Testing Rasa

A beam shined down from the sky, and a strange navi in some kind of hazmat suit appeared on the ground. Standing tall, with tanks connected to his suit by green tubes, he looked over the area. He reached a hand into a sort of knapsack or messenger bag thrown across his shoulder and hanging to his side.
Rasa moved forward, searching for viruses in this area.
Soon enough, he finds a ragtag group of close-combat-ish viruses. He spots them, and they spot him.
It's time to fight.

ChampuA: 60 HP
ChampuB: 60 HP
SwordyA: 60 HP
SwordyB: 60 HP
SwordyC: 60 HP

Terrain: 100% Normal

Rasa.exe: 100 HP

While the navi could not fathom why he started to move away from his original position, it mattered little at this point. He could see the programs of malicious intent, and was prepared to delete them. His netop slotted in two chips for the navi to use against his foes, which were processed trough Rasa's battle protocols as he received them. Though Virgil did not tell him what the chips were, Rasa knew the weapons given to him: A simple tankcannon1 and the wideshot1. Smirking, he knew these chips would decimate numerous enemies.

The chips finished processing as Rasa began to make his move. From out of nowhere, he pulled out a rocket launcher with his right hand, a hippo shaped warhead sightlessly staring down the viruses. With his left hand, he reached back and pulled out another rocket launcher of the same shape, its blue casing contrasting nicely with the black of its brother. He aimed the weapons of mass destruction at the lower halves of his opponents.

There was no need for Rasa to speak, no need for a witty one liner for the ones about to be annihilated. All that was required of him was the pulling of the triggers and letting fate decide who shall survive the destruction.


The simple act of pulling the triggers sent the two hippo projectiles rocketing through the air, the obtuse missiles whistling trough the air as they raced towards their indented targets. Soon Rasa would see how lucky the viruses were...

((Passive: Aim action 1
Passive: Aim action 2
Passive: Regen1
Passive: Regen1
Cursor subtype snipe: Action 1

1Tankcannon 1 SwordyA-C: 80 damage
2 Wideshot ChampuA, B, and Swordy A: 80 aqua damage
3 Dodge))
((Not really clear of what the Passive actions you listed are...Also, I'm tired so I'm gonna zip through modding this one.))

((ALSO! Wideshots are only 60 damages~~))

The lucks weren't on the viruses' side, especially since they had to fight against a navi that uses a Hippo Warheads. The explosion caused a shower of mini datas to rain on the area, which also revealed a GMD gently hovering where the explosion occured.

ChampuA: 60 HP
ChampuB: 60 HP
SwordyA: 60 HP
SwordyB: 60 HP
SwordyC: 60 HP

Terrain: 100% Normal

Rasa.exe: 100 HP

Firehit1, 150z
The left over data gathered, Rasa was about to log out when the strangest thing happened... He lost all connection with the PET. He decided to wonder the net, never to be seen by his netop ever again....

Meanwhile in the real world.....

The PET screen had a large error message with the words "DON'T PANIC" on the top in bright large friendly letters. The error went along the lines of "CONNECTION LOST! NAVI CANNOT RECONNECT WITH PET!" All the upgrades for it stopped working, and started to fizzle a little bit. Something was clearly wrong...

"What in the name of sugar rushed scouts is going on?!" Virgil nearly shouted, completely bewildered by the events that were transpiring. The only logical reason he could think of this happening is if one of the goods was faulty. Acting on this assumption, Virgil closed out of the error message and attempted to run a hardware dionogist... and the findings weren't good.

Almost everything that was connected to Rasa was fried. The upgrade that allowed Rasa to have been created, the posses upgrades, and all dealing with the navicust except the airshoes were fried. Virgil let out a depressed chuckle. "Guess Murphy has me on his hate list. Well, mine as well go and see if I can get a refund for all these deep fried chips... Great, now I'm hungry." He stated.

((...Leaving the net, continue in ACDC Town))