And what else floats?

And once more, the viruses that dared challenge SplashMan became unable to regret their decision...what with them being deleted and all. He walked over and checked the remaining data before sending it over to his operator's PET. ...Nuts, no chip data. Ah well, it was decent cash.

"All right, one more battle should do it!" Sabrina remained glued to the bench she was sitting on, in no hurry to get up just yet. "You can do it, SplashMan! Just take deep breaths and be careful!"

"One more?" He looked straight ahead, a little apprehensive about doing so. Something weird always happened at around this point..."Gulp...well, okay! I guess I can go for one more!" That was somewhat of a lie, since he really, REALLY did not want to go any farther. But if Sabrina insisted...and she did...he moved along further into the Net, even more cautiously than usual...

(searching for Battle #5)
(could've sworn I bumped this already...but whatever, bumpity)
A group of three Heelnavis approach Splashman. The leader wields a sword which he points threateningly at Splashman. The other two leer at him from behind their boss, though neither appear to have active weapons.

HeelnaviA (sword): 300
HeelnaviB: 200
HeelnaviC: 200

Terrain: 100% Normal

Splashman: 170

Battle 5 Go
Yep...he knew it. Three HeelNavis, right on cue. SplashMan placed his hand on his hips as he stuck out his chest to look more intimidating...but knew right away that it wasn't exactly working. He just wasn't an intimidating Navi. "Okay, let's rumble! Sabrina, send me the chips that will bring down these fools!"

"...Um, okay? You're not fooling anyone with that act, you know..."

"Time is of the essence, my dear! Now, insert the weapon that will allow me to fell these foes!"

Sabrina just gawked at her Navi for a second, before snapping out of it and grabbing a couple of chips. "Uh...right. Battlechip, AreaGrab! Battlechip, AquaSword! Double slot in!"

The Aqua Navi vanished from his spot, reappearing in front of the Navi trio, still in his dramatic pose. Though there was one difference; his right arm was now straightened, and featuring a sword of water. "Yaaah!" With this battlecry capable of striking fear into the hearts of...something...he gave three quick, yet impressive slashes. In fact, if the path of the three attacks were traced, it would've formed a perfect, albeit rather flattened, asterisk. Of course, while potentially devestating to the opposition, that method of attacking presented a problem. Namely that no matter what, there would be at least one HeelNavi left to counterstrike. And that was decidedly not good.

[Order of Turn:
1-AreaGrab chip to in front of HeelNavi trio (teleports user to another spot)
2-AquaSword chip attack on HeelNaviA, HeelNaviB, and HeelNaviC (80+15, Aqua)
3-AquaSword chip attack on HeelNaviA, HeelNaviB, and HeelNaviC (80+15, Aqua)
4-AquaSword chip attack on HeelNaviA, HeelNaviB, and HeelNaviC (80+15, Aqua)]
Splashman teleports in front of the Heelnavis and begins slashing away. The first stroke goes through the leader and hits one of his flunkies, the second strikes him again and hits the other lacky. However, when Splashman goes to deliver a third hit, the lead navi brings up his sword and parries. One of his allies recovers from the damage he recieved and peaks around his boss, pulling out a cannon. He shoots Splashman, making him stumble back. As this happens, the lead then moves forward and delivers a cut.

HeelnaviA (sword): 130
HeelnaviB: 115
HeelnaviC (Cannon): 115

Terrain: 100% Normal

Splashman: 50 took everything he had just to make sure he didn't fall over from the attacks, or the subsequent pain he felt from them. The sword suddenly faded, being replaced with his ordinary hand due to his inability to concentrate enough to maintain it. He could even hear the warning tone coming from Sabrina's PET, informing the operator that he was at critical damage. "Uhh...that...hurt..."

"Ack! SplashMan!" Needless to say, that strategy wasn't the brightest she'd ever come up with. Fortunately, Sabrina now owned a yellow and pink healing chip, capable of making even that move look like one where nothing bad happened. "Hang in there! Battlechip, Recover120! Slot in!!"

There was much glowing around the Aqua Navi, as his newest injuries quickly and completely vanished, as though they never happened. He felt completely re-energized from it, and the annoying warning tone even stopped. "Okay! All ready for more! Not that I want to, but I can take it!"

Well, if he wasn't going to get hurt, they were going to have to defeat at least two of the HeelNavis before they could get more attacks in. Problem was, that was probably going to take several attacks. Attacks they could easily avoid. this point, they probably wouldn't expect it in one sudden burst, would they? "Well, I got another idea...hopefully this one won't make you take all that damage!" A chip featuring a picture of a flaming gun battery was suddenly inserted. "I know you don't like this one, especially since you've gotta charge it, but I think it's our best chance! Battlechip, Magnum! Slot in! You don't have to beat them all with it, but try to get two!"

If SplashMan's heart program was in his chest, he truly would've felt a severe case of heartburn as he did his best to contain the mighty flame attack within him. As he did so, he spread out his arms and legs to almost form a X shape as he started to growl...after all, if they weren't intimidated before by him acting tough before, why would they now? Of course, the major difference was that he was actually up to something this time...

...Aha, he felt a second flame in his chest. He suddenly put his legs together and got on his tiptoes, and raised his arms even more skyward...causing an unknown source to release two fiery blasts in the area of the two lackey HeelNavis. Hopefully that would even the numbers a bit...

"Oh yeah, gotta give you some defense, too! Battlechip, Guard2! Slot in!"

As he heard the words of his operator, a red shield with a blue cross on it appeared in front of him, which he retreated behind, and began waiting for the inevitable counterattack.

[Order of Turn:
1-Recover120 chip on SplashMan (120, Recovery)
2-Charge Magnum1
3-Magnum1 chip attack on HeelNaviB and HeelNaviC (120, Fire)
4-Guard2 chip attack (120-, reflects an attack)]
Thanks to a chip from his operator, Splashman manages to recover all of the HP he lost the previous turn. He then charges up one of his more powerful chips and hits both lacky Heelnavis with a large blast that wipes them both out. He then puts up a guard. The last Heelnavi stares at it and after thinking for a moment, punches it with his unarmed hand, taking down the shield while taking minimal damage. He then pulls back his other arm, taking aim at Splashman, and....

HeelnaviA (sword): 129
HeelnaviB: DELETED!
HeelnaviC: DELETED!

Terrain: 100% Normal

Splashman: 170
And...SPLASH! From his almost crouching-like position he had taken upon putting up the Guard, SplashMan was actually in a pretty good position to shoot off the water cannons on his back towards the opposing (and non-deleted) HeelNavi. And with the Guard fading, he was fairly aware of what he was about to do. And he was pro-anything that didn't induce pain.

But just in case he missed...Sabrina decided to provide some backup. "Here, have some backup! Battlechip, Hi-Cannon! Double slot in!"

And so, a generic blue cannon formed on the Aqua Navi's right hand, which was quickly aimed towards the purple Navi, and two blasts were equally quickly fired towards him. And if THAT somehow backfired and he still had an enemy to face...well, he was in trouble. But at least he knew enough to try and dodge in that situation. Overall, it was a very quick series of events...quick, brief, and hopefully effective.

[Order of Turn:
1-Water Splash sig attack on HeelNaviA (140, Aqua)
2-Hi-Cannon chip attack on HeelNaviA (80)
3-Hi-Cannon chip attack on HeelNaviA (80)
Using his special, Splashman manages to wipe out the final remaining Heelnavi. He fires two more high powered blasts just to be on the safe. The enemies are now gone and only what little was in their wallets.

HeelnaviA: Deleted!
HeelnaviB: DELETED!
HeelnaviC: DELETED!

Terrain: 100% Normal

Splashman: 170

Rewards: 800z
And so, having triumphed over the trio of Navis that attacked him for no discernable reason, SplashMan walked over and raided their remnant data. Unfortunately, he could only find a little bit of cash data, but it was better than nothing, right? ...Right?

"They didn't have any chip data?!"

...Apparently, wrong. "Sorry, but...nope. Trust me, I went over the data a couple times, but all I could find was that cash I just sent you..."

"...Darn. Oh well, I'll think of something for that...come on SplashMan, I said one more, and that was one more. I need to make a couple more stops on the way to buy some stuff, but no more busting for a little while! Jack out!"

Actually, that wasn't quite as good news to him as one might've expected, since now he was all warmed up. Not that taking a break was chopped liver by comparison. "You're the boss!!" And in an identical flash of light to the one where he entered the Net, SplashMan exited the Net, never to the next 30 minutes. It wasn't like he was never going to come back...

(back to ACDC Town!)