Virus Trapping

Not long after Henry posted the message, a slightly distressing reply popped up:

"We here at the GNA apologize but we have lost contact with the original posters of this mission request. We are investigating the situations of other such navis who have applied for similar missions but have yet to find any results. You may delete the virus and we will compensate you accordingly for this oversight. Again, we apologize for this inconvenience.


On the plus side, their grim message came with an attachment - twice the zenny of the originally promised reward.
Delta quickly replied to the message, collected the reward, then closed his connection and said, "Alright. It looks like we're done here."

Henry replied, confused, "The chimera is still alive. Didn't the message say-"

Delta cut him off, "It said that I could delete the virus. I am not going to. I do not believe that the Chimera will be a further threat. In the meantime, beam me up. I need to figure out how to track down our negligent employer."

Henry was silent, but he started up the jackout routine. Delta vanished in a beam of red light.
[Log Out to Electown>Henry's apartment]