
" ewww, what is this stuff....damn, felling obnoxious.... " Cast grumbles while washing his face using his robe, blaming the spooky....rage is building inside his body....with the claw still remain attached to his hand, he gave a wide range slash to both spookies....he repeated his doings several times, but he's slashing blindly....then, the worst thing happened, the sharp metallic claw breaks apart....the thing that attached to cast's hand is only the glove while the claw shattered once it touches the floor.... " damn, I overused the claw.... " cast began to worry....his staff is back to it's regular from, by the way....

Knowing that his navi is struggling, Sage took a quick action by slotting in a cannon chip....

" you should be grateful to have me as your operator.... " Sage gave a lesson toward his navi....

" thank you.... " said Cast , he did this only to satisfied Sage....he's ready to nuke any virus that comes close to him....but then, he paused.... " hey Sage, watch this.... " Cast should his operator name so he could get Sage's attention....he becomes static, while trying to compressed the energy inside the cannon....then, converted the energy into a remedy, all it's left for cast to do is absorb it.... " what are you doing's better for you to waste that cannon to the ghostly-ghost virus.... " Sage questions his navi that was surrounded with shiny lights.... " no worries, i still have my spell.... " cast guaranteed that he'll finish them on this final round....quickly he charged his staff, attempt to bash a spooky with his staff that was empowered by the napalm beat....

[ turn 1 - rageclaw(wideslash), 20 melee damage to spookyB, spookyC ]
[ turn 2 - Cannon(conversion), +20 hitpoints to castman ]
[ turn 3 - Napalm Beat, 40 magic damage to spookyC ]

napalm beat[x]{1}
The carefully manipulated Rageclaw slash tore through the two Spookies, eliminating the first of the pair. A burst of magic flame annihilated the Spooky before it could react.


Castman.EXE: 95 HP


Get: Guard1, 120z!
" heh, did you see that.... " asked Castman after pounded all the viruses with everything that he left....he's really fatigue now....

" so, you can heal yourself....good, now let's get continue shall we.... " he answered and give suggestion....

" wait, there's something shiny at the met's helmet.... " he went toward the scrap pile and found battlechip.... " hooray, new chip....i'm happy now, let's get going!!! "

he left the ghostly-ghost area and take the left side at the end of the road....perhaps, the navi is there....waiting for him....

((req virii battle no.4))
CanodumbA: 50 HP
ShrubbyA: 50 HP
CanodumbB: 50 HP
ShrubbyB: 50 HP
CanodumbC: 50 HP
ShrubbyC: 50 HP
MetoolA: 40 HP

Castman.EXE: 95 HP

" uhh, there something wrong with my eyes.... " cast asking Sage, he rubbed his eyes repeatedly for several times....

" no.... "

" I see, that's why I feel so green right now.... " he sighed

what Cast mean is all the viruses in front of him are green coloured....except for a met, but it still have green coloured somewhere on his helmet.... " three shrubs and cannos, great....and I just had a perfect plan by incident.... " cast watches the green virii as they fool around....waiting for the perfect timing, " I must release it at the exact time, even a one second may affect the results.... " he reminds himself while charging his staff silently, not even Sage might noticed it....a shrub move at the back of a cannodumb, " now!!! " cast get the signal....he released the powerful yet unseen energy blast towards the canno's quite amazing how cast perform that move, he looks so calm and unthreatening....cold icy-blue might be the suitable word to define it....upon launcing the blast, his emotions changed 180 degrees....looks so firey and wild....want to dispose everything on his sight....

" i'm not done yet.... " said Cast after casting napalm beat, " Sage!! shotgun, and fast.... " he demand....

without wasting time, Sage sends the requested chip to Cast....

he retrived the chip, and the wizardy staff morphed into a buster....take a quick aim and shut down the unharmed cannodumb with shotgun, this attack really not what he had....he only want to cause a large explosion using napalm beat, he completely ignored how much it will damages them....but when he saw a shrub move behind the static cannodumb, Cast took a quick decision....blow 'em both away with shotgun....

" no need to be haste Cast, sooner or later they'll end up like their mates.... " Sage advice the caped navi....he don't Cast to get injured while attacking.... " I never done this since I happened to own a PET....I mean, what is it like give order to our navi.... " he resumed, but it was cut short by Cast....

" heh, okay....but just once.... "

" no need to say it.... "

" sigh! alright, let's down to business....Sage! " cast begin the operator and navi combo....

" cannon! slot-in, download! " Sage choose a cannon....

cast received the cannon, his arm turned into the cannodumb's head.... " which target Sage? " he asked....act as he don't know which one to shoot with this cannon....

" use cannon against the mettaur since it's the weakest from all of's important to take out the weak one first because they're quite nuisance and we always forgot about the weak one because we give full concentration against the stronger one.... " Sage instructed castman, give some explaination as well....

" uhhh, nice one Sage....oh well, here goes nothing! " he praised he trying to take out the met using cannon....

[ turn 1 - Napalm Beat, 10 magic damage to cannodumbA, spreads to cannodumbB, shrubbyA, shrubbyB ]
[ turn 2 - Shotgun, 50 ranged damage to cannodumbC, expands to shrubbyC ]
[ turn 3 - Cannon, 40 ranged damage to metoolA ]

===weapon summary===

napalm beat[0]{1}
The explosion burst outward, catching and crisping a couple of Canodumbs and a pair of Shrubbies. The following Shotgun completely obliterated a Canodumb that had been so foolish to think that it would go unharmed. A log rolled out of nowhere, taking a bad hop up into Castman's face, but his Cannon still managed to take out its target.

CanodumbA: 40 HP
ShrubbyA: 40 HP
CanodumbB: 40 HP
ShrubbyB: 40 HP
CanodumbC: DELETED!
ShrubbyC: 50 HP

Castman.EXE: 85 HP
" way a go Sage! " cast cheered....

" so, i'm a good NetOp after all.... " wondered Sage

" don't forget the good navi here.... "

" I admit that you're good but you should do better next time.... "

Cast's attack movement was excellent but a chunk of wood spoiled his performance, pounded his head which make him dizzy for a while....Cast don't know which of the shrubs attacked him but he did a good thing to neglect where did the wooden block came from....he concentrates on the quadruples, his plan is going smoothly but he must be cautious not to get caught by enemy's attack.... " i've now got the edge, one shot kill to all viruses except a shrub over there....I can finished all of them by abusing Rageclaw if I want to but what's the use of other battlechip, I need to be versatile.... " he think twice before open an he thinking what to use, his staff turns into a cannon again.... " what the... "

" you took too much time.... " said Sage....

Cast smiles....he worried too much but he forgot the most important thing, time.... " stop being so irritates me so much.... " Cast spouted those words to Sage while firing a cannon towards a cannodumb....even though cannodumb cannot move, he didn't take it easily....if he misses, it would only mean that he got poor the projectile moving very fast past through the crowd, cast had already made his movement.... " Sage, guard please....the new chip quick!!! " Cast wanted a guard chip.... " don't forget the rageclaw as well.... " he added....

" quick thinking.... " Sage whispered....a set of battlechip can be seen between his fingers, he slot-in the chips one by one....guard comes first and followed by the rageclaw....

cast retrieved both battlechips, weird things happened here....the guard is on his left hand while the sharp and thin beast claw at his right hand.... " uhh, I've never thought that this magic wand can split into two....well, it's magic anyway.... ", then he combined both battlechips into one dreadful attack....he dashed towards the 'jungle' as he prepared his beast claw for the cannodumb that guarding the shrubs....

[ turn 1 - Cannon, 40 ranged damage to cannodumbA ]
[ turn 2 - Guard(dash), 60 reflect damage to shrubbyC(if possible) ]
[ turn 3 - Rageclaw, 40 melee damage to cannodumbB ]

===weapon summary===

guard[0] ((I forgot I have one ))
napalm beat[1]{0}
The Cannon normally wouldn't be enough to get rid of a Canodumb, but in its weakened state, the chip was plenty to finish it off. Castman went sprinting off toward one of the Shrubbies, which simply cowered in fear behind its respective Canodumb rather than attacking. A log rolled in from another direction, though, and Castman was just able to swing his Guard around quickly enough to bounce it back. A Rageclaw slash took down another Canodumb.

CanodumbA: DELETED!
ShrubbyA: 40 HP
CanodumbB: DELETED!
ShrubbyB: 30 HP
CanodumbC: DELETED!
ShrubbyC: 50 HP

Castman.EXE: 85 HP
" damn shrubs, they're hard to kill.... " cursed Castman, having difficulties to kill the flower virus....

" chill out matey, it's just them....the cannodumbs and mets are, calm down and attack them one at a time.... " Sage tries to cooldown cast....he can predict what will happen if cast went berserk....

cast heard voices of his NetOp told him to be patience....but he ignores it, went all the way towards the shrubs....slashing the first two shrubs like hell....sound of shredding and ripping off things can be heard, both try to flee but they can't after being's fortunate that the shrubs are plants, it would've been terrifying and the place will surely covered with blood if they're not....before the claw is about to be broken, cast ejected it and let it fly across to the remaining shrubby like a throwing knives.... " hahaha! i'm on killing spree mode.... " growled cast....

[ turn 1 - Rageclaw, 40 melee damage to shrubbyA ]
[ turn 2 - Rageclaw, 40 melee damage to shrubbyB ]
[ turn 3 - Rageclaw, 40 melee damage to shrubbyC ]

===weapon summary===

napalm beat[1]{0}
((Doing some heavy godmoding there. Have to be careful about that.))

Two shrubbies are taken down by the powerful claw of Castman, much to his satisfaction. As he comes in for the third, however, the virus appears to have caught on to his intention after watching the navi make short work of his buddies. The Shrubby draws back to avoid Castman's claw, then releases forth a rolling log to trip the navi, causing him to fall embarassingly face flat against the ground.

CanodumbA: DELETED!
ShrubbyA: DELETED!
CanodumbB: DELETED!
ShrubbyB: DELETED!
CanodumbC: DELETED!
ShrubbyC: 50 HP

Castman.EXE: 75 HP
cast slams his head at the ground several times he shouts, " goddammit, why is it soo hard to trashed that damn flower!!! " it seems that the lone and 'invincible' shrubby driven Sage insane....he had no problems killing other viruses but this one is a real headache....and without any battlechips, how is he supposed to smacked down the lone shrub....he's seconds before losing his mind, he remembered something before it actually happen....his staff!!!, Cast looked at it and then hold it tightly....he paused and stopped breathing, closing his eyes as well....focusing a lot of energy at his right arm, sending all the energy from his body parts toward his right arm....his NetOp Sage sees it, cast's right arm illuminates that comes after his arm covered with smokes....he even can sense the energy flowing from cast's foot, left arm, to cast's right arm....

then without warning....he, the spellcaster navi created by Mage spontaneously opened his eyes....raise his arm till it reached the sky, swing it back to the ground with full force....he released the staff before dropped his arm vertically....the magical wand spun very fast as the wand itself is about to collide with the shrubs....cast breathed shortly for several times afterwards, dividing the leftover energy to all parts of his body.... " man, that was fiery you know....and you amazed me, congrats.... " Sage still had the time to gave opinion....

" quiet SAGE!! or the same thing will happen to you.... " Cast warns his netOp without hesitating....pointing fingers to him as well....

[ turn 1 - charging ]
[ turn 2 - charging ]
[ turn 3 - staff boomerang(charged shot), 16+20 ranged damage to shrubbyC ]

===weapon summary===

napalm beat[1]{0}
CastMan's boomerang-like projectile works well, cutting through the shrubby's leaves and leaving it half-way mangled, twitching it's exposed gnarls roots that had been brought out of the safety of its foilage. Fearsomely, it rolled another log at Castman; this one connected, though not nearly so embarassingly as last time.

CanodumbA: DELETED!
ShrubbyA: DELETED!
CanodumbB: DELETED!
ShrubbyB: DELETED!
CanodumbC: DELETED!
ShrubbyC: 14 HP

Castman.EXE: 75 HP
" gotcha! " shouted Cast, it was like a huge victory for to penetrate the shrub's 'invisibility' power after numerous attempts....the magic wand, returns back to cast after hitting the shrub....Cast began to gain his confidence back, and it seems that all the power that drained out from his body keeps building, rapidly....most likely he's refreshed....still, his life gauge stays the same....thus, he enchant another spell....creating a hole above his wizard hat, yellow sparkled dust came down from the hole afterwards, number of sparkled dust started to increased a result, Cast's entire body covered with the sparkled dust completely....slowly, the yellow spark dissappeared from his body and the hole stopped producing sparks as well....the sparks are now gone, so with the hole....leaving Cast alone in front of the shrub....

" earlier, I felt so I felt reborn.... " cast talks to himself....

" damn you, I thought you're doing something deadly again....but what was that, a cheap crap of spakles.... " Sage mumbles, as he don't know what did Cast enchant....

Cast didn't reply, he chased the shrub instead....looking at his hand, the wand is tightly wrapped....but he's not on the same line at the shrub....well he did passed through the shrub, but managed to deliver two deadly shots using his staff....

" out of all weapon, you're the best! " words came from Cast that was directed to his magic wand....

[ turn 1 - Napalm Beat(conversion), +20HP to castman ]
[ turn 2 - bash!(normal attack), 4+5 melee damage to shrubbyC ]
[ turn 3 - bash!(normal attack), 4+5 melee damage to shrubbyC ]

===weapon summary===

napalm beat[0]{1}
CastMan is healed, the Shrubby is bashed to debris and rubbish. It's a win-win for Cast!

CanodumbA: DELETED!
ShrubbyA: DELETED!
CanodumbB: DELETED!
ShrubbyB: DELETED!
CanodumbC: DELETED!
ShrubbyC: DELETED!

Castman.EXE: 95 HP


Recieve: 300 zenny, RingLog1
the shrub began to scattered into pieces after getting stabbed by the magic wand....cast finally won the fight, he was badly injured but he's still doing fine thanks to his magical healing ability....he scouted the area before kept moving, and he found something, " a battlechip....and some zenny.... " he wondered, while grabbing both data....give it to his NetOp....

" good job, we got new battlechip.... " Sage congratulates....

cast didn't speak, but he did listen....he continues walking on the path he was supposed to....he got lost on track due to the fight with the 'die hard' shrub....

5 minutes later....

" Sage! I saw it, the NormlNav.... " cast feels so happy as if like he's finally reached the pit stop.....

" Go for it Cast!!! let's give him this battlechip, and get our job done.... " Sage encourages....his shouting wakes a few people in the building where he's now.... " what's with him.... " staffs questioning each other....

((req virii battle no.5 / req miniboss battle no.1))
As CastMan followed the normal navi, confident that he had finally caught the one he was looking for, he was alarmed to see the navi's appearance upon closer view. The navi spun on one heel as CastMan approached, revealing itself to be a brown normal navi with a fake mustache across its upper lip. Its thin mouth seemed to be perpetually open, showing white teeth that look unnatural in the face of a normal navi; it was possible that these were fake as well. "Hello, my good man! Why, this is the first time we're meeting! Our very first meeting, I'd say!" the navi greeted Castman, grabbing hold of his hand and shaking it furiously.

"Well, aren't you pretty as a peach! A peach! Pretty as a peach, I'll say!" he chuckled, holding up a large brown brief-case. Fiddling with the lock for a second, he opens it wide, revealing a great many chips. "I'm a salesman! A chip salesman! I am a salesman, that's what I call myself," the navi laughed, closing back the briefcase and setting it down. "I'd like to sell you something, or have you buy something, or even give you a bargain," the man spoke quickly, thumbing his mustache. "Alas, I have more pressing matters, more things to tend to, and more obligations to uphold. But, before I go, I could offer you this," he muttered, producing a chip slyly from his briefcase. "This's a special chip, not sold in stores, extremely valuable. The chip summons a powerful gun to your arm; it replaces your hand with a cannon; it puts a lot of projectile power right in your palms! How's about it, old boy? Would you buy it for 15000 zenny? Maybe 10000? Howzabout 8000? Now there's a sale! I'll just take it from your account, if you'll ask your op to kindly hand it over," he laughed, patting CastMan on the back. The man was obviously a con-artist, and an annoying one at that.

Salesman Navi: 300 HP

CastMan: 95 HP

" hmm....let me think about it, need to discussed with my netop.... " answered Sage politely, but full of awareness....he sense evil sorrounding that salesman.... " NO PEEKING!!! " warned Cast, with a 'stop' sign as well....

" hey, is this really the place? " Cast questioned, demand confirmations rather than answers....

Sage opened back the data he received earlier, looking for 'MAP' icons.... " yep, this is the place.... " replied Sage, while looking at the map....a red dot and blue dot appeared at the same place....

" so, where's that navi??? " another question for Sage....

" I don't know but, I'd to belive that something like this happened....listen!, that navi....disguised as the NormlNav that you're looking for and maybe he had been spying on you since the beginning, with a bit of luck....he managed to found the NormlNav we're looking for before you not accept the bargin, it's a SCAM! old netnavi becomes a victim from this kind of people, can't run because he'll force you to purchase that fake items....BELIEVE what I said, that's the truth and i've been confront with them since the 1st day I worked at this office.... " briefly Sage explained the real situation....

" are you suggesting me to fight??? " Cast gave his opinions....slowly without unseen or undetacted by anyone, he charged his magic wand as preparations....who knows what will the Salesman do, Cast will attack before the Salesman does something first....

" kinda....but you won't had problems with him, aren't you.... "

" I hope not...besides, our job is not done yet.... " Cast determined to fight that scammer....he disconneted the line and talks the Salesman Navi.... " i've made my final decision, i'll buy that.... " he paused for a moment, but he continually charged his wand.... " with THIS! ", Cast sprang the Salesman with a fully charged energy blast named 'napalm beat'.... " Sage, operate me well! " shouted Cast while trying to get out from the blast's impact because he released it too close....

" no need to say it, I will! " Sage dislikes it, when Cast said that....he slot-in a cannon chip in the meantime....

Cast's arm began to unite with the wand and becomes one, forming a bulky green cannon at his arm....he sighted the Salesman, launced the projectile inside the cannon attached to his arm towards the NormlNav....Cast seemed a bit hasty, maybe he don't want the mustache-man make his movement.... " here's another! " shouted Sage, inserts the 2nd chip....cannon to be exact, but Cast holds it....he want to observe the NormlNav, " it's useless to attacked blindly and forcefully while I don't know what is that navi could possibly do....I'd better observe him, let that scammer attack and i'll try dodge it.... " Cast creates his game plan, stopped attacking all out....

[ turn 1 - Napalm Beat, 40 magic damage ]
[ turn 2 - Cannon, 40 ranged damage ]
[ turn 3 - dodge! ]

===weapon summary===

napalm beat[0]{1}
The salesman reeled back from the attack, holding his mustache to his face with two fingers but managing to maintain his balance. The way he managed to stay upright made it hard to believe he could be any sort or ordinary salesman. "Hey, if that's the way you want to play, let me show you my trump card! I've got a few tricks up my sleeve! I've got a few humzingers that are going to knock you off your feet and leave you senseless, ha ha!" the navi laughed, reaching in to his briefcase briefly and summoning a green clunky cannon weapon to one arm. He took good aim, but CastMan found that he was able to dodge the projectile with relative ease. "Curses, it failed! It flunked! No way no how that's going to work! I should have brought some tougher chips, bigger weapons, and more greater guns!" the navi coughed, swinging his briefcase and knocking CastMan once across the face with his briefcase. The force of the swing was more powerful than CastMan had expected, but didn't manage to knock him off his feet.

Salesman Navi: 220 HP

CastMan: 75 HP
Cast got slapped by the flat sucface from the salesman's briefcase from aside, the immense power from the normal navi hurts Cast very much but it's not enough to bring him down to earth....he rubbed his face with left arm that is unequipped with weapons.... " huh, I expect that something like real-world nuclear weapon would bounced on me....and I've just wasted my evasion for that, so much of your fancy words....really you ashmed at yourself! " he shouted at the SalesMan while firing the second cannon that he's holding direct towards the SalesMan's head....Cast did an excellent job, react very quick after his head got pawned....which a matter of fact, a heavy explosion occurs and followed by the atomic bomb-like sound....

unfortunately for Cast, he didn't have the time to escape from the blast's....he let himself aired on the sky, keep his head high.... " Sage! RingLog please.... " wanted Cast....Sage obey without asking or thinking, he also need to move fast....even a one second delay would be fatal....the bulky cannon begin to shapeshift, morphed into a head of the shrub.... " damn! a virus!!! " Cast freaked out, his hand vibrates....he's afraid to looked at his own hand, covered it with his left palm.... " you fool, that's the ringlog battlechip.... "

" so, this thing is not virus.... " he wondered....and don't stop blinking, looking at his flower hand....

Sage nodded his head.... " phew, that....really terrified me.... " Cast sighed....

The Salesman navi felt like he was neglected....he, shouts at Cast and try to get the enchanter's attention....thus he opened his briefcase.... " Cast, watch out! " Sage tries to warned....Cast noticed what's his enemy doing, he also made his movement....hurriedly he dashes, shorten the distance between him and the NormlNav and readied his weapon in the meantime....upon closing the gap, he strenghten his foot and made a high jump....attempt to use the ringlog chip from above, the shrub that attached to his hand spouted wooden logs from it's mouth....showered the battle field with pile of wood and with the help of gravity, Cast may got the upperhand....out of nowhere, Cast suddenly think about something that is kinda weird and it's not supposed to think about, " where the heck did those wooden logs came from??? "

perhaps for some reason, Sage downloaded a guard chip to support Cast....he realized it when his wand transformed into a guard, then Cast tried to split up his wand with the shield....the idea is to equipped his left arm with the shield while his wand holding the staff like usual for future uses, and maybe while shielding himself he'll march forward.... " nice combo done by you Cast, covered yourself with a fine and solid the meantime you're able to get closer, in additon the opportunity to sneak attack the salesman if he left any weak spot....thumbs up for you, matey! " Sage made some speculation of what will Cast do....

[ turn 1 - Cannon, 40 ranged damage ]
[ turn 2 - RingLog, 50 wood damage ]
[ turn 3 - Guard, block / +60 reflect damage ]

===weapon summary===

shotgun[1] | rageclaw[1] | napalm beat[0]{0}
The Salesman navi grinned, moving his head agilely out of the way of the cannonfire and shaking one finger. "Tut tut tut! Tsk tsk tsk! Ho ho ho! That kind of maneuver isn't going to work on me," he laughed, bringing out a cannon of his own once more. He was, however, caught off guard by the incoming ringlogs, falling flat on his face as the attack rolled under his feet. "Hey, bub! Yo wiseguy! Have I got your attention now, buddy? I think it's time you ate a little of that for yourself!" he snickered, firing off his own cannon as he rose back off of his knee. His eyes widened in surprise, however, as the attack simply bounced back into his face by the effect of the guard that CastMan had summoned. Maintaining his grin, the Salesman navi coughed loudly. "Hurm! Aherm! Hack! I have something bigger, my friend, and I just remembered where I stashed it," the navi cackled, reaching back into his breifcase with a narrow grin still spread vertically up his round face.

Salesman Navi: 150 HP

CastMan: 75 HP