Druidman: Mapmaker

Letting out a growl of sheer frustration, Druidman pulled out his scimtar and charged at the Seedbat, taking several wild swipes at it. Yelling and hollering the whole while.

1.)Normal Attack to SeedbatA. (9Norm)
2.)Normal Attack to SeedbatA. (9Norm)
3.)Normal Attack to SeedbatA. (9Norm)
Druidman and the Seedbat went at eachother tooth-and-nail, and Druidman won out in the end.

SeedbatA: DELETED!

Druidman: 70


Rewards: 400 zenny.
Panting slightly, Druidman scooped up the zenny and dropped it into his belt pouch. "Whew. I'm getting quite a workout, today, dude. Now, what was I looking for again?" he mumbled as he continued wandering, hoping that he would remember.
((I'm correct in assuming a virus request?))

Some virues decided to try and jar Druidman's memory.

SpikeyA: 90
SpikeyB: 90
SpikeyC: 90
CannondumbA: 50
CannondumbB: 50
CannondumbC: 50
CannondumbD: 50
CannondumbE: 50

Druidman: 70

"Whoa! Viruses, dude!" Druidman exclaimed, skidding to a halt.

Steve rubbed his chin and thought things over. "Okay, let's try out this new chip I traded for. For the price I paid, it better be worth it!" Steve said, pulling out several chips. "Triple Battlechip In! Boomerang1! Energybomb! Shotgun!"

Druidman pulled out his scimtar, it was glowing a faint green. "Let's see if I can juice this up a little, man." he said, as his eyes glowed a brilliant green. The scimitar grew brighter and brighter, contorting it's shape into an extreme bend in the blade. Shrugging, Druidman hurled the sword-turned-boomerang at the line of Cannondumbs, watching it's brilliant green luminence fly through their immoblie ranks. Reaching out his hand, he expertly caught the scimtar, good as new, which he quickly put away as the energybomb was downloaded to his belt pouch. Pulling it free, Druidman noticed that several spikeys were trying to close in on him. Knowing that he would be sorry if they got the better of him, he threw the explosive at the lead Spikey, hopfully detering it and the others from approaching. Finnally pulling his final weapon upward at the ready, Druidman fired into the ranks of the cannons once again, spreading a wide spread of energy at the green turrets.

1.)Boomerang1 battlechip to CannondumbA/B/C. (65Wood/65Wood/65Wood)
2.)Energybomb battlechip to SpikeyB. (40Normx3)
3.)Shotgun battlechip to CannondumbD. (50Norm, splash to CannondumbE.)

((If I got the damage wrong on the Boomerang, let me know.))
Three canodumbs are taken out by the mighty boomerrang. The spikey dashes away from the bomb but a canodumb is hit by the shotgun. The spikey then hits Druidman with a fireball.

SpikeyA: 90
SpikeyB: 90
SpikeyC: 90
CannondumbA: DELETED!
CannondumbB: 50
CannondumbC: DELETED!
CannondumbD: DELETED!
CannondumbE: DELETED!

Druidman: 10
"Ugh, Don't have much left, dude..." Druidman mumbled vaugely as he struggled to keep himself up.

Steve, panicked, shouts out, "Let's give those Spikey's all we got! Triple Battlechip In! Shotgun! Vulcan2! Minibomb!"

Druidman knew that he would have to time this carefully, or else all could be lost. Taking a deft sideways roll to generally line up himself with the spikeys, Druidman, on one knee, pulls back his gauntlet and launches a volley of power pellets at the flanks of the Spikeys. Lightly hopping to his feet, yet still keeping his gauntlet trained on the firey viruses, he pushed the sapphire and revealed a moderate sized chaingun. Letting out a mighty roar, he squeezed the trigger and held it down, his yelling quickly drowned out by the whirring of the barrel and the small explosions as each projectile is fired. Lowering the smoking gauntlet to his side, Druidman reaches for his belt and pulls free a miniature bomb, which, as he minorly adjusted his stance, he put all of his hope and faith into as he lobbed it up and over the spikey line, hopefully catching the rear Spikey off guard.

1.)Shotgun Battlechip to SpikeyA. (50Norm, Splash to SpikeyB.)
2.)Vulcan2 Battlechip to SpikeyA. (10Normx5, any possible surplus may end up hitting SpikeyB.)
3.)Minibomb Battlechip to SpikeyC. (60Norm)
The shotgun hits two spikeys and the vulcan2 deletes one. The bomb hits another, but it still stands. The canodumb then blasts the navi.

SpikeyB: 40
SpikeyC: 90
CannondumbA: DELETED!
CannondumbB: 50
CannondumbC: DELETED!
CannondumbD: DELETED!
CannondumbE: DELETED!

Druidman: 1
"Well, so much for that." Steve shrugged as he took an Escape subchip and got Druidman out of there.

((ESCAPE'D! I don't get rewards for the ones I killed, right? Kinda lame, but oh well.))

The subchip did it's job well, almost too well. It launched Druidman spiraling up into the air, and as he flopped backwards on the ground and skidded across the netscape, the confused viruses nade no attempt to persue. Druidman skidded to a halt against a large panel.

"Whoa... what is this dude?" he commented. "Oh." he said dumbly as he read 'MAP STATION' in big blue letters across the top of it. Looking around sheepishly, he downloaded the ACDC Map to the PET for Steve, and, as an afterthought, downloaded the Scilab Map as well, as it was just outside of town.

"Okay. I got what I came for. Peace out!" He said as his body exploded into thousands of leaves which we quickly scattered on the winds.