Once again in the ACDC

Bard yelled in shock as the panel beneath her grabbed her ankle, holding her in place. She struggled with it and fought for a few moments. She growled angrily, noticing her dodge spell teleported her right on top of a trap panel. She scowled and cursed under her breath before looking at the enemies that remained. "Luck wasn't fully on my side, but all of the enemies are now weak enough for both of us to easily drop," Bard said to Cypher. She moved her eyes around the field and thought about the next plan of attack. "What to do? What to do?" Her eyes moved to the high targets and remembered that Her ally could snipe the higher targets out of the way easily. "Cypher! Do you think you could drop the high targets? I will drop the metools that attacked me."

Bard started to talk to Leo, "Leo, send me the shotgun and the boomerrang. I should be able to drop the metools with it." No sooner had she finished the sentence, she winced in pain as the device holding her still dug into her. "This stupid thing is going to get in the way I can sense it." Leo slotted in the chips and moved the PET closer to him to see the screen.

Bard sent the shotgun chip to her raven and kept the boomerrang for herself. Bard's eyes narrowed upon the metools before her. She pulled the piccolo to her face and started playing the only defensive spell she had left to defend herself this time around. The song was repeative, fast, and simple. As the song went on two large repeat signs appeared next to Bard. They were at least twice the size of Bard. Bard began to move quickly and shuffle about, making copies of herself. Once the spell was done, the two large repeat signs disappeared and in there place was two other Bard's and two other Raven's. Bard looked at the metools and started her assault.

Bard and her copies began to play the boomerrang spell harshly and quickly. The notes were powerful and sharp in their execution. The beat still maintained the required earthy feel for the spell to work. As the spell was finishing, the piccolo on which Bard was playing on began to reshape and expand. It took on a curved shape, and after the last note Bard pulled the boomerrang to her right hand. She brought the boomerrang back and took careful aim on the line of metools. She launched the attack at the first member of the line, ready to catch the returning attack in her left hand. Once the piccolo was back in her hand after finishing its deadly arc, Bard looked up to her Raven to signal it to attack.

The raven flew up slightly and began to upload the data for the shotgun. At the command of Bard, he turned his attention to the last two metools in the line. The raven opened its beak wide, letting the black mist spill from its maw. Accompanying the mist was the gleam of a shotgun barrel. The bird let out a few scary vicious caws before taking aim at the targets. It fired the attack, which sent the Bird recoiling backwards in the air. It landed on the netways with a sinister crack after the attack. It stood back up, and its wing was lying limb by its side. It flew back into the air with a broken wing, greatly enjoying this section of its creepy programming.

"One more turn and we should be able to delete them all!" Bard said happily.

1) Da Capo Process Attack (Decoy + Decoy)
2) Boomerrang to Metools A, B, C (60 Wood)
3) Shotgun to Metool D + Spread to Metool E (50 + Spread)
4) -1 action!!!
((Cypher's max HP is 160))

Cypher smirked behind his featureless visor as his shield repelled a trio of retaliatory strikes. It had held up perfectly and the Navi had managed to buy himself enough time to catch his breath. The oval of silver energy faded; the shield's power source was spent and needed time to recharge. With his defenses gone, Cypher found himself face to face with the remaining fiery stove virus.

Cypher drew his pistol, the weapon already humming with power from one of Enjolie's BattleChips. The Navi drew down on the Oldstove, aiming for the center of the virus' mass. He squeezed the trigger, sending a single beam of piercing light toward the virus. The energy blast roared across the battlefield, intent on smashing into the metallic virus.

Cypher turned toward Bard, planning on a quick exchange of thoughts for finishing off the remaining viruses. However, he caught sight of his partner just as she dodged the shockwave from one of the attacking Metools and landed near the off colored terrain. Something snaked through the air and wrapped itself around Bard's ankle. She was stuck fast and a sitting duck for viral retaliation.

"Cypher!" Enjolie shouting, noticing Bard's situation as well. "We have to help her!"

Cypher cursed under his breath. His shield was spent, leaving him with no way of protecting Bard from on coming attacks. If he placed himself between Bard and the viruses, he would no doubt be cut down. Still, Enjolie wouldn't forgive him if he let the female Navi get deleted without doing anything to help her.

"Damn it," he cursed as he charged forward.

Cypher dashed across the battlefield, moving in a zigzag pattern to avoid both the attacking viruses and the random splattering of strange terrain. He tried to pick his steps carefully, knowing that all was for naught if he got himself trapped, but the battle raged around him and he couldn't be sure of his footing. He saw Bard attempt to prepare her own defenses and launch a boomerang at the group of Metools in front of her. She obviously had those viruses in hand. Cypher nodded at her and focused on the high flying bats.

The Navi could feel the energy from a second BattleChip flow through him. Evidently, Enjolie had planned ahead and provided him with some firepower with which to protect Bard. He slid to a stop a few feet in front of Bard, standing between her and the viruses. He dropped to one knee to steady his aim and raised the pistol so that the barrel was pointing toward the soaring Pulsebats. They were high in the sky, but the Navi trusted in his aim and his ability to get the job done. He aimed at the area just in front of the bats, compensating for their height, speed and movement. He grinned wolfishly as he squeezed the trigger. The gun roared, a hailstorm of silver light exploding from the barrel. The energy beams were like countless needles, individually weak but devastating in such great numbers. The energy ripped through the air, intent on shredding the viruses that soared above the ground.

1. Cannon(40 + Knockback) to OldstoveEXA
2. Dodge toward Bard
--Seeking to Shotgun
3. Shotgun(50) to PulsebatB, Spread(50) to PulsebatC
((Bleh, I think I mixed up the two of your max HP so both of you get an adjustment.))

Bard covers herself by creating two large distractions, then launches a Boomerrang into the enemy ranks, taking down three mets. Her raven also provides support with a Shotgun, deleting an additional enemy. After that, she finally takes some time to get out of the snare that had her trapped.
Cypher pops the Oldstove with a Cannon, taking the slow-witted virus out. He then moves about the field before turning to the sky and blasting two of the bats right out of the air. After this, the two remaining viruses make their moves. The Pulsebat takes to the air where its two neighbors had just been slain and the met attacks Bard... or more accurately, it attacks one of her decoys, missing her entirely.

MetoolEXE: 30 HP
PulseBatA: 40 HP (high altitude)

-Behind the group-

Terrain: 80% Normal, 20% Trap

Bard: 170 HP
Cypher: 160 HP
Bard cheered in joy as the trap which was holding her down let her go. She scanned the area, trying to spot out the others, not wanting to be caught by that again. Bard looked to her ally and nodded happily as he came over to assist her. As unneeded as it was. "Thanks," She said briefly but sincerely to Cypher. Her eyes went back to the fight at hand, knowing that this battle wasn't exactly over yet. Her eyes and the eyes of her raven followed the pulsebat viruses skywards as it moved. "Damn," She said as it went.

"Bard, I don't think that your ally will be able to drop that. If I have been keeping track correctly, the only chip he has left is a vulcan, which will not fully delete the virus."

"Really? Awwl man!" Bard kept her eyes focused on the high flying enemy as she thought. Her bird couldn't get up there and still be accurate. She could just have to take her chances on shooting at it and let her partner handle the last of the metools. "Cypher. I will try my best to drop the Pulsebat with a cannon. If you could handle the last of the metools we could easily wrap this fight up." She turned her attention back to the enemy above her head. How was she going to hit him? The best way was to try and get the enemy to dodge or faint right into another one of her shots. She breathed a long sigh and said, "Ok, Leo, send me all of the cannons we have."

Leo nodded in agreement as he slotted in the chips. His class was on break at the moment so he was happy to throw in some information for Bard. "Try to trick the thing. We will have a hard time if you always aim right at it. Kind of like how the old arcade games played near the end." Leo leaned back in her chair, crossed his fingers, and sat them on his pudgy stomach as he watched the battle.

Bard pulled her piccolo to her lips and played the simple dodge spell. She needed to be prepared in case the enemy did manage to survive the attacks coming its way. Bard sent all three of the cannons to her bird. The raven was highly confused as to why this was, but uploaded the data as usual. Bard looked to her ally and gave him a brief thumbs up before waiting for her raven to finish. It uploaded all three of the cannons at once, and the mist spilled from its mouth in doing so. Its eyes went wide, and even its throat and chest expanded from the large amount of data that was being channeled through it. From the mist came a multi-barreled cannon, with three barrels. The eyes of the bird were open wide as it took aim upon the high flying enemy.

"You ready? Bard asked her Raven. It gave a slight nod, which looked very odd with the large three barreled cannon jutting from its beak. We need to time this perfectly. Bard began telling the Raven over Mental orders. We shall try to fire two shots at it right away. Aim more for its right side, forcing it to dodge left and have a cannon shell waiting to greet it once it is finished. Then aim the last at the original position of the virus. With any luck, that should delete it. The bird gave a chocked muffled caw in agreement as its head raised and its ebony eyes set upon the Bat.

It set its head back, trying to make the minor adjustments needed to fire this attack pattern correctly. It shot the first shell, lobbing it at the right side of the virus. The cannon proceeded to turn to the next barrel in the Raven's throat. There was sinister cracking and ripping noises in the process of doing so, and the ravens eyes growing even wider as it did. The raven then moved its head to the spot it thought the virus would dodge towards. It lobbed the second cannon shell, the ripping and tearing repeating once more in a grim fashion. The last of the cannons was about to be fired as the raven adjusted its head once more, back to the starting position of the Pulsebat.

With the last shot fired, the three barreled cannon vanished from the data of the raven, and left the poor creature be. The throat and mouth of the bird were shredded and torn from the twisting motion of the cannon. Bard held her Raven close was the attack pattern was done. The bird was breathing heavily, eyes wide as it scanned the field. Bard was cooing at the bird quietly as she looked back to the fight at hand.

1) Prepare Dodge Spell
2) Cannon to PulseBat A trying to get him to dodge right (40 + Knockback)
3) Cannon to Pulsebat A Trying to hit him or get him to dodge left (40 + Knockback)
4) Cannon to Pulsebat A Aiming at the starting spot of the virus, hoping he had dodged back towards it (40 + Knockback)
Cypher nodded as Bard thanked him. His assistance had been unneeded, but at least she acknowledged his attempt. He turned to see the remaining bat take off high into the sky and cursed softly. His only remaining ranged weapon was his vulcan cannon and there was no way that the machine gun would be able to take down the soaring virus. Cypher hoped that Bard would be able to take care of the bat and turned his attention to the lone Metool.

Cypher rose to his feet, prepared to dodge out of the way if the virus attempted to take a swipe at his with its menacing pick axe. The Metool couldn't do much to harm him, but it could throw off his aim. He lowered his pistol, taking aim at the Metool as it stood low to the ground. He could already feel the energy of one last BattleChip surging through his body and his pistol came to life with a low pitched hum. He fingered the trigger, taking one last second to be sure of his aim, and squeezed. The gun released a rapid series of energy bolts, silver light cascading down toward the weakened virus.

Forgoing some strange defense utilized by the virus, the Metool should have been destroyed. Cypher turned his attention to Bard's attempt at blasting the bat out of the sky. Bard's raven had been loaded with what looked to be several cannons. The bird fired a cannon, the shot angled slightly to the left of the fluttering bat. Cypher immediately saw Bard's ploy. She was attempting to herd the virus, picking her shots in an attempt to force the virus into the position she wanted it in. If her ploy worked, the Pulsebat would fly right into one of the raven's cannon blasts.

"Clever," Cypher smirked behind his visor. "You are a cunning warrior, Bard. I would hate to have you as an opponent. Perhaps we shall have the opportunity to discuss strategy in the near future."

1. Prep Dodge
2. Vulcan1(3x10) to MetoolEXE
3. Praise Bard?
Bard tricked the Pulsebat into getting into the perfect position for the final blow and the cannon rightfully punctured through the virus and deleted it. Cypher on the other hand took care of the last Metool on ground with the Vulcan, letting the two navis the victor of another battle!


-Behind the group-

Terrain: 80% Normal, 20% Trap

Bard: 170 HP
Cypher: 160 HP

Bard: 1200z + [Guard1] Battlechip + 3 FXP
Cypher: 1000z + [Guard1] Battlechip + 3 FXP
Guard1 -
Effect: Reflects one attack, bouncing back a maximum of 60 damage
Accuracy: S
Description: Sends one attack back to the enemy
Duration: Once
Element: None
Special: Negated by Break.
"Ha," Cypher chuckled. "And another one down."

The Navi gathered the battlechip data and zenny and sent it to Enjolie's PET. The battlechip was a defensive shield, not unlike his own, though it would only bloke one attack. Still, it held the ability to reflect damage back toward the attacking virus. All in all, it should prove quite useful.

"Alright," Enjolie shouted. "We won another one!"

"Yes," Cypher nodded. "Shall we continue Bard?"

((Battle 5!))
Bard sent her raven to gather the chip and zenny data from the field. "Oh. A new chip. I have always wanted this one, and the Zenny amount isn't eactly shy either." Bard said to herself. She turned to her new ally and smiled a happy smile. He seemed to be a hard one to gain the trust of, and she wasn't doing to shabby at it. "Let us keep going," bard said happily.

(battle 5)
An annoying buzzing sound rang through the air as Bard and Cypher moved forth. As they walked further, they were apparently getting closer to the source.

What they find is unexpected.

Appearing before them is a haunched over navi with a skinny body with an extra set of arms that jut out from the side of his ribs. His helmet has a large pair of goggles that look like compound eyes. Two thick wires stretch out from the back of his head like antennae and his mask includes a long needle-like protrusion. There are a set of wings on his back as well as a armoured-thorax that sticks out from his butt.

"BZZZ? BZZ BZZ BZZ!?" The navi buzzes, locusts in a swarm around him, doing their own buzzing sounds. He gets up, staring at the two, before giving them a sly grin.

"Bzzzz.... BZZ! BZZ!" Insectman (well you have a better name?) screeches as he dashes at the two.


Insectman.exe: ??? HP

Terrain: 100% Normal

Bard: 170 HP
Cypher: 160 HP

-Battle 5 Start?-
[Official Battle has not commenced yet, but you can use chips and whatnot]
Bard was floating down the netways of ACDC, holding her Raven and watching ahead of her. She was floating next to Cypher, not saying anything to him--mostly due to the buzzing that was being heard around her. Bard went on the lookout, keping her yes peeled as they flashed around from corner to corner. "What exactly is that?" Bard asked as she moved. "If it is a virus I have never heard one that sounded like that before. We should be careful."

"Bard," Leo's voice rang out, "I want you to try to find a time to test out the other new process attacks I gave you. Maybe this next fight will prove use to that end."

Bard barely registered what Leo had said due to her high alert level. As the noise grew louder and louder, Bard became more and more on edge. She kept looking to Cypher seeing if he noticed anything else around them. Soon it became very clear what was making the sound. Before her was a very unusual navi. It was a bug style navi that had constant insects floating around its form. "Uggh that's just disturbing." Bard muttered to herself.

"I gave you a spell in the last one that could create illusions and false sights. Maybe we could use that in case this...insect...decides to be hostile."

Bard nodded in agreement as she kept watching the form before her. She set the disk down on the ground as she observed it. "Cypher, what do you make of this thing? No sooner had she finished the sentence did it take notice of them. She watched it in disgust a moment longer as it rose to its feet and grinned at the two.

"Bard now, use the false sight process attack. Make yourself something scary for it. Uh, uh, a bird or a bug zapper or something. Maybe a giant flyswattter," Leo called out, trying to help his navi out. "Maybe even use some of that famous acting ability of yours!"

Bard, at first, was overwhelmed by all that was happening and being said around her. It took her a moment to gather herself, but when she did she pulled her piccolo to her mouth and started playing. The song was a very fast paced song. It changed its tempo a lot, never dropping below a upeat pace. She was casting an illusion spell. Leo would be happy to know she is using it as he requested however. The illusion she was trying to create was one of a giant electric bug zapper in the form of a tennis racquet. The racquet was about the 1.5 times the size of Bard, so that the net of the racquet would be the size of the insect. It was blue in color with a black handle. The side of it had a button, which was tapped down, that turned on a bright light on the side of the handle. The net was jumping with electricity as it stood there before the enemy Navi. The sounds of the lightning arching could be heard loud and clear.

As the spell finished Bard began calling out, "I am really your worse nightmare! Muahahahaha! This is my true form!!" Bard was laughing with her hands up and her fingers curled from under the mask of her illusion. Her bird was not making a peep however. Bard did feel really silly under the illusion she was doing what she was. She briefly looked over to her busting partner and let out a nervous laugh. "Heh." She muttered quietly under her breath before turning back to the enemy to see his reaction. Hopefully he feel for it or at least wouldn't take them seriously anymore.

1) False Sight Process Attack. Create illusion of Bard as a Giant electric tennis racquet. (1 turn Illusion of it)
2) Intimidate To try to make him think Bard is really a scary electric tennis racquet.
"Well," Cypher muttered to himself as the incessant buzzing increased in volume. "This certainly is annoying."

"What exactly is that?" He heard Bard ask. "If it is a virus, I have never heard one that sounded like that before. We should be careful."

"I'm not sure, to be honest." Bard answered. "Whatever it is, it is loud and obnoxious."

The two Navi continued on, eventually reaching the source of the buzzing racket. A strange, bug-like Navi stood in front of the duo. It was far different from the humanoid Navi that Cypher was used to and, judging by the loud buzzing noises that it was making, was unable to speak. All in all, the Navi was quite the sight; even disturbing enough to make Bard recoil in disgust.

"Cypher," Bard spoke up. "What do you make of this thing?"

"Ew," Enjolie answered for him. "Bugs are gross."

"Well," Cypher elaborated upon his NetOp's statement. "This Navi obviously has an insect motif. He is...Possibly a mosquito? Though he is surrounded by locusts, so I'm not terribly certain. How shall we proceed?"

The bug Navi answered Cypher's question with sly grin before charging forward. Cypher reacted before fully processing the situation; leaping off to his right to land in front of Bard. He hoped the bug would be startled by his sudden movement and either pause its charge or even veer away. Cypher was about to engage his shield when he heard Bard begin to play her piccolo.

"What's the pl..." Cypher paused as he released that Bard had vanished.

In place of his partner now stood a large tennis racket of sorts, the netting alive with surges of electricity. It looked like some sort of cross between a bug zapper and a fly swatter. The Navi was taken aback for a moment before he heard Bard's voice imitate from the giant electrical racket.

"I am really your worst nightmare! Muahahahahaha! This is my true form!" Bard shouted in what Cypher could only assume was her "spooky" voice.

The hell is this? Cypher asked himself. Is she trying to trick the bug into fleeing?

The Navi paused for a moment, unsure on what he should do. He could attack the bug, though that might make it retaliate in anger. He could defend himself and Bard, but that might give away her ploy. An idea strike Cypher and he whispered to Enjolie over her private line.
"Quick," Cypher called. "I have a plan. Send me the Invis and the Guard1."

"Alright," Enjolie responded as she slotted in the requested BattleChips.

Cypher nodded as he felt the BattleChip energy surge through him. He figured that his best bet was to do what he could to enforce Bard's ploy.

"What?!" Cypher shouted. "Wh-What's going on? What happened to Bard?!" Cypher turned toward the bug Navi, pointing his finger in accusation. "What the hell did you do? What's going on?!"

Cypher turned to face Bard, one arm flying high and wide. It would sail over Bard's head, but smack right into the electrical netting of the bug zapper. As his arm brushed the netting, Cypher activated the Invis BattleChip. His body vanished from sight as the cloaking program covered him. It looked to all the world that Cypher had brushed against the netting and had been vaporized.

Now invisible, Cypher silently dropped into a crouch in front of Bard and activated his Guard BattleChip. An invisible shell materialized before him, protecting him and Bard from attack. If the insect Navi charged Bard, it would hopefully smash against the Guard and be sent flying back. Hopefully, the damage from the recoil would convince the bug that Bard's electrical netting was the real deal.

1. Dodge in front of Bard
2. Invis1 to turn invisible and make it look like he was vaporized
3. Guard1 (Block 1 attack and deal up to 60 DMG to the attacker) to block self and Bard and try and further trick Insectman.
((I'm pretty sure Syriene is looking for a mod response to his ploy before he ends his turn...So, bump.))
"Bzz? BZZZZ!" Insectman buzzed loudly, doing something no normal bug would do.

He charged the flyswatter.

Bravely materializing a Magbomb in his hand, the bug navi slammed the attack against the flyswatter, fortunately, the Guard was there, and reflected some of the damage.

Not giving up, Insectman activated the DashAttack, rushing full on toward Bard...

Uh oh.

Insectman.exe: 985 HP [Attacking!]

Terrain: 100% Normal

Bard: 170 HP [Flyswatter!][2 Actions left!]
Cypher: 160 HP [0 Actions left!]

"Well that didn't work as planned," Leo said as the insect attacked the illusion. "Well at least we know he can't see through it in case we want to use that later."

Bard's raven flew from her shoulder and began to hover in a protective flight over Bard. Bard herself pulled up her piccolo to her mouth to prepare herself for the fight. "What do you make of this thing Leo?" Bard asked her operator.

"He seems to be a wood Navi, and is very aggressive. We are going to need to keep him back I think. Could also be normal but I think if he was a normal bug based navi, he would have been more frightened by the illusion."

Bard thought it over for a second and agreed. They had no time left as the bug was preparing another assault, right for her! "Bard, use this quick!" Leo said while quickly slotting in the new guard chip.

Bard felt the data in her system and quickly began playing the music for the guard spell. The notes were much easier than Bard had thought they would be. The spell had a very slow and strong feeling to it. The notes were all lower, were still wasn't that low for a piccolo, and gave a feeling of strength. As Bard finished the short song, the guard formed around her. It took the form of a musical staff. Five black bold lines were shaped around Bard, with slight hints of the white lines in casing her in the bubble. Hopefully she had gotten it up in time.

Leo slotted in the firehit1 chip for Bard to use next. "Here, lets test if this thing really is wooden." The moment Bard got it, she sent it over to her Raven. The raven happily took the data, and uploaded it. The dash attacking insect should be near him easily after using that chip, time to take advantage of that. The Raven waited for the moment it finishes its attack, and then uploaded the data for the chip. The raven spread its wings out while hovering and looked up to the sky with a great caw. As it did so the bird caught fire. It lowered its flaming ebony faces back down to the insect and flew right for it. To insure a solid hit, the bird kept flying all the way through the attack, crashing into the ground right after wards. It stayed on fire for a few more moments after hitting and then got back up and shook the fall off. It quickly got back up and rejoined the air in flight.

1) Guard1 to block Dash attack
2) Firehit1 from the Raven once Insectman is finished with Dash Attack (60 Fire)
Insectman slammed right into the Guard, his impact not helping him much, and a bunch of damage being reflected back at him. It seems his use of chips is weaker somehow. Hmmm...

Bard's Raven descended, becoming a fiery phoenix, a harbringer of destruction, if Insectman wasn't so quick to avoid the attack with flawless zigzag movements.

Well this was annoying.

Insectman.exe: 940 HP

Terrain: 100% Normal

Bard: 170 HP [Flyswatter!]
Cypher: 160 HP [Invisible!]
Bard watched as the counter attack from her Raven missed its target. She let out a flustered huff and tightened the grip on her piccolo, trying to read the actions of the enemy to avoid being hurt. "Leo, what do you make of this guy?" Her eyes followed the target as he danced around. Bard's Raven hovered lower over Bard, watching his actions as well.

"He seems to be taking less damage from the guard attack. That would mean that, for some reason, he is dealing much less damage to us in return. We need to figure out why that is. We need to get a solid shot on him to see if he is taking less damage, or dealing less damage himself."

Bard thought back to the events of this battle. Leo was right. The insect took much less damage from the returning attacks of hers and Cypher's guards. Why was that? "Cypher! Something is going on with this guy. He is either dealing less or taking less, and we need to find out which. Can you draw a bead on him and get a solid shot to see for us? Don't use more than one chip though, you will need all the firepower you can muster. I will try to hold him down, and that will hopefully give us our result." Bard watched the crazy insects actions a few times before pulling her piccolo to her mouth. I should be on the defensive for just incase this guy is simply taking less. She began playing her 8th note dodge spell. The songs went fast, as they were designed, playing the dodge spell at a faster pace. The dodge spell was still identifible as the song.

Bard then played the notes required to bring her guitar into existence in this gmo. It was the electric guitar that was decorated with music notes and staffs in the white face of the black guitar. With her piccolo gone, she positioned the guitar in her lap and began strumming. The first few strums were to get her fingers used to the instrument again, but the last were the start of a process song. The song was very slow and ominous sounding. She was making the guitar talk in a why, stretching the notes out and only going up a few steps. She was playing higher fret songs, giving the song a deeper sound. The way she played the guitar made it sound angry and almost like it wanted to attack and strangle something.

As the song progressed, the strings on the guitar began to peel themselves from the neck. They were whipping around like snakes once free from their wrapped up prison. Soon the strings were all fully disconnected from the guitar, and were ill being played by Bard. The strings undertook a sinster tranformation as they grew vicious looking Barbed wire from the wires. The barbed guitar strings turned to insectman and seemed to lock their gaze upone him. Bard and the strings watched his actions for a moment before she strummed the final note, sending them flying towards insectman, attempting to hold him down. They weren't flying right at insectman, but rather to were they thought he would be next.

"That should slow him down some. Shoot at him Cypher!"

Turn Splice!
1) 8th Note Dodge Process Spell (Dodge action prepared + Dodge action prepared)
2) Musical Bindings Process Spell on Insectman (Hold + 30 Damage)

Seeing if he was effected by the hold spell or not.