Training On Patrol

((Super Lazy Post GOO!))

Cypher crashed against the Beetank, but thankfully, the shield was able to protect him from any harm. The navi began his mad rush with his RageClaw, picking and throwing every virus he could see. In the process, many viruses was deleted and few were left. Daisy picked up on the assault and shot the Aqua needles as well as a flurry of dagger to the viruses. The Fishy barely survived the Aquaneedles, but the same couldn't be said about the Beetank. The remaining viruses began to attack, but everything was simply shrugged off by the navi's impenetrable defenses.

FishyB: 30

-Behind Fishy-
BeetankA: DELETED!
BeetankB: DELETED!
BeetankC: 10

Terrain: 70% Normal, 30% Cracked [Surrounding Cypher, Daisy]

Cypher.EXE: 100 HP
Daisy.EXE: 160 HP (30 HP Barrier)

Cypher had done his best to destroy the remaining tanks and fishys, trusting in Daisy to mop up the stragglers. However...There were survivors. His foes were resilient and obviously well trained. The Navi cursed and once more dashed into the fray.

"If you want something done right," he muttered to himself. "You damn well had better do it yourself."

The silver claws that tipped the fingers on Cypher's left hand glinted wickedly despite the haze of battle. The Navi set his sights on the last remaining birdlike virus, hoping to continue his method of using them as ammunition against their cohorts. He leaped through the air, arm outstretched and fingers grasping for the flittering virus. If he could manage to catch hold of it, he would spike it down onto the injured bee tank. He would aim his shot to send the fishy hurling through the air to smash into the side of the tank, hopefully disorienting the bird and demolishing the tank.

Cypher hit the ground and lunged to his right while pivoting back toward the tank. He moved in a zigzagging pattern, his legs pumping as he bobbed left and right to avoid whatever counterstrike the viruses had in store for him. Once more Cypher focused on the fishy, claws extending in anticipation of the kill. He raked his hand through the air, attempting to rip the very wings from the virus' back and send it tumbling to the floor. There was no mercy to be had. The wicked were to be punished and, if the damn police wouldn't do anything about it, he would administer his own judgment.

1. RageClaw(20 + Impact) to FishyB and BeetankC
2. Dodge
3. RageClaw(40 + Slashing) to FishyB

((Medic said he was going to some kind of con or something, so just mod it if he doesn't post today. The viruses should be dead anyway.))
Cypher grabs the Fishy and dunks it into the Beetank, taking out the grounded virus. He then runs around like a loon before returning to the wounded Fishy and finishing off the battered virus. Daisy does nothing (loser).


-Behind Fishy-
BeetankA: DELETED!
BeetankB: DELETED!
BeetankC: DELETED!

Terrain: 70% Normal, 30% Cracked [Surrounding Cypher, Daisy]

Cypher.EXE: 100 HP
Daisy.EXE: 160 HP (30 HP Barrier)

Rewards: 450z each, extra 50z to Cypher
Cypher panted slightly as he released the battlechip data and his arm returned to normal. The battle had been more intense than he had bargained for with his minuscule arsenal and lack of upgrades. He would need to retreat in order for Enjolie to purchase some better supplies. He gathered the left over data, hoping to put it to use, and turned to his comrade.

"This has been an enlightening experience, but I believe that it is time for us to go."

"What?" Enjolie asked.

"We should retreat for now and use our acquired zenny in order to purchase supplies for subsequent expeditions."

"Ah, well, I guess you're right." Enjolie paused before addressing Daisy and her NetOp. "Thanks for helping us out, you two. We would have been mincemeat without you."

"Yeah," Cypher muttered.

The Navi vanished from the net without another word.
After some time Daisy finally jacks out.