Once again in the ACDC

Both navis executed their attacks perfectly without chance of retaliation. Thought Bard missed one of the OldStoves with her attack, Cypher was quick to pick up the slack by charging into the last store and raking it apart with his claws.

KabutankA: DELETED
KabutankB: DELETED
KabutankC: DELETED
KabutankD: DELETED

OldstoveA: DELETED
OldstoveB: DELETED
OldstoveC: DELETED
OldstoveD: DELETED

Terrain: 100% Normal

Bard: 190 HP [Decoy]
Cypher: 160 HP [2-Hit Shield]

[Battle 2 - Victory!]

Bard get: 800z + Zapring battlechip + 2 FXP
Cypher get: 200z + Lilbomb battlechip + 2 FXP
"Finally," Cypher muttered. "Another BattleChip."

"Oh?" Enjolie asked. "Which one?"

"A bomb of some sort. Not terribly accurate, but it should serve to spread the destruction around."

The Navi bent down and gathered up the remaining data for the BattleChip and the zenny. He transferred the load of data to the PET and then turned to glance at his partner.

"It looks as though you gained a new weapon as well. I applaud your strength, Bard. Though I wonder how long we can keep this up."

"We'll take on all comers!" Enjolie shouted.

((Battle 3?))
Bard clapped as her ally finished off the last of the enemies. SHe sent her Raven to gather the chips and zenny while she began rearranging her instruments and getting them into place. She summoned her disk as the raven sent the data to Leo. "A new battle chip," Leo whispered happily. "Although it is one we already have."

Bard looked to her ally as he talked to her. "I have no doubts we can go on for a good amount of time here. Maybe we can even go long enough to get you a few more chips. You need to be more like your operator." Bard said with a huge taunting grin on her face. "I think we will do just fine here. You haven't seen everything I have up my sleeve yet," As she said this she raised her large oversized shirt and let the sleeve dangle open. She giggled for a second before floating down the netways insearch of more to defeat.

{{Battle 2 please}}
The two hurry down the ways of ACDC Net, searching for not-so-hard to find viruses, since they were really not-so-hard to find.

In seconds, the pair encountered a vast assortment of viruses, but no real change in terrain. This was ACDC after all. Fishys flew by at mach speeds, while Spikeys worked in packs as they loomed toward the pair.

Well, it was time to rumble.

FishyA: 90 HP
FishyB: 90 HP
FishyC: 90 HP
FishyD: 90 HP
FishyE: 90 HP
SpikeyA: 90 HP
SpikeyB: 90 HP
SpikeyC: 90 HP
SpikeyD: 90 HP
SpikeyE: 90 HP

Terrain: 100% Normal

Bard: 190 HP
Cypher: 160 HP

((Not my best post...))

"I need to be more like Enjolie, eh?" Cypher mulled over his companion's words for a moment.

He had been like Enjolie once; innocent and unaware of the evils that filled his world, but that was a long time ago. He had seen far too much of the reality of the world, too much pain and suffering...Too much corruption. He laughed bitterly as he spied another group of viruses draw near. Those viruses were a sign of the corruption, a sign of the darkness that permeated his world.

"Unfortunately Bard," Cypher said. "I have no time to be carefree and unfalteringly optimistic. We are beset once more."

Cypher took a moment to examine the large group of viruses that were moving in to attack. There were ten in all, two less than the previous mass, but these viruses seemed to be of a tougher sort. He had faced the birdlike viruses before and knew them to be speedy opponents, but he had yet to face the other group. The other five viruses were strange blue beasts with maws wreathed in flames.

"Hmm..." Cypher mused. "I doubt I have anything that can take them out in one shot, but I may be able to lay down a bit of suppressive fire for those...Blue things. Try and focus on keeping those birds at bay, if you would." Cypher paused before addressing his Operator. "Enjolie, send me that bomb we just received and the shotgun."

"Aye-aye!' The woman agreed.

Cypher could feel the energy flow through his body and he focused it on the palm of his hand, letting the warmth wash over him. A fist sized metal orb materialized in his grasp. The orb was crafted from blackened steel and set with five dimples along a bisecting cut in the steel. Cypher palmed the orb, setting his fingertips into the dimples. There was an audible click and the orb slid in half, revealing a hidden glass tube that connected the two halves. The Navi held the bomb in both hands and twisted the steel halves in opposing directions. There was a second audible click and the glass tube began to fill with a florescent blue liquid. Cypher pressed the two halves back together and cocked back his arm to throw. He chose his target carefully, planning to toss the bomb into the midst of the pack of blue viruses to dish out maximum carnage. He lobbed the bomb through the air, the steel orb twirling lazily as it fell toward the middle of the Spikey pack. With luck, several of the viruses would be caught in the explosion and torn to pieces.

Cypher didn't bother to draw his pistol, instead focusing on the BattleChip energy to form his next weapon. A single-barrel shotgun formed in his free hand. The gun was a police issue affair, pump action with a pistol grip and crafted from blackened steel and nickel alloy. Cypher held the weapon in his right hand, left wrapped around the pump handle, with the stock pressed against his right shoulder. The Navi took aim at the fiery blue viruses once more, guiding his shot so that it would hit multiple viruses. He trained the shotgun, waiting for the moment to strike and squeezed the trigger. The gun roared and a hail of metal pellets shredded the air as they made their way toward the group of spikeys. Like the bomb, Cypher hoped to aim the shotgun to rip through more than one of the blue viruses.

Cypher dropped the gun to the floor, his ammo spent, and raised his right arm to shield himself. He activated his energy shield, the silver light spreading out to form a defensive oval that could block incoming fire. He held the shield so that it covered from his neck to his thigh, ready to raise or lower it as need be, as he planned his next move.


1. Lilbomb(50) to SpikeyA with possible spread to SpikeyB and C
--Add seeking to Shotgun
2. Shotgun(50) to SpikeyA with Spread(50) to SpikeyB
3. Data Shield (3-hit shield) to self
{{I have no time at all to respond to this in great detail, I wish I could. If it is acceptable I am going to only add in simple describtions of my actions and write out my summary. Life is a bit busy right now and I am unable to currently post normally. After this week I should be back to a more normal speed.}}

Bard felt the presence of three chips in her system, two of which were very fimailar to her, having used them several times already. She sent the dash attack to her Raven and kept the boomerrang for herself. Once this was done she played her 8th note dodge spell, aloowing her to dodge when needed. She played the spell for the boomerrang, chaing her piccolo into the attack. She hurled it at the enemies from her right hand, starting with the enemies on the right. Then she ordered her Raven to move into the correct position to unleash the dash attack.

The bird did a quick and powerful transfromation with the smoke rolling from his body after moving to the flank of the fishys. The Raven dashed forwards, trying to catch as many in the deadly path as possible. Bard knew this time a one turn sweep wouldn't happen.

1) 8th note dodge process attack (dodge + dodge)
2) Boomerrang to fishy group A, B, C (60 wood)
3) Tatcial movement on Raven to flank of fishys
4) Dash attack from Raven to Fishey group starting with E (90 + Impact)
The two attacked on the two separate groups of viruses with all they got. One by one, the viruses fell and/or got heavily wounded by the attacks. They tried to retaliate, but either met with the powerful shield or missed completely by an agile evasion.

FishyA: 30 HP
FishyB: 30 HP
FishyC: 30 HP
SpikeyC: 40 HP
SpikeyD: 90 HP
SpikeyE: 90 HP

Terrain: 100% Normal

Bard: 190 HP
Cypher: 160 HP [1-hit Shield]
"Alright," Cypher turned to his companion. "We should have no trouble mopping up the stragglers."

The Navi held out his shield arm, gathering BattleChip data to materialize another weapon. The space around his hand dimmed, as though shadows were gathering in the palm of his hand. The shadows lengthened to reach four feet from Cypher's hand and the Navi maneuvered the darkness out in front of him. He reached for the shadows with his left hand, grasping the darkness and willing the weapon to materialize. Cypher held a multibarreled weapon in his hands, right hand wrapped tightly around the grip with his finger on the trigger while his left held onto a metal handle used to steady the massive gun. The barrels were rigged to rotate when the weapon was fired, allowing it to release an incredible volley of ammunition. Cypher held the weapon in both hands, using the shield attached to his right arm as a counterbalance to the heavy trio of barrels.

"I'll take out the wounded viruses," Cypher called to his comrade. "You focus on the two spikeys and then mop up whatever is left."

Cypher took aim at the bird viruses that had been smashed by Bard's boomerang. They were crippled, slow to maneuver in the air and the perfect prey for the Navi's weapon. Cypher took aim, hoping to rip through more than one of the birds. The Navi squeezed the trigger, the barrels revving up and beginning to rotate faster and faster. The gun reached a deafening crescendo, a hailstorm of bullets shredding the air with each bark of the minigun. With luck, the barrage of gunfire would catch one or two of the wounded viruses and send them plummeting to their doom.

The gun petered out with a few dry clicks. With the gun spent, Cypher dropped the minigun to the floor. The weapon dispersed into shadow as it struck the ground, vanishing from the field. Cypher raised his shield to guard his body once more and drew his plasma pistol from the holster hidden within his armor. The plasma pistol was primed with energy from a second BattleChip, ready to be fired. The Navi took aim at one of the fire breathing viruses that had been wounded in the explosion. The gun hummed in his hand, charged plasma yearning to be unleashed. Cypher squeezed the trigger, a beam of silver light flashing from the muzzle of the pistol and soaring toward its intended target.

"Bah," Cypher muttered as he holstered his pistol.

"What is it?" Enjolie asked.

"I'm down to that claw again. I hate engaging in melee."

"Well, we're doing this in order to get more BattleChips. Hopefully we'll get more ranged attacks that you can use. But...For now..."

"Yeah, send me the RageClaw."

The Navi felt the BattleChip energy course through him, his fingers elongating to metal claws. He focused his attention on the final Fishy, the wounded virus flapping around. Cypher held his shield in front of him, intending to charge the virus with the shield and then impale it with his claws. He rushed forward, a dead run that took him across the battlefield in seconds. He charged at the birdlike virus, intent on using his shield as a battering ram. As he drew within range, he tossed the shield aside and slashed down in a diagonal strike. His claws racked through the air, the savage metal weapons glinting in the light of the net. If the virus wasn't able to dodge, Cypher's claws would rip it apart.

--Snipe to Vulcan1
1. Vulcan1(10x3) to FishyA with Spread(10x3) to FishyB
2. Cannon(40) to SpikeyC
3. RageClaw(40) to FishyC
Bard turned to her teammate as he addressed her. She nodded in agreement, knowing that she had the firepower to take out the higher health creatures where as he didn't. She studied the battlefield quickly, seeing the two enemies she was assigned. She set her piccolo down her her lap for a moment and thought while chewing on her thumbnail. How would she deal 180 damage to two separate enemies and still have it delete them? She recalled the various chips she had, seeing if she could piece together something useful from them. "Firehits would be nice but I don't have a way to deal follow up damage to both and still dodge. As a matter of fact, I think anything I do will no enable me to dodge," she said under her breath. She debated a moment longer, while observing the barrel form from her ally's hand. As it unleashed its volley of bullets she snapped her fingers happily. "Leo, send me the shotguns and two cannons please."

Leo was unsure as to what Bard was planning, and he himself couldn't give to much thought to the battle plans, seeing as he needed to remain secretive. She won't be able to avoid damage with this plan. He thought to himself. But maybe her and her ally will drop them fast enough to where it won't matter. Leo sent in the chips that Bard requested and went back to his classwork.

Bard got the chip data and divided it up equally among herself, and her Raven. Each got one shotgun, and one Cannon. With any luck the two would drop the targets quickly and easily. Bard watched her ally pull up a cannon as well and said issued a mental order to her raven to begin uploading the data for the shotgun. She herself began to ready it as well. The raven bent its head backwards, letting out sinister cracks and breaking sounds as it did so. Its neck seemed to be completely broken, and from its mangled neck came the black mist. The bird eyes went wide as this happened, and slowly the barrel of the shotgun could be seem moving through the mist, and taking aim at the two enemies down below. The bird moved its body so that the barrel lined up with the enemies, then let the attack loose. The recoil pushed the raven backwards in the air, doing back flips and spinning out of control. It regained its air stability after a few turns and looked down at Cypher, with its neck still bent backwards. The top of the ravens head was touching its back. It soon turned itself back to the enemies at hand.

Meanwhile Bard was beginning her own shotgun. She pulled the piccolo to her mouth and played the required song. The beat as fast and dangerous, and Bard moved with every twist in its beat. The notes were high pitched and painful sounding, none taking more than a 16th note near the end. She quickly pulled the piccolo from her mouth and lined it up on the two enemies before her as well. She took careful aim, waiting on the sound of the Raven's shotgun to be heard. Once she heard it she finished her song, blasting the other shotgun into the ranks soon after the raven.

Bard looked at her ally and watched him charge into battle. She told the Bird to begin uploading the cannon data it had, and watch the spikey enemies to ensure they were all gone. The bird popped its head back into its standard place and started uploading the data. The mist pour from the edges of the birds beak, creeping and floating in the air in a very ominous manner the cannon could be seen emerging from the ever expanding beak of the raven. Once the cannon was in place and ready to fire, the bird tilted the cannon attack down at the spikey group. It was very possible at least one of them survived the shotgun volley. It's black beady eyes set down and watched for the movement of a virus, ready to blast it away if one was still there.

Bard, also now on mopping duty, uploaded her cannon. For this she used the bongo, and set the piccolo to her side. She readied her hands and tapped out a beat. The start of the beat sound like war drums from an attack tribe. She set the mood and pace of this next attack. Her very body was moving to the sounds of war being heard from her instrument. Then the music stopped. And she would hit the drum face once, waiting a few measures of rest before clanging down upon the drums face with many 16th and 32nd notes. She repeated this once more before hitting the drum powerfully once. This was the only drum sound that didn't have a corresponding drum beat to follow it. She looked over the battlefield, watching to see if any of the other viruses survived the attacks. And if they had, she would make sure they didn't last any longer with one more beat of her hand.

1) Shotgun to Spikey D + Spread to Spikey E (50 + Spread)
2) Shotgun to Spikey E + Spread to Spikey D (50 + Spread)
3) Cannon to Survivor of Spikey group (40)
4) Cannon to Survivor on the battlefield (40)
The two navis fired with everything they got, deleting the remaining viruses one by one. In desperation, few of the viruses attacked, getting few solid hits on the navis before they were gone forever.


Terrain: 100% Normal

Bard: 160 HP
Cypher: 145 HP [Shield Destroyed]

Bard: 1,000z + 2 FXP
Cypher: [DashAttack] Battlechip + 2 FXP
Dash Attack -
Damage: 90 + Impact
Accuracy: C
Description: Body-slams a line of enemies. 5 targets, max.
Duration: Once
Element: None
Special: Hits up to 5 targets
"Ha," Cypher smiled in triumph as he gathered the BattleChip data left behind. "We have finally acquired a worthy weapon for our arsenal."

"Ooh," Enjolie examined the data. "A DashAttack like the one Bard has. That will really come in handy."

"We have done well so far," Cypher turned to his companion as he spoke. "And with these recent additions, I should be even more capable in battle. Shall we continue on?"

((Battle 4!))
Bard sent her raven to gather the large zenny amount. This was working out well, both. Her and her teammate were getting exactly what they came for, and that battle proved to be the most providing for them. She smile happiy tk herbally as the bird flew back. "that chip is a personal favorite of mine, I am sure you will get some good use of out it. Yes we should continue our trek," Bard said. She pulled The picclo up and began the song to start her disk. No sooner had she starter she was in the air, eye level with Cypher. "Lets go".

((battle 4))
A large group of viruses appeared in front of the Bard and Cypher without warning! These viruses looked lot more deadly than the usual they fought and something felt a little odd about the terrains beneath them...

OldstoveEXA: 80 HP
OldstoveEXB: 80 HP
OldstoveEXC: 80 HP
OldstoveEXD: 80 HP
OldstoveEXE: 80 HP
MetoolEXA: 70 HP
MetoolEXB: 70 HP
MetoolEXC: 70 HP
MetoolEXD: 70 HP
MetoolEXE: 70 HP
PulseBatA: 80 HP
PulseBatB: 80 HP
PulseBatC: 80 HP

-Behind the group-
MinerA: 100 HP
MinerB: 100 HP

Terrain: 80% Normal, 20% Trap

Bard: 160 HP
Cypher: 145 HP

((Ugh, I have to perfect my RP'ed Dash))

Cypher and Bard made their way deeper into the "wilds" of ACDC Net. They seemed to find themselves facing larger and stronger groups of viruses as they continued their trek and Cypher could only assume that they were traveling farther away from the heavy traffic areas of the network. Once more he found himself mentally berating the NetPolice. With the strength at their disposal, they should have had no issue with policing these areas of the Net. The fact that such large groups of marauding viruses existed in the supposedly tranquil ACDC Net was a sure sign that the NetPolice just didn't care about the safety of the citizens that it was sworn to protect. The Navi gritted his teeth to hold back his snort of derision.

"Wait," Cypher paused and looked around.

He had been lost in thought and hadn't noticed the subtle shift in the landscape around him, but now he took a closer look. Most of the ground was the usual, normal terrain that covered ACDC Net. However, here and there, randomly spaced surrounding the two Navi, were patches of off colored terrain. The difference in the ground was slight, so slight that one would not notice in the heat of battle. Even now, the Navi doubted that he would be able to tell the normal ground apart from the off colored patches without reasonable time for examination. Cypher didn't know what lurked beneath the odd terrain, but he didn't want to find out. He started to motion for Bard to change their direction when a large group of viruses sprang up all around him.

"Damn," Cypher shouted. "It's an ambush!"

The Navi glanced around, looking for an escape route that would let him flank the incoming viruses. Two more adversaries materialized behind the large group, large grey things that seemed to be holding metallic dinner plates. If he and Bard wanted to survive this, they would have to break free of the encroaching viruses before they were completely outmaneuvered.

"Look," he called to Bard. "We can't let them surround us. I'm going to attempt to break free to the left. You hit them from the right." He switched focus to speak to his NetOp. "Enjolie, send me that bomb and the new BattleChip. Speed is off the essence."

"Sure thing," the girl called as she slotted in the requested chips.

Cypher felt the rush of uploaded energy surge through his body and guided the flow to the palm of his right hand. A small metal sphere, about the size of his fist, materialized within his grasp. Cypher palmed the sphere with his free hand, finding the recessed notches that sprung open the priming mechanism. The sphere snapped open to reveal a small, clear tube connecting its two halves. Cypher twisted one half of the sphere, listening for an audible click. An iridescent blue liquid filled the tube and Cypher nodded to himself as he snapped the sphere back together. He kept his eyes on the two viruses approaching from behind the larger group and lobbed the small explosive toward them. The metallic sphere hit the ground and rolled between the two viruses before disintegrating into a cloud of debris with a deafening roar.

Cypher dropped low, moving into a runner's crouch as the second BattleChip loaded into his systems. The armored bracer on Cypher's right arm activated, his customary silver shield extending back and out to form a oval of pulsating energy. He channeled the BattleChip energy into his legs, his armor shifting to encase his feet in large, mechanized boots. Air pulsed beneath his feet and Cypher rose to hover a few inches off of the ground.

"I'll handle the stoves," Cypher called to Bard.

The Navi's shield flared brightly, lengthening to cover the whole of his body. The silver light given off by the shield seemed to encompass the Navi in a bright aura. His boots emitted a bright flash as rockets ignited and Cypher was propelled forward. He guided his charge, aiming for the line of Oldstoves. He held his shield in front of him, ready to collide with each virus in turn and grind them into dust beneath the empowered energy shield. He took off like a rocket, charging across the battlefield like a locomotive, an unstoppable force of destruction.

As Cypher cleared the line of viruses, he twisted in midair to face the back of the rampaging creatures. The bulky mechanized boots faded into shadow and the Navi dropped to the ground in his usual armored footwear. He tried to pick his landing, hoping to avoid the off colored terrain that he had noticed before the ambush, but he couldn't be sure of his success. The silver shield still pulsed along his arm and he held it to cover his body from a viral counterattack. Its amplified power was mostly spent, but it would still serve its usual duty and protect him from a few shots.

1. LilBomb(50) to MinerA, with Spread to MinerB. If it doesn't make it, then it should explode somewhere in the midst of the other viruses.
2. DashAttack(90, Impact) to Oldstove group, starting with E. (Can hit up to five, used to flank viruses)
3. Data Shield(3-hit shield) to self
Bard was enjoying their stroll through the netways, whistling a small tune in her head. Until Cypher told her to suddenly stop and wait. She looked at him a bit confused more than anything, wondering why he made her stop. "What the...?" Bard began. She stopped her words when her eyes saw where Cypher was looking. Right down at the ground. She too turned her gaze downwards to study the environment around them. She saw what he saw just a moment before the new viruses appeared. The slightly difference in the panel. she had never seen that before and was very curious as to what it was. "Cypher what is...? Her words trailed off again with the arrival of the enemies.

She looked at the daunting number of the all, knowing they would need to be really careful here. Her eyes focused on the very different enemies before her. What is going on with those metools and oldstoves? I have never seen that color on them before. Its different. Different is bad in the nets, I must be careful against them. Bard kept going over the battlefield, thinking to herself, wondering what exactly to do as her mind filled with a combination of confusion. She was feeling really lucky right now though.

When Cypher rushed off to the side, Bard motioned her Raven over as well, knowing that he was right about them and they shouldn't be flanking us. Bard scanned the field once more, and remembered that she had two dblcube chips. If I get really lucky... Bard thought to herself briefly. "There is only one outcome of the dice that wouldn't be as useful. I can play those odds. Leo, send me the dbl cubes, and the new chip we got recently."

Leo himself had to jump in on this one. "Bard, are you sure you want to do this? I mean we could be tactical about it instead of playing chance." Leo was shifting for other chips already, not wanting to send the ones she requested. Bard looked to Leo and said, "I am feeling lucky! Send me those chips I have a good feeling about this working!" Bard exclaimed. She was set in her ways right now it seemed. Leo let out an audible sigh and sent over the requested chips to her.

The Musical warrior sent the AmatsuHaretsu1 to her raven, and saved the two cubes for herself. "Cypher!" She called to him, "I have a plan that could wipe them all! Lets do it! She smiled at herself, feeling really lucky right now. Lady Random Number Generator was smiling down upon her today, or so she thought. She first played her 8th note dodge spell. She pulled the piccolo to her mouth, and quickly played the two fast fast spells to be able to have dodges ready in case this failed. Next, she uploaded both cubes at once. With a deep breath she started playing. The song was played on the piccolo. The beat was two separate songs being played. The transition to each could clearly be heard. At first she played them with definition of being separate, and in doing so, two cubes appeared. When Bard played one of the songs, the beat was vicious and fast, and each cube flashed red when she did so. The second song was soothing and happy, and when she played this song the cubes flashed blue. Quickly the two songs were being played in rapid secession, until the songs were indistinguishable. The cubes were rapidly switching colors as the two songs blended into one.

Bard stopped playing and watched her cubes spin as the Raven uploaded the AmatsuHaretsu1 chip to his own data. The raven was already on the flank of the enemies, and was aiming for the miners in the back, at Bard's request. As the data was uploaded, the ravens wings grew larger and more imposing, and four of the wing feathers of the beast stood out larger than the others. The Raven looked down at the miners, and in doing so the large feathers detached from the bird. They hovered around the raven for a moment for catching fire in a bright light. The Raven was hovering in the air, surrounded by four balls of light. It sent two of the attacks at each of the miners. After the attack was finished the feather of the bird remained on the netways near the miners.

Bard nodded in approval and turned her attention back to the two flashing cubes. They were flashing so quickly that they appeared purple. Bard waited as the cubes drew to a stop.

1) 8th Note Dodge Process Attack (Dodge + Dodge)
2-3) Dblcube1 Red or Blue (Red 40 damage to all enemies - Blue 30 heal to all allies)
4) AmatsuHaretsu1 to Miners Two attacks to each. (4x10 damage can be split among targets. 20 to each.)
Cypher starts out by throwing a bomb as hard as he can, miraculously clearing the huge hoard of enemies and nailing the two Miners hiding in the very back. He then channels data for the Dash chip and flies through the group, taking out four of the five stoves in the proccess. He finishes up his assault by putting up a shield to counter an retaliation.
Meanwhile, Bard prepares to get out of the way of oncoming attacks before summoning a pair of blinking cubes. The first lands on Red, damaging each of the remaining enemies for 40, while the second lands on Blue, regenerating some of her ally's health. She then has her raven bomb the two Miners which, with the state they're in now, causes them to be deleted.
The viruses now take this time to make their own moves, two of the Pulsebats starting off by taking to the air. The Pulsebat that remains on level with the navis sends a soundwave at Cypher, taking out the first layer of his shield while the Oldstove starts to move into position to attack the navi as well. The Mets stay focused on Bard, however, not seeming to happen that she had managed to damage the lot of them. Two shockwaves are sent her wave and she manages to avoid the pair. However, her foot gets caught on something that suddenly appeared from underneath the panel she had moved to, holding her in place.

OldstoveEXA: 40 HP
MetoolEXA: 30 HP
MetoolEXB: 30 HP
MetoolEXC: 30 HP
MetoolEXD: 30 HP
MetoolEXE: 30 HP
PulseBatA: 40 HP
PulseBatB: 40 HP (high altitude)
PulseBatC: 40 HP (high altitude)

-Behind the group-

Terrain: 80% Normal, 20% Trap

Bard: 170 HP (-1 action)
Cypher: 160 HP