Prove Me Wrong!

(Thanks for mentioning the BN6 up to date thing. To bad I sold mine. *sighs*)

Empress had took her palm about to thrust forward to make the large slab of marble go and fly towards the navi. "No, you'll never get to hit him from this range." Keera had stated looking towards Empress display on screen as the navi had looked forward. "Even so, he still looks like a pretty good target..." Empress mentioned as Keera had nodded.

"True...shall we teach him the penalties of underestimating us?" Empress had asked as Keera had given that still face again. "If that's your way of asking can we delete him..." Empress had nodded as she had hurried ahead pursuing him seeing he was running away with all the virii nearby in the area.

((Battle 6! Let's Guu!!))
Battle 6, awwwaaaaaaay!

BandcoonA: 50 HP
BandcoonB: 50 HP
BandcoonC: 50 HP
BandcoonD: 50 HP
BandcoonE: 50 HP
MetoolA: 40 HP
MetoolB: 40 HP
MetoolC: 40 HP
MetoolD: 40 HP
MetoolE: 40 HP
SpikeyA: 90 HP
SpikeyB: 90 HP

Empress: 100 HP

(What's with the sudden boost of HP, and is something wrong FZ? 0_0)

"Empress! on guard!" Keera had called as she had watched her navi who had stopped her pursuit as she slid across the ground. She had cast her arm back and then thrust it forward as she had nodded. Blast! Empress's palm fired off with the force of a shotgun as the barrel within the center of her hand was smoking from the quick blast towards the chip thieving Bandcoons. "Acknowledged..." she replied as she had reacted quickly as the virii had came.

Keera had looked to the sky above. A log was blocking her view as it came from the cyber sky above as the log dropped and Empress had leapt up giving a quick roundhouse kick to send the log rolling down the path to tumble over the next few sets of the raccoon virii. (They are raccoons, right?) She had landed as she kneeled down looking towards the horde of virii before her.

Her palm quickly lifted as she had present it once again. This time instead of letting out a sound blast of her shotgun, she had quickly made a large out put of data form from the fabric of cyber space around her as it surrendered to her whim to become the estranged, Monolith of the Queen to Absorb the attacks to nullify them. She had kept a distance behind the Monolith taking in the possibility that the Spikey would use it's spread to blast her while she sat behind her ground since it didn't stop attacks completely if it's HP was too low to absorb them.
Action 1: ShotGun @ BandcoonA — 50 Damage (+Spread BandcoonB)

Action 2: Ringlog @ BandcoonC — 50 Damage
(I still don't know if it tumbles over enemies to do multiple, it simply hits in a wide range, or it just hits one since you didn't answer my question.)

Action 3: Monolith of the Queen (Obstacle [60: HP] + Nullify Attack Damage with HP )
(Grah. HP fixed. Thanks for pointing it out!
PA wuz in a hurreh.
Also, I think he modded when I wasn't looking.
Sorry, FZ. My bad.
Also, Ringlogs are rolling logs that can hit up to two enemies at once, before dissappearing. If they only hit one, the second one isn't hit, but they can hit up to two.)

Bandcoon blast! Empress takes out three of the sulking little thieves, before a Spikey takes out part of her glorious monolith!

BandcoonA: DELETED
BandcoonB: DELETED
BandcoonC: DELETED
BandcoonD: 50 HP
BandcoonE: 50 HP
MetoolA: 40 HP
MetoolB: 40 HP
MetoolC: 40 HP
MetoolD: 40 HP
MetoolE: 40 HP
SpikeyA: 90 HP
SpikeyB: 90 HP

Empress: 97 HP
Monolith: 30 HP

Empress had moved quickly as she had dashed forward thrusting her palms forward and firing her Monolith forward with full force plunging her hands to shatter it into a storm of pieces that aimed to tare at the Spikey nearby like mincemeat. (Funny word, Does anyone use that term anymore?) She aimed to damage and slow it down while she dealt with her other frustrating neighborhood raccoons.

She had quickly used another one of her Ringlogs as the large log had came from the sky again giving her a chance to pick her target before it would come close to contact for her to use. Of course, the coons had to die! That came to mind as she mad a might impact with her boot sending forth the RingLog1 as it tumbled down the row coming quickly to bowl over the raccoons in a quick manner.

She had to see this one. Empress had quickly placed her hand forward and placed the Windbox obstacle in front of her as the large obstacle had sat there blowing a strong wind towards the enemies to distort accuracy while give her ground. She was cautious as she was sure to keep her distance from the fan so the Spikey viruses wouldn't have a object to bounce their spread blast to hit Empress while she took ground behind the obstacle.

Action 1 - Destruction @ SpikeyA - (Destroy Obstacle/Monolith) 60 Damage

Action 2: Ringlog @ BandcoonD (+Rollover @ BandcoonE) — 50 Damage

Action 3: Set Windbox - 100HP Obstacle (+Distorts Virii Accuracy)
BandcoonD and E are DEAD. But with the Monolith and Destruction, Empress lives on. Blasting an attack at the Spikey! WINDBOX FORM AND DISORIENT! A Metool is able to hit after the viruses launch their flurry of attacks.

BandcoonA: DELETED
BandcoonB: DELETED
BandcoonC: DELETED
BandcoonD: DELETED
BandcoonE: DELETED
MetoolA: 40 HP
MetoolB: 40 HP
MetoolC: 40 HP
MetoolD: 40 HP
MetoolE: 40 HP
SpikeyA: 30 HP
SpikeyB: 90 HP

Empress: 87 HP
Windbox: 100 HP (0/3)
Empress had quickly moved from behind the wind as she had pointed to the air watching as she Ringlog had already materialized. Her right hand had quickly touched down as she had gave a quick sweep of her right foot making a whirl kick up around her as she gave the log a nice hard shove towards her enemies as she intended for the Spikeys to be barreled by the rolling log and getting a taste of the bark.

She had dragged her heel as her foot kicked up a nice spark of fire as she brought her left hand out to almost capture the burst of heat along her finger tips. Her body was still low from the sweep as she had curtained herself with the dress caught in the breeze of her sudden action, but slowly and surely it had settled down to reveal her finger pointing with a small burning flame at the end as it was aiming it's threatening point at the Mettaur and Spikey nearby. She had delayed no further as her finger let out a blast of fire at the opposition.

Empress had quickly moved as she had shifted her weight making a quick barrel roll as she knew the piercing waves of the Mettaur viruses would slip right under her fan and even cause her trouble. She was sure to avoid that problem as she had quickly rolled behind the fan distorting their sight of her until she had sat on the other side of the fan's flank after the swift dodge and assuring her fan's breeze with make it difficult for them to catch her in sight.
Action 1 Ringlog @ SpikeyA (+Rollover @ SpikeyB) — 50 Damage

Action 2: Heatshot @ MettaurE (+Spread @ SpikeyB) — 40 Damage

Action 3: Dodge
(Now Bump Baby Bump!)
Stuff blows up. The Metools launch their attacks, and one hits.

BandcoonA: DELETED
BandcoonB: DELETED
BandcoonC: DELETED
BandcoonD: DELETED
BandcoonE: DELETED
MetoolA: 40 HP
MetoolB: 40 HP
MetoolC: 40 HP
MetoolD: 40 HP

Empress: 77 HP
Windbox: 100 HP (1/3)
Empress had cursed herself as she had been blasted by the shockwave. With that her ally could only mutter, "I heard that..." As the navi had breathed a bit heavily and then took her palm and then held it as she had accessed Keera's memory data to grasp a hold of the battlechip to recover. "Having a bit of trouble Empress?" Keera had asked as the navi had smirked a bit at the comment made by her Netop. She had risen to her feet as she had lifted her palm once again.

"Nonsense...this will be over soon..." Empress replied as she had raised her arm and had focused her energy once again to her palm. Her arm had danced with a swirl of flames as they made contact at the palm's center and then made a flame at her hand. She had blasted the distant virii to make contact in a row as she had smirked seeing the explosion and trying to see if her shot was perfect.

"Hurry up and cover yourself..." Keera had advised as the girl had used her materializing powers to quickly generate another one of her monoliths. She was only drawing the battle out to gather strength, but what was the risk at this point? There were only a couple of Mettuar which she could trounce on her next move since their frontal attacks were obvious as she used her barricade to nullify the damage and then fan to distort their attacks.
Action 1: Recover10 (Gain 10 HP)

Action 2: Heatshot @ MettaurA (+Spread @ MettaurB) — 40 Damage

Action 3: Monolith of the Queen (60 HP Barricade + Nullify Damage under HP)
Things die, things attack, things miss since the wind is blowing o-so-hard.

BandcoonA: DELETED
BandcoonB: DELETED
BandcoonC: DELETED
BandcoonD: DELETED
BandcoonE: DELETED
MetoolC: 40 HP
MetoolD: 40 HP

Monolith: 60 HP
Empress: 77 HP
Windbox: 100 HP (2/3)
(Did you include my Recover 10 from last turn?)

Empress had took her hands and quickly thrust forward allowing her palms to smash into the monolith as it's remains flew forward violently. They had barraged the mettaur virus full force as she had followed up to monolith's attack by quickly running behind the piercing pieces of stone. She had quickly rushed forward as she had already exposed her hands equipping them with a rage claw as she had eyed her target. She had moved quicker and faster as she drew a claw back and then lowered her head.

"This shall end it..." she had uttered as she had lunged letting her feet lose traction for the moment as she had thrust forward with the claw of her right hand and then spun making a back slash as she went into a quick spin. She had fallen back as she had jet past the virus. She slid on her feet as she had reached the claw down grasping the cyber ground to see if she had struck her blows accurately enough.
Action 1 - Destruction @ MettuarC - (Destroy Obstacle/Monolith) 60 Damage

Action 2: RageClaw @ MettaurD - 40 Damage

Action 3: RageClaw @ MettaurD - 40 Damage
((Apparently not.))

BandcoonA: DELETED
BandcoonB: DELETED
BandcoonC: DELETED
BandcoonD: DELETED
BandcoonE: DELETED

Empress: 87 HP

GET: PickPocket1
Empress had kept a bitter look in her eyes as she had stared ahead. She had saw that their "victim" had got out of sight. She didn't hesitate as she kept running to catch up while keeping her eyes focused on the prize which was obviously nabbing him and dragging him back for torture just for the thrill to become Empress's play toy. (Okay, not the best description, but it's late.)

"Pretty excited are we? That Heel navi wasn't even strong..." Keera had mentioned as she had loaded the collected battlechip data. "No...he wasn't. But he had got under my skin." Empress had admitted as she had sped up her chase trying to make up for lost time. "How quant...I don't even remember getting there." Keera had mentioned with a small smirk. "That's because whoever got under surely didn't live to tell about it."

The navi's statement had let all silence follow. She had stopped feeling that ominous quiet pulling at them like it was a possible warning maybe. Most likely it was an attack from the local "yours truly" squad of viruses that were so common. "Business?" Keera asked to Empress as the navi had squatted down and was ready in a kneeled position to strike. "Let's hurry, I feel excited about ringing my hands on our runaway." Empress had mentioned as she had narrowed her eyes. Keera had chuckled. "Remember, this is about our bet being on Empress..." The NetOp reminded.

((Couldn't stop typing until I hit three Paras, and they aren't even decent. *sighs*....))

((Battle Seven! Let's go...))
(-Bump-eth Naves-)
(Double Bumper)
(Bump to the Third Power!)

(*Takes out Magical Heart Decorated Mallet of Doom*)
The female Navi seems to have ran into a group of Viruses, with a yellow Spooky and a met behind them, out of the navi's reach. The spooky seems to be holding a sign with "We are legion, attack!" written on it.

spikeyA: 90
MetA: 40
SpikeyB: 90
MetB: 40

ShrubbyA: 50(Behind SpikeyA)
ShrubbyB: 50(Behind MetA)
ShrubbyC: 50(Behind SpikeyB)
ShrubbyD: 50(Behind MetB)

CanodumbA: 50(Behind ShrubbyA)
CanodumbB: 50(Behind ShrubbyB)
CanodumbC: 50(Behind ShrubbyC)
CanodumbD: 50(Behind ShrubbyD)

SpookyA: 50(Behind the viruses)
MetC: 50(Behind the viruses)

Normal terrain

Empress: 87 HP

Battle 7