Second Time Before a Trip

11 years ago
<(Note for future reference, Flowersoul: Double Attacks have to be used in the same turn as the first use; if you'd wanted to attack twice with the RollingLog, you would have needed to use both uses in the last turn. Since you didn't know this, I'm setting you to Autododge on your first turn instead.)>

The RollingLog chip fades away before FireFlower can manage to use the second attack. The two Spookies cackle at the Navi caught flat-footed, and float in for a second attack. One of them apparently needs glasses, since it misses by a wide-enough margin that FireFlower doesn't even need to evade. The other is far closer, and she just barely dodges getting another face-licking.

The OldStove opens its mouth wide, and blasts another stream of flame at FireFlower; this attack also misses, but leaves another treacherous line of cracked panels right beside the first line. In revenge, she opens fire with a Shotgun, blasting the virus to smithereens.

Farewell, sweet OldStove; perhaps in the next life, you will be reincarnated as a beautiful bonfire.

-Campfire Party-
SpookyA: 30
SpookyB: TIMBER!
SpookyC: 30

70% Normal
30% Cracked [Double-wide line in front of FireFlower]

-Surprise Guest-
FireFlower.EXE: 90 HP
11 years ago
"Okay, that didn't work. Raila, did you even read how the RollingLog1 worked?!" F.F. said in anger.

"Sorry, no time, okay!" Raila said in annoyance before she starts thinking again. "Okay, two viruses left. And the only chip I have left is the RageClaw. But with more cracked panels, Fire's gonna have a hard time making melee attacks. Oh well, gonna try it at least."

Putting her last chip in her PET, F.F.'s hand turns into a bear claw as Raila says, "That's my last chip for this battle! Avoid the attacks and cracked panels and put those viruses in their place!"

"Whatever to speed this battle up, Rai!" F.F. said with a smirk.

She then tries to charge to the first Spooky and tries to attack it by slashing with her claw. Then she tries to dodge one of the viruses' attack and tries to attack the last virus.


1. RageClaw1 to SpookyA (40 + Slashing/6 Uses)
2. Dodge
3. RageClaw1 to SpookyB (40 + Slashing/5 Uses)


FireFlower.EXE: 90 HP
11 years ago
FireFlower and the Spooky rush each other head-on, meeting each other and trading blows, claw to tongue. To the surprise of absolutely nobody, the claw wins, and the Spooky fades away with a sad little laugh.

The final virus goes to lick FireFlower, who dodges out of the way, leaving a trail of broken panels behind her. In return, she lashes out with her RageClaw, putting the spirit virus to rest at last.

-Campfire Party-
SpookyB: TIMBER!

70% Normal
20% Cracked [Double-wide line in front of FireFlower]
10% Broken

-Surprise Guest-

FireFlower.EXE: 90 HP

Rewards: 120z
11 years ago
"And don't come back, you clueless ghosts!" F.F. shouted at the destroyed viruses as her bear claw turned back to hand. "That's one battle down, shall we continue, op?"

"Yeah, le-"


Hearing her mother from downstairs, Raila startled a bit as she dropped her PET on the floor. "We're almost done packing! Did you took a bath and dressed already?"

"Um, yeah! I'm packing my stuff in my backpack, so I'm busy with it," Raila said as she recovered her PET from the floor.

"Okay, we'll leave at 45 minutes. Don't be late, sweetie," her Mom said from downstairs.

"Don't worry, I will be downstairs in a minute!" Raila said before turning her attention to her Navi in her PET screen. "Which we only have to bust some viruses, Fire."

"Don't worry, I will speed the next one up. I promise!" F.F. said as she gives her operator a thumbs up.

"I hope so."

F.F. then run off to find a next set of viruses to battle with.

(Requesting a Last Virus Battle for this topic)
11 years ago
Moving further into the ACDC Net, FireFlower dashes across the rows of panels without a care in the world, until she comes across a duo of Beetanks, merrily tossing bombs left and right. A Bunny hops beside them, running circles around the comparatively-slower tanks and buzzing electricity and excitement alike. A Melody brings up the rear and completes the ensemble, perhaps an observer or a curious tag-along, nothing more.

Bunny: 50 [Cracked] (running around Beetanks)
BeetankA: 80 [Normal]
BeetankB: 80 [Normal]
Melody: 80 [Normal] (behind Beetanks)

70% Normal
30% Cracked [line on either side of FireFlower, 15% each]

FireFlower.EXE: 100 HP [Normal]

11 years ago
"Oh, a bomb-throwing bombs, a bunny, and a music note virus? This should be interesting," F.F. said with a determined smirk.

"Yeah, but that last virus worries me. Maybe it's not gonna attack us," Raila wondered. "Well, just in case, you need to take care of the first three viruses, Fire."

"What?! Not all of them?!"

"Just until that Melody attacks, then we'll delete it," Raila said as she puts two battlechips onto her PET. "I've sent you the ShotGun and RageClaw1 again to deal with those three. But be careful of the cracked panels."

"I'll be careful, Rai. Time to do some virus busting!"

F.F.'s hand turned into a ShotGun to shoot the Bunny. Then she tries to dodge one of the viruses' attack before her cannon turns into a bear claw and used it to slash the first Beetank.


1. ShotGun to Bunny (50 + Spread 1)
2. Dodge
3. RageClaw1 to BeetankA (40 + Slashing / 6 Uses)


FireFlower.EXE: 100 HP
11 years ago
The poor Bunny doesn't stand a chance; one second, it's hopping about having a lovely time with its friends, and the next second, it's got itself a faceful of Shotgun-flavoured death. The Beetanks' eyes narrow, smoke erupting from their barrels, as each of them fires off a round bomb towards their adversary. FireFlower makes to dodge, but finds the blast radii of the explosions too big to get away from, and is knocked clean off her feet by the combined blasts (15 x 2).

In response, she dashes through the cracked panels and deals one Beetank a harsh blow to the snout; the virus recoils, but remains un-deleted, and it and its twin both strafe back and away from the Navi.

The Melody, for reasons unknown, does not attack, simply bouncing in a slow arc around the minefield of cracked and broken panels.

BeetankA: 40 [Normal]
BeetankB: 80 [Normal]
Melody: 80 [Normal] (behind Beetanks)

50% Normal
40% Cracked [line on either side of FireFlower, large patch right behind her]
10% Broken [patch carved through the middle of the main crater]

FireFlower.EXE: 70 HP [Normal] (RageClaw1: 5/6 uses)
11 years ago
"Ow! These viruses are a lot tougher than I thought," F.F. said in pain.

"Well, the more battles we enter, the harder we'll finish it fast," Raila said, now feeling that this battle is not easy to defeat as she noticed that there are more cracked panels than before. And not only that, her NetNavi has taken damage due to the explosion earlier. "The worst case scenario is that she might take more damage if we don't do something. Plus that music note virus isn't attacking yet. Need to play it safe."

"Fire, dodge both of their attacks and the explosions and keeping slashing them with RageClaw!" Raila ordered. "But don't hit the Melody yet."

"Are you serious?!" F.F. said in shock, wanting to bust all of the viruses at once.

"Like I said before, don't attack it until it attacks you."

F.F. then groans at this and says, "Fine! But if it did, you're going to owe me big time if I EJO!"

The Navi then tries to dodge the viruses' attacks and uses her claws to slash the first Beetank first, then the next Beetank.


1. Dodge
2. RageClaw1 to BeetankA (40 + Slashing / 5 Uses)
3. RageClaw1 to BeetankB (40 + Slashing / 4 Uses)


FireFlower.EXE: 70 HP
11 years ago
The wonderful thing about Melodys,
Is Melodys are wonderful things!
Their tops are made out of rubber
Their bottoms are also made out of rubber...
They're bouncy, trouncy, flouncy, pouncy,
Fun, fun, fun, fun, fun!
But the most wonderful thing about Melodys is...
They also sing?~

Well, this Melody continued to be a bouncy critter, staying well behind the tanks on the non-damaged panels. Its bouncing brought it close to the fight once or thrice, but it never landed on anyone. There was a close call once, almost squashing FireFlower, but all it did was land very close to her before bounding off again.

Meanwhile the Beetanks tried to back up to get a better firing solution on FireFlower as she swiped away with her RageClaw1. She managed to catch them both as they skirted away from her with their revved up engines, tearing the already damaged one into scrap and heavily damaging the other.

After the surviving Beetank came to a stop some distance away from the Navi, it lobbed a bomb at her. Fortunately, it missed.

BeetankB: 40HP [Normal] [1 Movement Away]
Melody: 80HP [Normal]

50% Normal
40% Cracked [Line On Either Side Of FireFlower, Large Patch Right Behind Her]
10% Broken [Path Carved Through The Middle Of The Main Crater]

FireFlower.EXE: 70HP [Normal] [RageClaw1: 3/6]
11 years ago
F.F. was mad for a second. A Melody is about to jump on her, but it only landed near her instead, much to her relief. "Man, that was a close one!"

"Too close. But I don't think that's an attack," Raila said. "Try to dodge more and take out the last Beetank, then we'll see what happens."

"If you say so..."

Although she likes to defeat the viruses so bad, F.F. decided to follow Raila's orders, not wanting to get hurt even more. She quickly rushed to the Beetank to do a melee attack, dodge a virus's attack, then rushed onto the Beetank and slashes it with her bear claw.


1. Advance to BeetankB
2. Dodge
3. RageClaw1 to BeetankB (40 + Slashing / 2 Uses)


FireFlower.EXE: 70 HP
11 years ago
FireFlower dashes across the lines of fragile terrain, leaving a few gaping holes behind her as she went, and weaves around a bomb thrown her way. The RageClaw successfully cleaves straight through the Beetank, ending its merriment once and for all. All that was left was...wait, where was the Melody, anyway?

A quick look up reveals the Melody mid-jump, stopping straight in front of the Navi. It bounces in place, eying FireFlower with a blithe, rubbery grin. It didn't look like it had any plans on attacking; what would FireFlower do in the face of this strangely non-aggressive virus?

Melody: 80HP [Normal]

45% Normal
35% Cracked [Two lines intersecting the battlefield, one large crater]
20% Broken [Patches in the two Cracked lines, hole in the middle of the crater]

FireFlower.EXE: 70HP [Cracked] [RageClaw1: 2/6]
11 years ago
F.F. and Raila are completely confused, she managed to defeat the 3 viruses, but why is the Melody isn't attacking them?

"Okay, this virus is completely creeps me out. Should I eliminate it?" F.F. said as she about to slash the virus with her bear claw.

"Not yet. That virus doesn't look like it can attack us," Raila guessed. "Maybe we should talk to it?"

"What?! Talk to a virus?!"

"I don't want you to get hurt or let this virus get angry, so what choice do we have?"

F.F. groans at her idea. Sure, she likes taking out viruses, but talking to them? "If that's what you want."

However, Raila noticed something below her Navi. "But before that, you might wanna move."

"Why?" F.F. asked in confusion.

Raila sheepishly points something below F.F. When the NetNavi looked down, she realized that she's standing on the cracked panel! "Oh, snap!"

She then quickly tries to run to a non-cracked panel behind her and tries to dodge one of Melody's attacks. It's safe to say that she was completely peeved after that. "Hey, what's the big idea?! Are you planning to let me fall into that cracked panel?!" F.F. angrily shouted to the Melody.


1. Advance to a nearby Normal panel
2. Dodge
3. Talking to a Melody?


FireFlower.EXE: 70 HP
11 years ago
FireFlower wisely evacuates the cracked terrain, leaving a few more holes in her wake but managing to make it onto safe ground. The Melody follows her, making a series of bleeps that almost sounds offended when the Navi tries dodging away from her, as though trying to leap away from an attack. Upon being yelled at, the virus wobbles in place a little bit, virus-y tears leaking from its eyes; clearly it didn't appreciate being yelled

Deciding it was useless to communicate, the Melody turns tail and starts bouncing away, still sniffling and looking back every now and then as though to see if the Navi was still there. Was there a way to salvage the situation?

Melody: 80HP [Normal] (Fleeing!)

45% Normal
30% Cracked [Two lines intersecting the battlefield, one large crater]
25% Broken [Patches in the two Cracked lines, hole in the middle of the crater]

FireFlower.EXE: 70HP [Normal] [RageClaw1: 2/6]
11 years ago
"Uh, did I just made a virus cry?" F.F. asked in confusion.

"Yes and you better apologize," Raila said in a stern manner.

F.F. couldn't believe her ears! First she needs to talk the virus, now she needs to apologize?! "What?! No way I will apologize to a virus!"

But Raila continues to glare at her in anger. She doesn't like viruses, too. But seeing how her Navi hurt the virus's feelings, it's best to apologize. Seeing her glare, F.F. groans in defeat. "Fine!"

F.F. then quickly tries to chase the fleeing Melody and tries to dodge it's attacks. After that, she then says to the virus, "Wait! I'm sorry I yelled. Look, I'm not mad and anything. Just please, forgive me!"


1. Advance and attempt to stop a fleeing Melody
2. Dodge
3. Apologizing to Melody?


FireFlower.EXE: 70 HP
11 years ago
The Melody stops, spinning in place to face FireFlower. Slowly, cautiously, it bounces in a series of tiny, non-threatening hops towards the Navi, coming to a stop just before her. It listens without so much as a movement to FireFlower's apology, and when she finishes, it bobbles up and down with a few happy chirps, nuzzling against her leg before hopping off into the distance. It appears she'd just made a friend!

Melody: FLED

45% Normal
30% Cracked [Two lines intersecting the battlefield, one large crater]
25% Broken [Patches in the two Cracked lines, hole in the middle of the crater]

FireFlower.EXE: 70HP [Normal] [RageClaw1: 2/6]

Rewards: 300z
11 years ago
"Now that's completely weird," F.F. said, now completely shocked at the sudden turn of events as her bear claw disappears.

"At least there's a bright side to this. We learn that not all viruses are bad and you just made a friend!" Raila sheepishly said to her completely shell shocked NetNavi.

Although she wanted to shout at her about her comment, she kinda got a little fuzzy when the Melody nuzzled against her leg. She then blushed at this and says, "Well, at least I still able to beat those three viruses. That counts as a virus bust, right?"

"Yeah." Raila then looks at her clock, which is 7:45 AM. Just in time to her to leave for Electown. "And since we now have two battles, it's time for us to go!"

"Yeah, log me out already."

"Huh? That's very unusual for you to say that," Raila asked in confusion, considering how she always begged her to stay to fight more viruses instead of logging out.

"After what just happened, I'm glad you made that two battle condition, Rai," F.F. answered, seeing she can't get that Melody out of her head.

"Okay... Jack out time, Fire."

With that, FireFlower left the internet in a flash.

- EXIT -