Jacking in/ the best.

((oh sh.......i mean oh fudge monkeys.........ok....))

Raziel stood there and started to close his eyes. when all of a sudden a flash of green light apperes and Sicon said "im sending in some ammo" the green light formed around Raziels hand he he grined and yelled "SHOTGUN!!!!!!" and aimed at spikey B hoping that the splash effect would hit Spikeys A and C. he jumps toward the sky as his shotgun dissapated. He lands a and sipns toward spikey A activating his rage claw. then he starts to dodge around.

BattleChip: Shotgun (50) SpikeyA,B,C
Battle chip: RageClaw (40) Spikey A
((That was so painful...it's not even fun to murder you like this, but I do it anyway.))

Raziel manages to shoot a spikey and slash another, but he fails to delete either one. All four spikeys glare at Raziel, two of them obviously pissed. They each shoot a ball of fire from their mouths. The balls of flame collide with Raziel's body one after another, almost completely reducing him to ash before Sicon manages to EJO him.

SpikeyA: 50 HP
SpikeyB: 40 HP
SpikeyC: 90 HP
SpikeyD: 90 HP

Raziel: EJO! (Lose: 300z)
((what did i do wrong...that was cruel and you took all of my money T.T))
(He did what I didn't do. He EJO'd you because you horribly mutilate the english words known as "grammar" and "spelling", because you try to hit more enemies than is physically possible with a single chip, and because it should have happened long before this but I was too nice to do so.
Any questions?)