania explained, slotting in the chips quickly. "A pretty sweet strategy, I think."

"Huh. Yeah, it's not bad. It does involve a lot of punching, which means it's cool in my book, he responded, transferring the magnet weapon onto his right gauntlet. "Here we go! Magbolt!" he shouted, drawing the Windbox towards him. He attempted to sock it in its spinning fan with one electrically charged fist, then drew it back, overriding the magnet with a rageclaw. Feeling the wind work against him, he tried his best to skewer the box and cease its motion; if that didn't work, at least he'd have something to hold on to. In the event that he managed to pull it off, he planned to heave the thing out towards the group of boomers. "Hurgh! This is some real strain, Rania! I doubt many have ever tried a head on approach like this to tackling one of these viruses."

"Well, uh, there's not much reason most navis would, considering most navis have so many ranged chips. It's really a weakness on our part, not a strength," Rania admitted with a shrug.

"Aw, don't bring me down!" MeleeMan whined as his gums flapped heavily with the force of the wind. He had a cannon ready for yet an assault on the boomer if it so happened that he was successful with his other strategies, but he wasn't sure how far he could push his luck. "Once I get off of this thing, the first thing I'm doing is getting into an evasive stance. There's no time you feel more vulnerable than when you're nailed to a Windbox like this," he thought to himself, forming a large trail of smoke and exhaust behind himself.

1) Magbolt to Windbox [90]
2) RageClaw Windbox [20] in to BoomerA [20]
3) Cannon to BoomerA [40]
"Okay, then!" The navi yelled above the wind, raising his weapon, channeling his power into it, and crying out something that Erin hadn't heard before, as the navi looked up, and a serious smile appeared on his face, his eyes half-closed as he turned, nodding at his operator for a brief instant, then his expression shifted back to the goofy personality everyone well knew as he grinned, yelling out the name of this new, strange attack with a roar.

"Elemental Shot!" He yelled out, blasting forth three quick spurts of energy from the sword-mesh-gun, each a differing color, one red, one green, and one an icy blue that he fired, heading one after the other for the exact same target, whcih he pursued, blasting after it again with another three spurts, these ones just plain energy blasts, as he cried out the name similiarly of these three spells, calling out their name, namely;

"Baru Kan!" He yelled this out, firing the yellow bursts, then another three directly after it, as he grinned and looked up at his net operator, smiling, his face was filled with that same happiness, the navi was filled not with the glee of battle, but the happiness of being with friends, people that he was popular with, or so he thought. His operator looked at her navi, curious as to where he had learned that particular skill, as the navi made a gruesome face at the viruses, sticking out his tongue as he teased them, then ran behind the rockcube with rass, slapping the navi on the back as he cricked his neck, looking up at his operator with a grin on his face.

"Seraph, get back to work." His operator said, her face red with both embarassment and rage as she glared at the navi. He was fooling around again instead of fighting to the best he could, instead of winning the battle, he was being the idiot that he could be, so he would be. She sighed, it made her laugh sometimes, that's why she fused the humor program into him, but it wasn't working out. She sighed again, looking over to suien with a resigned expression and nodding.

1] Elemental Shot: [18*2 to kabutankA, 18 to kabutankB]
2] Vulcan [60 to kabutankA]
3] Vulcan [60 to kabutankB]
4] Run behind rockcube
"N...Nine viruses?!" yelled Rass out loud, "I th-thought this n-network was s-supposed to be s-safer!" The pink-and-black navi stepped back nervously, fearfully eyeing the monstrous ogre heads and the bug-like tanks that slowly closed in on the team's position. In his panic, he failed to notice a small patch of blue appear on his chest and quickly scan the entire area with a flash of azure light.

Stop panicking, hon, it's unseemly, chided Tem quietly, If you bothered to check with your netOp before throwing a fit, you'd have seen that while there is a higher VPE index for Scilab's network, their average attack strength and durability is significantly lower than that of Netfrica's indiginous viruses. I've just scanned them, so their technical specifications are available in your databases. She retreated as swiftly as she had come, muttering as she went, If *I* were the system administrator, we'd be so much more efficient, but NOOOO, that pink retard has to be given absolute control... Rass shifted uncomfortably as he flipped through the technical data, trying to find something that would prove himself worthy of his administrator status. "H-hey," he said excitedly, addressing his netOp via personal communication, "Th-the ElecOgres are of the Electric type! That m-means we can use our g-grass chips on them, right?"

It seemed as though Rass' suggestion had come a bit too late, however, as Suien had already withdrawn a quartet of battlechips and was about to slot them in. Not wanting to hurt his navi's pride by discounting his obvious observation, he quickly caught himself. "Oh... um... great observation, Rass!" he said, "I'll send you our grass chips, as well as the discord and rockcube."

Yeah, *great* observation Rass, snickered Argo, Who would have thought the ELECOgres would be Electric type?

Rass looked hurt, but ignored the combat subsystem as both of his arms began to glow with a faint green aura. As he drew upon Tem's calculations, he took careful note of the targets, adjusting his aim such that he would strike the critical operating systems of the dangerous opponents. The green light glowed ever brighter on his hands, as though attempting to force its way out and strike at the opponents.

Are you going to do something?! shouted an impatient Argo, Hurry up and attack already! Rass shook his head in response, smirked, and muttered, "Override program 4RG0, Right arm." Argo swore as he was again forced into Rass' right palm and swung around in a mighty arc, releasing the flying, scything boomerang on a low trajectory along the ground. No sooner had the boomerang left his hands, did Rass whirl around and smash the ground. Three small green cactiballs popped up in front of him and looked expectantly at him, beady black eyes shining as they awaiting his orders. "G-go get those Ogres!" he shouted, pointing a black finger toward the red-faced viruses, "H-hurry!"

The small green cacti peeped in response and started rolling at a high rate toward the opposing ogres. The trio of spikey projectiles hurled themselves across the network, aiming to embed themselves in any surviving ElecOgres. Before he could confirm the hit, however, Rass felt both arms raise above his head and slam down onto the ground. Instantly, a pair of large objects began to materialize as the chip data leaked from Rass' palm and take corporeal form on the Scilab network. Looking confusedly at his hands, he saw Tem's eyeballs staring back at him. Don't mind me, she cooed, But you might want to cover your ears. The viruses will have it worse since the Tuby's been reprogrammed to suit their frequency, but the ringing still stings something awf...

Rass didn't catch the latter part of Tem's warning because a horrible screeching erupted from the Tuby beside him. The Pink and Black navi nearly broke cover as he tried to find some way to dampen the noise. While the noise wasn't enough to drive him mad, it was still terribly unpleasent to listen to. Crouching down and covering his hears to drown out the noise, he rocked back and forth behind the Rockcube, hoping that it was at least as bad for the viruses as it was for him...

0: Tem Scanner: +5 damage to all attacks, Boosted Accuracy, Enemies killed drop more chips and have boosted RP factor
1: Boomerang (60+5 = 130 Element Damage) ElecOgreA, ElecOgreB, ElecOgreC
2: CactiBall (20x3 = 120 Total Element Damage) any surviving ElecOgre
3: Discord (Summons 100 HP Tuby, confuses opponents)
4: Rockcube (Summons 200 HP rockcube) for cover
Meleeman drags the WIndbox forward, then smacks it back again. He then finishes off a boomer. Seraphim's three speciality blasts hit. Then his Vulcans begin tearing through the enemies. Rass's boomerrang takes down two ogres and the cactball crashes into the last ogre twice, severely damaging it. The ogre angerily snarls and perhaps to attack, but as the trumpet sounds, its aim goes way off, electricity crackling a few yards behind the group.

BoomerB: 60
BoomerC: 60
KabutankA: DELETED!
KabutankB: 2
Windbox: DELETED!
ElecogreA: DELETED!
ElecogreB: 40
ElecogreC: DELETED!

Seraphim: 140
Rass: 100
Meleeman: 100

Tuby: 100
Rockcube: 200
Rass jumped in panic as a burst of lightning smashed down into the network, transforming the panel it landed on into a fine glassy tile, crystalline cracks streaking across the surface. Gulping in fear with the realization that the powerful blast had been meant for him and his comrades, he scrambled to the top of the rockcube to assess the situation. Though their last assault had decimated the enemy group, there was still a sizable number of viruses that remained. Rass gulped again and glanced at his comrades. I might be able to finish the viruses off, but... they might get mad if I get in the way... he thought, frowning, I... guess I'll just try to make things easier for them...

As if on cue, Suien deftly removed three more battlechips from his folder, sliding them in with a trio of smooth fluid motions. "Nice job Rass," said Suien, watching the battle unfold through the two screens on his PET, "Get Ishamel to help you finish the job. I'm sending you three gun-type chips, so make them count." Returning Erin's resigned look with an encouraging smile, he scanned the HP values of remaining viruses and twirled his chip folder impatiently.

In the digital world, Rass felt a slight tingling sensation as his targetting subsystem erupted from his back to his right arm. Ishamel's single robotic eye appeared in the palm of his hand and glistened in the artificial light as the subsystem ran several calculations on the optimal course of action. Several variables and measures displayed themselves on Rass' viewfinder, but just as the fusion navi was about to take action, Ishamel's mechanical voice rang out. YOUR FRAIL TYPOLOGY IS NOT CONDUCIVE TO EFFECTIVE COMBAT, CORE SYSTEM, he said.

Rass paused, momentarily confused by his subsystem's arcane language. "W-what do you mean?" he asked out loud.


Rass was taken aback as Argo howled with laughter from within his gemstone. Gritting his teeth and steeling his muscles, Rass leaped out from behind the rockcube, long orange scarf flowing behind him. Dashing to the side of the nearby ElecOgre, he thrust a crimson hand forward and released the first blast - a surge of compressed air aimed to send the red-faced virus spiraling into its counterparts. The airshot swirled forward, creating a pocket of air that detonated in a cloud of smoke on impact.

Wasting no time, Rass fired the second and third blasts off simultaniously - two blasts of pure white light that lanced toward the target. The dual beams spiraled forward, each folding over its counterpart as they crashed into the smoke, sending a fresh batch of shrapnel skyward in their wake. Not wanting to be around when the viruses counterattacked, Rass dove once more behind the rockcube, covering the back of his neck with his hands and crouching down in a compact ball.

How... how did I get myself into this?

1: Airshot ElecOgreB (20) toward KabutankB
2: Shotgun ElecOgreB (50), splash to KabutankB
3: Cannon ElecOgreB (40)
4: Seek cover behind rockcube
[Saving post spot taking out boomer and kabutank]
"Wow. This was a real swift job, eh Rania? Enemies like you punks are hardly worth fighting!" MeleeMan grunted gruffly, spitting onto the ground next to him. "We've had the advantage in this battle since the beginning.... But damn!" he suddenly exclaimed.

"What? What is it, MeleeMan?" Rania asked, a bit surprised. He was almost in a good mood in his own meatheaded way a moment ago, but now he seemed unusually disturbed.

"It's nothing.... Yeah," he grunted, gritting his teeth. "It looks like this brawl's about finished." MeleeMan roared, gunning it towards the Boomer that he suspected may survive Rass' shotgun assault. "Here it comes! Soul Fist Uppercut!" he shouted, bring his fist under the opponent in an attempt to hurl it into the sky. Sweat rolled off of his forehead; his teeth were still clenched in anger.

"What? Something on your mind?" Rania asked, beginning to get disturbed. "That should be about the end of them; there's no real reason to be angry."

"It's just... that music! Listen to it!" he grumbled, clutching at his head. "It's awful, like some kind of bugle or something! I can't stand it!"

"It's Rass' Tuby, don't worry about it. He's handling it, so you should be able to also. Just drown it out!" she exclaimed, finding the whole problem childish.

"No, Rania, I can't stand this. It's either me or that thing; one of us stays, one of us goes!" MeleeMan cried out, staring into the Tuby's eyes with focused rage. One of his gauntlets began to glow yellow, then became red hot in its intensity. Smoke billowed out with amazing speed. "Let's hear you play after this one!" he roared, rushing forward and bringing down his fist hard on the tuby.

1) Soul Fist Uppercut to BoomerB [80 elemental bonus]
2) Charge
3) Charge
4) Attempt to break Tuby with charged shot [36]
Seraphim grinned as he leapt up on the rockcube, looking about and spotting the final two viruses. He gulped for a second as he remembered what the Mag Bolt had done to him, quite literally almost ripping his arm off when he had used it, this time he wouldn't be so stupid, or so he hoped. He closed his eyes, shutting them tightly as he felt the tuby making its noise, a beautiful tune to his ears, that of a battle theme, as he raised the weapon, and yelled out the name of the attack that would most likely drag him toward the enemy... except he wouldn't let it. He slid away the sword-mesh-gun, slowly the light flickered and disappeared as he sheathed it into air, the blade vanishing as he raised his hands to his shoulder, drawing a giant blade that was ornate, the same one before as he slowly brought it from sie to side, then charged at the viruses.

"Good Idea, Seraph. I'll get the melee chips ready for you," Announced quietly, selecting the only two ones that would be able to used with that giant blade he wielded as the navi rushed toward the twin foes, rushing the boomer first, as the boomer would be able to taken out in less than one hit.

"Mag Bolt!" He cried out, as his operator quickly selected the chip, nodding tensely as she slotted that particular chip in, causing the weapon to sprout fangs along its length and the fangs crackled with electricity, beginning to move like a chainswaw as he brought it before him, brought it up, jumping into the air and bringing it down on the foe, not hesitating a second before the spell lost its powers, spinning as he made a dash for the next foe, yelling out the name of the next spell as he moved as quickly as possible while carrying the giant blade.'

"Rag Eclaw!" He yelled out tersely as the theme carried on in the backround, as he brought the blade up and pounded into the final foe, slamming it into the ground, the fangs along the blades length no longer crackling with electricity, but moving faster and faster as he grinded the final foe into the ground, then brought the blade back, then brought it forward, slamming the foe like a baseball player would swat a a ball into a homerun, blasting it into the atmosphere.

1] Take out Job extension giant blade
2] Magbolt [BoomerC] [90]
3] Rageclaw [ElecOgreB] [30] [Ground] [30]
4] Rageclaw [ElecOgreB] [30] [Sky] [30]
An a rather intense display of an overkill, the quartet of mostly wounded virii are deleted. You folks should be ashamed of yourselves. Also, MeleeMan smacks the Tuby, cracking the brass casing. The Tuby responds in like fashion with a deafening blast of horrid sound, right in MeleeMan's ear.

KabutankA: DELETED!
KabutankB: DELETED!
Windbox: DELETED!
ElecogreA: DELETED!
ElecogreB: DELETED!
ElecogreC: DELETED!

Seraphim: 140
Rass: 100
Meleeman: 100

Tuby: 66
Rockcube: 200

All Virii Defeated! The winnar....It's j00!


Seraphim ~ 800z
MeleeMan ~ Boomerangx1, 400z
Rass ~ ElecReel1x1, 200z
"Victory music!" Seraphim announced at the horrible blaring, evidently tone-deaf to the Tuby, or otherwise horribly desparate to hear some kind of tune for himself.

"Onward and forward, to more random battles!" The navi announced, striding forth forward, humming happily and off-key.
"Raaagh! It won't stop!" MeleeMan roared, punching the tuby repeatedly as it continued its music, sounding worse and worse with every punch. "Don't tell me you're actually enjoying this, Seraphim?!"

"I don't know," Rania responded. "It's got a kind of nice rhythm to it if you don't mind the pitch. I mean, it's very consistant."

"You too Rania? Man, you guys suck!" MeleeMan cried, covering his ears and gritting together both rows of teeth.
Rass felt like he should say or do something as MeleeMan proceeded to mangle his Tuby virus beyond recognition. After a moment's thought, however, he shook his head and tried to ignore it. With an apologetic look to Seraphim who, to his surprise, looked particularly jubilant at the virus' discordant tunes, Rass picked up his share of the rewards and followed the party leader, leaving MeleeMan to tangle with the trumpetlike tuby.
Virus Attack!

ChampuA: 60
ChampuB: 60
ChampuC: 60
StarfishA: 60
StarfishB: 60
StarfishC: 60
MarkcannonA: 60
MarkcannonB: 60
MarkcannonC: 60
MarkcannonD: 60
DBLCubeA: 200 <R>
DBLCubeB: 200 <R>

Seraphim: 140
Rass: 100
Meleeman: 100

Battle 2, Enjoy~
"Oh, that's a lot." The navi commented as he stared blinkingly, the sword stuck into the ground as he stared at the overly large amounts of deadly viruses, his expression grim.

"How can I defeat them all?" He asked himself, raising a hand and going into a dramatic monologue to himself as he pondered over how to defeat multiple viruses over multiple viruses in this one turn when all he could do.. was... He grinned, as he began to speak.

"You berserk viruses think you can rule over all people, destroying our way of life, bringing down our life as a whole, and you think you can get away with such tactics? You won't get away with this, as the protagonist, I can't let you get away with this, thus I will defeat you here and now, viruses, forces of evil!" Finishing with his main-charactery-speech as he dashed at the viruses, raising the giant blade up and into the air, yelling out, "Rag Eclaw!" the blade itself becoming more and more like a giant chainsaw as he wielded it, the edges of those blades sparking and pulling him forward, but before the pull became too strong, the navi leapt into the air, pulling off a spectacular somersault before slamming the giant blade into a single virus, slamming it into another, pulling the blade back before he slammed it again into the two, the chainsaw-like blade running and crackling, sparks running out as he hefted it to the side and brought it across once again, then finally leapt back, leaping at another of the two remaining viruses, basically crudely uppercutting it into the air with the giant blade as he surged energy into it, the blades moving even faster, then slammed it into the final one, electricity surging into it, "Mag Bolt!" Blasting from his mouth as he slashed and leapt back, panting.

"Okay, Rass, We'll Need that Giant Cube Shieldy Thingie Now!" The navi spoke, accenting on every word as if the navi couldn't hear over the chainsaw of the blade, which he couldn't turn off until the spell had expired, which it seemingly hadn't. The navi's ears rang as the jittering weapon cut off roaring with a sudden halt, and the navi swayed as the weapon reformed into its normal huge size.

1] Rageclaw [30] [MarkCannonA] [30] [MarkcannonB]
2] RageClaw [30] [MarkcannonA] [30] [MarkCannonB]
3] Rageclaw [30] [MarkCannonC] [30] [Sky]
4] Magbolt [90] [MarkCannonD]
"Hrmph. Quite a few of them indeed," MeleeMan repeated, scratching his chin with one of his steely fingers. "Uh... where to start though?" His eyes quickly scanned over the enemy group; suddenly, it came to him. "Aha! There! Those viruses!"

"I know. The Starfish are likely to be a lot of trouble. They're pretty obviously aqua type," Rania nodded in inference. "We've got to take them out before they have a chance to-"

"No, you fool! Not the starfish! Look there!" he cried, pointing a finger towards the boxing viruses. "You see? Their souls burn so brightly! They're challenging me, Rania! I would be a weakling to turn down such a challenge! Truly, I would be a spineless, cowardly weakling!"

"Heh, for how tough you are," Rania muttered, "you sure do care a lot about your image, you know?"

"What? It's not about my image! It's a matter of pride; my own pride as a man! Maybe that's something a little girl like you just couldn't understand, Rania," MeleeMan replied, frowning deeply. "Send me a cannon, a shotgun, and a rageclaw, Rania. Along with those, a boomer."

"Why all of that, MeleeMan? You could take out the Champu's with just the boomer, couldn't you?" she asked, arching one eyebrow with confusion as she slotted in the chip.

"Because, you were right. If I leave those starfish floating there, they'll just get in the way of my real target. And I simply cannot have that," he replied, arming himself with the boomer. "Eat this, and keep to yourselves!" he shouted, throwing a spinning boomerang into the group of Starfish. "Now, the true battle begins. Are your fists hot enough to stand up against mine?" he sneered, turning to the Champus and pounding one fist into the other. "Here it comes! You guys are going to feel the full brunt of my force!" he warned them, replacing the left gauntlet with a cannon arm. He blasted in the direction of one, then switched over to a shotgun, quickly shifting his target. After unloading the ammunition, he again changed weapons, this time to a RageClaw. "Hrah!" he shouted, scooping under one in an attempt to fling it into the other he'd just fired at.

"MeleeMan! You're going to be vulnerable!" Rania warned him. "It's not a good idea to focus so much on offense, you know?"

"Hah! I'll defend myself when I need to, don't you worry," MeleeMan responded, thumbing his nose at the one Champu whom he had not yet targeted.

1) Boomer to Starfish group [60]
2) Cannon to ChampuA [40]
3) Shotgun to ChampuB [50, splash to ChampuC]
4) RageClaw ChampuA [20] into Champu B [20]
Rass nearly fainted at the sight of twelve Scilab viruses arrayed in front of him, but quickly regained his composure, remembering what Tem had told him at the forefront of the previous battle. Right...Tem says not to panic until we have a good reading on what we're facing he thought, preliminary scans reveal basic elemental data as well as a cursory hit-point analysis which in turn, displays...

"Two-hundred hit points?!" shouted Rass, aghast, "That's... that's... that's..."

That's perfectly manageable, and you'd know that too if you had half a brain, said a rather cheeky Tem, Or did you forget that you have two teammates with an acceptably high attack power and several combat capabilities?

Rass blinked, then turned from side to side, noticing that both of his teammates had already begun their respective attacks. With a boisterous cry, MeleeMan hurled himself toward the firey champus while Seraphim seemed to turn his attention to the stationary cannons. Rass gulped, realizing that this particular turn of events probably meant that he would be stuck fighting the cubial opponents. "Ah... ah... S-suien?" he asked nervously, "H-how do you th-think we should handle the c-cubes?"

Suien, meanwhile, was ignoring the core system, instead withdrawing the airshot battlechip and talking to Tem via the communications uplink. "You say that the T3M's default configuration was centered around the airshot program?" he asked, frowning at the new development, "I know that you have the airshot listed under your area of expertise, but is this going to work? I didn't pay much attention in netphysics, but I'm pretty sure there's something flawed with the calculation."

Rass frowned and listened in. "Hey," he protested, "what are y-you guys talking about?"

Tem acted as though she didn't hear. Oh don't worry about it, Suien~ she said, The skylink is a standard technique that was originally encoded in the Tempo series databanks. I'm confident that even with Rass' body, we'll be able to utilize it.

"S-Skylink?" Rass stammered as Suien shrugged his shoulders and slotted in the airshot chip, "What's the S-Skylink? Wh-what are you t-talking about?"

Don't sweat it, Rass, said Tem softly as Rass' black body became a deep shade of azure, Just sit tight and let me handle this. We're going to fly!

"F-F-F-Fly? We can't fly!" protested Rass as Tem drove her palm onto the ground, "and why are you aiming the airshot at the g-ground? The enemies are that way! All you'll end up doing is... sending... us... skyward..." Realization dawned on Rass as the fusion navi's expression turned from one of confusion to panic. He drew in a deep breath as his tactical system discharged the airshot...

...and watched in horror as the ground seemed to get farther and farther away from him as the force of the recoil propelled him high into the air.

Tem, however, wasted no time in setting up her position as Rass streaked skyward. As Suien slotted in three more chips, he smiled to himself as he noted Tem's strategy. This is going to be good, he thought.

In a flash of light, a long Tuby virus appeared in Rass' hand. The brassy object gleamed in the artificial glow of the network as Rass continued his airshot-assisted jump. With a mid-air twirl, Tem hurled the virus toward the swarm of MarkCannons that Seraphim was prepared to engage. Sorry, about that, otaku boy, chuckled Tem as she watched the tuby descend to earth, But we've got other plans for our "giant cube shieldy thingy." That should provide enough of a distraction. Forcing the fusion navi's body into a painful spin, Tem held both of his hands up into the air as Rass continued to shoot skyward. In a dramatic appeal to the heavens, several golden sparklets were released into the atmosphere from his fingertips. ...and this is to help your meatheaded friend down there with those aquatic starfish types, cooed Tem, speaking more to boost her own ego than for explanatory purposes.

Rass, meanwhile could not help but be impressed by his tactical system's capacity for multitasking. Using only a portion of his system resources, she had provided a wide range of support for both his allies while sailing through the air. What Rass didn't know, however, was what exactly she was saving the rockcube for...


The answer suddenly dawned on the fusion Navi as Tem forced his arms to tightly grasp the newly generated rockcube. Hold on, she scowled, This is going to be a little rough. Rass' eyes widened in fear as he reached the peak of his flight, and now began plummeting to earth, guiding like a meteor-like rockcube as he plummeted toward the ground.

Rass couldn't stand it anymore. As Tem struggled to guide the body's systems, the poor navi started screaming in terror as the cube picked up velocity.

1: Airshot Ground, sending self skyward
2: Discord (100 HP, Confuses), direct to distract MarkCannons
3: ElecReel1 (100, Elec) any surviving Starfish and MarkCannons
4: Drop Rockcube on DblCubeA (200 - think of it as the same effect as a rockcube/airshot combo, since it's being dropped from a large height)
(5: land painfully and probably take some damage)