It must also be a two person mission,as I am also looking for Joan and her netnavi Rayner.
Reward must have Air Shoes for me (Its for my navi.)
-Matt Wilson
Quote (Request)
To whom it may concern,
I am Pyre.EXE, Navi to Miss Joanna Grimsson. I am looking for some help with cleaning up an infected storage drive; one of Joanna's coworkers linked the drive to their home page, which was riddled with viruses. We managed to stop the flow of viruses, but quite a few have taken root within the drive. I would deal with the problem myself, but it would be much more interesting and efficient if I had a few hands to help out. We already attempted to enlist the help of her coworkers, but they weren't up to the task. If I could find a Navi or two to help me purge the drive, it would be greatly appreciated. We are willing to offer a spare NCP and/or zenny upon completion of the task. Thank you and have a good day!
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Thank you for responding to my request! We'll really appreciate the help! To answer your question, Condor, the drive was infected by a home page in the ACDC network, so it's possible there may be some fire-based viruses. I have attached a link to the home page, there we can meet and log into the drive. See you soon!
-attachment: link.dat-