Testing Run

Astraea stepped off the warp pad from the NetSquare, her bare feet hitting ACDC Net for the first time in Alex's employ as her eyes blinked rapidly to get the after images of the transport flash out of them. It was the first time ever, really. She'd been built and programmed for the satellites she once played overseer too, and besides the computers of the companies that had had a hand in her creation, that was the only place she'd ever been. She took a moment to twist her body around as she looked but having no experience she had nothing to determine her direction with. Well, almost nothing.

She gave a little grunt, checked her belt and tools once again because it paid to be prepared and not because she was nervous, no, and then set off into Network Alex had said they would explore today. He could catch up later, right now she had a turret to test.

-Searching for Battle-
Astraea had beamed down into a heavily forested part of the Net. Of course, the Net was the Net, so everything was artificial, but a new landscape was a new landscape, so she might be feeling a bit overwhelmed. The trees didn't really seem to be trees at all: rather, they were simply tall, spindly pieces of architecture with no apparent purpose that would probably resemble trees to the average observer. The ground beneath her feet was a patchwork the colorful patterns typically associated with the floor of the net in other spaces. All of it was shaded by the "tree" branches above.

Looking around in this area, Astraea saw trees, trees, and more trees. Having no other bearing to go off of, the only thing that made sense was to head in a direction that didn't look like more trees. Therefore, the area ahead where the forest got less thick and a small banging noise could be heard seemed like a good bet.

The forest eventually gave way entirely, and the area opened up upon a small river. Astraea had approached it from the side, so it ran from her right side towards the downstream side at the left. Directly in front of her, however, was a small stone bridge, almost looking like a miniature, with a tunnel through which the water passed and continued.

On the other side, two small viruses, dark little blobs with yellow hard hats, seemed to be engaged in a project. They'd built up a small barricade of rocks encircling the bottom half of what appeared to be a cannon turret virus. It didn't look as though it was active: the barrel drooped low, completely motionless, and even though it was facing right towards Astraea when she emerged and saw it, it made no move to attack.

The hard-hat viruses, however, quickly noticed her and began waving their pickaxes frantically. One turned to Astraea, seemed to look her up and down as though sizing her up, and then began waving its pickaxe at its partner. That one, notably wielding a hammer instead of a pickaxe, turned to the turret that was next to them and began knocking on it, although it wasn't clear what it was intending to accomplish.

The other Metool turned to Astraea, and it was clear what it was trying to accomplish. It had a menacing look in its eyes (well, as menacing as two huge eyes beneath a tiny little hard hat can be) as it began making steps towards Astraea. One thing was clear: they saw Astraea as an alien creature, and intended to repel her.


MetoolA: 40Hp [Behind Barricade, hammering CannonDumbA]
MetoolB: 40Hp [Approaching bridge, in front of Barricade]
CannonDumbA: 40Hp [Behind Barricade]
[All on opposite bank]


Astraea: 100 HP [On front bank]


Mostly Normal. There is a bank shortly ahead that slopes into a running stream, which appears to be shallow. The bank then slopes back up towards the opposite field. There are tree-like structures in a seemingly endless quantity behind.


Bridge: 500 HP [Between banks]
Barricade: 50 HP [On opposite bank]
Many trees: 10 HP each [On front bank]

--Battle 1 Start--
Astraea's lips turned into a slight frown as she looked around when she first landed, slowly turning her head and torso as she surveyed. There was prickling feeling of unease at the base of her eye stalks, as if some half-remembered instinct wanted her to retract them or move them instead. That was completely silly, of course, she had never had either ability! After a moment of just taking the forest in she set out, bare feet slapping quietly against the multi-colored tiles underfoot. At least those were familiar.

The river could be heard long before she could see it and the sound of running water, once she identified it as such, drew her like a moth to a flame. That sound had been heard before, but it was a distant memory that was riddled with haze and a brief sense of awareness before falling back to sleep again. Maybe when she had been built she had heard it? Or had it been after during one of those rare rest periods in the planet-side computers? Which was it?

That trail of mental questioning as clipped short as she came into view of the river itself. Her breathing quickened as her eyes narrowed and her hands curled themselves into fists at her sides. There was a knot of something worried and tense between her shoulder blades and her moment of stillness stretched into several. Astraea had been spotted, she needed to hide, no, run. She was suppose to have an escort where was her escort, she didn't know how to fig-

Once more Astraea clipped short her running thoughts, this time with a visible shake of her head. She began to breath deeply and forced her hands to uncurl themselves. While it was true she had been in combat as the objective of several escort missions before, this time was different. These weren't the monstrosities of the NAXA Net, they were within her reach. She had to believe that. She had tools and equipment at her disposal, she could do this if she just reigned in the adrenaline rush and pushed herself to the fight spectrum of the flight or fight response.

She flipped open the cover of a little plastic square on her belt, revealing a keypad and her fingers tapped with surprising speed across the keys. She keyed in a command without looking and with a flash of light and a confirmation beep a thin white piece of plastic appeared on her arm with a white elastic strap holding it in place. The fact that the transfer array was working reassured the Navi, and she faced the viruses with a more determined look. It was time to call in the guns!

There was a positive beep and a flash from the panel, then a ticking sound as if something were counting down. There was a bright flash of light to Astraea's left and a thump as what looked like an egg with two barrels on folding chair legs dropped onto the battlefield. Colored red with blue and green buttons on the side and a couple of displays, this poor display of design also featured nifty vents along sides where the cover was cracked. The legs looked like they had been badly welded on and the whole thing was wobbly and looked like it was just barely holding itself together. It was clearly made out of sub-standard materials when compared to the Cannondumb, or anything in general.

The little red turret coughed twice and flung a couple of incendiary rounds at the opposite turret. The action made it promptly begin beeping in alarm as a gauge on the side lit up red and a couple of vents on one side opened up to let off excess smoke as the Cinder Turret attempted to not succumb to overheating after the very first attack. It was the first of its line! It couldn't fall so early on into its creation!

"What in the skies happened?" Astraea rasping voice was as displeased as her face. While the design was almost like what she had imagined, the results were decidedly not. She pulled her wrench from her belt, a few scraps from the pocket of her overalls, and set about to reinforcing the turret while keeping her shield towards the viruses. She mumbled quietly as she worked, her voice rasping quietly as she patch-welded the legs and worked to kill the alarms. After a moment she took a step back, the alarms replaced with a steady-happy beep and the whole ensemble looking a bit more durable.

Satisfied that her repairs would hold for now the Navi turned attention back to the fight with a mental note to find out what had happened to her turret later.

All in all, Astraea's first fight wasn't off to a good start.

1) 1-hit Shield
2) Cinder Turret— Summons 10hp object that does 5x2 Fire Shot, Acc A (passive)
CT: 5x2 Fire Shot, Acc A @CannonDumbA
3) Masterwork - Add 21 HP to Cinder Turret

Cinder Turret - Deployed!
While Astraea brought up her own defences and summoner her support fire, the metool on the bridge seemed to take this as a challenge. It lined up carefully, then swung its pickaxe at the ground with all of its diminutive might, sending an impressive shockwave (well, impressive for a metool), careening wildly off to the side and away, quite removed from even the possibility of hitting anything remotely close by. The little virus paused to watch the attack, both confused and disappointed in itself.

Meanwhile, the space-navi's prototype turret made an attack of its own, targeting the inactive cannon with far greater accuracy. As pretty as the barricade was, it failed utterly to protect the cannon's upper half, and both incendiary rounds found their mark. Beside the turret, the hammering metool let out a startled squeak, dropped its hammer, and ducked immediately under its hat.

The cannondumb itself hummed and shuddered as it was struck, then raised its muzzle, seeking a target. What it found was a pale imitation of its own immobile fire-power magnificence, and opted immediately to remove such an ignoble stain from its presence. Its shot rang true, crashing directly into Aestraea's prototype, but, against all wonders of science and invention, the wobbly machine actually endured the hit, and remained upright after the shot. Most of the effort that she had put in to stabilise and shore up its patchwork design had been undone by this blast, but despite barely holding together, the turret still seemed more or less functional.


MetoolA: 40Hp [Behind Barricade, Guarding]
MetoolB: 40Hp [On the Bridge]
CannonDumbA: 30Hp [Behind Barricade]


Astraea: 100 HP [On front bank][1-hit Shield]


Mostly Normal. There is a bank shortly ahead that slopes into a running stream, which appears to be shallow. The bank then slopes back up towards the opposite field. There are tree-like structures in a seemingly endless quantity behind.


Bridge: 500 HP [Between banks]
Barricade: 50 HP [On opposite bank]
Many trees: 10 HP each [On front bank]

Cinder Turret: 10Hp [Allied, near Astraea]

((Unless I've missed something, being fresh out, Astraea is still level 0, so for now, Masterwork will add 20Hp flat, I believe.))
(Ah okay, thank you.)

The little turret bravely endured viscous attacks dealt by the viral encampment, Astraea's quick-patchwork falling to the ground and disappearing. But the little turret would endure! It would do its manufacturer proud! It beeped defiantly at the other turret and fired off another pair of super-heated shots. Then the turret realized it was super heated too.


Astraea groaned at the panicked, high-pitched noise emitting from her turret and reached out to slap a button on the side with her wrench. The Navi didn't bother throwing another patch job on the turret, it was so beat up she wasn't sure a patch would even stick. Instead she moved holstered her wrench and dropped her hand to the keypad on her belt. Another quick round of button pressing and-

"Teleporter returning null target error. Would you like to queue up another production line?" Astraea slapped a hand to her face and growled at the feminine voice with a distinctly robotic twang that piped up in response. She was glad she had decided to move out before Alex was out of the shower if just because he wasn't there to witness this mess.

"Activate assembly of blueprint CT Alpha, end. Begin assembly protocol 3." She pulled her hands away as she spoke and pulled her raygun from it's holster. She would have to handle the enemies herself for now, but that was alright. She was competent. She could handle hers-

"Apologies could not understand spoken order sequence. Please speak clearly and try again." Astraea ground her teeth in frustration and tried again.

"Activate assembly of blueprint CT Alpha, end! Begin assembly protocol 3!" She all-but yelled the words and struggled to keep from smashing her wrench into the keypad. She aimed her little zap gun at the virus trio and grinned wickedly at them. She couldn't beat on her own inventions, but she sure as hell could beat on them.


"-ild order received! Beginning build CT Alpha, protocol 3. Have a pleasant day." The smooth feminine voice was partially equipped by the cheesy movie sound effects the little ray gun made. Shaped plasma shots of bright orange lanced at the CannonDumb, one right on the tail of the other. Astraea moved her shield in front of her and muttered darkly behind it.

1) Take Aim
2) Buster shot 10 Shot @ Cannondumb A, Acc A
3) Buster shot 10 Shot @ Cannondumb A, Acc A

*Cinder Turret: 5 x2 Fire Shot, Acc A

(I'm honestly not sure what the accuracy for the buster is so I apologize beforehand if I got it wrong. Is it based on if it's thrown/shot/melee etc?)
The brave little turret socked its viral counterpart with another pair of burning rounds, effective, if a little inefficient as it began to overheat again. The CannonDumb across the way was beginning to look a little bit scorched and blasted by the peppering of incendiaries, and it took the time to draw out a tracer line onto the persistent construct, a bright red cross-hair marking it for destruction with is next round. It would totally get that annoying little imitation next time, it so would!

Beside it, the mechanically-minded metool peeked out from under its hat, then made its way out from behind the barricade, ready to join the fray alongside its fellow hard-hat. Unfortunately for the little guy, his comrade in arms chose that exact moment to be rather startled by the fact that Astaea was actually firing back at them now. Even though she wasn't firing at either of them, it still ducked down, just in case.

Rolling its adorably cute eyes at its friend, the hammer-wielding metool struck the ground, launching a shockwave at their foe, and though his aim was more accurate, Astraea managed to doge neatly out of the way between shots.

The CannonDumb did not have this faculty available to it, and so, when faced with the navis equally accurate shots, it could do little more than stand there and take them. The last round proved to be a final straw, and a plume of smoke issued from one side of the stationary virus, before a sharp pop, followed by the entire head of the turret toppling sideways to the ground and beginning to break down into junk data.


MetoolA: 40Hp [On the Bridge]
MetoolB: 40Hp [On the Bridge, Guarding]
CannonDumbA: DELETED


Astraea: 100 HP [On front bank][1-hit Shield]


Mostly Normal. There is a bank shortly ahead that slopes into a running stream, which appears to be shallow. The bank then slopes back up towards the opposite field. There are tree-like structures in a seemingly endless quantity behind.


Bridge: 500 HP [Between banks]
Barricade: 50 HP [On opposite bank]
Many trees: 10 HP each [On front bank]

Cinder Turret: 10Hp [Allied, near Astraea]

((That's right; buster accuracy is generally determined simply by whatever 'type' it is, but unless you specifically registered it as something different, most busters are treated as shot, thus 'A' at baseline. Since it's incidentally relevant, the take aim action can't push accuracy above the 'A' rating; subtypes that have the ability to surpass 'A' for their relevant types do so through other means, but a normal take aim cannot))
(Alright, I'll keep that in mind. Thank you.)

Astraea found herself dodging the shockwave by accident, she had merely seen the Metool bang it's hammer on the ground and had moved. Now that she knew what to look for she could be preemptive in her attempts to avoid injury. She was beginning to think her shield unnecessary. These basic viruses were proving to be easy to deal with.

Well, mostly easy.

If she was honest with herself, and Astraea was, then the only difficulty in this fight was her lack of damage output. She would be able to rectify that with chips once Alex was available for support, but for now she would have to rely on-

"Build complete. CT Alpha standing by for deployment." Ah yes, another turret. She might not have very dependable turrets at the moment, but at least they were quick and easy to produce. Her fingers flew across the keypad at her side and a large bull's eye appeared on the ground next to her, opposite of the first turret. A flash of red light appeared high over head and slammed into the bull's eye, fading away to leave yet another rickety turret in it's place. Astraea spent a moment longer typing on her keypad and then gave a satisfied nod. She lifted her ray gun, gave the hammer wielding Metool a nasty grin, and fired away.

The first Cinder Turret was shocked by the current developments! It had competition for it's maker's praise! It wasn't afraid though, it knew deep in its circuitry that it had the distinct advantage of being the first to meet it's maker face to face! It huffed out a little smoke in challenge at the other CT and then fired quickly and decisively at the target Astraea had chosen. One of the guages on its side immediately flashed to red but the turret had learned by now that it had nothing to fear but fear itself! And also the attacks from virus encampment, those were a problem, yeah. But the enemy turret had already been removed from the field, all that was left was itself and it's rival!

The second CT chirped instead of beeped and waited until everyone else had fired before sending two quick shots at the hammer wielding Metool. It promptly found itself overheating and beeped a quick warning while venting steam and then promptly quieted at a smack from Astraea's wrench.

She had been waiting for that, she too had learned from the first turret. This time she didn't bother with applying a quick fix to the turret but gave it a small shove away from her. The Metools seemed to be focusing on her, so if she could keep the turrets away maybe she wouldn't have to worry about them falling apart from a single attack.

1) Cinder Turret— Summons 10hp object that does 5x2 Fire Shot, Acc A (passive)
2) PEW - Buster shot 10 Shot @ Metool A, Acc A
3) More PEW - Buster shot 10 Shot @ Metool A, Acc A
*CTA - 5 x2 Fire Shot, Acc A @ Metool A
*CT B - 5 x2 Fire Shot, Acc A @ Metool B
The tables had gradually turned on this impromptu battlefield. To begin with it had been alone navi, facing down a fortified encampment of viral forces outnumbering her three to one... but now, as the second cinder turret came online the situation was looking progressively more dire for the remaining pair of metools. Unconsciously, the one that was still looking around clustered in a little closer to its hidden comrade.

This wasn't exactly a defensive action, though, and did nothing to prevent Astraea herself from pinging the little virus square between the eyes with her blaster. It reeled back arcing up on one toe and almost falling over backwards before catching itself, then slammed out another shockwave in response, accompanied by an angry squeak. Busy with her second shot, Astraea barely managed to cover herself from the attack with her shield, before connecting a second bullseye on the virus. Her shield collapsed under the attack, but the navi herself was thankfully unharmed.

Beside it, the metools hidden ally popped up again, and quickly sent out an attack of its won, when it realised that their very existence was on the line here. Unfortunately for it, its aim wasn't much improved from its previous attempt, and the shockwave went wide.

It was at this point that the epic rivalry of the prototypes kicked into full gear, and a short salvo of fiery rounds issued across the bridge to pepper both metools with an unexpected, if somewhat brief, ferocity. Perhaps it was their mutual desire to please their creator, or maybe with was the intense lines of contention drawn between them, but both turrets scored their hits perfectly before they both overheated equally as badly as one another.

This was of little consequence to the two metools who shrieked, and began to run in tiny circles around each other flailing their weapons wildly as the fire shots burned them. At last they calmed down and turned to look with similar levels of fury at the respective turrets that had caused them this latest level of embarrassing pain.


MetoolA: 10Hp [On the Bridge]
MetoolB: 30Hp [On the Bridge]
CannonDumbA: DELETED


Astraea: 100 HP [On front bank][Shield Broken!]


Mostly Normal. There is a bank shortly ahead that slopes into a running stream, which appears to be shallow. The bank then slopes back up towards the opposite field. There are tree-like structures in a seemingly endless quantity behind.


Bridge: 500 HP [Between banks]
Barricade: 50 HP [On opposite bank]
Many trees: 10 HP each [On front bank]

Cinder TurretA: 10Hp [Allied, near Astraea][Fortified]
Cinder TurretB: 10Hp [Allied, near Astraea]

Astraea watched the chaos her turrets caused with a grimace that was just barely more smile than muscle spasm. The alien Navi even chuckled a bit. She reached towards either turret and gave them both a pat, her grin growing a little more recognizable as a positive expression. "Good work! Now again!" Her voice was harsh on the ears but luckily neither turret had such a problem. It probably also helped that one seemed to have a ridiculous fixation on her, although Astraea herself wasn't aware of this.

Thus it was that the first prototype almost overheated from the pat it had received. She was please! She approved! Hurrah! It was quite pleased to continue making her happy and fired off another couple rounds at it's previous target. It would end this fight! Or at least this particular foolish Met. It vented steam to cool.

Cinder Turret B was not moved by it's creator's praise. It was a simple machine, made to high specifications and then stripped down to a minimum due to throttling between it's birthplace and the PET itself. It 'sensed' the fellow turret firing at the already battered Met and decided to continue focusing on its chosen foe. A couple more super-heated shots rang out and the second turret vented heat in the form of steam and waited to see if it survived until it was cool enough to fire again.

Her first shield finally destroyed the Navi materialized another plate of plastic and slipped her arm through the elastic band once more. She debated going for the weaker virus, decided even her shoddily made prototype could deal with that, and switched her aim to the mattock wielder. Goodbye. She thought, bringing up her gun and firing another salvo.

Funny how both she and her turrets always fired in twos.

1) Generate 1-hit shield
2-3) Buster shot 10 Shot @ Metool B, Acc A

CTA: 5 x2 Fire Shot, Acc A @ Metool A
CTB: 5 x2 Fire Shot, Acc A @ Metool B
Even without her operator to provide chip support or guidance, this particular alien invasion was getting off to a fairly decent start, it seemed.

The two metools were distracted by the turrets firing on them, and the weaker of the two lifted his pick to take a swing at the first construct. Unlucky for it, however, the cinder turret in question beat the poor virus to the punch, socking it in the face with two more rounds, and deleting it from the net before it could strike back. In this particular case, the odd little prototype's avid enthusiasm had given it the edge needed to survive.

While Astraea was reforming her shield, the other turret launched its rounds, scoring two more precision hits on its target as well. This metool still had a bit more in the tank, though, and after shaking off the scorching blasts, it retaliated with a projectile of its own, hurling its little pick wholesale at the infuriating fire-wielder. Astraea's own shots came a bit too late to stop the well thrown tool from burying itself point first in the muzzle of the second turret, making the whole object spark, beep furiously, then give out completely. Too late to save her second production model, perhaps, but accurate all the same; to more direct hits from Asraea finished off the last metool once and for all, but this one died knowing that it, at last, had managed to hit something.


CannonDumbA: DELETED


Astraea: 100 HP [On front bank][1-Hit Shield]


Mostly Normal. There is a bank shortly ahead that slopes into a running stream, which appears to be shallow. The bank then slopes back up towards the opposite field. There are tree-like structures in a seemingly endless quantity behind.


Bridge: 500 HP [Between banks]
Barricade: 50 HP [On opposite bank]
Many trees: 10 HP each [On front bank]

Cinder TurretA: 10Hp [Allied, near Astraea][Fortified]
Cinder TurretB: PICKED

-=Battle 1, victory!=-

Rewards: 310z
Cinder Turret A watched with a guilty sort of pleasure as its rival was deleted, leaving itself as the sole receiver of the creator's congratulations. This meant it would get the 'comforting after the battle' scene! It beeped in pleasantly at the thought and then turned its attention to Astraea expectantly.

The battle was over. Astraea felt what was left of her tension drain from her neck and shoulders as she considered what was left of her opponent. The arm holding her raygun dropped from firing position and her arm with the shield fell to the side as well. It was over, she had won. Not only had she won but she had done it without incurring any damage to her person as well. She raised the shield in front of her, examining it more closely. A questioning beep broke her out of her reverie and she turned to face her remaining Cinder Turret.

"Good work. Go back for now." She gave it a couple approving pats on the muzzle. She dropped her hand to the keypad on her belt and flicked up the cover to type in yet another command. She took a step back from the turret afterwards, much to CTA's confusion and sorrow.

"Recovering units, please stand by." Twin bright yellow beams shined down on either turret from some invisible source in the air. They flashed once, twice, and then dragged the mechanical targets into the air where they shrank continuously until they reached the source of the beam and finally disappeared with a quiet 'pop'. "Recovery successful! Have a nice day."

There was the sound of plastic scraping across wood and Astraea holstered her raygun and folded up the shield on her arm into something more compact. Her Operator had finally shown up, it was time to get a move on.

"Ah, you've started already." Alex sounded groggy despite the shower he had ostensibly taken.

"Correct, I decided to initiate testing early. There are a couple of oddities I'd like you to look into." Astraea's bare feet slapped against the ground as she approached the bridge. She hesitated before stepping onto it, and then walked across slowly with her gaze stuck on the ground just ahead of her. "I proceeded with testing of the Cinder Turret's current model. When they were transported they appeared to have lost much of their structural integrity and fell short of their projected offensive capabilities."

Alex pulled up the 3-D holographic option so he could observe Astraea's behavior and environment more closely. "Really? It looks like you've gotten through at least one fight withooooou-" He abruptly broke off into a yawn. When it was over and he could open his eyes again he blinked blearily to clear some random tears from his vision and then continued. "Sorry about that, where was I?"

"'-gotten through at least one fight without-' I have only encountered one group of enemies so far."

"Ah right. But yeah, you've gotten through without sustaining any injury to yourself so that's good. I mean, I'll check into what's causing the problem but I dunno if it'll effect anything right now. I mean, I don't even know where to start looking."

Astraea nodded her acceptance of his words, head still tilted forwards so she could watch the ground until she was safely off the bridge. "I understand. I have a couple theories as to the possible cause of the discrepancy myself. Both avenues can be researched by myself later." She was off the bridge now and could scrutinize her surroundings more closely. The first thing she examined was the barricade, circling it once and then turning her attention to other matters. The remains of the Cannondumb got a poke from her wrench which caused the whole thing to promptly collapse in a puff of data fragments. Astraea stood stock still, blinking rapidly as she assessed her current status after that unexpected event. The data began to condense into an easily transmittable packet of zenny.

"Heh. I'll let you deal with it, although I feel a bit silly having to rely on you for the more technical things. Are you in-" A quick glance at the top corner of the PET told him where the connection currently led. "ACDC Net, yeah good choice. I can't say I recall ever seeing a place like this before but it's a nice change of scenery."

Astraea nodded absentmindedly as she sent the zenny off to the PET. Once that was completely she took one last long look at the river before turning to the path that led deeper into the trees. She set off again and let her curiosity get the better of her. This involved a lot of twisting her torso to look as she walked. "It is quite nice." Her voice was quieter than normal, some of the harshness gentled by the lower volume.

[Ready for Battle 2]
After handing out some vaguely positive reinforcement to her fabricated ally, and a cursory inspection of her former enemy's ultimately inadequate defences, Astraea turned her attention to the path into the woods.

A discussion on transportation and fabrication theoretics was a pleasant enough way to chat as her operator finally made the scene and Astraea herself explored further, but it didn't take very long before she encountered more... test subjects. The wood itself wasn't particularly dense, but it was enough to make keeping to the path advisable, while the upper canopy managed to dim the light just a little. A surprising amount of detail had gone into the making of these woods, and the soft sounds of unseen wildlife could be heard from most directions. Some of the birds might even have been recognisable.

Part way in, however, the path opened out onto a small clearing that held a rocky outcrop on one side, and an unusually foreboding cave mouth within. Though there was much soft grass underfoot elsewhere, a large ring had been cleared away, or perhaps simply stamped out, in the area around the entrance to the cave. The path clearly went onwards on the other side of the clearing from where Astraea entered, but for now there came the high-pitched shrieking of several bats as they came spiralling out of the cave to meet the intruder in their territory.

Opposite the rockface, more to Astraea's left, a lone shrubby peeked out from behind one of the trees, then, in an unusual act of bravery, teleported forward into the clearing to launch a long rolling log towards the bats. Predictably, being that it was a log rolling along the ground, and the bats were all flying above, it hit nothing, and came to a stop against one of the small rock spikes near the mouth of the cave. Disappointed, the little plant sighed and turned back, but in doing so it caught sight of Astraea herself, gave a small, startle cry, and raced back to take cover behind its tree.

-=Cave-dwellers and Co.=-

PulseBatA: 80Hp [Normal][Near cave]
PulseBatB: 80Hp [High Altitude][Near cave]
PulseBatC: 80Hp [Normal][Near Cave]

Shrubby: 50Hp [Grass][Cover][Near Left Woods, Behind Tree B]

-=Construct Creator=-

Astraea: 100 HP [Grass][Close end of Clearing]


80% Grass
20% Normal

Small wooded clearing, with a rockface on the right hand side. The rockface has a cave entrance in it, and a number of small rock spikes around it. Area is mostly grassy, save for a circle around the entrance of the cave. Paths lead back the way you came, and directly forward on the far side of the clearing.


Outcropping Trees A-D: 40Hp Each [Wood][standing out from the tree line slightly, on the left side.

Stone Spikes A-C: 10Hp Each [Small rock spikes capable of stopping moving objects, but little else. Near the cave mouth]

Rolling LogA: 10Hp [Wood][Stopped against stone spikes]

-=Battle 2, Start!=-
The invader continued her inspection of the land. The cave and its surroundings brought her march to a halt. The bats drew her attention first and she shook out the shield on her arm to its full size. A decisive snap marked the moment the shield snapped into place. "Alexander, I have encountered three more viral instigators."

"I see 'em, I see 'em." Alex dutifully performed his role by pulling up the list of chips available to them. It was a very short list. "I'm ready on my end. hey those bats are pret-Hey!" He cut off as the Shrubby suddenly appeared and leaned forwards, triggering a video pop-up just above Astraea's shoulder. "Hello~ Now that's strange behavior. Viruses don't normally go after each other...I think."

Astraea took a quick glance at Alex in the window and then turned her attention back to more important matters. "Shall I add it to the target list for my turrets? With the current layout of the battlefield I believe it would not take more than a couple rounds to eliminate it, even with the current failings." Alex leaned back and crossed on arm over his chest while his other hand was brought up to his chin as he considered their options. Astraea was depending on him for tactical advice, he had to consider their options carefully.

"Nah, leave it be. 'The enemy of my enemy is my friend!' or something like that." He quoted, the hand on his chin sliding off to ball into a fist and slam into his palm in a decisive movement. "Well, I mean, maybe not friend but close enough for our purposes. Drop a turret and get to work, we'll begin round two of testing now!"

One short nod and Astraea was flipping open the little plastic case on her belt and leting her fingers fly over the keys.

Cinder Turret Alpha was dropped unceremoniously from a ball of light that appeared roughly a meter above the Net floor. The drop loosened a couple nuts and bolts and for a moment the little turret feared it would fall apart before it could do what it was meant to. In a rush it took aim and fired at the first Pulsebat it saw.

A hand was suddenly upon it, and the little turret seemed to turn a shade redder as it realized Astraea was crouched underneath it, wrench in hand. It nearly shook itself apart in excitement at first until a quiet "Hold still." drifted up. It obliged, and a moment later Astraea was straightening back up and pushed it away. CTA washurt until it realized it felt better than it had when it dropped to the floor, and that being apart from its master meant it could draw fire away from more effectively. Steam streamed from the vents but unlike before the turret seemed fired up in a more figurative way.

"You don't have to be so formal with me. We're partners after all, not coworkers. Have you considered lightening up?"
Astraea's eyes slowly slid to look at Alex's view screen out of the corner of her eyes. Now that he had moved back from the camera more of the scene was visible such as the couch on either side of him, a bit of wall above his shoulders, and the fact that his wet hair was still sending drops of water sliding down his bare chest to be absorbed by the towel that was wrapped around his nethers. She kept her gaze there for a deliberately long moment and then slipped it back onto the Pulsebats while bringing her shield in front of her.

"Have you considered clothes?"

A string of curses and the vid screen snapping shut brought a smug smile to the alien's lips.

1) Shield - 1 hit shield
2)Summon Cinder Turret - 10 hp object that does 5 x2 Fire Shot Passively.
3) Masterwork - Add 20 HP to CTA
*Mobilize - Move CTA away from self.

CTA - 5 Fire x2 Hits @ PulsebatA, ACC A
Though they were clearly on the offensive, having been disturbed, the bats didn't seem immediately eager to begin attacking, and this turn of good fortune gave Astraea just the time she needed to do a little bit of behind the scenes work.

Her shield came up and her turret came down, and without even waiting for orders or reinforcements, the eager cinder-turret took its opening shots. The PulseBat it aimed at was busy takingthe opportunity to swoop upwards to a higher altitude, and the turret's first incendiary flew by just underneath it, to crash into the stone wall behind. The second shot, however, had better correction, and it smacked the virus with a face full of fire.

The Pulsebat on the other side also took the opportunity to wing higher, while Astraea reinforced her prototype and shifted it away, but a moment later the middle bat dropped downwards at his speed, sending an intense sonic wave shrieking towards the alien. Fortunately, her shield caught most of the physical impact of the sound wave, and without that, the sound itself wasn't too bad, really.

Off to the side, the nervous shrubby popped out from its tree and rolled another log across the area, then darted back again. This one tumbled across to collide into the first, though it was further towards Astraea's end of the field, and created a slight step of stacked logs. It looked like it was trying to log the bats, maybe... but surely it had to know how pointless that attempt was?

-=Cave-dwellers and Co.=-

PulseBatA: 75Hp [High Altitude][Near cave]
PulseBatB: 80Hp [Normal][Near cave]
PulseBatC: 80Hp [High Altitude][Near Cave]

Shrubby: 50Hp [Grass][Cover][Near Left Woods, Behind Tree B]

-=Construct Creator=-

Astraea: 100 HP [Grass][Shield Broken!][Close end of Clearing]


80% Grass
20% Normal

Small wooded clearing, with a rockface on the right hand side. The rockface has a cave entrance in it, and a number of small rock spikes around it. Area is mostly grassy, save for a circle around the entrance of the cave. Paths lead back the way you came, and directly forward on the far side of the clearing.


Outcropping Trees A-D: 40Hp Each [Wood][standing out from the tree line slightly, on the left side.

Stone Spikes A-C: 10Hp Each [Small rock spikes capable of stopping moving objects, but little else. Near the cave mouth]

Rolling LogA: 10Hp [Wood][Normal][Stopped against stone spikes]
Rolling LogB: 10Hp [Wood][Normal][Stopped slightly out of line against Rolling LogA]

Cinder Turret A: 30Hp [Grass][Allied][Fortified]
The sonic pulse rattled the shield's interlocking plates loose and causing it to collapse into it's self. Astraea grit her teeth in annoyance and shook it out again, making a mental note to look into doing something about that at a later date.

CTA puffed steam angrily out of its vents at the harm threatened to its master and shifted it's attention to the Pulsebat in reach. As soon as it had cooled down enough to do so it sent a couple slugs of hot lead at winged menace. How dare it go after the creator!

It was about this time that the Shrubby another seemingly futile attempt, but that sparked an idea in Alex's mind.

"Man, that little guy just can't get a hit in. Let's give 'im a hand! Battlechip Rageclaw, Slot-IN!"

Astraea flexed her hands and gave another short nod as thick furry white gloves with clawed ends appeared over each hand. She made her way to the pile of logs and turned so she could face both the Shrubby and the bats.

"I'm borrowing this." The alien bent over and dug her fingers into the side and waited for the bat that had already been scored by her turret to come back into reasonable throwing range. She grit her teeth, changed her stance, and then heaved to hurl the log up and through the sky. The log turned end over end through the air as Astraea brought her shield up to catch any more tricky sonic blasts aimed at her.

1) Flimsy Shield - 1 hit shield
CTA: 2 hits of 5 Fire @ PulseBat B, ACC A
2) Movement to Log pile
3) Delayed until Pulsebat A out of High Altitude: Rageclaw Throw RollingLogB @ Pulsebat A, 20(or 10) + Impacting, Acc B
While Astraea resettled her shield, her trusty prototype sent two more incendiaries chasing after the PulseBat that had attacked its master. Both shot connected, causing a pleasing shriek from the bat, which quickly winged its way skyward again.

Unfortunately for the brave little fabrication, The first bat it had scorched dropped down for revenge, hammering it with a shriek of sound that not only shook loose all the tightening and fixing Astraea had just done, but then some as well. With a shudder, the turret found its various bits falling off completely, until it crashed sideways to the ground. This one wouldn't be firing at any more viruses for a while, it seemed. The reverberating soundwave spread out from the impact against the turret, but by that point Astraea herself was already far enough away that it didn't hit her.

The last bat swooped down to attack again, aiming for the alien invader, but what it received, instead, was a hefty log to the face. The log splintered into kindling as it belted the incoming bat, and sent the virus reeling backwards; its sonic screech arc skyward instead, hitting nothing.

About at that moment, the little Shrubby popped out again, and, clearly gleeful that the navi was helping it attack the bats, rolled another log at them itself. Unfortunately for it, an for Astraea, its attempt this time was every bit as poor as its last, and the log simply rolled along the ground. It clunked with a heavy sound against the other log, very nearly tripping Astraea herself over in the process, and the Shrubby gave a startled jump, then dashed away behind its tree again.

-=Cave-dwellers and Co.=-

PulseBatA: 55Hp [Normal][Near cave]
PulseBatB: 70Hp [High Altitude][Near cave]
PulseBatC: 80Hp [Normal][Near Cave]

Shrubby: 50Hp [Grass][Cover][Near Left Woods, Behind Tree B]

-=Construct Creator=-

Astraea: 100 HP [Normal][1-Hit Shield][Amongst the logs]


80% Grass
20% Normal

Small wooded clearing, with a rockface on the right hand side. The rockface has a cave entrance in it, and a number of small rock spikes around it. Area is mostly grassy, save for a circle around the entrance of the cave. Paths lead back the way you came, and directly forward on the far side of the clearing.


Outcropping Trees A-D: 40Hp Each [Wood][standing out from the tree line slightly, on the left side.

Stone Spikes A-C: 10Hp Each [Small rock spikes capable of stopping moving objects, but little else. Near the cave mouth]

Rolling LogA: 10Hp [Wood][Normal][Stopped against stone spikes]
Rolling LogB: DELETED
Rolling LogC: 10Hp [Wood][Normal][Stopped slightly out of line against Rolling LogA]

Cinder Turret A: BROKEN
The Cinder Turret fell with the sound of falling metal and plastic and Astraea felt fear tighten its' grip at the back of her eyes. She purposely blinked once, twice, and then again in an attempt to rid herself of the feeling, her eyes closing so slowly that the clear membrane of her second set of eyelids could be seen sliding horizontally across. Still the tension persisted, eating away at the feeble reassurance she had raised with Alex's arrival.

Nothing you do will be enough. It whispered as insidious tendrils wrapped themselves around the nerves in her hands. You will fall and fade away to dust. The image of herself fading away pixel by pixel was hazy, but she didn't need clarity for it to drive a little spike into her spine. She was built for administrative purposes, it had been foolish to ever think she would be able to handle herself as well as the security teams did. Even with an Operator it was hopeless, and she'd forever be relegated to forever being protected, guarded, always the 'Escortee' of a mission and never the hero.

"Hmm, this is gonna be tricky huh? Even with your quick fix the turret still got smashed." Alex muttered out loud, completely oblivious to any angst his Navi was suffering. He thumbed through the meager selection of chips they had and sighed noisily. "Welp! We're just gonna have to give it our best shot and go from there. At the worst we can draw the fight out and make it miserable for both parties!"

Astraea gave herself a mental shake and dragged her sorry butt out of the metaphorical ditch it had been wallowing in. Dropping into despair was unlike her and not something her programming would let her keep up for long, she thought to herself. I just need to focus. So she did. She closed her eyes once more, took a deep breath through her nostrils and willed the faint trembling in her claws to stop. She might not have been outstanding those rare times hackers managed to slip through the layers of security around the satellites' networks, but she hadn't been entirely useless.

Silver light slipped over her skin, rising from the panels beneath her feet. Astraea was as capable as she'd ever been, and compared to her tentative ally she was far from useless. The alien's eyes opened and she turned her focus onto the enemies. She could handle this, there should never have been a moment when that was in doubt.

"Uh, hey, you know you're glowing, right?" He sounded more awake than before, and she could catch a worried tone in his voice. The alien allowed a small smile across her lips as she hefted a log and considered the movement of her flying enemies. If the pattern she'd observed so far continued to hold true then she needed to throw now. The light surrounding her concentrated onto her claws and the throw she made was far stronger than the previous one.

"I'm aware, I just needed to remind myself of something." She hefted the last log and considered the faint gleam of silver around her claw and then the bat coming down out of the sky. She took aim, waited, and then let fly. She brought her shield up promptly and watched the foes carefully as the glow faded from her entirely.

She was fine, she just need to settle down and get to work as she always had.

1)Starmight: Strengthen 20
2) Rageclaw: Throw RollingLogB @ Pulsebat C, 20+10 + Impacting, Acc B
3) Delay until Pulsebat B is in range: Rageclaw Throw Rolling Log A @ Pulsebat B, 20+10 + Impacting, Acc B

Rageclaw: 3/6 uses remaining
It was hard to say how the poor turret might have felt, seeing the impact its fall had on Astraea; on one hand, it might have felt wanted and needed, to know that its loss had thrown her off so badly. On the other, it might very well have felt terrible for leaving her like that, due to its failure. In its broken state, however, it probably wouldn't know anything at all until it was repaired.

At any rate, the alien girl managed to shake off her slump and get herself back on track with a power booster. Two of the bats flew high again, but Astraea was ready for it, and pelted the next log at one of them with impressive force. The middle bat dropped down and sent another screeching sound wave her direction, but it tore up some of the turf to her left without connecting.

A moment later, Astraea retaliated with the other log, but perhaps her burst of strength was taking some getting used to, because this effort went too far, too high and too fast; it shot by the bat at what would have been a brutal speed, if it had connected. Alas, it didn't.

That little shrubby rolled another log across the field, this one came dangerously close to tripping the navi up, again, but the little guy squeaked and hid once more, just as shy about this fact as the last time. Such a strange critter. It did seem to be growing a little more curious about Astraea and her creations, though. Even now it was peeking out from the tree to look curiously at her, in between hiding and making futile attacks on the bats.

-=Cave-dwellers and Co.=-

PulseBatA: 55Hp [High Altitude][Near cave]
PulseBatB: 70Hp [Normal][Near cave]
PulseBatC: 50Hp [High Altitude][Near Cave]

Shrubby: 50Hp [Grass][Cover][Near Left Woods, Behind Tree B]

-=Construct Creator=-

Astraea: 100 HP [Normal][1-Hit Shield][Near the Log]


80% Grass
20% Normal

Small wooded clearing, with a rockface on the right hand side. The rockface has a cave entrance in it, and a number of small rock spikes around it. Area is mostly grassy, save for a circle around the entrance of the cave. Paths lead back the way you came, and directly forward on the far side of the clearing.


Outcropping Trees A-D: 40Hp Each [Wood][standing out from the tree line slightly, on the left side.

Stone Spikes A-C: 10Hp Each [Small rock spikes capable of stopping moving objects, but little else. Near the cave mouth]

Rolling LogA: DELETED
Rolling LogB: DELETED
Rolling LogD: 10Hp [More or less the same place where all the others ended up.]

Cinder Turret A: BROKEN
The debilitating doubt began creeping back in as the second log toss went wide. Astaea ground her teeth and pushed it back. Once mistake was not the end of the fight.

Besides that the log had traveled impressively far.

"Operator Alex! Current course of action is proving inefficient. Battle expected to take longer than allocated for testing."

"Siiigh. Didn't I say to not be so formal?" The alien let a very small grin show. "Oh I see, gurrl's gunna be coooy." He drawled as he considered the chips. "I think you've worn down the bats enough that we can just blast them out of the air. I'll send you Shotgun but you need to line up two bats in a row for best results. You'll have to disable your current chip so when you do that I'll send the new one."

"Understood, beginning targeting protocols." She settled herself with a deep breath and began to approach the problem with the same methodical thinking she used in the workshop. She had a basic understanding of aiming in theory; the successful hits of the CT series was proof of that. she might be upset with how ramshackle they were but their accuracy algorithms had an acceptable rate of success. Of course the turrets had only been firing at one target at a time and she was trying to hit two. Her feet was picking up little bits of wood and grass as she moved and she could feel a couple stubborn pieces that would need to be pu-no. No, she had to focus. Foot problems could come later. She had two targets to hit and it was going to be difficult but if she could catch them at an angle from each other she could draw a line and extend it further. She just had to be where the line intersected the ground. It was very simple. In theory.

In practice Astraea found her attempt to be frustrating enough that the invader audibly ground her teeth in annoyance. The bats were capable of moving in three dimensions while she only had access to two. Her experience with their movements told her the best bet was when they moved pass each other to descent/ascend to attack and she tried to position accordingly. Her best bets were the two closest to her so she lined up with them. She dropped the polar bear-esque claws from her hands and they dissolved into light and data as she drew her ray gun and Alex was swiping a chip onto her frame with a flourish.

"Shotgun Battlechip, Slot-In!" And maybe he was acting a bit childish with his over eagerness but busting with Astraea was proving a much different experience than busting with a NormalNavi and it reminded him just a little bit of those childhood dreams every kid of his generation seemed to have of winning a big tournament with their custom Navi or saving the world from a super virus. Maybe his current Navi didn't look like the ones he'd thought up and dreamed of back then but they seemed to get along okay and as he watched Astraea raise her gun and fire a cloud of scattered hard light he decided he was content for now. They might have not mesh completely but at least she wasn't nagging him about his life choices like his mom.

"Cannon Battlechip, Slot-In!"

Astraea accepted the data as her gun began to glow a deep blue in the depth of its' barrel and she shifted her aim to the third bat and pulled the trigger. A laser of blue light tore through the air with hopefully enough force to (hopefully) knock the bat right out of the sky. The little alien decided she liked aiming at just one target better because you could just point and shoot. None of that silly 'should I move here or there or what if one moves sideways' that had to be taken into consideration.

1)Movement to line up PulseBat A & B
2) Shotgun 50 + Spread1 @ PulsebatA & B, Acc A
3) Cannon 60 + Knockback @ Pulsebat C, Acc A