
((Magic damage? This some new affect or element that someone forgot to tell me about?))
((yes, magic but actually it does nothing....magic because it is a Sig. Attack....something that related to my netnavi theme, hehe....but on top of everything, no extra effects....))
((............................................................ Okay then...))

The stove is slow enough that the ringlog is able to hit it and both Mushrooms get hit by Castman's custom attack. THe spooky attacks, but the damage is reflected. The mushroom then attacks, hitting Castman with a bunch of spice, messing up his head a little.

SpookyA: 30
SpookyB: 20
OldstoveA: DELETED!
OldstoveB: 50
MushroomA: 60
MushroomB: 60

Castman:120 (confused)

Terrein: 100% Normal
" i felt seems that the powder had a strong floral scent....uhhh " cast spoke after getting attacked by a group of mushrooms....he move like a drunked person, keep on walking improperly....he had lost his balance, while his mind are completely distracted and he got blurry vision to make things worse....Sage asked whether his netnavi okay or not okay....Cast replied by saying that he's fine and this unwell condition will be gone soon....though he said not to worry but his body really act the opposite....either way, Sage already picked up the next battlechip....

the arc wand morphed into that flower thing again.... " uhh, is this an illusion....isn't it.... " he wondered why his hand still stucked with that freaking creature, because he had used ringlog previously.... " this stupid scent, go away! " he curses, he got distracted due to the spice while attempting to attack after confirming his hand was real....knowing that the possiblity to miss will be probably higher than hit, plus unable to aim well....the masked wizard change his tactics which is a bit risky, he walk towards the virus gang though he knew that he cannot walk in a straight line, so he adjust his direction whenever he went far away....upon getting a closer and clearer look, he throws a pile of wood at the fire-type virus....

done attacking, Sage tranfered the following battlechip, a shotgun and two cannons....Cast try switching to cannon but failed, " heyyyy, did you do something to with.... " he asked, cannot say the next word, unable to think....Sage quickly cuts by telling him that he temporarily shut down the switching program, and reminding him that this is a part of the challenge.... " ohhh, i see.... " said Cast, meaning that he time flies, the effect somehow had toned down....little by little he managed to sense everything clearly....also his visual is getting better....despite the good news, he still felt his head kinda heavy....he doesn't noticed it till the moment he glanced at this right hand that currently holding a magic rod....

out of nowhere, a ray of blue light going towards goes inside the rounded orb which ends up change the orb appearance from red to blue, as the orb itself glowing brightly.... " so, this wand filled with energy.... " he guessed, and learned something in the moment....later he attacks one of mushrooms, spontaneously....he began with by making a circle, because both of them were currently hiding behind spookies and futhermore he don't have any intrest with spookies, his only target now is mushies, once he found the open space that don't have anything can block his shot....he drew out his wand, take aim....and swings his wand upwards in diagonal way while releasing a powerful beam to one of the mushies, blasting it afterwards.... " is it enough, will that one shot eliminates it??? " Cast wondered, he's really worry because those mushroom were quite strong....and he's low on ammunation....

[ turn 1 - attempt to recover from confuse ]*
[ turn 2 - ringlog(50 wood damage) >>> oldstoveB ]
[ turn 3 - shotgun(50 ranged damage) >>> mushroomA ]

((*if cannot recover, replace it with evasion))
The ringlog goes way off course, Castman's confusion making the inaccurate chip unusable. The shotgun randomly hits a spooky. The other ghost attacks, but Castman staggers out of the way. The stove manages to burn him, though.

SpookyB: 20
OldstoveA: DELETED!
OldstoveB: 50
MushroomA: 60
MushroomB: 60


Terrein: 100% Normal
" what a tough fight, and so they're....this battle will take longer than I thought.... " Cast said his personal comment....while trying to put down the fire with his robe, a few events took place that made Cast admitted this battle is not easy....he missed to kill or rather hit the oldstove, to start with....then, his shotgun goes way off....hits a spooky instead of mushroom....he blamed the mushies for his terrible performance, most was time for viruses to made their move, the lone spooky strikes! and cast barely able to, the oldstove counterattacks!....trapping Cast in a low degree fire....

thanks for burning him, Cast had became black and coughing repeatedly.... " errr, how you doin??? wanna back-of? " Sage questioned.... " hell no! there's no way im going to withdraw after made a fool of me....and, as I said, im OKAY! " he shouts, it seems that he had gotten bit angry although he hasn't planned yet what to do next....he take a look at the options left, a one-use long ranged attack and a mid range weapon....then, something came through his mind....he wondered, " is it capable to strike them with double attack? "

the lack of time forced him to try it out without further thinking....and he got his answer, his arc wand splits into two, a part of it stays at his right hand while the other part moved to the left....both begin goes into a form, becoming a cannon gun....

"'s huge, bulky, looks similar to the cannodumb virus without the stand, just the head and the most important thing is that it's GREEN! oh my God....why the heck most of my weaponary comes in green, this hat in fact is green too....I swear that i'll rip of the head of someone that design all this....why? because i'm not vegetarian!!! " Cast describe how does the weapon looks, together with a little madness over green coloured objects....pity that both mushies becomes the victim, Cast react instantly after his transformation completed the whole process....firing a light-yellow cannonball towards them, the second one follows behind after first shot was fired, trailing by a mere seconds....both shot marks the spot but it is unsure whether they're dead or alive....his wand already emerge and come into one piece but it only lasts in it's regular form for a few seconds, making another transformation....the undying mage's finger nail grew rapidly, until it became really long, thin like a leaf and sharp as a knight's sword....

" ouch! " he cried, the tip of his nail was pointed at his face....and his forefinger coated with blood....without giving any signal, he attacks! moving quickly towards the horde of viruses....measured the distance between his and theirs, by calculating the range, this enable Cast to jump between them and landed precisely in front of 'that' ghost....raised his arm, and deliever dozens of fury swipes at the spooky, and each swipes were empowered with Cast's muscular strength....for the final blow, he stabbed the weakling spooky, piercing through it's body....Cast felt empty while doing physical damage, this is due to the spooky which comes in ghost form....

[ turn 1 - dual cannon(40 damage) >>> mushroomA, mushroomB ]
[ turn 3 - rageclaw(40 damage) >>> spookyB ]
Both cannons hit their targets but the spooky, who apparently scares easily, sneaks off before Castman can hit him. Then an oldstove lits up the navi with a firey attack.

SpookyB: 20
OldstoveA: DELETED!
OldstoveB: 50
MushroomA: 20
MushroomB: 20


Terrein: 100% Normal